Roadside bomb kills NATO soldier in Afghanistan

Category : Uncategorized

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

According to NATO, one of its service members has died from a bomb attack at an army base in southern Afghanistan. In addition, an Afghan soldier reportedly died and the blast left three others injured.

The International Security Assistance Force released a statement yesterday, saying that “[the soldier] died today following an explosion at an Afghan National Army facility in Kabul.” An anonymous official said that the blast occurred when a mortar fuse exploded while a training exercise was underway. The Taliban claimed responsibility for the incident, saying that an infiltrator had caused the explosion.

This latest death brings the total death toll of foreign soldiers in 2010 to 166 in Afghanistan.

The last deaths reported by NATO were of two Dutch soldiers killed Saturday by a roadside bomb in the Uruzgan province. The Netherlands’ Defense Ministry said a third Dutch soldier had been seriously wounded in that attack.

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Oil in Alberta spill may be carcinogenic

Category : Uncategorized

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

The province of Alberta, Canada is considering legal action against Canadian National Railway for failing to warn that a derailment last week contaminated Wabamun Lake with a hazardous chemical.

The 700,000 litres of heavy Bunker C fuel oil that spilled into the lake asphyxiated birds and killed fish.

In addition, one of the ruptured tanker cars sent 70,000 liters of Imperial Pole Treating Oil into the lake. This oil is a yellow mixture of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and aliphatic hydrocarbons. Naphthalene, a component of this “very toxic material” is suspected of causing skin cancer if touched and lung or other cancers if inhaled.[1] Inhalation is promoted by actions that cause splashing or foaming. The mineral oil is used in connection with pentachlorophenol for preserving wooden utility poles.

Wabamun Lake is a popular summertime recreational area about 65 kilometers (40 miles) west of Edmonton, Alberta.

The 766-megawatt Keephills power generating plant, one of 3 in Wabamun, was shut down because the coal-fired plant uses water from the lake. Edmonton’s health authority ordered people not to swim, boat or rescue animals in the lake and to stop using its water or any water from nearby wells for cooking, drinking, showering or brushing teeth. These warnings came 3 days after many residents, including children, had been wading into the oil slick without protective clothing to save wildlife injured by the spill and others had been routinely depending on the lakewater for home use. Why the alert was not issued sooner remains under investigation and may result in criminal charges. Canadian National Railway had been informed of the nature of the oil when it was loaded by Imperial Oil Ltd., Canada’s largest petroleum company. Imperial Oil is posting informational updates on a special website [2]. In addition The Wabamun Residents Committee has established an information website [3].

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Saving With Coupons: Brand Loyalty Can Pay Off

Category : Shredding Service

By Linda Polansky

There are a lot of discount stores these days, and more and more store chains are making their own brands of products that are often less expensive than traditional brand names. If your family prefers name brand items though, your favorite brands may be willing to help you out with coupons, free samples, or other special offers to keep you coming back. Here are some popular brand name items and ways you can save with them.

Luvs (diapers and wipes) frequently has coupons in Sunday paper circulars. In addition, if you go to their website at, you can register to receive emails about special offers and occasional free samples. They also have a monthly sweepstakes to win a month’s supply of free diapers. If you have twins (or more), they will send you a package of coupons for their products.

Proctor and Gamble has a wide array of familiar brands, from Folgers to Charmin. At their website,, you can find information on coupons and special offers. At any given time, there are usually a couple of free samples that you can request. You can find out if your local paper carries the Proctor and Gamble brand saver coupon circular, and find out what products are featured in that week’s circular. There are also contests and giveaways, and articles with tips on taking care of yourself, your home, and your pet.


Colgate Palmolive is another brand behemoth, with products for health and hygiene, home care, and pets. Internet coupons for many products are available at their website, If the stores where you shop don’t accept internet coupons, they also have coupons in Sunday circulars. You can also find special offers on the website. Like other sites, you can sign up to be notified by email about special offers, sweepstakes, and savings.

Kimberly-Clark makes products like Depend undergarments and Cottonelle bathroom tissue. While it takes a little longer to find on their website than some others, there is a section of their website at where you can go to the sites of individual brands and print out internet coupons or enter to win free products.

Basic common sense says most companies want to keep your business and wants you to try new products and their other brands that you may not currently be using. Just put your favorite brands in your search engine and you can be on your way to saving money and keeping your family happy at the same time.

