Online Classes: Future Of Education.

Category : School

During this Covid-19 crisis, when the whole world came to a standstill; we have been forced to think the way we have been educating ourselves. When physical distancing and less travelling is the need of the hour, online tuition classes/ E-learning have come to our rescue. Through online classes, we could ensure that learning should never stop.

Interesting facts about Online Education in India

  • The online education market in India was worth $ 247 million in 2016, which is expected to grow about $1.96 billion by 2021. That is a compound annual growth rate of 52%.

  • The number of users enrolled for various online learning courses is estimated to be 1.6 Million in 2016, which is expected to grow about 9.6 Million by the end of 2021.

  • It is estimated that there is a 175% increase in the cost of classroom education, this gives online education more preferred because it is cost-effective.

  • Nearly 48% population in India between 15–40 age group with high aspirations but lower income is a good target market for online education. And, the acceptability of online channel is high in the younger demographic.

Advantages of online education/ online classes/ E-learning.

  • Learn from anywhere, at any time.

Since online education only requires a laptop or a smartphone with an internet connection, students can learn anywhere at any time. They can learn at weekends or in their free time. All the course materials are readily available at student’s fingertip. One can avail best online tuition classes at for any subjects, classes and learn safely at home.

  • Save Money and Time

Online tuition classes are much more cost-effective than home tuitions. It helps students to get the benefits of private attention of a tutor at much less price than the home tuitions. Since you study at your own time, it helps to save time and energy consumed in transportation while taking group tuitions.

  • Learn at your own pace

Everyone learns at a different pace. In a classroom where everyone taught together, many students find it difficult to follow the lessons. This is a serious disadvantage of traditional education. Online education solves this issue. In online tuition classes, all the course materials are provided beforehand, students learn it by taking their own time. Students can clarify their doubts by live chats or forums as well. It increases the overall efficiency of students and helps them learn in a better way.

Online learning begins early at preschool:

Online learning is replacing quite a few home-schooling systems across the world. Parents can now let the computer teach the kids as they take a relaxing break.

Online learning now provides personalised learning paths for weaker kids who would do better with some extra levels of tutoring.

Multiple platforms are available.

Online classes can be taken through multiple platforms available like Zoom, Skype, Meet, Hangouts, etc. So the user can use application and platform as suitable and avail online classes. Also, these platforms don’t require any technical skills and are self-explanatory and easy to use.

The advanced technology is playing an important role in every field. This advanced technology has also changed the way of education. Online Education is better than traditional classroom teaching. The future of online education is very bright in India.

People in India are moving towards online education due to the convenience, affordable cost and quality education and also now the government is promoting online education. In coming years still, there will be a growth in the online education market.

Indians are accepting this new medium of learning. Online education is also known as e-learning.

Learning on the go – Facilitating students to study at their own convenience anywhere anytime

On the self-learning front, we believe that it is still nascent stage due to lot more school involvement of the child (typical student reaches home only at 2:00 pm) and over-reliance on neighbourhood tuition centre. However, the trend here we are observing is a desire to have a proper evaluation of the child by parents to help him in specific areas. Therefore, I believe that new trend here will be personalized learning based on rocket science level evaluation state machine.

Promoted by the Government.

On realising the potential and immense popularity of digital technology in India, Our Honourable Prime Minister has envisioned transforming our nation and creating opportunities for all citizens by harnessing digital technologies Through digital India initiative. The initiative comprises of various projects in various areas relating to health, education, labour, employment etc. As a part of the Digital India project, many colleges and universities offer online correspondence courses.

Bermuda hit hard by hurricane Florence

Category : Uncategorized

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Hurricane Florence was positioned at 35.8 N 63.9 W, at 11 p.m. EDT (UTC – 4 hr), with maximum winds blowing at 85 mph and gusts of up to 105 mph. The hurricane is moving in a north-easterly direction at 18 mph and is showing signs of weakening.

The government of Bermuda has discontinued the Tropical Storm warning it issued only after it blew away window panes, glasses and roofs. No deaths have been reported though there are reports of minor injuries. The hurricane has knocked out power supply to thousands of people.

The Bermuda Electric Light Company (BELCO) expects the restoration of supply to be complete in few days.

Retrieved from “”

Dutch financial institution ING takes impairment charge

Category : Uncategorized

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Dutch financial institution ING Group reported today in its quarterly results an impairment charge of 194 million euros (approximately US$285.6 million). However, as a result of selling an equity stake in rival ABN AMRO, the net profit of €2.48 billion, was 18% higher than last year.

