Wikinews attends Maker Faire in Tyler, Texas

Category : Uncategorized

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Wikinews attended the sixth annual Mini Maker Faire in Tyler, Texas, United States on Saturday. Similar to a giant science fair, the event featured a variety of science, engineering and technology projects and items.

An array of technologies were on hand including 3D printers, drones, and various other physics devices. The owner of the Make Crate subscription service stated her company’s products place a strong emphasis on teaching young people about technology and coding. A traditional blacksmith was also on hand displaying metal working techniques.

Numerous Maker Clubs from an array of local schools were on hand, displaying a broad swathe of tech projects. A group of amateur hobbyists diplayed a model of the deck of the aircraft carrier, the USS Ronald Reagan with a solenoid device hooked up to launch paper airplanes.

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Forex Trading Software Helps To Meet Your Investment Demands

Category : Forex Broker

Forex Trading Software Helps To Meet Your Investment Demands


Jim Bannon1

When looking for a profession outside the usual working environment, there are a large number of possible thoughts you shall follow. Simply typing \”work from home\” into a search engine will give thousands of websites promoting the next huge technique to escape the nine to five atmospheres. Rather than chasing after the next on line scheme in order to follow the dream of economical success, turn to proven possibilities like the thoughts of Affiliate Marketing or Forex Trading Software. To assist you in recognizing the best technique of possibility shown for you to opt from, this article shall highlight these to potential investment and weigh elements like expenditure, needs and results.


Investment One of the main reasons most of the individuals pursue the opportunities of affiliate marketing is that they like the appeal of not possessing to buy and store inventory. This allows to reduce the cost of business but keep in mind that investment is still essential as you build a website, develop advertising and interact with customers. Not to mention you only get hold of a minor percent of any sale you make rather than profit from the complete profit of any sale. With Forex Trading Software investment is usually very high as any forex you buy comes with your own investments. Of course the analytical tools which come with the software program assist to limit the threat as you would make smart investments and profit from your full benefits. Demands The requirements a person finds out from pursuing an affiliate trade include the financial strain of running an online business and the demand for making most of the sales to produce a quality revenue. The needs of a Forex Trading System are found with taking the time to analyze savings and then make the personal investment into your investing choices. Demands with both opportunities could be steep and determining the best strategies to fit your current scenario is essential. Results The final element to weigh relates to the short and long term results created. If you find success from an affiliate program you will certainly gain in the long term though short term outcome shall be few and far between since you extend your online attempts. The possibilities of Forex Trading Software shall be practiced instantly when you make wise deals, allowing for gain with short term plans as well as long term funds. While you carefully weigh how every one of these fundamentals will influence your life, it will make it simpler to find out which job opportunity offers you the greatest number of advantages. Many entrepreneurs are timid about pursuing an opportunity like Forex Trading Software simply because of the great economical loss many felt in the recent recession. It is important to note that many of these traders are investing with no analysis or time spent towards identifying the very best choices.

If you experience financial investment is the right course of action for you to pursue, learn more about

Forex Trading software

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. Track \’n Trade revolutionized the way people learned how to trade the futures market and now continues to revolutionize the way people trade the futures, forex and stock markets. Someone new to trading can practice until he or she feels confident enough to invest personal capital. Track \’n Trade also introduced an interactive chart which gave the user the ability to place trades directly on the chart itself thus coining the phrase \”The Ultimate Trading Machine for the Visual Investor\”. Visit the website to know more.

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Apple introduces iPhone and Apple TV

Category : Uncategorized

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Apple Inc. today has introduced the much-anticipated iPhone at the Macworld Conference in San Francisco.

The iPhone is claimed to be “a revolutionary mobile phone” as stated on the Apple website. The device appears to be running a mobile version of the Apple operating system Mac OSX. It is approximately the same size as a 5th generation iPod, it has a 3.5-inch LCD touchscreen display that is used to access all features of the phone including number dial, as well as making phone calls. The iPhone plays music, movies, displays pictures and is able to connect to a wireless network.

Apple CEO Steve Jobs unveiled the device by walking onto the stage and taking the iPhone out of his jeans pocket. During his 2 hour speech he stated that “Today Apple is going to reinvent the phone, We are going to make history today”.

Today Apple also released their Media Center device – Apple TV. It will directly compete with Microsoft’s Media Center operating system. Apple has taken a different approach to the media center market; rather than storing content (such as movies, music and photos) on the device, Apple TV connects to a computer (Mac and Windows) over a wirless network connection and plays all content stored on that computer. This makes it substantially easier for users to organize their media content.