About the Author: Linda Polansky writes about Luggage Coupons , Backpack Coupons and Coupons Codes


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2008 Leisure Taiwan launched in Taipei World Trade Center

Category : Uncategorized

Saturday, July 19, 2008

This year’s Leisure Taiwan trade show (a.k.a Taiwan Sport Recreation and Leisure Show) started yesterday, with 131 companies participating including sports media companies such as ESPN and VideoLand Television, businesses selling sports equipment and fitness clubs.

There were also a variety of sports being played in the arena built for the trade show. The events included a 3-on-3 basketball tournament, free style shooting, and bicycle test-riding. In addition, conferences discussed issues related to sports and physical education.

A major topic in the trade show was energy-efficiency and, as a result, bicycles and similar sports equipment were being heavily promoted.

Next Tuesday, companies from the electronics industry plan to promote their industry at “2008 Digital E-Park.” In previous years, organizations from the electronics industry have showcased their products at Leisure Taiwan instead of at the Digital E-Park, so this move has reduced the number of markets covered by Leisure Taiwan.

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2008 TaiSPO: Interview with Ideal Bike Corporation and Gary Silva

Category : Uncategorized

Friday, March 28, 2008

2008 Taipei International Cycle Show (Taipei Cycle) & Taipei International Sporting Goods Show (TaiSPO) not only did a best reunion with conjunctions of the launch of Taipei World Trade Center Nangang Exhibition and the concurrent cycling race of 2008 Tour de Taiwan but also provide opportunities and benefits for sporting goods, bicycle, and athlete sports industries to establish the basis of the sourcing center in Asia and notabilities on the international cycling race.

Although the Taipei cycle was split from the TaiSPO since 1988, but the trends of sporting good industry in Taiwan changed rapidly and multiply because of modern people’s lifestyles and habits. After the “TaiSPO Innovation Award” was established since 2005, the fitness and leisure industries became popular stars as several international buyers respected on lifestyle and health.

For example, some participants participated Taipei Cycle and TaiSPO with different product lines to do several marketing on bicycle and fitness equipments, this also echoed the “Three New Movements” proposed by Giant Co., Ltd. to make a simple bicycle with multiple applications and functions. As of those facts above, Wikinews Journalist Rico Shen interviewed Ideal Bike Corporation and Gary Silva, designer of “3G Steeper” to find out the possibilities on the optimizations between two elements, fitness and bicycle.

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Cisco sues Apple for iPhone trademark

Category : Uncategorized

Friday, January 12, 2007

The iPhone only made its appearance as a prototype and there have been controversies aroused.

The dispute has come up between the manufacturer of the iPhone (which was presented on Wednesday for the first time) — Apple Inc. — and a leader in network and communication systems, based in San Jose — Cisco. The company claims to possess the trademark for iPhone, and moreover, that it sells devices under the same brand through one of its divisions.

This became the reason for Cisco to file a lawsuit against Apple Inc. so that the latter would stop selling the device.

Cisco states that it has received the trademark in 2000, when the company overtook Infogear Technology Corp., which took place in 1996.

The Vice President and general counsel of the company, Mark Chandler, explained that there was no doubt about the excitement of the new device from Apple, but they should not use a trademark, which belongs to Cisco.

The iPhone developed by Cisco is a device which allows users to make phone calls over the voice over Internet protocol (VoIP).

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Benefits Of Hiring A Bankruptcy Attorney In Hamilton, Oh

Category : Financial Planning

byAlma Abell

If a person finds themselves in a financial problem they cannot get out of, their only option may be filing for bankruptcy. If an individual is considering filing for bankruptcy, they should hire a bankruptcy attorney in Hamilton OH. There are several ways that an attorney can help.

Realistic Evaluation of the Situation


In some cases, bankruptcy may be the individual’s best options. In other cases, a credit counselor can help the individual get out of financial trouble without needing to file for bankruptcy. Most people would not be able to look at their situation and know the best course of action to take. A Bankruptcy Attorney in Hamilton OH can look the individual’s financial situation and give them the best advice for their particular situation.

Chapter 7 or Chapter 13?

If bankruptcy is the best option, the individual would need to figure out which type of bankruptcy would best suit their needs. Chapter 7 would remove any unsecured debt that the individual has. Also, it would remain on their credit report longer than Chapter 13 would. Chapter 13 give the individual more time to pay their bills. It takes the knowledge of a bankruptcy attorney to help the individual decide which type would be best for them.