The impairment charge is a result of risky investments, including RBMS (mortgage) investments backed by subprime loans and Alt-A loans, which are made to borrowers with a slightly better credit profile than those in the subprime category, as well as from collateral debt obligations (CDOs).

CEO Michel Tilmant said that “solid risk management” shields ING from the worst effects of the financial crisis. “ING’s exposure to the riskiest assets is limited, and the RMBS investments we selected have a high level of structural credit protection to absorb significant losses as the U.S. housing crisis deepens,” added Tilmant.

Retrieved from “”

Leveraging Six Sigma In It

Category : It Solutions

Leveraging Six Sigma in IT


Rajesh Naik



CHANGING BUSINESS PARADIGM The International Data Corporation (IDC) predicted that the worldwide outsourcing market would grow from $100 billion in 1998 to $151 billion in 2003, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.2 percent. The 1990s witnessed a massive spurt in service outsourcing, particularly in the IT services sector. Over 60% of the Fortune 500 companies, located in Europe and America are outsourcing their IT operations offshore to developing economies like Asia, Africa, the Carribean and Latin America with a view to achieve cost reduction. The primary contributor to cost reduction was the wage disparity between outsourcing companies and the service providers. This first phase of outsourcing leveraging wage arbitrage is towards completion with a large chunk of cost reduction potential being realized. Today, outsourcing companies, have identified quality and productivity as the key differentiators in evaluating service providers. These parameters are of prime importance since most software solutions have relatively small payback periods. Service providers also bring complementary knowledge, ideas, and business methodologies, and enable outsourcing companies to concentrate on core competencies. These benefits in addition to cost reduction are turning the tide in favour of outsourcing. It is difficult to leverage these benefits in the absence of a defined set of tools and techniques. Application of process improvement techniques like Six Sigma can help realize these benefits. This paper examines the application of Six Sigma to the IT services industry holistically. SIX SIGMA – AN OVERVIEW Contrary to what some believe, the goal of Six Sigma is not to achieve six sigma levels of quality. Six Sigma is about improving profitability, although improved quality and efficiency are immediate by-products of Six Sigma. Mikel Harry KEY SIX SIGMA CONCEPTS Bill Smith, a senior engineer and scientist at Motorola introduced the Six Sigma concept in 1986, to standardize the way defects are counted. Motorola extended the benefit of its Six Sigma expertise to other organizations via the Motorola University. At its core, Six Sigma revolves around the following key concepts. Critical To Quality (CTQ) Attributes most important to the customer Outside In approach Looking at internal processes from the customers perspective and changing them accordingly Defect – Any event that does not meet the specifications of a Critical to Quality (CTQ) attribute Defect Opportunity- Any event, that provides a chance of not meeting customer requirements and which can be measured Defective – A unit of product containing one or more defects Transfer Function Y = f (X1, X2, X3.Xn), where Y is the dependent or response variable and Xs are independent or predictor variable that control the performance of Ys. Focus of Six Sigma is to control Xs and not Ys. Before moving on to the application of Six Sigma to IT services, let us first understand the Six Sigma methodology. The evolution of the Six Sigma methodology can be explained with a brief description of sigma. s is a Greek alphabet that denotes standard deviation. Standard deviation is a measure of dispersion in a given data set. The values (of the data set) are equally distributed on either side of the mean i.e. above and below. We delineate some data points within that timeline. The sigma value is measured against this. As we move farther away from the mean on the timeline, the sigma value goes on increasing. Process Sigma (Z) Measure of process capability. Process capability is process ability to meet customer requirements. The Six Sigma methodology focuses on reducing the variation in any process and aligning the process mean with customer specified target. A process can be said to be at Six Sigma level if the nearest Customer Specification limit is six standard deviations away from mean of the process. Six Sigma is a business strategy that results into achieving a near zero defect level. The sigma levels and their corresponding defects per million opportunities (DPMO) give an idea of the quantum of improvement in yield with Six Sigma. The fundamental objective of the Six Sigma methodology i.e. implementation of a measurement based strategy to propel process improvement and reduce process variation is accomplished by means of two strategies DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control) and DMADV (Define, Measure, Analyze, Design and Verify). DMAIC is an improvement system for existing products or processes. Fundamentally DMAIC is Define Define project goals and customer deliverables based on voice of customer (VOC). Measure Measure the process to evaluate current performance with respect to customer requirements. Analyze Analyze and determine root cause(s) of poor performance. Improve Devise and evaluate multiple solutions to improve performance and eliminate defects; Pilot solution and compare performance. Control Quantify improvements; Implement control plans to sustain desired performance. Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) is used to design or re-design a new product or service. One popular DFSS methodology is called DMADV. Fundamentally DMADV is Define Define the scope of the project and initiate the project. Measure Measure customer needs and specify the CTQ parameters. Analyze Analyze the concepts that meet customer needs (CTQs). Design Develop a detailed design with respect to the customer needs and identify control plans. Verify Test and verify design performance with respect to customer CTQs. DMAIC focuses on only one or two CTQ (Critical To Quality) parameters at a time whereas DMADV focuses on an entire set of CTQs for a given product / service or process. SIX SIGMA IN IT Eighty-five percent of the reasons for failure to meet customer expectations are related to deficiencies in systems and process rather than the employee. The role of management is to change the process rather than badgering individuals to do better Dr. DemingSeveral process improvement methodologies like Six Sigma, Total Quality Management (TQM), Quality Circles, Taguchi, Statistical process control, etc. are being successfully implemented in the manufacturing industries sector. It was perceived that such improvement methodologies are ineffective in the IT services industry. GE, pioneers of Six Sigma implementation in a non-manufacturing set-up, has estimated benefits of the order of $10 billion during the first five years of implementation. Some commonly made arguments against the effectiveness of Six Sigma in IT services sector were Software processes are difficult to measure. Software development is people intensive work that needs creativity. Software development is not a repeatable process. Six Sigma theories are based on assumption of normal probability distribution and Software processes cannot be included in this category. Though these factors are true in some sense, the Six Sigma methodology can still be applied to IT processes. The software processes are definitely difficult to measure but its not an impossible task. Industry leaders like IBM and institutions like Software Engineering Institute have designed and published many metrics for software processes for the benefit of the entire industry. Capability Maturity Models prescribe the quantitative management processes as one of the Key Process Areas at level 4. Lot of books and other material is available publicly to choose right metrics from. Six Sigma offers strong tools like Quality Function Deployment (QFD), CTQ flow-down and other templates to convert high-level VOC into measurable CTQs. 90% of the processes in a software services company are repeatable and can be improved by the process improvement DMAIC methodology. The DFSS methodology can be applied to the remaining 5-10 % of the processes, which involve creativity. It is true that Six Sigma concepts evolved with normal distribution. But, Six Sigma tools can be easily adapted to handle processes having non-normal distribution Having discussed the arguments supporting the applicability of Six Sigma to IT processes, let us make an attempt to understand the applicability of Six Sigma to the processes that are an integral part of IT services. CORE DELIVERY PROCESSES The software development life cycle (SDLC) consists of four phases – Analysis, Design, Coding and Testing. Along with these core phases, processes like defect prevention, project management, Software Quality Assurance (SQA), Reviews, etc. are an integral part of the Quality Management System of any IT service provider. The effectiveness of these core processes directly impact the CTQ parameters. There is a large scope for improvement in these processes in most IT companies. Six Sigma can be deployed to improve these processes. One of the key factors in deploying Six Sigma is identifying the Y metrics (dependants). But for core processes this becomes simpler since historical data for key metrics such as review efficiency, review effectiveness, productivity, defect density, schedule variance and effort variance are already available. After prioritization, critical poor performing metrics can be taken as Six Sigma DMAIC projects. Six Sigma DFSS methodology can be applied for software development projects. Six Sigma in SDLC helps in making the software manufacturing process more predictable and ensuring that all Customer CTQs are met. Some Sigma tools that can be applied in this methodology are Quality Function Deployment (QFD) helps in converting the high-level customer requirements (VOC) into detailed program specifications. Use of QFD ensures that no requirements are missed and it also helps in prioritizing the software elements. Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) is a tool that provides effective risk management for the entire SDLC, and identifies the probable failure modes of software at design phase. This initiates corrective action on the design. Pugh matrix enables software developer / analyst to compare different concepts with reference to customer CTQs and create strong alternative concepts from weaker concepts Scorecard is a predictive tool used for: Predicting final quality (Y metrics) based on process (X) metrics Quantitative Risk Assessment Identification of High Defect Drivers Linkage from Customer CTQs at lower levels in a flow down Application of Design of Experiments in software testing is an emerging trend. Software testing based on orthogonal array, detects most possible defects at a fractional testing time. DELIVERY SUPPORT PROCESSES The processes that are value enablers are equally important to consistently deliver best quality service to the customers. These processes consist of infrastructure and network services, Resource Management, HR