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Canadian Prime Minister Harper meets with U.S. President Bush

Category : Uncategorized

Thursday, July 6, 2006

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper met with President George W. Bush at the White House today. The meeting was a short one and focused primarily on global security, particularly bilateral security issues addressing the two countries.

One of the larger issues was the pending U.S. law that would require everyone crossing the Canada-U.S. border to have a passport or a special identification card. Prime Minister Harper said; “if the fight for security ends up meaning that the United States becomes more closed to its friends, then the terrorists have won,” as part of his appeal that Congress delay or reject the proposed border law. [1].

Prime Minister Harper brought birthday greetings and a surprise gift. But Bush found out about it during the press conference in the East Room. A Canadian reporter had allegedly blew the secret. [2].

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Police report drug haul seizure worth up to £30 million in Brownhills, England

Category : Uncategorized

Monday, December 2, 2013

Police in the West Midlands in England today said nearly 200 kilograms worth of drugs with value possibly as great as £30 million (about US$49 million or €36 million) has been seized from a unit in the town of Brownhills. In what an officer described as “one of the largest [seizures] in the force’s 39 year history”, West Midlands Police reported recovering six big cellophane-wrapped cardboard boxes containing cannabis, cocaine, and MDMA (“ecstasy”) in a police raid operation on the Maybrook Industrial Estate in the town on Wednesday.

The impact this seizure will have on drug dealing in the region and the UK as a whole cannot be underestimated

The seized boxes, which had been loaded onto five freight pallets, contained 120 one-kilogram bags of cannabis, 50 one-kilogram bags of MDMA, and five one-kilogram bricks of cocaine. In a press release, West Midlands Police described what happened after officers found the drugs as they were being unloaded in the operation. “When officers opened the boxes they discovered a deep layer of protective foam chips beneath which the drugs were carefully layered”, the force said. “All the drugs were wrapped in thick plastic bags taped closed with the cannabis vacuum packed to prevent its distinctive pungent aroma from drawing unwanted attention.” Police moved the drugs via forklift truck to a flatbed lorry to remove them.

Detective Sergeant Carl Russell of West Midlands Police’s Force CID said the seizure was the largest he had ever made in the 24 years he has been in West Midlands Police and one of the biggest seizures the force has made since its formation in 1974. “The impact this seizure will have on drug dealing in the region and the UK as a whole cannot be underestimated”, he said. “The drugs had almost certainly been packed to order ready for shipping within Britain but possibly even further afield. Our operation will have a national effect and we are working closely with a range of law enforcement agencies to identify those involved in this crime at whatever level.”

Expert testing on the drugs is ongoing. Estimates described as “conservative” suggest the value of the drugs amounts to £10 million (about US$16.4 million or €12 million), although they could be worth as much as £30 million, subject to purity tests, police said.

Police arrested three men at the unit on suspicion of supplying a controlled drug. The men, a 50-year-old from Brownhills, a 51-year-old from the Norton area of Stoke-on-Trent in Staffordshire, and one aged 53 from Brownhills, have been released on bail as police investigations to “hunt those responsible” continue. West Midlands Police told Wikinews no person has yet been charged in connection with the seizure. Supplying a controlled drug is an imprisonable offence in England, although length of jail sentences vary according to the class and quantity of drugs and the significance of offenders’ roles in committing the crime.

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Quality Screen Printing In Ontario Ca

Category : Property Data


Many people like to think of creative ways to market their brand. This is a great form of advertising and they can reach a lot of people through clever advertising ideas such as tee shirts or pens. Many love the tee shirt idea and the look for a company who provides Screen Printing in Ontario CA. They give these shirts away to customers and all of their business information in included on the shirt. Many feel that these are almost like a walking billboard. It is a great way to get the word out about your business or services and to reach potential, new customers.

Another great idea is to have these shirts made for a family reunion or a special occasion such as a wedding. The shirts can bring people together and they are also a very nice keepsake. It is important to work with a company who provides a wide variety of options and affordable prices. They should work closely with you to ensure that you are getting the design that best suits your own unique needs. They should also offer discounts on large purchases because this will help you to save money as well.

Many people search for this type of provider online. It is always helpful to read online reviews that have been written by customers who have used their services. This will give you a better understanding of the type of service that they can provide. It is also a good idea to visit the website of the company that you want to learn more about. It is a good idea to Visit Engrave ‘N Embroider Things. They offer so many great options and quality work. They are quite experienced and they also offer affordable pricing as well.

