West Papuans refugees forced to fly 4000ks despite tuberculosis fears

Category : Uncategorized

Friday, January 27, 2006

West Papuan asylum seekers, who arrived in Australia last week, were forced to make a 4000 kilometre journey to Christmas Island despite suspicions they had tuberculosis. The West Papuans were flown to Christmas Island on an RAAF Hercules last week.

Two of the group, a man and his child, have now been flown the 2,600 kilometres to Perth, Western Australia from the remote Indian Ocean island. Air force personnel had initially refused to fly them, concerned that the flight crew’s health would be at risk.

“It’s a complete farce, absurd” said one health official. “It has not only posed an unnecessary health risk, it has been hideously expensive.”

The West Papuans were among a group of 43 refugees found last week on the far north-west coast of Cape York in Queensland. They had made a five-day journey from the Indonesian province in an outrigger canoe. They arrived with banners accusing Indonesia’s military in the province ruled by Jakarta of genocide and intimidation. Their 25m traditional boat was fitted with an outboard motor and was flying the outlawed West Papuan flag.

Amid media scrutiny and the disapproval of the Indonesian government, the boat people underwent health checks before being sent to Christmas Island. X-rays and other medical examinations strongly indicated that at least one man had tuberculosis, yet the group were flown to Australia’s Christmas Island Immigration Detention Centre.

Upon landing at the Island, health officials recommended the patients be transferred to Perth. However, the crew of the RAAF Hercules refused to take them, saying they were not “adequately equipped”.

A Department of Immigration spokesman (DIMIA) said an alternative flight was arranged. “At this stage there has been no positive diagnosis for tuberculosis,” the spokesman said.

The removal of the asylum seekers to Christmas Island has been met with fierce criticism from many refugee rights groups and opposition parties, who say it was impractical, potentially traumatising and hugely expensive. The Immigration Department says it has interviewed most of the asylum seekers but won’t say if they have made formal asylum claims.

File:West-Papua-Rally Darwin2.jpg

Rallies in Sydney, Melbourne, Darwin, Canberra and Brisbane were held this week, in support of the West Papuan asylum seekers. Refugee rights advocates protested the forced transfer to the remote Christmas Island facility.

Melbourne auxiliary bishop Hilton Deakin told about 130 people demonstrating outside DIMIA headquarters in Melbourne that, “we know that already the Indonesian authorities, in Canberra and beyond, are trying to get to them.”

Yet the he Indonesian embassy in Canberra denied making any approach, saying: “I can guarantee that there has been no contact whatsoever, it hadn’t been requested, it was never even sought.”

But the Immigration Department has confirmed that “a junior delegation” from the embassy went to Weipa last Thursday seeking access to the asylum seekers. A spokesman for the Immigration Department said the Indonesians arrived in Weipa on Thursday but by then the Papuans had already been put on a plane for Christmas Island. The West Papuans were told they had a right to Indonesian consular assistance if they choose. “Not one has chosen to do so,” the spokesman said.

“The majority of these 43 people are leaders for free expression and self-determination and possible independence because of the oppression from which they suffer,” Bishop Deakin said. “Massacres, rapes and all the rest of it have gone on in that country for almost 30 years.”

He called on the Australian Government to cancel its training program with the Indonesian military.

Democrats leader Lyn Allison said the Australian Government had “got it wrong on this issue”. The 43 asylum seekers had been “whisked off” before they could tell their story, she said.

Greens Senator Kerry Nettle has called on the government to grant access to Papuan asylum seekers. The senator says they should not be in detention and they certainly should be allowed to communicate with the outside world.

Senator Nettle will go to Christmas Island this weekend to meet the imprisoned West Papuans. She said the immigration department is obligated under the Migration Act to allow her to meet them.

Meanwhile New Zealand Greens have offered to take the asylum seekers. “New Zealand can show the Howard government how to be compassionate, as we did back in 2001 when we took some Afghan asylum seekers from the Tampa,” the New Zealand Green Party Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Keith Locke says.

“It is shocking that the West Papuan refugees, having survived 450 kilometres of open water in a flimsy craft, are now bundled off to a Christmas Island detention camp – well out of range of those Australians who wish to help them,” he said.

“Under refugee law these Papuans deserve special consideration, having come directly from their claimed country of persecution, Indonesia, not via a third country, as is the case with most asylum seekers in this part of the world.

“The Papuans certain have a good prima facie case. I know from my own visit to West Papua last April that there is substantial and ongoing harassment of the local people, particularly those who assert their right to political self-determination,” said Mr Locke.

