US Supreme Court rules video games are protected speech

Category : Uncategorized

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

In a 7-2 decision handed down on Monday, the US Supreme Court struck down California’s violent video game law and ruled that video games are protected speech covered by the First Amendment. The California law banned the sale and rental of violent video games to minors.

The underlying question was whether the violence in video games has the ability to affect children more than violence in other media, such as books, movies, plays and other forms of entertainment.

Video games qualify for First Amendment protection. Like protected books, plays, and movies, they communicate ideas through familiar literary devices and features distinctive to the medium.

Justice Antonin Scalia, writing for the majority, said that depictions of violence have never been regulated by the US government. Thus violent videos are not to fall under government control as does pornography but is to be accorded the same First Amendment protections as other forms of entertainment. The sale of violent video games is not to be criminalized and California’s attempt to do so was “unprecedented and mistaken.” Scalia noted, referring to fairy tales, that “the books we give children to read—or read to them when they are younger—contain no shortage of gore.”

[T]he books we give children to read—or read to them when they are younger—contain no shortage of gore.

The beginning of the decision states, “Video games qualify for First Amendment protection. Like protected books, plays, and movies, they communicate ideas through familiar literary devices and features distinctive to the medium. And ‘the basic principles of freedom of speech…do not vary’ with a new and different communication medium.”

“The most basic principle—that government lacks the power to restrict expression because of its message, ideas, subject matter, or content, Ashcroft v. American Civil Liberties Union, 535 U. S. 564, 573—is subject to a few limited exceptions for historically unprotected speech, such as obscenity, incitement, and fighting words. But a legislature cannot create new categories of unprotected speech simply by weighing the value of a particular category against its social costs and then punishing it if it fails the test.”

The justices were not convinced by the existing research that the interactive nature of video games pose a greater risk to society because of their interactive nature. None of the results of the existing research put before the court showed that violent games cause violent behavior. “Psychological studies purporting to show a connection between exposure to violent video games and harmful effects on children do not prove that such exposure causes minors to act aggressively. Any demonstrated effects are both small and indistinguishable from effects produced by other media. Since California has declined to restrict those other media, e.g., Saturday morning cartoons, its video-game regulation is wildly under-inclusive, raising serious doubts about whether the State is pursuing the interest it invokes or is instead disfavoring a particular speaker or viewpoint.”

According to Nadine Kaslow, professor and chief psychologist at Emory University Department of Psychology and Grady Hospital, the evidence regarding the effects of violent video games is mixed. While there is evidence to suggest that exposure of children to violence results in more aggressive and less pro-social behavior, some studies show there is no negative effect, she said. She point out that toy guns were popular and parents monitored whether toy guns were allowed in the home.

This ruling does not prevent private retailers from placing restrictions on their sale of video games. The video game industry currently has its own rating system, much like that used for movies, and educates retailers in using the rating system to prevent minors from buying mature-rated games. According to PC World the industry’s compliance is better than that of other entertainment industries. Further, parental controls have been added to game consoles.

The view of the Entertainment Software Association that a better strategy is the education of parents rather than court battles.

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Category:April 23, 2010

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? April 22, 2010
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Role Of Landscape Architects


One of the major roles of landscape architects is to make gardens, parks, residential areas, commercial campuses, and parking spaces, beautiful. Not just these few areas, but, the architects beautify many such areas and spots and contribute towards making a place beautiful and harmonious with the nature. Such professionals plan the placement of roads, houses, commercial spaces, parks, trees, and walkways. In addition to these, landscape architects sometimes plan and design the restoration of wetlands, mined areas, forests, and grasslands. Thus, they make sure that natural elements are not affected in due course of development.

Another major role of landscape architects is to work in close collaboration with other professionals associated with the construction and renovation project. The architects will work in close collaboration with the engineers, landscapers, surveyors, and scientists. Together they try to find a way to do sustainable development, without harming the nature. An important task of the landscape architects is to make a detailed plan comprising information related to typography, climate, vegetation, and other landscaping details. Such plans also include details about decorative items, fountains, and features to be used for the project. Such a report should give you an idea of the result of such a project. You can proceed if only you are satisfied with the plan made by the professionals. Thus, there can be frequent changes to this plan.

Landscape architects follow laws of the state or region you stay in while making designs for landscaping. They also use the latest techniques and technologies to make plans for landscaping. Reputed architects use computer aided design or CAD to make the designs and plans. In addition to that, they also use geographic information systems (GIS) technology for mapping the area.

