Wikinews Shorts: October 21, 2006

Category : Uncategorized

A compilation of brief news reports forSunday, October 22, 2006

October 20, 2006

The UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has urged the Lebanese government to speed up the process of disarming the Hezbollah. Annan said that transforming Hezbollah into a solely political party with no armed branch should bring the country a step closer to full sovereignty.

October 19, 2006

Early this morning at approximately 5 a.m. local time, the weapons warehouse in Para?in, Serbia caught on fire. Most of the weapons in the warehouse were the explosives so there were explosions in the warehouse for more than 1 hour. Approximately 8 people were wounded in the accident; among them were a few policemen.

October 18, 2006

On Tuesday morning, United States President George Bush signed into law the Military Commissions Act of 2006.

October 18, 2006

The government of Iran has banned service providers from offering high-speed internet access, of speeds above 128kbps. The telecom regulator declined to explain the reasons for the ban, which is seen by a pro-reformist newspaper, Etemad as part of an effort to counter western “cultural invasion”.

October 17, 2006

A subway train in Rome collided with another in Vittorio station. At least one woman has died and 60 people are injured.

Retrieved from “,_2006&oldid=4638555”

Ford, Fiat to produce small cars together

Category : Uncategorized

Friday, September 9, 2005

Italian-based Fiat Auto SPA and US-based Ford Motor Co. announced they signed an agreement to cooperate in designing two small car models. This came only seven months after General Motors severed their relationship with Fiat.

Both companies plan to work together on a new version of the popular Fiat Cinquecento and on a replacement for the Ford Ka, both to be based on the Fiat Panda platform.

The cooperation can help reduce the companies’ small car production costs and ease financial difficulties they are facing. Ford is struggling with high labor and health care costs, while Fiat suffers from its unprofitable Italian plants.

After the deal was announced, shares of Fiat rose $0.06 to $9.44, while Ford gained $0.06 to $9.95 on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

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Belgian formation talks: King consults incumbent PM

Category : Uncategorized

Monday, December 3, 2007

The caretaker prime minister of Belgium, Guy Verhofstadt, reappeared on the political stage today as he accepted the royal request to suggest solutions to the ongoing federal government formation talks.

Recollecting his statement to the press on June 10, 2007, when he recognised his electoral loss and the victory of his opponent Yves Leterme, he told reporters today that he “hadn’t thought nor hoped to face you once more, but the King has asked me to inform him on a short term about possible strategies to deal with the political stalemate in which we have ended up over the last few months.”

Our country is experiencing one of its most severe political crises of the last decades. The elections are six months behind us you see, and the country still doesn’t have a worthy government. Meanwhile, our country’s image is being damaged en socio-economic and daily problems of the people remain unsolved.

Indeed, after 177 days, the country’s political parties have still found no compromise on the roles of the French- and Dutch-language community. Two days ago, Leterme returned to King Albert II to tender his resignation as leader of the formation talks.

The incumbent PM said he would discretely contact the leaders of all democratic parties during the next few days. He said his starting point would be dual: the country needs a considerable reform of its federal status, and there are certain urgent problems that outrange the capacities of the caretaker government dealing with the ongoing affairs.

Verhofstadt called for all involved to take responsibility, in the interest of the country and its citizens.

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Finding The Confidence: Breast Implants In Arlington Heights

byAlma Abell

It is a common misconception that the decision to get breast implants is always made for purely cosmetic reasons. Many women choose to undergo breast augmentation because their breasts never fully developed in their youth, a medical condition known as micromastia. This condition can lead to stress in their social lives and low self-esteem in young women. Studies have even show that women with micromastia are at a greater risk of developing eating disorders such as bolimia and anorexia. For women suffering from micromastia, the decision to get breast implants can greatly increase their quality of life.

