2008 Leisure Taiwan launched in Taipei World Trade Center

Category : Uncategorized

Saturday, July 19, 2008

This year’s Leisure Taiwan trade show (a.k.a Taiwan Sport Recreation and Leisure Show) started yesterday, with 131 companies participating including sports media companies such as ESPN and VideoLand Television, businesses selling sports equipment and fitness clubs.

There were also a variety of sports being played in the arena built for the trade show. The events included a 3-on-3 basketball tournament, free style shooting, and bicycle test-riding. In addition, conferences discussed issues related to sports and physical education.

A major topic in the trade show was energy-efficiency and, as a result, bicycles and similar sports equipment were being heavily promoted.

Next Tuesday, companies from the electronics industry plan to promote their industry at “2008 Digital E-Park.” In previous years, organizations from the electronics industry have showcased their products at Leisure Taiwan instead of at the Digital E-Park, so this move has reduced the number of markets covered by Leisure Taiwan.

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Microsoft announces plan to acquire GitHub for US$7.5 billion

Category : Uncategorized

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

On Monday, United States technology giant Microsoft announced their plans to acquire GitHub, a San Francisco, California-based web-based hosting service for software version control using Git, for 7.5 billion US Dollars (USD).

In the official announcement at the Microsoft News web site, the company said they are to reach agreement with GitHub by the end of the year. They said the agreement would allow them to deliver Microsoft development services to GitHub users, and “accelerate enterprise use of GitHub”. GitHub had been financially struggling recently and is expected to get a new CEO.

In 2016, according to financial news and media company Bloomberg L.P., through three quarters GitHub lost USD 66 million, while in nine months of that year GitHub had revenue of USD 98 million. In August 2017 GitHub said they were seeking a new CEO. According to the announcements by GitHub and Microsoft, the Microsoft Corporate Vice President Nat Friedman would become the new CEO of GitHub. He had created app creation platform company Xamarin and was “an open-source veteran”, Microsoft said.

GitHub confirmed the acquisition plans on its blog. In this announcement they alluded to concerns about past friction between Microsoft and open-source software, however they said “things are different. […] Microsoft is the most active organization on GitHub in the world”, mentioning VS Code as an example. In the announcement, GitHub also referred to its several years of collaboration with Microsoft on Git LFS and Electron. GitHub also mentioned the Azure development platform run by Microsoft.

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Ricky Hatton regains IBF light welterweight title

Category : Uncategorized

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Ricky “The Hitman” Hatton regained the IBF light welterweight title belt he relinquished less than 12 months ago when he defeated Juan Urango in Las Vegas, Nevada tonight.

“The Hitman” won by unanimous decision, as the fight went to 12 rounds. Despite early match odds suggesting Hatton would dominate the fight, this was not the case. Each round was close, but most pundits and judges alike agreed that Urango only won 1 of the 12 rounds, with Hatton taking the other 11.

Despite the unfamiliar confines of Las Vegas, Hatton looked touched by the ringing of football fan-like chants, familiar in British boxing, that rang around the arena, as more than half of it was filled by traveling support from across the atlantic.

Many in the UK will hope Hatton has ended the “curse” that has seen names such as Frank Bruno, Naseem Hamed, Barry McGuigan and others fall short while headlining fights on “The Strip”.

From here, it is widely believed “The Hitman” will move on to fight Jose Luis Castillo in June, again likely in Vegas.

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Few Ways To Counter Hair Thinning