Different landscape architects specialize in different sectors. While there are some who are specialized in garden landscaping, there are others who can beautify streets and highways in the best possible manner. Therefore, the role of such professionals varies with specialization. Before hiring such professionals, you need to consider the factor of specialization. This will help you to choose the right landscapers.

So, you can see that there are multiple roles played by the landscape architects. Round Rock houses a few of the best architects. However, you should not choose such a professional without researching well. Finding the right professionals is very important if you want your house, office, or campus to be functional and aesthetically appealing at the same time.

Landscape architects Round Rock – Are you seeking landscape architects? Round Rock based Baker-Aicklen & Associates, Inc. is a company where you can find experienced landscape architects.

Kara Tointon and Artem Chigvintsev win UK Strictly Come Dancing

Category : Uncategorized

Monday, December 20, 2010

British actress Kara Tointon and her Russian dance partner Artem Chigvintsev have become the winners of the latest series of the BBC Television programme Strictly Come Dancing. The pair won the dancing show on Saturday, leaving British television presenter Matt Baker and his Kazakhstani dance partner Aliona Vilani in second place.

It’s just the most special thing that I’ve ever achieved.

Bookmakers had considered this dancing duo to be the most likely to win the series. Meanwhile, Australian actress Pamela Stephenson finished in third place along with her British dance partner, James Jordan. It was ultimately a public vote that determined the results.

Upon winning, Tointon proclaimed: “It’s just the most special thing that I’ve ever achieved.” In reference to Chigvintsev, she exclaimed: “I want to thank this man, he’s been absolutely wonderful.” Talking about the experience, she commented: “I’ve met the most fantastic friends in my life and this has been the most special experience for me.” Chigvintsev then declared to Tointon: “You’re amazing.” Baker described the dancing pair as “worthy winners, without any doubt”, saying: “If I was at home I’d be voting for you, too.”

Earlier in the final programme, Tointon and Chigvintsev had danced to the tune of Cry Me a River; the dance received the acclaim of the judges. “I would kill to be able to dance like that, I thought it was amazing,” Craig Revel Horwood exclaimed. Alesha Dixon commented: “I’m quite sad that that is the last dance we are going to see you do”. In reference to the pair, she added: “Together you are first class.” Bruno Tonioli remarked: “You danced to a level that we hardly ever see here. Whatever happens, this was incredible.”

Bruno Tonioli described Matt Baker as “very dashing and elegant”. Len Goodman believed that he was “an excellent ballroom dancer”. At one point, Palema Stephenson received a perfect score of 40 from the four judges for her Viennese Waltz. Tonioli branded the dance as “simply brilliant”. Revel Horwood used the word “remarkable” to describe that performance.

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Conference discusses the credibility of blogs

Category : Uncategorized

Friday, January 21, 2005

Seeking to “bring together a select group of thoughtful bloggers and journalists”, at Harvard today opened a two-day, by-invitation only, Blogging, Journalism and Credibility: Battleground and Common Ground conference.

Held at the Kennedy School of Government, the conference was an initiative of the American Library Association’s, Berkman Center for Internet and Society and the Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy.

“One of the problems [with blogs],” said Dan Gillmor of Grassroots Media Inc., “is that any random website can look as good as any other website. We’re going to be working this through for a long time. We’re going to have to tell people, be skeptical.”

Addressing the question of credibility, both in mainstream media and in the new media self-publishing “blogosphere”, is one of the goals of the conference. The rapid transformation of the blogging media, its acceptance and repudiation as a form of journalism, is also a topic slated for discussion.

Corporate media has flirted with, disputed, and been directly affected by, bloggers. Future possible interactions between the new, blogging media, and mainstream media, provide topics for discussion.

Attendees and speakers included both established and new media names, academics and professionals, and amateurs. Topics covered ranged from jargon and terminology, through business models, and on to more esoteric subjects like “podcasting” and “vlogging”.

UPDATE: The conference wound up with a session covering issues identified during the conference and an open session of free-ranging discussion.

This article features first-hand journalism by Wikinews members. See the collaboration page and notes page for more details.
This article features first-hand journalism by Wikinews members. See the collaboration page and notes page for more details.
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News briefs:May 27, 2010

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Medium Term Note Trading And Their Importance In A Worldwide Recession

Category : Forex Broker

Medium Term Note Trading And Their Importance In A Worldwide Recession



Private Trading of Medium Term Notes, also known as Mid-Term Notes and MTNs, is essentially capital raised for the purposes of the development of working capital and the upward trend towards strengthening a company’s balance sheet. More times than naught, private trade programs encompass the development of new products, technologies and overall expansion. Whereas in this article, In the broad sense and in the most known categorization, we will be discussing Medium Term Note Private Trading which is a completely different investment channel generating tremendous returns for small and large, individual and corporate investors alike.