Of course, breast implants are not always just about size. Breast enhancements are often used to help a woman regain her figure after giving birth or to help cancer patients reclaim their bodies. They can also correct symmetry for both the breast and the aerola, resize the aerola, and revitalize breasts that have begun to sag due to age. Most importantly, the decision to under go this type of surgery can greatly improve a woman’s confidence. In fact, there have been multiple studies done on the psychological effect of breast enhancements, and studies show that most women experience an increase in confidence, self-respect, and satisfaction with their sex lives. Breast augmentation is not for everyone, and candidates should confer with their doctor and surgeon before undergoing surgery.

If you are looking for Breast Implants in Arlington Heights, visit Liposuction & Cosmetic Surgery Institute. With many years of experience under their belts, Doctors Leon Tcheupdjian M.D. And David Ross M.D. offer free consultations and expert care for your Breast Implants in Arlington Heights. After surgery, most women can expect a short recovery time, minimal discomfort, and a great new look!

It is never too late to get the figure you have always wanted, so consider making the dream a reality. Why continue to suffer from the social anxiety and low self-esteem that so many women experience due to micromastia and other medical issues? Getting breast implants can help make a happier, healthier, more successful you; the you you have always deserved to be. So don’t be afraid to take charge of your life and make the change you’ve always wanted.

Wisconsin Democratic Party calls for Impeachment of Bush, Cheney, & Rumsfeld

Category : Uncategorized

Sunday, June 12, 2005

In Oshkosh, Wisconsin, the Democratic Party of Wisconsin adopted the following resolution at their state convention:

WHEREAS, the Downing Street Memo shows that Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld began planning and executing the war on Iraq before seeking Congressional and UN approval;
WHEREAS, UN weapons inspectors showed prior to the invasion that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq; and
WHEREAS, there is further mounting evidence that the Administration lied or misled about “mushroom clouds,” “connections to 9/11,” and “war as a last resort” as they sought UN, Congressional, and public approvals;
THEREFORE, RESOLVED, the DPW asks Congress to immediately begin impeachment proceedings against President Bush, Vice President Cheney and Defense Secretary Rumsfeld.

The resolution alleges that the Bush administration “lied or misled” Congress and the American people concerning the justification for the war. The “Downing Street memo” and reports from U.N. weapons inspectors are mentioned as evidence of deception.

Newly elected state party Chairman Joe Wineke said, “Democrats, not only in Wisconsin but throughout the U.S., have been outraged by what we believe has been a clear cover-up of why the U.S. went into Iraq,” and that the resolution expresses “the sense of frustration that Democrats in Wisconsin have over fighting a war for the wrong reasons.”

Charles Franklin, a University of Wisconsin-Madison professor, does not think the resolution will be successful and said that even if the House of Representatives began impeachment proceedings against the president and vice president, “I don’t think you can impeach the secretary of defense”.

Retrieved from “,_Cheney,_%26_Rumsfeld&oldid=4602181”

Several groups seek to purchase Saturn auto brand

Category : Uncategorized

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Penske Automotive Group, Inc., an Ohio-based investment group and Telesto Ventures have indicated separately that they are interested in purchasing the Saturn auto brand from General Motors (GM).

According to The Wall Street Journal, Nissan-Renault is interested in purchasing Saturn. Bloomberg, however, indicated that Nissan-Renault may be a partner of Penske’s potential bid. If Penske acquired the brand, they would distribute Saturn vehicles and outsource the assembly.

GM revealed that the Saturn brand along with Saab and Hummer were up for sale when unveiling their restructuring plans to Congress for governmental loans. While the Pontiac brand was originally to be a niche brand, GM had changed their plans recently and decided to eliminate the brand.

Telesto Ventures is an investment group that includes private equity firm Black Oak Partners LLC of Oklahoma City and several Saturn dealerships. Initially, Telesto will purchase Saturn branded cars from GM then act as a general retailer for foreign brands. Telesto is in talks with several foreign manufacturers.

