Funeral Services: Saving Money With Cremation

Category : Tenders


Some people want their final sendoff to be an impressive event with fireworks, live music and plenty of refreshments for the assembled guests. Others want a more dignified gathering with their achievements mentioned or special attention given to their personal interests. Funeral Services are as unique and different as they people they are honoring. There is no right or wrong way for them to go and funeral directors are more flexible than ever about meeting the desires of everyone whenever possible.

Many people are aware of the high cost of final expenses and choose to focus on finding thrifty ways to reduce the financial burden. They are hesitant to ask for much since they are often leaving behind spouses or children that will have to cover these costs. Pre-paying for a funeral is a wonderful option, but it is not something everyone can accomplish. To reduce the stress and expense, many people look for simple ways to cut costs.

When it comes to Funeral Services it is not the viewing or the funeral that escalates the cost so dramatically. It is often the casket, preparation of the body and the final resting spot that raises the bill the most. Cremation helps to cut costs without sacrificing any respect towards the departed or eliminating the opportunity for loved ones to have their chance to say goodbye. It is a simple solution that leaves more resources for celebrating the life of the person that has passed on.

With cremation it is possible to avoid the cost of an expensive casket, eliminate the need for embalming or for a grave or marker. Many people choose to have their ashes scattered or to have them encased in an affordable urn or memorial box instead of choosing a burial. This type of decision is a personal one that will not appeal to everybody, but it is something that more people are considering. Cremations have increased over the last few years and planning a funeral with thrift in mind is not considered to be disrespectful. Visit to learn more about the option of affordable cremation and the many benefits it has to offer. You can also visit them on Facebook for more information.

Fatal police helicopter crash in Slovakia due to technical failure: preliminary Interior Ministry finding

Category : Uncategorized

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Last week’s police helicopter accident in eastern Slovakia was caused by technical failure and not human error, said the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic on Friday. The statement is based on preliminary flight recorder data analysis. Ministry spokesperson Petar Lazarov confirmed the flight recorder and remains of the helicopter will be sent to the United States for further analysis. Helicopter crash occurred during a training exercise on May 10 shortly before 2:30 PM CEST at Prešov Air Base near Prešov, resulting in deaths of two crewmembers and serious injuries of both pilots.

According to initial reports by the Slovak Police Force, the helicopter spiraled down from a height of about 100 metres and 200 metres away from the point of take-off. Slovak tabloid newspaper Plus Jeden De? wrote that, according to a source from the forensic team that analysed flight recorders data, both rotors failed at the same time.

The accident caused fatal injuries to two Fire and Rescue Corps firefighters, First Lieutenant ((sk))Slovak language: ?nadporu?ík Peter To?or, born 1974, and Lieutenant Colonel ((sk))Slovak language: ?podplukovník Radoslav Lacko, born 1968. According to reports, one died on the site, and one in the Louis Pasteur University Hospital in Košice. “The patient suffered serious head and chest injuries. Our doctors resuscitated him for about 50 minutes. Ultimately, he died of his injuries,” said hospital spokesperson Ivana Stašková. Both firefighters were buried on May 16. The helicopter pilots were hospitalized with serious injuries in the Ján Adam Reiman Teaching Hospital with Polyclinic in Prešov. While one of them was stabilized and conscious already on May 10, suffering from right femoral fracture, right rib and facial bone fracture, the second one is still in serious condition at the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Medicine, said hospital spokesperson Renáta Cenková.

The Bell 429 GlobalRanger helicopter, registration OM-BYM, was made in 2014 and commissioned by the Aviation Department of the Ministry of Interior on August 17, 2015. The Aviation Department later commissioned another Bell 429 helicopter, registration OM-BYD. According to Bell Helicopter, the primary purpose of both these helicopters was to be “border protection, search and rescue, natural disaster relief missions and road traffic law enforcement”.

Bell Helicopter reacted on the incident, expressing condolences and willingness to assist with the investigation. Members of the National Council started their late-afternoon session on May 10 with a minute of silence for the victims of the crash. Other government officials expressed their condolences as well, including the President Andrej Kiska, the Prime Minister Robert Fico, and the Mayor of Prešov Andrea Tur?anová.

This accident was not the first Bell 429 helicopter crash in Slovakia. On September 7 of last year, an Air-Transport Europe rescue helicopter crashed near Banská Bystrica, killing all three crewmen and a patient aboard. Investigation is still in progress and no preliminary results are known.