Category : Cosmetic Surgery

Few Ways to Counter Hair Thinning by hellengeekWhether its a few lost hair strands on your pillow, hair tie, or on your regular hair brush, it hurts to see that your hair is falling out without any prominent cause. Most of the times, the cause to thinning hair is not identified for a long time.It is a renowned fact that by the time you start noticing your hair falling, around 12% has already fallen out. As we start to age, the density and texture of the hair starts to reduce, which ultimately leads us down to the point that we need to get ourselves checked by some specialist. Consulting a professional for your specific case doesnt only save you from excessive hair loss, but it also allows you to grow aware of your hair thinning pattern.There are specific treatments for the different hair loss patterns, and for the hair thinning cases. Here are a few ways to tackle hair thinning problems like a pro:Find the root cause for your hair thinning problem.Use a shampoo and conditioner that suits your hair type.Your brush should have soft bristles.Add an essential oil to your hair care routine.Try to avoid overthinking every situation as stress and anxiety can also be the cause of your hair loss.If you are following a sound everyday routine and still experience hair thinning, then the problem is either in the products that you are using, the environmental factors, or it is something that is concerned to your health conditions. Stimulate your hair restoration procedure by getting your specific problem diagnosed by a reputable hair clinic in UAE. Instead of experimenting on your scalp yourself, you should take the advice of a professional so as to be assured that there are no harmful side effects.There might be chemicals that your skin is not accustomed to and can have an adverse effect on your scalp. Dont complicate the situation than it already is. An unusual pattern of hair loss can also be the outcome of the lack of blood circulation in the scalp, which is why the skin becomes dry and eventually leads us down to the loss of hair.A great deal of factors contribute towards the destruction of the health and texture of the hair. You need to diminish those points in order to treat the problem from the root. If your thinning pattern is prominent, for instance, if you are losing large clumps of hair, then you should consult a dermatologist at your earliest. Stress and lack of nutrition undoubtedly add on to the adversity of your loss, but only the people with exceptionally chronic stress and health conditions are effected by hair thinning.If you let this problem grow without putting a stop to it, then it disturbs the level of confidence of the victim, making him feel unattractive among people. Therefore, it is extremely essential for you to get the issue diagnosed at an early stage to limit the damage. Hellen Greek is the right person to go to if you want to get information about the famous hair loss clinic in Dubai. She is known to provide authentic details of one of the best products for hair loss treatment Dubai and skin care. Article Source: eArticlesOnline.com

Hepatitis scare at New Zealand McDonald’s restaurant

Category : Uncategorized

Saturday, December 30, 2006

McDonald’s is asking everyone who ate at a McDonald’s restaurant located in Greenlane, Auckland, New Zealand, in December 15, 2006, to go to their doctor after a worker tested positive for Hepatitis A.

Doctor Greg Simmons, medical officer of health in Auckland, said that it is possible for the food handler worker to have passed on the disease during 7:00 p.m. (NZDT) and 2:00 a.m. as he would have been in the most infectious stage of Hepatitis A and was not wearing gloves. According to a spokeswoman from McDonald’s, Joanna Redfern-Hardisty, food handlers are not required to wear gloves but are required to have thoroughly washed their hands with antimicrobial soap. However Dr Simmons says that the infected worker usually wore gloves.

The shift the worker worked was the only one the worker handled food when he was infectious with Hepatitis A.

It is unknown how many people could have come into contact with food that the infected worker had prepared as Friday night is usually a busy night, according to Ms Redfern-Hardisty.

Dr Simmons says that if someone has been infected with Hepatitis A then they will currently be showing early symptoms. Those symptoms include being tired, no appetite, nausea and skin and eyes will show a yellowish colour.

Ms Redfern-Hardisty, spokeswoman for McDonald’s, confirmed that no more risk is being posed to customers. She said that it is currently unknown where the worker caught Hepatitis A but has stated that it was from an external source.

The worker has been suspended from work.

If you ate at the McDonalds located in Greenlane, Auckland, on late December 15, early December 16, then please either visit your doctor or ring the Auckland Regional Public Health Service on 096234600.

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Security threats directed at US Democrats

Category : Uncategorized

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is looking into threats made against Democratic members of the US House of Representatives. The threats were directed at members of Congress who supported the recent health care reform legislation.

Virginia’s 5th district representative Tom Perriello’s brother’s home had its gas line cut early Wednesday. Another Democrat, Louise Slaughter of New York’s 28th district, had a brick thrown through her offices window.

House Majority leader Steny Hoyer held a press conference about the threats and multiple instances of vandalism involving the offices of Congresspersons who voted on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Hoyer said that “[t]he incidents of threats whether in person or through telephones or through other communication devices, have given great concern to members, for the safety of themselves and their families.”