The Ohio group includes many former senior auto company managers plus private financial backers, chemists and engineers who live in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and Florida. This group plans to initially purchase cars from GM then purchase existing but closed plants due to automaker restructuring. Additionally, one of the partners indicated a willingness to accept some “legacy” cost in relation to the United Auto Workers. The Ohio group is also pursuing possible loans or other support from national and state governments.

GM is reviewing several offers for Saturn. GM has contracted with S.J. Girsky & Co. to advise them on the sale.

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Booking A Melbourne Airport Shuttle Transfer Service And Enjoy

Category : Parking

Booking a Melbourne Airport Shuttle Transfer service and enjoy


ramk3029The amount of traffic journeying through this airport is truly awesome. Melbourne to Quarterly report air travel rout is considered to be the third highly traveled atmosphere route by passengers all around the world. In Asia Pacific this rout is the second most traveled and busiest route. One of the attractive highlights of the airport is that it offers primary flights to a lot of destinations all around the state and also territories regarding Australia. Including some of the locations like Oceania, Africa, Asia, United States, Europe and the like. For 5 of the Australia’s 7 capital declares, Airport bus Melbourne will be the common airport places. Tullamarine Airport in Melbourne should really be one of the busiest international airports for international export shipment as of December 2008. On other hand it is the second busiest international import freight.For the service, amenities, and tourism the particular airport received a major international Air Transport Skull cap Award in the year 2003. People appreciate all of the services and also tour amenities supplied on airport, in routes, and at appearance at destination by the Melbourne airport. With one global terminal, one budget terminal for domestic routes, and two home-based terminals, the airport consists of total four terminals functioning. Tullamarine Airport in Melbourne is featured together with four terminals together with 56 gates. 40 gates are for home-based purpose whereas 16 gates are internationally operated. 6 dedicated parking positions add up some extra features for that airport.Consumers can check out with all the airline options and all flights being operated from the airport as per needs. The particular Tullamarine melbourne airport transport

is also popular for its cargo providers offered to transport materials from one city to other as per consumers needs. Customers can check out with all other services and the hotels associated with the international airports. Four major hotels of the Melbourne city serve for the airport with expert providers. Multi level car park area, relaxation rooms, McDonalds, Mercedes Benz dealership and others are located for customers on the main gate entrance road of the airport. The favorite Melbourne Airport Golf Club is just situated adjacent to North To the south runway of the Tullamarine Airport in Melbourne. The appearance regarding double-decker Airbus A380 is expected with the aid of construction work being performed. The Melbourne airport operates with two of the major runways together with 3657 meters intersecting each other. The particular Tullamarine Airport has received lots of accolades for serving people with comfort and providers.

Booking a Melbourne Airport Shuttle Transfer service to go to the airport. Melbourne Airport Shuttle Transfers should be your first choice for cheap convenient transport from and back to the Airport. We operate on the basis that our customers need and it shouldn’t be expensive so don’t pay too much, try us today. When booking a airport shuttle melbourne

Transfer at to go to the airport, always allow a minimum of 2 hours prior to domestic flights and 3 hours prior to international flights when making a booking from the city to the airport. Be advised that domestic flights with Tiger need to be treated in a similar fashion to an international flight as they have a very strict check in procedures.

Be advised that domestic flights with Tiger need to be treated in a similar fashion to an international flight as they have a very strict check in procedures.

Article Source:

CoolBrands: New Zealand coolest place in the world

Category : Uncategorized

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

New Zealand has been voted the coolest place in the world by United Kingdom brand: CoolBrands.

Coolbrands is owned by a consultancy firm in the UK, called Superbrands. It started in 2001, CoolBrands is a way of telling how ‘cool’ a brand is. Superbrands defines “brands that have become extremely desirable among many style leaders and influencers. They have a magic about them, signifying that users have an exceptional sense of taste and style.”