processes, Finance and accounting, Training, Central Quality organization etc. Efficiency and effectiveness of delivery support processes directly or indirectly contribute to the productivity of core delivery processes. Processes like infrastructure and network maintenance are extremely important for offshore development / BPO models. Six Sigma DMAIC projects can be forked to improve any or all the processes mentioned above. Some Y metrics for Delivery support processes are Resource turnaround time Cycle time for recruitment Defects in payroll processing On time invoicing Accuracy of invoicing Network response time Network utilization Training effectiveness In effect, Six Sigma has a profound impact on the most critical resource in IT industry i.e. human resources. PRODUCT QUALITY ATTRIBUTES It is of paramount importance to deliver a high quality software product. The application of Six Sigma to the above two areas Core Delivery Processes and Delivery Support Processes, directly or indirectly contributes to product quality. Metrics like response time, resource usage (Memory / CPU), and resources availability are critical to the quality of a software application. Six Sigma methodologies can be molded to optimize performance in keeping with the required metrics. The Six Sigma DFSS methodology enables us to predict product performance in the initial design stage so that adequate control measures are in place. Figure 3 depicts the impact of any error or missed requirement in design phase on the cost in the later phases of the software development lifecycle. It has been proved that time taken to fix a design or requirements defect during testing phase needs about 20 times of rework effort as compared to a defect fixed right at the induction phase. Here, deployment of Six Sigma can play a major role to reduce or control the development costs. The DFSS methodology as applicable for software processes cannot be directly mapped to DFSS methodology as implemented in manufacturing processes. In manufacturing, a product once designed is produced for years together. Whereas, in case of software development, a software design is manufactured (coded, to be precise) only once. This makes the application of DFSS in software development tougher. In a typical manufacturing setup, the crux of DFSS lies in achieving manufacturability at Six Sigma quality levels. For a manufactured product, the design budget might be flexible but in the case of software solutions, the budget for design is very limited and all the CTQs must be met in the given budget. The DFSS rigor ensures that the software is designed, coded and approved with minimum rework. The DMAIC methodology can be applied to improve the Product Quality Attributes of existing applications, too. Many a times, as the user base increases or if the application is deployed in a global environment, response time decreases. Round the clock availability of application has also become a critical issue in todays global work culture and BPO scenario. DMAIC projects can be implemented to tackle such issues and find a cost effective fix. Improving reliability measures like MTBF (Mean time between failures) and MTTR (Mean Time to Repair) can be other focus areas of DMAIC improvement projects. CUSTOMERS PROCESSES Most IT companies provide End to End solutions to their clients and therefore enjoy a long-term relationship with their customers. This has benefited the service providers in acquiring significant domain knowledge. The consultants possess fairly good amount of tacit knowledge about the clients core business processes in addition to IT skills. Six Sigma tools and techniques provide an excellent channel to develop a basis for solution based consulting. Six Sigma methodologies can help core business processes as well as IT processes. Owing to the consultants exposure to customers processes through IT support, they are familiar with the best functioning processes, processes which are not operating efficiently and those processes which have reached entitlement. This enables prioritization to tackle the relevant processes and this prioritization of improvements makes implementation of Six Sigma easier. PATNIS APPROACH Patnis Process Consulting Practice offers customers a complete range of process improvement related solutions that covers the best of process/quality models and applied proven methodology and practices. PCP facilitates IT organizations to move to newer levels of business excellence through incremental process improvements that are either benchmarked against established models (ISO/CMM) or focused on specific process areas of improvement. With over 15 years of experience, Patnis consultants provide the customer the high-quality and cost-effective solutions by offering the following services: Process Diagnostics Model Based Process Improvement Services Focused Approach to Process Consultation Six-Sigma Methodology for Process Improvement consultation Quality Management Practices & Training Customized solutions SIX SIGMA METHODOLOGY FOR PROCESS IMPROVEMENT Patni embarked upon its Six Sigma implementation initiative in 1998 in select software project delivery areas. In the year 2000, Six Sigma was implemented in one strategic business unit (SBU). Eventually, it was implemented at the company level. As of June 2003, Patni has a team of over 30 certified Black belts, over 300 certified Green belts and more than 1100 trained Green Belts. Patni Green Belts executed over 350 projects spanning across all SDLC processes, which resulted in benefit of more than $ 2mn to customers in addition to productivity gains and quality improvement in all SDLC processes. The projects focused on areas such as reduction in batch cycle time, testing time