It is a good idea to work with a company who provides quality Screen Printing in Ontario CA. They should be able to meet all of your needs, no matter how large or small the job is. They should be very experienced and should work closely with you to ensure that you are pleased with your products and that they have met all of your expectations.

At least 22 dead after typhoon hits Vietnam

Category : Uncategorized

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Vietnamese officials have reported that at least 22 people were killed by Typhoon Ketsana, which brought torrential rainfalls and heavy flooding to the central areas of the country.

“According to our official count as of Tuesday afternoon from the local authorities, the typhoon killed 22 people,” said an unnamed official from the country’s national flood and storm committee.

According to our official count as of Tuesday afternoon from the local authorities, the typhoon killed 22 people.

170,000 people were evacuated ahead of the typhoon, which brought peak winds of 90 miles per hour (144 kilometres per hour). Typhoon Ketsana had earlier battered the Philippines, killing over two hundred people there.

Ketsana made landfall in the afternoon on Tuesday, 37 miles south of Danang, the National Weather Center reported.

Flights departing and arriving at the Hue and Danang airports were cancelled due to inclement weather, and fishing boats were ordered to return to shore.

Several of the casualties from the storm were due to falling trees and power lines. Truong Ngoc Nhi, the vice governor of the Quang Ngai province, south of Danang, said that “there’s a blackout across our entire province. Streets are strewn with fallen trees and utility poles. It looks like a battlefield.”

Provincial disaster official Nhuyen Minh Tuan said that “the rivers are rising and many homes are flooded, and several mountainous districts have been isolated by mudslides.”

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Indonesian Navy declares crew of 53 dead after submarine sinks in Bali Strait

Category : Uncategorized

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

On Saturday, the Indonesian Navy announced its submarine KRI Nanggala 402, which had lost contact early morning 4:30 am local time on Wednesday, had sunk and cracked off in the Bali Strait during a training exercise. The Navy also declared the submarine’s crew of 53 dead, and said the wreckage was found.

According to Air Marshall Hadi Tjahjanto, pictures received were of the parts of the submarine such as the rear vertical rudder, anchors, outer pressure body, and embossed dive rudder.

The Navy stated on Saturday, the submarine was now considered sunk, not merely missing, having previously said that the oxygen supply would have run out by Saturday morning.

Per reports, items were found from the submarine that included a bottle of grease, prayer mats and a piece of metal pipe. The ones found near the last location of the submarine were parts of the submarine itself, and would not have gotten out unless there was water pressure, Tjahjanto said.

Tjahjanto also said there was an oil spill in the area and the debris were indications the submarine had a leakage due to diving too deep, or released the oil while rising to the surface.

The search team focused on determining the exact location of the submarine, but authorities warned it would be hard to do any salvage operation because of the deep waters.

The Singapore Navy’s MV Swift Rescue submarine rescue ship helped in the effort and deployed a robot which took the images. Other countries including Malaysia, the United States, India and Australia aided search for potential rescue. KRI Rigel, an Indonesian ship, scanned the area where the submarine was presumed to have sunk using multi-beam sonar and a magnetometer.

According to military chief Yudo Margono, the scan determined the submarine to be at a depth of 850 metres. According to Al Jazeera, it was well below its survivable limit of 500 metres. “The cracks happened gradually in some parts when it went down”, Margono said.

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HIV-positive man receives 35 years for spitting on Dallas police officer

Category : Uncategorized

Sunday, May 18, 2008

An HIV-positive man was sentenced to 35 years in prison Wednesday, one day after being convicted of harassment of a public servant for spitting into the eye and open mouth of a Dallas, Texas police officer in May 2006. The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that no one has ever contracted HIV from saliva, and a gay-rights and AIDS advocacy group called the sentence excessive.

A Dallas County jury concluded that Willie Campbell’s act of spitting on policeman Dan Waller in 2006 constituted the use of his saliva as a deadly weapon. The incident occurred while Campbell, 42, was resisting arrest while being taken into custody for public intoxication.

“He turns and spits. He hits me in the eye and mouth. Then he told me he has AIDS. I immediately began looking for something to flush my eyes with,” said Waller to The Dallas Morning News.

Officer Waller responded after a bystander reported seeing an unconscious male lying outside a building. Dallas County prosecutors stated that Campbell attempted to fight paramedics and kicked the police officer who arrested him for public intoxication.