George Hickton, chief executive of Tourism New Zealand, said: “This win is a vindication of the recent work we’ve put in to the UK market, with the Chelsea Flower Show and our 100% Pure New Zealand advertising campaign ensuring New Zealand stays top of mind with potential travellers.”

“It’s very gratifying to see we are such a desirable destination, especially as this poll includes opinion leaders who can have an real influence on people’s travel choices.” says Mr Hickton. “this is the second award New Zealand has received in the UK this September, with Conde Nast Traveller magazine also voting New Zealand best destination this month.”

Editor of Condé Nast Traveler Magazine, Sarah Miller, called New Zealand a “point of authenticity.” And professional nation brander, Wally Olin, said “New Zealand has been very, very clever. It has turned its disadvantages into advantages.”

“Reaping the benefits of its recent marketing campaign, New Zealand is apparently the hottest place to be,” said the London News.

650 brands were chosen by researchers which were then put before 23 judges and were made available for the public, of which 1,725 people participated in an online survey. Five percent of the original 650 made it to the finals, including Morocco, Maldive and Australia.

New Zealand receives most of its tourists from Australia, closely followed by the UK.

The top ten destinations included:

  1. New Zealand
  2. Morocco
  3. Fiji
  4. Prague
  5. Australia
  6. Maldives
  7. Amsterdam
  8. Brighton
  9. Bahamas
  10. Bermuda
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Former Chadian leader receives death sentence

Category : Uncategorized

Friday, August 15, 2008

Hissen Habre, the former President of Chad, has received a death sentence for plotting to overthrow the Chadian government. He is currently in exile and is living in Senegal.

In addition, the head of Rally of Forces for Change, Timane Erdimi, was sentenced to death in absentia as well as 10 other individuals. Erdimi is related to the current President of Chad, Idriss Déby. 32 other people were penalized with hard labor.

The inquiry said that Habre’s government was responsible for 40,000 politically motivated murders and 200,000 torture cases.

The trial, which began on Tuesday, lasted for three days. The individuals tried in the hearing, received no legal defence throughout the period. El Hadj Diouf, Habre’s lawyer in Senegal, stated that “this is a manipulation … I’m not taking this seriously.” Habre is expected to be tried in Senegal per the request of the African Union. The trial could potentially be years away, as no official date has been set.

Since being forced out of power in 1990, Habre has fought in a rebellion against the Chadian government along the eastern border of the country.

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Getting A Root Canal In Chicopee Ma: What You Need To Know


Very few people actually realize the importance of good dental health in time. This is the reason cavities and decay are still the main cause of premature tooth loss in both children and adults. In case you are having a tooth decay problem, you will need a dentist to have a look at the teeth early enough as this could save your natural tooth. Here are some important things that you need to know about the process of getting a Root Canal in Chicopee MA.

What dental anomalies are restored by getting a root canal?

You can get a root canal procedure performed when any of the following problems happen:

* When you have cavities. Cavities that have reached and exposed the pulp cavity lead to bacterial infections that cause a lot of toothache. These bacteria are very destructive as it can spread the decay to the gums and the tooth root. The root canal procedure involves removing all the infected tissue and sealing the tooth to make sure that further infection does not occur.

* When you have a fractured tooth: When a tooth gets a fracture, its structure is compromised greatly. As a result, the tooth will be susceptible to decay. A root canal procedure will help save the tooth and protect it from further damage.

How is the procedure carried out?

* The first step involves the normal consultative meeting where the dentist will have a look at the affected teeth and determine whether the tooth should get a root canal.

* The other step will be setting up a date for the procedure. During the procedure, the dentist will sedate the patient if they have dental phobia. The sedative helps with relaxation. They will also use local anesthesia to numb the pain around the tooth.

* The dentist will expose the pulp cavity and remove all the rotting and infected tissue. This will leave a gap in the tooth. The dentist will use filler for this gap.

* The next part of the process is sealing the tooth to protect it from further damage. A crown will be put in place to stop any further damage.