House Minority leader John Boehner said that the incidents show the American peoples’ feelings for the new bill, but “violence and threats are unacceptable.” He added, “that’s not the American way, we need to take that anger and channel it into positive change.”

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Denunciations of Scandals Threaten UN

Category : Uncategorized

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Denunciations of corruption, bribe, collection of bribes from refugees [1] and of sexual scandal involving the peacekeepers [2], [3] threaten the Organization of the United Nations (UN).

The gravest denunciations involve the aid project to Iraq, called Oil-for-Food. Grave denunciations of bribe exist, superfluous accounting and collaboration with the ex-dictator Saddam Hussein, against staff of the UN, companies and politicians of several countries. Even the secretary of the UN, Kofi Annan was suspicious of participation in the plan of corruption. And also grave doubts still hover about his son, Kojo Annan.

The gravity of the denunciations threatens not only the credibility of the UN, but its existence.

Secretary Kofi Annan said that he is going to promote reforms in the organization. [4]

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Early Sign Of Pregnancy Tracking The Symptoms

Submitted by: Apurva Shree

The earliest and most recognizable sign of pregnancy is missed periods. Woe to the women who do not keep a track of their periods or have an irregular menstrual cycle, for it will take a while for them to register their pregnancy. Nausea or morning sickness is another early sign of pregnancy. Increase in hunger or total loss of appetite follows the missed period and nausea pregnancy symptoms. These signs may vary and swing either way with each passing day, as the body prepares itself to welcome a new life. Every woman, rather every pregnancy, differs in pregnancy symptoms.

Pregnancy Symptoms

There is no standard checklist for determining pregnancy. Different women have different symptoms. It is very important to listen to what your body tells you and recognize any untoward signs. This way you can even recognize early signs of pregnancy much before any testing takes place. Some women experience pregnancy symptoms within weeks of conception, some may have no symptoms other than missed or delayed periods. Some of the most common pregnancy symptoms are listed below.

Nausea or morning sickness: Most well known early sign of pregnancy are experienced between 2-8 weeks after conception. This queasy feeling is due to the changes in the hormone levels the body experiences as it prepares for embryo implantation.

Delayed or missed periods: It is the classic early sign of pregnancy. The uterine lining need not be shed anymore so as to embed the embryo for growth.


Fatigue or tiredness: This pregnancy symptom starts as early as first week after conception.

Swollen or tender breasts: Within a week or two of conception, some women may notice changes in their breasts; they may be tender to touch, sore or swollen due to hormonal imbalance.

Darkening of areolas: The skin around the nipples darkens as the pregnancy advances in weeks, to prepare for the baby.

Backaches: Lower backache is also an early sign of pregnancy, though a dull backache remains throughout the pregnancy due to the increasing weight of the fetus.

Headache: Some women experience headaches early in the pregnancy due to sudden rise of hormones.

Frequent urination: Around 5-8 weeks as the growing uterus presses against the urinary bladder, one needs to make frequent trips to bathroom to evacuate urine.

Food cravings: This is a very classic early sign of pregnancy and lasts throughout the entire pregnancy. Some women crave for sweets and ice creams, while other may want salty food or pickles. According to pregnancy journal, this is one way of the body to take in the missing nutrients or augment poor diet due to nausea.

Implantation bleeding: About 6-12 days after conception the embryo implants itself into the uterine wall. Some blood spotting or cramping may take place at this moment of time. This is also an early sign of pregnancy to be watched out for.

About the Author: Apurva Shree is the online editor of free pregnancy information resource


She has developed this site to provide valuable information on early pregnancy symptoms and useful methods to enjoy your pregnancy period.



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Rep. Barbara Lee calls for U.S. Congress probe into Iraq War planning

Category : Uncategorized

Friday, July 22, 2005

Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), co-chairwoman of the Out of Iraq Caucus and a member of the International Affairs Committee, along with 26 co-sponsors, proposed yesterday a Resolution of Inquiry in the House of Representatives which, if passed, will require the White House and the State Department to“transmit all information relating to communication with officials of the United Kingdom between January 1, 2002, and October 16, 2002, relating to the policy of the United States with respect to Iraq.” The resolution, was submitted in the House of Representatives and referred to the U.S. House Committee on International Relations.