Investors have limited access when it comes to educating themselves and investing in the high-yield arena of MTN Trading. Unless they have liquidity in the hundreds of millions, most others who have less liquidity for investment find themselves on the outside trying to get a peek in. In this article, the general development of knowledge with regard to private trading, MTNs, BGs and other instrument facets, will explain why and where individuals willing to invest from $10M on up can participate in the world of Medium Term Note Trading. Why is there such a demand for investing in Private Programs that utilize MTNs and on occasion Treasury Bills? Since the mid-1990’s to the present day, Medium term Note originations total investment dollars have escalated from a estimated, yet traceable, phase of just over $10 billion dollars in mid-1990s to a current level of well over $75 billion dollars through the third quarter of 2008. There have been roughly 6,500 private trade programs done through the third quarter of 2008. Companies in the likes of Sony Capital, Harley Davidson, LG and other well recognized entities have all offered Mid-Term Notes collateralized by their assets for expansion and development. From a low of fewer than 2,500 in all of 1996, you can see that the interest towards Private Trading gains when markets and the economy as a whole degrades catapulting the need for short term, well secured notes backed by established corporations, banks, asset holders and countries. Hedge Funds, Portfolio Managers and Private Investors are often attracted to these Private Programs and understand the rules and guidelines that follow. Less experienced, smaller investors tend to be dismissed due to the anxiety levels and continuous pestering of updates. High-net worth, seasoned investors have their blocked funds almost always are combined with other clients to build a larger trade bases, if individually large enough, say one billion and up, enter into a Private Trade Program by themselves; however they too may very well be bundled with other client assets to reduce the number of trades being managed. Their blocked funds represent these MTN Trade Programs and are a tremendous economic incentive in their own right by the generation of liquidity by the function of process. The derived profits most often than not, as well as the leveraged amount of the blocked funds, will go into further capitalization of new companies believed to have significant growth possibilities in industries such as: healthcare, bio-technologies, software/hardware and telecommunications. These Private Trade Programs add value to these companies and further compel advancements in those particular sectors. Without Medium Term Notes, the potential of utilizing them in Private Trading and the profits derived from such, many of the participants of these programs would never launch over the first tier with regards to the programs they are included in. Typical Minimum Investment Requirement: Mid-Term Note Trading and investing is not easily accessible to the typical high-net worth investor or well capitalized corporation unless they first know these types of programs exist and then are either introduced to the trading platform from a referring client or through a series of referral educational sites where the client can thereafter request admission. Most Trade Programs typically will accept investors who are willing to commit as little as $25 million to have blocked for the purposes of leverage. Although some Trade Managers have dropped their minimums to only $250K with coupled by a series of A,B,C programs to ramp up the clients capital to higher level trades. Fund of Funds: A fund of funds holds the leveraged funds of many private partnerships that invest in private trades. It provides a way for firms and individual participants to increase cost effectiveness and thereby reduce their minimum investment requirement. Since a fund of funds is leveraging against those original funds, sometimes up to 20 to 50 times, the accumulated return for that specific funds of funds becomes much more lucrative. In addition, because of its size and diversification, a fund of funds has the potential to offer greater returns than you might experience with an individual MTN Trade Program. This only holds true to those Programs that are under the $100 million dollar level though since most times the lesser amounts are leveraged through funds of funds or equivalent means. The main disadvantage, if it could be considered such, is that there is an additional layer of fees paid to the fund of funds manager. Though typically $100 million and up will roll out the welcome mat, investors can on occasion, participate with $250,000 – $10 million to the respective fund of funds manager. For those smaller amounts under $10 million, the platform manager may not let you participate unless you are an accredited investor with a net worth between $1.5 million to $5 million. Is it worth the time and consideration? There are several key risks in any type of investing since you essentially, with any investment, can guarantee a return (except for low yielding T-Bills, etc.) Private Trading is no exception. As mentioned earlier, the fees of Private Trade Programs that cater to smaller investors can be higher than you would normally expect with conventional investments, such as mutual funds. With a pre-established historical return rate on these smaller (less than $100M) funds may be in the double to triple digits as reflected in previous scenarios. The promulgation of these fees are irrespective and of little consequence to the investor although many investors feel that they deserve more, do essentially doing very little. In a market as volatile as the one we currently face, it is much harder to find streamlined programs that offer little risk. Transferring of investors’ funds is not evidenced in these Private Trade Programs that are at or above $10 million dollars. A block is placed on the client’s funds within their account for the duration of the trading period. Hence, the safety the client experiences remains secure with the leveraged program they enter into.