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Turkmen president bans recorded music in public

Category : Uncategorized

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Turkmen President Saparmurat Niyazov has banned the playing of recorded music on television, at public events, and both public and private wedding ceremonies. Turkmenistan’s official daily newspaper, Neitralny Turkmenistan, quotes President Niyazov as stating that the ban is intended to “protect true culture, including the musical and singing traditions of the Turkmen people.” The office of the president said recorded music and lip synching has “a negative effect on the development of singing and musical art.” In a cabinet meeting broadcast on national television, Niyazov said “Unfortunately, one can see on television old voiceless singers lip-synching their old songs. Don’t kill talents by using lip synching… Create our new culture.”

President Niyazov has a history of regulating cultural influences in Turkmenistan. He has outlawed long hair or beards and capped teeth, required video monitors in all public places, and banned car radios and certain performing arts like opera and ballet, deeming them “unnecessary.”

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Brazilian Medicine Council against Cuban privileges

Category : Uncategorized

Monday, February 14, 2005

The Brazilian Regional Council of Medicine has protested against a Ministry of Education decision to accept the diplomas of Cuban medical school graduates without subjecting them to a more rigorous evaluation process.

Under the Brazilian 44045 Edict of July 19, 1958, all students of Medicine, Brazilian or non-Brazilian, who studied in a foreign institution must undergo a strict evaluation before their professional registration is granted. The law aims to ensure that the physicians who graduated at foreign universities are properly prepared for and familiarized with the particular medical conditions of Brazil. Some diseases like malaria and dengue for example are very rare in some countries but are more common in Brazilian territory.

However the Brazilian Ministry of Education (MEC) has come to an agreement with the Cuban government to allow medical students who studied in Cuba to go through a less rigorous examination. Furthermore the MEC wants to exempt the students from the Cuban Escola Latino Americana de Medicina (Latin American Medicine School) or ELAM located in Havana from the examination. Under the agreement, the diplomas of ELAM students would be automatically recognized as valid in Brazil. The Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva signed the endorsement of this agreement last year during his visit to Cuba.

The Brazilian Regional Council of Medicine from São Paulo is opposed to the idea of accepting the Cuban diplomas and is to dispute the deal in Court. The council says the government decision is unfair and disadvantages Brazilian students. It also says that the decision puts the Brazilian community at risk because of differences between Cuban and Brazilian medical education. Cuban physicians are prepared for Cuban conditions and necessities in health which differ from Brazilian ones. Additionally the council argues that the decision is against the law because the Brazilian 44045 Edict demands that all medical students from foreign schools have to pass a careful examination.

The Cuban First Secretary of Technical and Scientific Collaboration in Health, Filisberto Perez, recognizes that both Brazil and Cuba have different models of apprenticeship in medicine. However he believes that Cuba and Brazil can recognize each other’s diplomas without difficulty.

Early this year, a team of Brazilian inspectors visited the leading medical schools in Cuba to evaluate them so the degrees can be formalized.

The MEC’s decision has angered some Brazilian students. “Why would I study for two years so I could get admitted to a Brazilian school if it would be easier to “buy” my diploma in Cuba?” asks Artur Oliveira Mendes in a email sent to a academic organization. He added: “…our schools of medicine are demoralized before the president’s declaration.”

The Brazilian students who are in Cuba were selected by the PT, PCdoB, and MST.

Senator José Agripino Maia (PFL) asked the Minister of Education Tarso Genro to explain before the Senate Education Commission why the students from Cuba are being favoured by the Brazilian government.

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A Word On Rhinoplasty And Tummy Tucks

A Word on Rhinoplasty and Tummy Tucks


Terry Bayer

Rhinoplasty and tummy tucks are two of the most popular cosmetic surgeries today in Los Angeles. People often undergo these procedures to improve self-image because these may provide better looking facial and abdominal figures, respectively.

Rhinoplasty entails the re-shaping of a person s nose. It may involve the open or closed technique, which entails incisions on a person s nostrils to manipulate its existing shape. Tummy tuck on the other hand requires eliminating body fats and cutting loose skin from the abdomen. The surgery is said to sculpt a person s tummy and give it a better-looking shape.

If you re considering the procedures, think over the cost it entails. Los Angeles surgeon s make up to 80% of the operation s costs and you may need to pay the surgeon s fees upfront. If you don t have the budget and you re considering charging it on your credit card you have to be aware of the interest this may incur. For other important concerns, read the following points.


Surgeon s profile

The internet is ripe with news for

Los Angeles rhinoplasty surgeons

and tummy tuck ones too so finding your surgeon s details is easier. If you wish to check affiliations of the surgeons you re considering, you can log on to websites of the American Board of Plastic Surgery or the American Board of Surgery. These sites usually detail profiles of member surgeons so you can see if the surgeon you re consulting is credible.