On Friday last week Indonesian security forces shot dead one Papuan protester, and wounded two others, in the Paniai district, where the 43 asylum seekers originate.

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5 Ways To Get More Chlorophyll In Your Diet

Category : Cooking Appliance

5 Ways to Get More Chlorophyll In Your Diet


William Paice

This article will help you learn important green vegetable and wheatgrass juicing information to increase your chlorophyll consumption. Chlorophyll is a ‘photoreceptor’ compound found in all green plants, which helps them convert sunlight into energy. It is more abundant in some green plants than in others.


Chlorophyll has the potential to help decrease the damage to DNA by carcinogenic substances and toxins. This means it holds promise for cancer prevention. Early stage research is currently being conducted on the use of chlorophyll in the prevention of various cancers, including liver, skin, and colon cancers. It is also believed to potentially improve the response of the immune system. Some people believe that when taken internally it also helps reduce body odors. Here are five ideas for consuming more chlorophyll: 1. Know your chlorophyll-rich foods. Foods high in chlorophyll include asparagus, bell peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, green cabbage, collard greens, green beans, green peas, kale, leeks, lettuce (especially those that are dark in color), green olives, parsley, sea vegetables, spinach, Swiss chard, turnip greens, and wheatgrass. Find new ways to incorporate these foods into your diet, whether by juicing, preparing in raw food recipes, or juicing. 2. Consider a chlorophyll supplement. If you are at risk of cancer or are exposed to many toxins, or you do not consume many chlorophyll-rich vegetables, you might consider taking a chlorophyll supplement. They are available in liquid or pill form from health food stores and online. Some wheatgrass juicing information sites also sell chlorophyll or wheatgrass supplements. 3. Juice wheatgrass. Wheatgrass is a potent and safe source of chlorophyll. It can be juiced using only a masticating juicer. Wheatgrass is easily grown at home and harvested at your leisure for juicing. Only small amounts of the juice are consumed at a time, and juicing aficionados swear by its power to improve health and vitality. For more wheatgrass juicing information, look for websites or books dedicated to this topic. 5. Incorporate chlorophyll-rich vegetables into your fruit juices. If you don’t like the taste of pure vegetable juices, try adding small amounts of chlorophyll-rich vegetables to your fresh fruit juices. Spinach and kale are delicious when combined with apple juice (and, optionally, a small amount of ginger). Parsley is easily added to many juices, including melon juice. Cabbage juice can be combined with citrus or apple juices. Leeks contribute a spicy kick to any fruit or vegetable juice. 6. Add raw vegetables to your favorite recipes. Many raw, chlorophyll-rich vegetables are easily incorporated into delicious recipes. Kale can be transformed into a delightful salad when combined with garbanzo beans, chopped apple, garlic and lime juice. A bed of raw spinach can be topped with a broiled filet of salmon. Raw broccoli can become a salad when combined with warm brown rice, olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Raw green vegetables contain not only chlorophyll but other wonderful enzymes and phytochemicals that can help prevent cancer and heart disease, among other conditions.

Want to find out more about

the benefits of juicing wheatgrass


William Paice is Editor and Founder of juicing site MEGAjuicing.com


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5 Ways to Get More Chlorophyll In Your Diet

UK announces £200 million polar research ship

Category : Uncategorized

Friday, April 25, 2014

UK Chancellor George Osborne today announced a new £200 million research ship to ply Arctic and Antarctic waters.

The new vessel will make Nerc’s entire fleet, ton for ton, the most advanced scientific fleet in the world

“One of the final frontiers in the world where there is still much discovery to be done are the polar oceans” said Osborne, explaining “our two current polar exploration ships are nearing the end of their life and need replacing. So I am delighted that we are investing in a new polar research ship to carry cutting edge British technology to put British scientists at the forefront of research in both the Antarctic and the Arctic oceans”.

The icebreaking ship is to belong to the British Antarctic Survey and is funded from a £7 billion pot earmarked for science over the next six or seven years. Osborne told those gathered at Cambridge’s Laboratory of Molecular Biology today he had “made it [his] personal priority in government to support [scientific] endeavour.”

Funding body the Natural Environment Research Council (Nerc) says the current ships, RRS James Clark Ross and RRS Ernest Shackleton, are to carry on operating at least until 2020. They were built in 1990 and 1995 respectively; RRS Ernest Shackleton is a leased Norwegian vessel. The new vessel is intended to be able to stay in the field longer and, unlike RRS James Clark Ross, feature a helipad.