With so many misconceptions of Private Trade Programs, once one understands how and why these Programs work and their importance in

a failing economy, the fog starts to lift. Learn more at

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Medium Term Note Trading And Their Importance In A Worldwide Recession

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A leak at the Sellafield nuclear reprocessing facility on Cumbrian coast, England

Category : Uncategorized

Monday, May 9, 2005

At the Sellafield reprocessing plant, a leak in the process was spotted on April 19. The leak did not cause danger to people or the environment but it disturbed the normal operation of the plant.

Workers at the plant noticed a discrepancy in the amount of material being reprocessed that enters pipes that lead to a set of centrifuges and the amount of material actually arriving at the centrifuges. They used remote cameras to find the crack where the material was escaping; over twenty tonnes have leaked into a steel lined chamber.

The material, consisting of mostly uranium and some plutonium dissolved in nitric acid, would have been reprocessed in the centrifuges. The large stainless steel chamber that now contains the spilled material is too dangerous to enter due to radioactivity, though it poses no danger to those inside or outside the plant.

The plant has been shut down pending repairs.

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Hiring Your Preferred Professional Auto Accident Lawyer In Macon

Category : Copywriting

byAlma Abell

Professional Auto Accident Lawyer in Macon comprehends methods needed to ensure that your case is substantial and effectively presented in court. Your selected attorney will talk to witnesses at the scene of the accident and review the accident report. This will determine who is at fault and exactly how the accident occurred. This information is vital to your case, and your preferred attorney will document this information accurately within your case file.

Accuracy of Documentation

Before presenting your case in court, your preferred attorney will verify all the facts in your case. Through verifications, there are not any surprises when you arrive in court. Your attorney will have all the facts with witnesses and documentation to back up your claim. He or she will ensure that all witnesses are included in documentation related to your claim.

Your Court Date

During your court appearance, each side will present evidence to the judge. Typically, an automobile insurance company will provide the individual who is at fault with an attorney. This attorney is there to prove your case invalid in order to prevent the insurance company from paying you a settlement. This is why it is so critical for your attorney to ensure the accuracy of all documentation. With evidentiary support, it is highly improbable that opposition can prove that the other driver was not at fault.

Your medical records and an estimate for property damage will provide adequate evidentiary support to prove that you were injured in the accident. This will also establish the severity of your injuries and property damage. Your attorney will present this documentation to the judge along with the accident report completed by law enforcement.


The awarded compensation is typically based on the cost of medical treatment and repair costs for your vehicle. Some judges may require additional compensation for pain and suffering depending on the severity of your injuries. If your injury caused a permanent disability, the judge will take this fact into consideration when determining the amount you are awarded in monetary damages. If this is the case, it is more likely that you will recover a large settlement that is paid to you over an extended period of time.

Legal Representation

Knott & Lemon PC provide legal representation for accident victims. If you require an attorney you may contact this law firm for a consultation. Their local number is listed on their website.

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Fake impotence drugs linked to low blood sugar outbreak

Category : Uncategorized

Thursday, February 12, 2009

An article in the February 12 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine reports on an unusual cause for an outbreak of low blood sugar among men in Singapore: illegal use of sexual performance enhancement drugs that were contaminated with a diabetes drug.

Between January and May 2008, 149 men and one woman between 19 and 97 (mean age 51) were admitted to five public hospitals for unexplained low blood sugar. Similar cases were reported in media reports from Hong Kong. Seven Singaporean patients remained in a coma because of prolonged sugar starvation of the brain, and four subsequently died. The diabetes drug glyburide was found in blood and/or urine samples in 85% of cases; 30% admitted having used illegal sexual performance enhancers.

The contaminated products were a counterfeit version of the drug Cialis (meant for the treatment of genuine erectile dysfunction), and three purported herbal preparation (the affected brands included Power 1 Walnut and Santi Bovine Penis Erecting Capsule). All four preparations additionally contained Viagra in varying concentrations. Two herbal products contained traces of the weight loss drug sibutramine, a compound related to amphetamines.

The drug packaging mentioned names of non-existent overseas production facilities, so the source of the contamination with the diabetes drug could not be established.

The authors underline the risks that is known to be associated with purchasing drugs from unreliable providers or from online resellers. The clandestine use of impotence drugs as sexual performance enhancers seems to have provided a good illustration of this problem. They further call for more efforts by national and international health and law enforcement agencies to curb the manufacturing, international transport and sales of untrustworthy medication.

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