Knowledge of Bankruptcy Laws

There are several bankruptcy laws that most people would not have any knowledge of. The lack of knowledge of these laws can have a serious effect on the bankruptcy case. When an individual hires a bankruptcy attorney, they will have someone on their side to help them understand the laws and processes.

Assistance With the Paperwork

There is a great deal of paperwork involved in a bankruptcy case. If the paperwork is not filed properly or on time, it can cause a delay in the case. In some cases, it can cause the application for bankruptcy to be denied. When the individual hires a bankruptcy lawyer, they will have someone to help them with the necessary paperwork, so there are no delays in the process.

The decision to file for bankruptcy can be a difficult one to make. Also, the process can be very complicated and confusing. If an individual is considering filing for bankruptcy, they should contact Dean Snyder Attorney At Law. With a lawyer in their corner, they can be sure to make the right decisions.

Race to save Chilean miners trapped underground from spiralling into depression continues

Category : Uncategorized

Thursday, September 2, 2010

It has emerged that the 33 Chilean miners trapped underground after the mine they were working in collapsed could be brought to the surface in a shorter time than was initially feared. While officials publicly announced that the men would not be brought to the surface until Christmas, sources inside technical meetings have revealed that they could in fact be on the surface by early November. The news comes as families were allowed to speak by radio-telephone to their trapped loved ones on Sunday. Over the weekend, video images filmed by the miners emerged showing the miners playing dominoes at a table and singing the Chilean national anthem. The miners also used the camera to send video messages to their families on the surface, saying that they regularly broke into tears, but were feeling better having received food and water.

The grainy nightvision images, filmed on a high definition camcorder that was sent down a small shaft to the mine, show the men in good spirits, chanting “long live Chile, and long live the miners.” They are unshaven and stripped to the waist because of the heat underground, and are seen wearing white clinical trousers that have been designed to keep them dry. Giving a guided tour of the area they are occupying, Mario Sepúlveda, one of the miners, explains they have a “little cup to brush our teeth”, and a place where they pray each day. “We have everything organized,” he tells the camera. Gesturing to the table in the center of the room, he says that “we meet here every day. We plan, we have assemblies here every day so that all the decisions we make are based on the thoughts of all 33.” Another unidentified miner asks to rescuers, “get us out of here soon, please.” A thermometer is shown in the video, reading 29.5C (85F).

As the film continues, it becomes evident that the miners have stuck a poster of a topless woman on the wall. The miners appear shy, and one man puts his hand to his face, presumably dazzled by the light mounted on the cameraman’s helmet. One miner sent a message to his family. “Be calm”, he says. “We’re going to get out of here. And we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your efforts.” Another said that the miners are “sure that there are people here in Chile that are big people, that are powerful people, that are intelligent people, and they have the technology and they will all work together to get us out of here.” Speaking to the camera, one says: “we have had the great fortune that trapped in this mine there are good, professional people. We have electricians, we have mechanics, we have machine operators and we will let you know that while you are working to rescue us on the surface, we are down here ready to help you too.” It has been reported that Mario Gómez, 63, has become the group’s “spiritual leader”, having worked in the mines for over fifty years. He has requested that materials to build a shrine be sent down to the cavern.

Upon seeing the video in a private screening, family members, who are living in a small village of tents at the entrance to the San José copper-gold mine—which they have named Camp Hope—were elated. “He’s skinny, bearded and it was painful to see him with his head hanging down, but I am so happy to see him alive”, said Ruth Contreras, the mother of Carlos Bravo, who is trapped in the mine. The video, of which only a small portion has been released to the public, shows the miners, many of them wearing helmets, cracking jokes and thanking the rescuers for their continued efforts. The supplies are being sent to the men through a small shaft only twelve centimeters wide, and a laboratory has been set up with the purpose of designing collapsible cots and miniature sandwiches, which can be sent down such a narrow space.

CNN reported on Friday that “officials are splitting the men into two shifts so one group sleeps while the other works or has leisure time .. On average, each man has lost 22 pounds (10 kilograms) since they became trapped three weeks ago, and dehydration remains a threat. But a survey of the men indicates that at least nine miners are still too overweight to fit through the proposed rescue shaft. Initially, the miners survived by draining water from a water-cooled piece of equipment. To stay hydrated in the 90-degree mine, each miner must drink eight or nine pints of water per day.”