Procedure prices

You can scan through several websites that advertise

Los Angeles tummy tuck

and rhinoplasty to get an idea of the current prices. Going through at least ten websites can get you an idea of the actual surgery rate and its accompanying fees. Once you see the websites, list down the prices so you can compare prices and clinic facilities.

Credible and cost efficient clinics

Los Angeles tummy tuck

and rhinoplasty clinics abound so you ll have no trouble in asking for their background. In doing this, call each clinic and ask to speak with the clinic s officer so that he or she may assist your inquiry. Ask the officer about clinic procedures, fees and amenities so you get a general idea of their practice.

For More Information, please visit our website at

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Calls for corporate tax reform in Australia goes unheeded

Category : Uncategorized

Friday, May 12, 2006

Peter Costello’s budget announcement has led to rejoicing for small businesses, but the lack of joy for those pushing for radical corporate taxation reform has led to many businesses asking “what about us?”

Personal taxation and small business have been the big winners after this year’s federal budget. Although dampened by the twin economic threats of rising interest rates and petrol prices, there should be a reasonable amount of real income savings for both low and high income earners, with those receiving Medicare, or a superannuation benefit, privy to an even lower level of taxation (0% for those on super benefits).

Small business also has benefited from the Howard government’s 11th annual budget, with them receiving a higher level of reducing depreciation, leading to a higher level of deductions in the years following the uptake of new technology or other capital. They are also privy to a AU$435 million dollar tax cut to compensate for their changing accounting requirements under the government’s new AIFRS reporting standards, as well as increasing the uptake of both the small business tax relief scheme and CGT (Capital Gains tax) Concessions.

The budget was not a complete loss for big business however, as superannuation laws have been tweaked to streamline contribution and payment rules previously impeding those with multitudes of staff.

But this is not enough, says Big 4 accounting firm Ernst & Young. In their newly published paper “Taxation of Investment in Australia: the need for ongoing reform”. In it they lead the charge for a greater streamlining and organization of the corporate tax system in Australia, submitting that it will lead to reductions in “disincentives to work save and invest in Australia [as well as improving] the international competitiveness of Australian businesses.” This follows from a recent report brought out by Mr. Costello himself about the need for tax reform in Australia.

A budget night Mr. Costello was notably coy about any future reform of corporate tax in Australia. He alluded to the report by his ministers but kept from outlining the government’s plan precisely.

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CanadaVOTES: CHP candidate Stefan Jetchick in Louis-Hébert

Category : Uncategorized

Friday, October 10, 2008

In an attempt to speak with as many candidates as possible during the 2008 Canadian federal election, Wikinews has talked via email with Stefan Jetchick, who is a candidate in Quebec’s Louis-Hébert riding, running under the Christian Heritage Party of Canada (CHP) banner. The CHP is a minor, registered political party running a significant number of candidates across the country, looking to earn its first ever seat in the House of Commons. Jetchick is their only candidate running in the province.

The Quebec riding of Louis-Hébert, in the Capitale-Nationale region, has existed in the House of Commons since 2004. It includes the west section of Quebec City, primarily Sainte-Foy—Sillery and Laurentien’s south end. The Conservative incumbent in the riding is Luc Harvey; also running are Pascal-Pierre Paillé (Bloc Québécois), Denis Blanchette (New Democratic Party), Jean Beaupré (Liberal Party of Canada), and Michelle Fontaine (Green Party of Canada).

The following is an interview with Mr. Jetchick, conducted via email. The interview is published unedited, as sent to Wikinews; this includes Mr. Jetchick’s separation of multipart questions into fragments, and his formatting relating to his applicable experience.

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Advantages Of Working With The Best Flag Company

Category : Arts


If you are planning to use flags for your event or occasion, you should start by identifying the best flag company. Flags are very effective when used in announcing an event, promoting or advertising a product, service or brand and even when used indoors. Currently, there are many companies that manufacture flags for their clients or customers.

However, it is important that you work with the best flag maker to get quality products that will serve your intended purpose effectively. A good flag manufacturer is a specialist company in the field of designing and manufacturing flags. The manufacturer is knowledgeable and experienced in making quality and customized flags.