and time spent in resolving production abends. It also focuses on improving On Time Delivery, automation of customers processes and optimizing CPU utilization and so on. Patnis Six-Sigma consultation services endeavor to improve customers quality management processes and their returns on investment (ROI) by reducing operational expenses. Certified Six Sigma practitioners transfer critical knowledge and skills to the client organization to lay the foundation for lasting improvements in the dynamic business environment. Patni facilitates optimization of processes using the Six Sigma methodologies (DMAIC/DMADV). Patnis portfolio of Six Sigma consultancy services includes: Performance Improvement Process Improvement People Development Patni has developed its own specific Six Sigma based methodology to execute development projects and maintenance projects respectively. BUSINESS VALUE DEPLOYING SIX SIGMA FOR PROCESS IMPROVEMENT Conseco, Inc., one of America’s leading sources for insurance, investment and lending products offers its customers better products as an exchange to their current policies. The exchange process, involves the following two steps: Field related tasks like approaching the customer, to get his/her acceptance, and complete the necessary paperwork. Back office work in policy administration The objective of the solution was to process 10,000 applications between August -December 2001 with the existing workforce of 16 people. Patni implemented the Six Sigma , process improvement DMAIC methodology in the following manner. One Black Belt resource from Patni was deployed at Consesco site to facilitate process improvement using Six Sigma methodology. A model was developed to project staffing needs to process the desired number of applications. Formulate new process definition, Implementation Plan, Documentation/Control Plan. Patni deployed Six Sigma successfully by reducing the cycle time for processing application forms thereby increasing productivity. DEPLOYING SIX SIGMA FOR ON TIME DELIVERY (OTD) Patni has a project based Service Level agreement (SLA) about the task delivery schedule with one of its clients. On Time Delivery (OTD) is the metric used for measuring delivery schedule. Patni undertook the SPAN Six Sigma DMAIC project to realign service levels for OTD and convert them to the following two parameters: SPAN – A metric used to measure the variation in deliveries beyond the customer stated date Median A metric which specifies where the project is centered Patni implemented the SPAN DMAIC project in the following manner: High level discussions were held to understand and gather the factors affecting high SPAN. The Six Sigma- DMAIC methodology was implementd for process improvement. Span Caluclator and Minitab Tools like Gauge R&R, Normality Test, Segmentation, Pareto, Regression and control Charts were used to undertake complex calculations. Patni deployed the SPAN Six Sigma DMAIC project by reducing SPAN and Median and consistently meeting customer delivery dates. It successfully employed usage of statistical tools to track the causes of high process variation. CONCLUSION Six Sigma can be successfully applied to the IT services industry where human resources is a critical input Availability of reliable data and metrics is crucial to successful implementation of Six Sigma in IT arena In IT services sector, benefits of Six Sigma can be accrued from Internal process improvement Product Quality improvement Better predictability Customer satisfaction improvement due to improved cycle time, waste reduction Though some of the processes in IT industry may not fall under normal probability distribution, other quantitative and qualitative tools could be used to improve the process. Focus of DFSS methodology on Analyze and design phase significantly reduces the defects, rework during testing and hence productivity during the rollout phase Six Sigma rigor is a key differentiator in solution based consulting ABOUT THE AUTHOR Rajesh Naik Rajesh Naik has over 12 years of experience, including more than 6 years in the field of quality initiatives like Malcom Baldrige model, Balanced Scorecard, Six Sigma and Quality circles. He assumed Six Sigma black belt role at Patni in 2001 and was part of core Six Sigma team that rolled out Six Sigma in Patni-GE Global Development Center. During this tenure, his key role has been to identify improvement opportunities, coach / mentor the green belts for project completion, training of the consultants that include customizing Six Sigma training material for software professionals, deliver training. He successfully designed and launched the DFSS approach for Software development projects within the SBU. He also, worked on cycle time improvement project for a leading insurance company in US. Rajesh holds a post graduation in Software technology from NCST, Mumbai after graduation in Industrial Engineering. ABOUT PATNI Patni Computer Systems Limited (BSE: PATNI COMPUT, NSE: PATNI) is a global IT Services provider servicing Global 2000 clients in the Manufacturing, Insurance, Banking & Financial Services, Retail, and Energy & Utilities industries. Patni’s technology focus spans e-business solutions, enterprise applications, embedded technology solutions and enterprise systems management. Patni is an ISO 9001:2000 certified and SEI-CMMi Level 5 organization, assessed enterprise wide at P-CMM Level 3. In keeping with its focus on continuous process improvements, Patni adopts Six Sigma practices as an integral part of its quality and process frameworks. Patni is one of the Top 6 Indian-based companies who operate optimized global delivery models for customers, fronted by a strong local consulting capability. For more information visit

