Category Archives: Cooking Appliance

5 Ways To Get More Chlorophyll In Your Diet

Category : Cooking Appliance

5 Ways to Get More Chlorophyll In Your Diet


William Paice

This article will help you learn important green vegetable and wheatgrass juicing information to increase your chlorophyll consumption. Chlorophyll is a ‘photoreceptor’ compound found in all green plants, which helps them convert sunlight into energy. It is more abundant in some green plants than in others.


Chlorophyll has the potential to help decrease the damage to DNA by carcinogenic substances and toxins. This means it holds promise for cancer prevention. Early stage research is currently being conducted on the use of chlorophyll in the prevention of various cancers, including liver, skin, and colon cancers. It is also believed to potentially improve the response of the immune system. Some people believe that when taken internally it also helps reduce body odors. Here are five ideas for consuming more chlorophyll: 1. Know your chlorophyll-rich foods. Foods high in chlorophyll include asparagus, bell peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, green cabbage, collard greens, green beans, green peas, kale, leeks, lettuce (especially those that are dark in color), green olives, parsley, sea vegetables, spinach, Swiss chard, turnip greens, and wheatgrass. Find new ways to incorporate these foods into your diet, whether by juicing, preparing in raw food recipes, or juicing. 2. Consider a chlorophyll supplement. If you are at risk of cancer or are exposed to many toxins, or you do not consume many chlorophyll-rich vegetables, you might consider taking a chlorophyll supplement. They are available in liquid or pill form from health food stores and online. Some wheatgrass juicing information sites also sell chlorophyll or wheatgrass supplements. 3. Juice wheatgrass. Wheatgrass is a potent and safe source of chlorophyll. It can be juiced using only a masticating juicer. Wheatgrass is easily grown at home and harvested at your leisure for juicing. Only small amounts of the juice are consumed at a time, and juicing aficionados swear by its power to improve health and vitality. For more wheatgrass juicing information, look for websites or books dedicated to this topic. 5. Incorporate chlorophyll-rich vegetables into your fruit juices. If you don’t like the taste of pure vegetable juices, try adding small amounts of chlorophyll-rich vegetables to your fresh fruit juices. Spinach and kale are delicious when combined with apple juice (and, optionally, a small amount of ginger). Parsley is easily added to many juices, including melon juice. Cabbage juice can be combined with citrus or apple juices. Leeks contribute a spicy kick to any fruit or vegetable juice. 6. Add raw vegetables to your favorite recipes. Many raw, chlorophyll-rich vegetables are easily incorporated into delicious recipes. Kale can be transformed into a delightful salad when combined with garbanzo beans, chopped apple, garlic and lime juice. A bed of raw spinach can be topped with a broiled filet of salmon. Raw broccoli can become a salad when combined with warm brown rice, olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Raw green vegetables contain not only chlorophyll but other wonderful enzymes and phytochemicals that can help prevent cancer and heart disease, among other conditions.

Want to find out more about

the benefits of juicing wheatgrass


William Paice is Editor and Founder of juicing site


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5 Ways to Get More Chlorophyll In Your Diet

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Instructions For Salton Yogurt Maker

Category : Cooking Appliance

Instructions For Salton Yogurt Maker By Atica Brewton

Making yogurt with the Salton Yogurt Maker is fun, easy and worry-free. A few things you’ll need are milk, powdered milk for thickening, a thermometer and a yogurt starter. Be sure your yogurt maker is clean before starting. It will provide a stable temperature for incubating the yogurt. In this article you will find the best instructions for Salton Yogurt Maker.

1. Add ½ cup of dry milk powder to 1 qt of whole or skim milk.

The milk should be heated on the stove to 185-190°F, stirring frequently.

2. While you’re waiting for the milk to heat, plug in your yogurt maker so it can be warming up.

3. Let the milk cool to 110-115°F. I usually place the pot in a large bowl of ice water, stirring the milk until it’s cooled to the right temperature.

4. Pour about 1/3 of the milk into a separate clean container and add ½ cup of plain yogurt with active cultures or 1 pack of yogurt starter. Stir until mixed evenly.

5. Pour this starter mix into the remaining milk and stir.

6. Finally, pour the milk into your pre-heated yogurt maker.

7. You should allow the yogurt to incubate 6-12 hours. The longer it is heated, the more tart the taste.

8. When the batch is done, put the container in the frigerator and allow it to cool for several hours or overnight. The yogurt will thicken as it cools.

Now you have a wonderfully delicious batch of plain yogurt. If you like it flavored, add some maple syrup, honey, fruit or jam.

Homemade yogurt is a healthy alternative to store-bought brands. You have control over the ingredients and there’s no risk of eating unhealthy additives and sugars. The Salton Yogurt Maker is inexpensive and easy to use. You don’t have to part with large sums of your hard-earned money for a more expensive unit. Making homemade yogurt is exciting and I hope you find these instructions for Salton Yogurt Maker useful.

The author’s website Yogurt Maker Enthusiast features tips on yogurt, using a yogurt maker, yogurt starters and homemade yogurt recipes.