Other specifications include the ability to launch unmanned submarines and scientific gliders, devices towed behind ships to gather data, as well as power through 2m (6.6ft) thick ice at three knots.

Osborne also announced the start of consultations on how to spend the rest of the £7 billion. The announcements come shortly after Nerc completed upgrades to ocean-going ‘bluewater’ ships RRS Discovery and RRS James Cook. “The new vessel will make Nerc’s entire fleet, ton for ton, the most advanced scientific fleet in the world” according to Nerc head Professor Duncan Wingham, speaking to the BBC.

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Ten-year-old computer glitch prevents delivery of 1,380 Canadian health results

Category : Uncategorized

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Saskatoon Health Region in Saskatchewan, Canada recently discovered a fax machine problem which had not relayed almost 1,500 X-rays, Computed tomography (CT) and Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, ultrasounds, and other medical imaging test results to doctors.

The fax machine is part of the automated Radiology Information System. An audit revealed that medical diagnostic tests involving results dating back a decade have been affected by the broken fax machine.

On May 6, a doctor called the health region officials seeking follow up on a patient’s report. Staff who delved into it, found that the report was not sent from the system.

Now, two weeks later, this same patient has still not been contacted by the health region.

“It has taken some time to work with the patient’s physician. That was important — to get more information and more detail because we want that patient’s physician to be involved in the discussion with the patient,” Dr. David Poulin, vice-president of medical affairs for The Saskatoon Health Region, said. “This is a system error and that’s just what it was — an error. This doesn’t reflect in any way on the quality of work regional staff have done and continue to do.”

An internal review revealed that, of 2.2 million diagnostic tests performed, at least 1,380 had not been sent out by the malfunctioning fax machine.

The health region will embark on contacting each of the 1,380 patients and their physicians to make sure that the results have been received and if any health care was compromised.

Patients can also contact the health region via a newly set up hotline to make enquiries.

“We think it would actually be good practice if physician offices could have a system to check whether they have received important reports,” said Poulin, “The common practice appears to be in many doctors’ offices, particularly family physician offices, that they don’t respond to the report until it arrives. So, they basically are waiting for the report to arrive in their office by fax and it’s at that point that they look at it and decide what action to take.”

City Hospital, St. Paul’s Hospital and Royal University Hospital were the three city hospitals affected. Saskatoon has a population of roughly 233,923, and the hospitals also serve the surrounding rural areas.

Ironically the faulty fax machine was discovered the same week that provincial medical officials began to review approximately 70,000 radiology tests conducted in Yorkton. Officials there doubt the competence of the physician who first interpreted the radiology results.

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Understand Whiplash With A Laguna Hills Chiropractor}

Category : Tenders

Submitted by: Frank Denber

Whiplash is a common injury from car accidents, and can even occur after minor fender benders. It’s most common if you are rear-ended.

What happens is that your head does not react to the impact at quite the same speed as your body. Your head ends up jerking forward or backward. Although it’s most often associated with an auto accident, whiplash can also be caused when playing contact sports or being punched or shaken. In car accidents, passengers tend to be affected worse than drivers, as the driver is paying more attention and can often (but not always) brace for the impact. (This is also why rear end crashes cause more whiplash). Women are more vulnerable than men, simply because of their smaller size.

Whiplash actually is a strain to the neck. The soft tissues that hold the cervical vertebrae together are damaged. The symptoms include decreased range of motion and a feeling of tightness or tension in the muscles of the neck. You might also experience pain when rocking your head in any direction or when looking over your shoulder.

Your neck may be tender and many patients experience headaches that appear to start at the base of the skull. It can even cause pain or tingling in the hands and arms, pain in the jaw, fatigue, and insomnia. Symptoms, however, tend not to appear right away. In fact, whiplash symptoms can show up weeks or even months after the initial impact.

Chiropractic adjustment can help treat whiplash symptoms by re-aligning the neck. This is part of the program that may include wearing a cervical collar to provide temporary support to the neck, muscle relaxants, exercises and stretches and massage. This can provide relief from pain and help you return to normal life. Prolonged rest is not recommended for whiplash accidents, but rather gentle exercise, making pain relief particularly important for this kind of injury.

Other than avoiding cars (not feasible for most of the people), there are a number of things you can do to prevent whiplash injury or make it less severe. The most important is to make sure that your head restraint is adjusted properly. The top of the head restraint should be level with the top of your head or slightly above, and no more than two inches from the back of your head when sitting normally.