The resolution comes in response to questions that have been raised about the handling of pre-war intelligence by the Bush administration, and the planning and execution of the Iraq war. “We would like to see a member of Congress look into whether or not the president committed impeachable offenses,” said John Bonifaz, a constitutional lawyer. “We’ve been having that discussion with a number of offices.”

Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), U.S. House Committee on the Judiciary Minority leader, recently met with John Bonifaz and representatives. But Conyers is reluctant to take such a bold step just yet. “My inclination at this time is not to do something like that,” Conyers said, although he noted that he wanted to press for an investigation in other ways, including sending committee investigators to London.

Earlier this month, Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) said at a forum held by Conyers “If you read the record of the writing of the Constitution, ‘high crimes and misdemeanors’ had a very particular meaning at the time of the drafting of the Constitution. It certainly didn’t mean lying about sex, but it might well mean lying to the Congress about a large public purpose such as Iraq.”, referring to Republican’s filing of such a resolution in 1998 in an effort to remove Bill Clinton from office.

Rep. Barbara Lee’s resolution of inquiry is a less-drastic parliamentary maneuver that would ask the administration to provide more information related to the claims in classified British memos that suggest that pre-war intelligence in Iraq was “fixed” in order to justify the invasion. The Resolution of Inquiry is a privileged resolution, which means that if it is not acted on in 14 legislative days after it is introduced, the member of Congress who introduced it is entitled to request that it be brought to the House floor for a vote. The committee may take the matter up right away, and could vote it down before the August recess. If they do not, they will be required to take it up by September 16th.


Requesting the President and directing the Secretary of State to transmit to the House of Representatives not later than 14 days after the date of the adoption of this resolution all information in the possession of the President and the Secretary of State relating to communication with officials of the United Kingdom between January 1, 2002, and October 16, 2002, relating to thepolicy of the United States with respect to Iraq.

Resolved, That not later than 14 days after the date of the adoption of this resolution—

(1) the President is requested to transmit to the House of Representatives all documents, including telephone and electronic mail records, logs, calendars, minutes, and memos, in the possession of the President relating to communications with officials of the United Kingdom from January 1, 2002, to October 16, 2002, relating to the policy of the United States with respect to Iraq, including any discussions or communications between the President or other Administration officials and officials of the United Kingdom that occurred before the meeting on July 23, 2002, at 10 Downing Street in London, England, between Prime Minister Tony Blair of the United Kingdom, United Kingdom intelligence officer Richard Dearlove, and other national security officials of the Blair Administration; and

(2) the Secretary of State is directed to transmit to the House of Representatives all documents, including telephone and electronic mail records, logs, calendars, minutes, memos, and records of internal discussions, in the possession of the Secretary relating to communications with officials of the United Kingdom from January 1, 2002, to October 16, 2002, relating to the policy of the United States with respect to Iraq, including any discussions or communications between the Secretary of State or other officials of the Department of State and officials of the United Kingdom that occurred before the meeting on July 23, 2002, at 10 Downing Street in London, England, between Prime Minister Tony Blair of the United Kingdom, United Kingdom intelligence officer Richard Dearlove, and other national security officials of the Blair Administration.

  • Rep. John Conyers
  • Rep. Tammy Baldwin
  • Rep. William Lacy Clay
  • Rep. Danny Davis
  • Rep. William Delahunt
  • Rep. Lane Evans
  • Rep. Sam Farr
  • Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva
  • Rep. Luis Gutierrez
  • Rep. Maurice D. Hinchey
  • Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee
  • Rep. Dennis Kucinich
  • Rep. Carolyn C. Kilpatrick
  • Rep. Jim McDermott
  • Rep. Jim Oberstar
  • Rep. Major R. Owens
  • Rep. Frank Pallone Jr.
  • Rep. Don Payne
  • Rep. Charles Rangel
  • Rep. Jan Schakowsky
  • Rep. José E. Serrano
  • Rep. Pete Stark
  • Rep. Bennie Thompson
  • Rep. Diane Watson
  • Rep. Robert Wexler
  • Rep. Lynn Woolsey
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Category:May 26, 2006

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