But while there are jubilant celebrations on the surface that the miners are alive, officials are now nervous that the miners could become depressed, trapped in a dark room the size of a small apartment. Chilean health minister Jaime Mañalich said that, on the video, he saw the telltale signs of depression. “They are more isolated, they don’t want to be on the screen, they are not eating well”, he said. “I would say depression is the correct word.” He said that doctors who had watched the video had observed the men suffering from “severe dermatological problems.” Dr. Rodrigo Figueroa, head of the trauma, stress and disaster unit at the Catholic University in Santiago, Chile, explained that “following the euphoria of being discovered, the normal psychological reaction would be for the men to collapse in a combination of fatigue and stress … People who are trained for emergencies – like these miners – tend to minimize their own needs or to ignore them. When it is time to ask for help, they don’t.” NASA has advised emergency workers that entertaining the miners would be a good idea. They are to be sent a television system complete with taped football matches. Another dilemma facing Mañalich is whether the miners should be permitted to smoke underground. While nicotine gum has been delivered to the miners, sending down cigarettes is a plan that has not been ruled out.

With the news that drilling of the main rescue tunnel was expected to begin on Monday, officials have informed the media that they hope to have the miners out of the mine by Christmas—but sources with access to technical meetings have suggested that the miners could actually be rescued by the first week of November. A news report described the rescue plan—”the main focus is a machine that bores straight down to 688m and creates a chimney-type duct that could be used to haul the miners out one by one in a rescue basket. A second drilling operation will attempt to intercept a mining tunnel at a depth of roughly 350m. The miners would then have to make their way through several miles of dark, muddy tunnels and meet the rescue drill at roughly the halfway point of their current depth of 688m.” Iván Viveros Aranas, a Chilean policeman working at Camp Hope, told reporters that Chile “has shown a unity regardless of religion or social class. You see people arriving here just to volunteer, they have no relation at all to these families.”

But over the weekend, The New York Times reported that the “miners who have astonished the world with their discipline a half-mile underground will have to aid their own escape — clearing 3,000 to 4,000 tons of rock that will fall as the rescue hole is drilled, the engineer in charge of drilling said Sunday … The work will require about a half-dozen men working in shifts 24 hours a day.” Andrés Sougarret, a senior engineer involved in operating the drill said that “the miners are going to have to take out all that material as it falls.”

The families of those trapped were allowed to speak to them by radio-telephone on Sunday—a possibility that brought reassurance both the miners and those on the surface. The Intendant of the Atacama Region, Ximena Matas, said that there had been “moments of great emotion.” She continued to say that the families “listened with great interest and they both felt and realized that the men are well. This has been a very important moment, which no doubt strengthens their [the miners’] morale.” The phone line is thought to be quite temperamental, but it is hoped that soon, those in the mine and those in Camp Hope will be able to talk every day. “To hear his voice was a balm to my heart … He is aware that the rescue is not going to happen today, that it will take some time. He asked us to stay calm as everything is going to be OK … He sounded relaxed and since it was so short I didn’t manage to ask anything. Twenty seconds was nothing”, said said Jessica Cortés, who spoke to her husband Víctor Zamora, who was not even a miner, but a vehicle mechanic. “He went in that day because a vehicle had broken down inside the mine … At first they told us he had been crushed [to death].”

Esteban Rojas sent up a letter from inside the mine, proposing to his long-time partner Jessica Yáñez, 43. While they have officially been married for 25 years, their wedding was a civil service—but Rojas has now promised to have a church ceremony which is customary in Chile. “Please keep praying that we get out of this alive. And when I do get out, we will buy a dress and get married,” the letter read. Yáñez told a newspaper that she thought he was never going to ask her. “We have talked about it before, but he never asked me … He knows that however long it takes, I’ll wait for him, because with him I’ve been through good and bad.”