Why choose the best flag company

Among the advantages that you enjoy by choosing the best flag firm include the following:

  • Fast turnaround time: The best flag firm uses state-of-the-art machines to produce flags. This implies that you will have your flags designed and printed efficiently even within 24 hours.
  • Professional assistance: A good firm has experienced professionals who have been in the industry for a long time. These will assist you in all steps of choosing the right materials, shape and designs of your products. Thus, you can never go wrong with your flags when you choose the best company.
  • Quality: All products from the best firm are made of superior quality materials including ink and fabrics. The right printing methods are also used to ensure that your specific needs are met and even exceeded.
  • Customization: The best firm ensures that all products are customized to suit the unique needs of the clients. Thus, you can be confident that the final products that you get from the best firm will serve the intended use for your business or company.
  • Durability: A good flag firm uses quality materials and indelible inks to come up with vibrant and durable products. This implies that your products will last long while conveying your messages to the target audiences.
  • Perfect products: The best firm uses the latest machines and innovative techniques to come up with perfect prints for the clients even if they have complex designs. Thus, regardless of the look, design or colors that you want your flags to have, the bests firm will come up with perfect products for your business.

With a good flag maker, you can rest assured that your products will be designed, hemmed, sewn and delivered to you on time.

David S. Touretzky discusses Scientology, Anonymous and Tom Cruise

Category : Uncategorized

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

David S. Touretzky, prominent free speech activist and critic of Scientology, discussed his opinions on the recent Internet backlash against the Church of Scientology in an interview with former Scientologist and Wikinews reporter Nicholas Turnbull. The recent conflict on the Internet between critics of Scientology and the Church has been spurred on in declarations by a nebulous Internet entity using the name Anonymous that the Church of Scientology “will be destroyed”. Anonymous has directed recent protests at Scientology centres across the world, which have attracted significant numbers of individuals supporting the cause. In recent e-mail correspondence with Wikinews, a representative of the Church of Scientology declared that the Church considers the activities of Anonymous to be illegal, and that Anonymous “will be handled and stopped”.

Touretzky, a research professor in artificial intelligence and computational neuroscience at Carnegie Mellon University, has been a prominent critic of the Church of Scientology since mid-1995, and has been protesting against Scientology vociferously since then; he has also run websites that publish material that Scientology wishes to keep suppressed from the public eye, such as extracts from Scientology’s formerly-confidential Operating Thetan (OT) materials. Touretzky views the actions of the Church of Scientology as being “a threat to free speech”, and has endured harassment by the Church of Scientology for his activities.

The Church of Scientology continues to suffer damage to its public reputation through increased exposure on the Internet and vocal protests by Scientology critics such as Prof. Touretzky. A recent event that focused intense attention on Scientology’s totalitarian attitude was the leak of an internal Church of Scientology propaganda video to the Internet video sharing site YouTube, in which celebrity Scientologist Tom Cruise spoke heavily in Scientology’s jargon and stated that that “we [Scientology] are the authorities” on resolving the difficulties of humanity. The declaration of war by Anonymous followed shortly after this leak, in the form of a video posted to the Internet.

The ongoing dispute, cast by some as Scientology versus the Internet, brought Scientology terms such as “SP” (Suppressive Person, an enemy of Scientology) and “KSW” (Keeping Scientology Working) into general usage by non-Scientologists from the late 1990s onwards; increased attention has been drawn to Scientology by the release of the Cruise video in addition to media coverage. This focus has caused an even greater propagation of these terms across the outside world, as Touretzky comments in the interview.

Wikinews asked Prof. Touretzky about the impact that the activities of Anonymous will have on Scientology, the public relations effect of the Tom Cruise video, the recent departure of individuals from the Church of Scientology’s executive management, the strategies that Anonymous will employ and Touretzky’s experiences of picketing the Church.

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Tomb discovered in Valley of the Kings

Category : Uncategorized

Friday, February 10, 2006

Archaeologists have discovered a tomb, referred to as KV63, in Egypt’s Valley of the Kings. It is the first such discovery since Howard Carter’s 1922 discovery of Tutankhamun‘s tomb. The discovery was made by a team from the University of Memphis. Zahi Hawass, head of the Supreme Council of Antiquities said in a statement that five intact sarcophagi that all contained mummies and 20 large storage jars that were sealed with pharaonic seals had been recovered.

American archaeologist Kent Weeks, who was not part of the team but had seen photographs of the site, told the Associated Press that “It could be the tomb of a king’s wife or son, or of a priest or court official”. The find refutes the long held belief that the Valley of the Kings has little left to discover. According to Weeks: “It’s ironic. A century ago, people said the Valley of the Kings is exhausted, there’s nothing left,” he said. “Suddenly Carter found Tutankhamun. So then they said, ‘Now there’s nothing to find.’ Then we found KV5. Now we have KV63.”

KV63 is located in the area between KV10 (Amenmesse) and KV62 (Tutankhamun), in the very centre of the Valley’s eastern branch and near the main crossroads of the network of paths traversed by thousands of tourists every day. The tomb was found at a depth of some three metres beneath the ground. The burial site is believed to date from the latter portion of the 18th dynasty (ca. 14th century BC), but the occupants have not yet been identified.

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