It’s been 25 years since the virus was identified, but there are still lots of fears.

Prosecutors said that Campbell yelled that he was innocent during the trial, and claimed a police officer was lying. Campbell’s lawyer Russell Heinrichs said that because he had a history of convictions including similarly attacking two other police officers, biting inmates, and other offenses, he was indicted under a habitual offender statute. The statute increased his minimum sentence to 25 years in prison. Because the jury ruled that Campbell’s saliva was used as a deadly weapon, he will not be eligible for parole until completing at least half his sentence.

If you look at the facts of this case, it was clear that the defendant intended to cause serious bodily injury.

The organization Lambda Legal (Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund), which advocates for individuals living with HIV, says that saliva should not be considered a deadly weapon. Bebe Anderson, the HIV projects director at Lambda Legal, spoke with The Dallas Morning News about the sentence. “It’s been 25 years since the virus was identified, but there are still lots of fears,” said Anderson.

The Dallas County prosecutor who handled the trial, Jenni Morse, said that the deadly weapon finding was justified. “No matter how minuscule, there is some risk. That means there is the possibility of causing serious bodily injury or death,” said Morse. Dallas County District Attorney Craig Watkins stated: “If you look at the facts of this case, it was clear that the defendant intended to cause serious bodily injury.”

Contact with saliva, tears, or sweat has never been shown to result in transmission of HIV.

A page at the CDC’s website, HIV and Its Transmission, states: “HIV has been found in saliva and tears in very low quantities from some AIDS patients.” The subsection “Saliva, Tears, and Sweat” concludes that: “Contact with saliva, tears, or sweat has never been shown to result in transmission of HIV.” On Friday the Dallas County Health Department released a statement explaining that HIV is most commonly spread through sexual contact, sharing needles, or transfusion from an infected blood product.

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Suggested Dental Procedures To Help Keep Your Teeth Healthy

Category : Dentistry

Suggested Dental Procedures to help keep Your Teeth Healthy


Peter Hong

Whenever you know the basic details about the dental procedures that would be performed by your dentists, you\’d have less anxiety in having it carried out. You fear something more if you don t have any concept of what awaits you at the other end of the road. To ease your fears and your tension, here are 3 dental procedures that are suggested to help keep your teeth and gums healthy and clean.

Dental cleaning

This ought to be a regular dental process even when you have good teeth to steer clear of formation of plaque and stop other oral circumstances like halitosis, bleeding gums and tooth decay. Having dental cleaning as advised by your dentist would ensure that your teeth stay healthy and clean. It would also make sure that you do not spend unnecessarily on procedures like fillings and tooth extractions. This is essential to dental health and should be done a minimum of as soon as a year, particularly to people who have sill their stunning teeth.



This really is certainly one of probably the most common dental works that dentists do. Fillings are carried out whenever you have cracked or broken teeth. The dentist might give you a nearby anesthesia before removing the decay from your tooth with a drill. Afterwards, he would then prepare the cavity of your tooth for the filling. This would stop further decay of the tooth. The filling used can be amalgam, composite resin, gold or porcelain. You can select which one you really feel most comfortable with. Your dentist would know which 1 is best for you and your way of life. Most showbiz people prefer white fillings to avoid exposing the fillings once they open their mouth to sing or speak in public. This dental process is commonly carried out and is secure and inexpensive.

Root canal

As much as possible you need to save your teeth. Your dentists would also advise you to complete all the necessary dental procedures before extracting your tooth. One of these procedures is doing a root canal to a decayed or damaged tooth to ensure that the dentist won t need to extract it. It might be a lengthy process or a brief one depending upon the extent with the tooth harm, however it would be worth it simply because you would not be wearing dentures anymore. Individuals sometimes do not like getting root canals due to the perceived discomfort, but experts say that it\’s really a painless procedure. Root canal dental therapy is used also to relieve discomfort brought on by a dying nerve or perhaps a damaged pulp. Wearing dentures can affect your sense of taste and comparable processes. It is usually best to have your organic teeth intact.

These 3 dental procedures are essential if you want to maintain healthy gums and teeth. It\’s vital that you have a regular teeth cleaning to stop teeth problems later. If your teeth are already beginning to decay, then it\’s nonetheless not too late to save them. The dentists might do root canal or location some fillings. Don t wait for your gums to bleed and your teeth to decay prior to going towards the dentist. As the clich goes, Prevention is better than remedy.

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