If you engage in contact sports, you should make sure you do exercises and stretches that are designed to strengthen your neck muscles. If you have been in an accident, then seek medical care if you have neck pain, especially if it radiates down the arms, or is accompanied by headaches, numbness, visual changes or nausea. These can indicate a concussion, which can be caused by the same impact as whiplash.

Contacting your local Laguna Hills chiropractic office immediately after the accident can help ensure your road to recovery is accelerated and not prolonged. Getting back to normal will take time, but your chiropractor will provide advice and recommendations that will help you get there sooner rather than later.

About the Author: A chiropractor can help free you from your permanent joint or muscle pain, whether it is muscular damage or skeletal misalignment. Get the contact details for your local

Laguna Hills chiropractic

clinic at http://www.claytonthomasnoel.com.



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Alaska senator Ted Stevens indicted in corruption scandal

Category : Uncategorized

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

United States Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska has been indicted by federal grand jury on seven criminal counts for making false statements in his Senate financial disclosure forms. The longest-serving Republican in the Senate, Stevens is the highest-profile politician ensnared in the corruption scandal surrounding VECO Corporation and its executives’ attempts to influence politics.

VECO, a subsidiary of CH2M Hill as of September 2007, is an oil pipeline and services company. It is alleged to have funded renovations to the Stevens home in Girdwood, Alaska in 2000. The renovations include a new garage and first floor, a two story wrap-around deck, as well as new wiring and plumbing. In 2007, VECO chief executive Bill Allen pleaded guilty to charges of extortion, bribery, and conspiracy.

The 28-page indictment alleges that Stevens “knowingly and willfully engaged in a scheme to conceal” gifts from VECO, which totaled “hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of things of value.”

A press release was issued by Stevens’ office in response to the allegations: “I am innocent of these charges and intend to prove that.” And Stevens himself commented, “I have never knowingly submitted a false disclosure form required by law as a U.S. senator.” Senator Daniel Inouye, a close friend of Stevens, commented: “As far as he’s concerned, he’s not guilty. And I believe him.”

Stevens was reportedly caught unawares on Tuesday when the indictment charge was filed. “Apparently, the media knew about it before he did,” Inouye stated, adding that he had just talked to Stevens. Ted Stevens was in a meeting with other Republicans when he found out about the charge.

Stevens is the longest-serving Republican senator in history and is up for reelection this November. Calls to his office in Washington for comment were redirected to a voicemail indicating that his “office is closed.”

The United States Department of Justice says it has already obtained seven convictions in the case: Peter Kott, a former Speaker of the Alaska House of Representatives; Thomas T. Anderson, a former state representative; Victor H. Kohring, another representative; James A. Clark, chief of staff to the former governor of Alaska; William Bobrick, a lobbyist; Bill Allen, VECO chief executive; and Richard L. Smith, VECO vice president of government relations.

Retrieved from “https://en.wikinews.org/w/index.php?title=Alaska_senator_Ted_Stevens_indicted_in_corruption_scandal&oldid=3290545”

Cyprus, Latvia and Malta are a step closer to adopting euro

Category : Uncategorized

Sunday, May 1, 2005

Cyprus, Latvia and Malta, three states which joined the European Union in May 2004, exactly one year ago, today became members of the Exchange Rate Mechanism II (ERM II), which pegs their currencies to the euro within a 15% margin above or below a central rate. While they are in ERM II, their currencies must not fluctuate to an extent that exceeds this 15% margin, and they must also keep inflation and budget deficits in check. For countries to adopt the euro, they must stay in the ERM II for at least two years. Therefore, the earliest date that Cyprus, Latvia and Malta can adopt the common currency is in May 2007.

Cyprus, Latvia and Malta have joined four other countries already in ERM II: Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania and Slovenia. Denmark joined ERM II in 1999 but has since not wished to adopt the euro, while Estonia, Lithuania and Slovenia joined the Exchange Rate Mechanism in June 2004, and are expected to adopt the euro by late 2006 or early 2007. Other new European Union member states are also expected to join ERM II soon.

Out of the European Union of 25 member states, 12 countries currently use the euro, which they adopted in January 1, 2002. The only EU members that remain either outside the Eurozone or ERM II are the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Sweden, Poland and the United Kingdom.

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Selling Your Stuff To The Most Discerning Buyer

Category : Accountants

By Kristof

Selling is no longer an across the counter concept that one is accustomed to. It is not that across the counter deals have stopped or diminished as modes of commercial transactions, but that a new concept of trading ‘online commerce’ has emerged. Online business is a by-product of internet communication and a true representation of global marketing. It is not imperative that to engage in online trading you need to be and established trading house or commercial entity. You might very well be selling your stuff as an individual.