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Ground broken on Northpoint development in Cambridge, Massachusetts

Category : Uncategorized

A view of the Leonard Zakim bridge from the construction site. The warehouses at right will be replaced by a five-acre park within two years. The elevated roadway in the foreground is the John F. Gilmore Bridge.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Cambridge, Massachusetts —Construction of two condominium buildings and a five-acre park began on March 21, in East Cambridge, Massachusetts. The buildings and park are part of the 45-acre Northpoint development, which will take 15 years and more than $2bn to complete, according to the Boston Globe. The buildings, designated as “Building S” and “Building T” by the planners of the project, Spaulding & Slye Colliers, have been designed by local architectural firm Childs Bertman Tseckares and Architects Alliance from Toronto. Buildings S and T are the first of an eventual 20 buildings planned at the site.

The development will fill what used to be a railroad yard for the Guilford Rail System, a subsidiary of Guilford Transportation Industries. According to, Guilford is controlled by Timothy Mellon, heir to the Mellon banking fortune. Guilford Rail Systems has its headquarters in North Billerica and owns 1600 miles of railroad throughout New England. The tracks in the Northpoint plot have been removed, though Boston subway’s Lechmere station remains within walking distance of the site, along with parts of Boston and Cambridge. The site is bordered by Route 93 on its eastern side, Monsignor O’Brien Highway to the west, and the Gilmore Bridge to the south.

The landscape architecture of the park is provided by Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates, a landscape architecture firm on Concord Avenue in Cambridge. The firm’s principal teaches in Harvard’s Graduate School of Design. MVVA is also completing the landscape for Harvard’s Northwest Science Building.

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A Brief Guide To Enjoy A Memorable Dubai Travel}

Category : 4 Wd

A Brief Guide to Enjoy a Memorable Dubai Travel


Mukhtar AhmadThe land of skyscrapers- Dubai is known for the amalgamation of ultra-modern, ancient Arabian culture and cosmopolitan lifestyle. A visit to Dubai will make you witness the glittering shopping festivals, indulge in loads of adventure and enjoy culinary delights. Dubai has plenty to offer. For a large group who are on a company holiday trip, it is always wise to rely on a reputable bus hire company in UAE. This will help you enjoy a convenient and comfortable group travel experience in Dubai. Here is a brief guide that can enhance your travel experience, please have a look! 1. When to Visit Dubai: November to March: November to April is the time for Dubai winters, which makes it the best time to visit this place. During this time the weather is pleasant and allows tourists or visitors to indulge in all kinds of activities. The much loved Dubai Shopping Festival is held during the months January and February. Remember this is the peak season! Hotel rates and airfares tend to go high during this time! So, make sure to book well in advance. April to October: During the months from April to May till October, the temperatures begin to rise. The summer months in Dubai are hot and humid. If you want to avoid crowds and enjoy the less expensive hotel and airfare booking, then travel during this time will prove to be effective. 2. How to Reach Dubai?By Air- Dubai International Airport: The Dubai International Airport is the busiest and only airport in the metropolis in the UAE. By Bus- Emirates Express: The Emirates Express connects Dubai to all other emirates like Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, and others. By Road or Self Drive: Driving through Oman is the only way to enter Dubai and does not require a permit (only an exit charge is required). 3. What to See and Do in Dubai?Burj Khalifa: Burj Khalifa is a world-famous structure that stands tall at 828 meters in Downtown Dubai. It is known as the tallest man-made structure in the world. The Burj Khalifa displays an exceptional work of art, for which it has been called as the Jewel of Dubai. At the top of the building, you will get an uninterrupted view of the city’s skyline and beyond. Dubai Aquarium and Underwater Zoo: Here you will get an opportunity to explore the many species of fish like piranha, otters, Humboldt penguins, lionfish, caiman crocodiles, giant spider crabs and more. At the Aquarium store, you can shop exciting souvenirs. Desert Safari: For adventure enthusiasts, Dubai proves to be a huge playground. On a desert safari, you can hit the sands in a monstrous 4×4 SUV or indulge in sand boarding, dune bashing, camel desert safari and quad biking. 4. How to get around conveniently?There are many public transportation options in Dubai to get around the city. Considering public transportation can prove to be an inconvenient way when traveling with a large group. In this case, organizations or companies, who want to arrange a comfortable Dubai travel for a large group, can rely on reputable bus hire company in UAE. This will ensure a comfortable, safe and convenient Dubai travel experience. By booking a luxury and well-equipped bus from the bus hire company in UAE, you can arrange an exciting Dubai city tour.

This article is produced by Wadi Swat Passengers Buses Transport, a Dubai bus rental &

Bus hire company in UAE


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