Understanding of E-commerce

For basic understanding of online selling store, a fair idea of e-commerce is helpful. E-commerce, the shortened form of ‘electronic commerce’ is created out of World Wide Web or Internet. Through using the Internet, products and services are bought and sold between two parties. If these two parties are both business houses then the ensuing transaction is termed B2B (business to business); if the seller is a business house and the buyer is an end user or consumer, the transaction is called B2C (business to consumer); when both parties engaged are individuals then we get a C2C (customer to customer) transaction.


Personal Online Selling

C2C transactions are perhaps the most significant form of online selling and buying of items. The Internet is perhaps the best platform to allow you to sell items of individual or personal needs after their use. For instance, as you grow up you do not have any use of your bicycle that you bought as a kid. It is not always easy to get a buyer for your used bicycle if you look around. Online selling stores allow you to advertise your product through their site so that you are able to sell your used bicycle.

Through many of these sites it is possible to barter items. CDs, DVDs, mobile handsets, household appliances and so on are typical items that could be traded or exchanged through these websites. All these are C2C e-commerce transactions that only take place between individuals or end-users.

Online Selling for Creative Artists

Creative artists are greatly benefited by online selling store concept. It is not an easy task getting buyers for wonderful clay creations or brilliant canvas paintings. Selling your stuff could become much easier if taken the assistance of World Wide Web. There are art enthusiasts scattered across cities and villages who largely remain untraced through traditional marketing methods. As it is not feasible to reach out to these unidentified pockets manually, an online approach is most preferable. Art lovers and genuine buyers are easily identified in the most cost effective manner.

Online selling stores have evolved as standard channels of commercial transactions. Leading marketing organizations and product manufacturers have their dedicated websites which they also use for selling items online. Buyers have the choice of selecting their product and buy them online thus saving the trouble of landing up at the store after spending sufficient time commuting. Convenience of shopping, ease of making choices, consulting your friends before deciding a purchase are some of the benefits of online selling.

About the Author: Kristof prefers to shop from

online selling stores

where he can get better reviews over a product. Explore the


experience on your own.



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Ontario Votes 2007: Interview with Family Coalition Party candidate Ray Scott, Algoma-Manitoulin

Category : Uncategorized

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Ray Scott is running for the Family Coalition Party in the Ontario provincial election, in the Algoma-Manitoulin riding. Wikinews’ Nick Moreau interviewed him regarding his values, his experience, and his campaign.

Stay tuned for further interviews; every candidate from every party is eligible, and will be contacted. Expect interviews from Liberals, Progressive Conservatives, New Democratic Party members, Ontario Greens, as well as members from the Family Coalition, Freedom, Communist, Libertarian, and Confederation of Regions parties, as well as independents.

Retrieved from “https://en.wikinews.org/w/index.php?title=Ontario_Votes_2007:_Interview_with_Family_Coalition_Party_candidate_Ray_Scott,_Algoma-Manitoulin&oldid=1052031”

US army gives medical assistance to Iraq school

Category : Uncategorized

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

BAGHDAD —According to Defend America, US Department of Defense News website, USsoldiers members of the 256th Brigade Combat Team, the 199th Forward Support Battalion (FSB), with several units from Camp Liberty (18th Military Police Brigade, 16th MP Brigade, 617th MP Brigade, 307th Psychological Operations Battalion, and the Iraqi Highway Patrol) provided medical assistance to Iraq children at an elementary school in Bagdah.

US Major Alan Kabakoff, with the 16th MP Brigade, says humanitarianmissions are very important in winning the war on terror, although you can’t seethe importance sometimes: “It’s like fire prevention, everyone knowsthat it works, it’s just hard to prove, unless something bad happens. Thesepeople want the same things that we do, they want safe schools,safe homes, and safe areas to raise their kids.”

Staff Sgt. Jason Escoyne, Co. C, 199th FSB, who examined the children saidthat there was nothing seriously wrong with them.

This effort is part of the US reconstruction of Iraq. Till now according to USAID, U.S. Agency for International Development, in Iraq 2,405 schools were rehabilitated including the supply of chairs, cabinets, desks, chalkboards and kits for secondary and primary schools, about 8.7 million science and math textbooks have been distributed, 33,000 secondary school teachers have been trainned, high protein biscuits have been distributed to more than 450,000 children and 200,000 nursing and pregnant women, trainning have been provided to 700 physicians and 2,500 primary health care providers, over 3 million children under five have been vaccinated and more than 1.3 million children under five suspected of malnutrition have been examined.

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