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Leveraging Six Sigma in IT

New legal British tender revealed

Category : Uncategorized

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

For the first time in 40 years, the Royal Mint has chosen a new set of designs for the reverse of the coins, first introduced in the Coin Design Competition 2005. The designer, Matthew Dent of Bangor, North Wales, was paid £35,000 (GBP) for his designs, which depict the Shield of the Royal Arms spread over the six denominations below £1, with the entire shield embossed on the £1 coin.

The new coins are expected to come into circulation this summer – and Mr Dent envisions a success: “I can imagine people playing with them, having them on a tabletop and enjoying them. I felt it was important to have a theme running through from one to another.” he said, referring to the puzzle-like nature of the new design, which requires the coins to be arranged in a particular way to see the Shield of the Royal Arms.

The chief executive of the Royal Mint, Andrew Stafford, has said that the obverse of the coins will still depict the portrait of the Queen, like it has since 1998. The old coins will remain legal tender until they slip out of circulation.

Retrieved from “”

Senator Ted Stevens loses re-election bid in Alaska ballot

Category : Uncategorized

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Alaskan U.S. Senator Ted Stevens, who turned 85 yesterday, narrowly lost his re-election bid to Mark Begich, the Democratic Mayor of Anchorage, Alaska.

Meanwhile, as Alaska’s counting of the November 4 election is almost complete, Democratic challenger for the US House of Representatives, Ethan Berkowitz, conceded to incumbent Don Young, the Republican Party nominee.

With this result, the Democrats are two seats away (assuming that independents Bernie Sanders and Joe Lieberman continue to caucus with them) from a filibuster-proof supermajority in the United States Senate, with two races (Minnesota and Georgia) as yet uncalled. That would allow the Democrats to invoke cloture, limiting filibusters to a further 30 hours, an ability last attained in the 95th Congress of 1977-79.

Stevens is entitled to request a recount at his campaign’s expense, and has not yet made a statement. After the completion of counting yesterday, Begich had defeated Stevens by 3,724 votes, a margin of over one percent. 2,500 special absentee and postal ballots remain to be counted on November 25.

Begich released a statement on his win saying, “I am humbled and honored to serve Alaska in the United States Senate. It’s been an incredible journey getting to this point, and I appreciate the support and commitment of the thousands of Alaskans who have brought us to this day.”

Young won his race by 16,280 votes, a margin of five percent.

Stevens recently became a convicted felon on seven counts for lying on Senate disclosure forms about accepting $250,000 in gifts and home renovations from VECO, an oil services company. He has asked President George W. Bush not to grant him a presidential pardon.

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Ccba Vs Cbap Certification

Category : Tenders

January, 2018 byadmin

Business analysis professional qualifications help business analysts in many ways. It proves their competence on the subject. It helps organizations to ensure their business analysts are rightly skilled in business analysis process.

However, there is quite a lot of confusion in business analyst’s minds as to which business analysis certification they should pursue. Among the organizations offering business analysis certifications, IIBA® is the most prominent one. It now has 30000+ members of which approximately 10000 are now certified.

IIBA certifications have been most popular and sought after certification among the business analysts globally.

Both CCBA® and CBAP® certifications come from International Institute of Business Analysis™ (IIBA®).

IIBA® has been doing amazing work on making the business analysis profession more recognized among the professional field and in corporate segment.

Last year IIBA® rolled out our new multi-level competency-based Certification program namely

ECBATM – Level 1 – Recognizes individuals entering the field of business analysis.

CCBA® – Level 2 – Recognizes BA professionals who have 2-3 years of business analysis experience.

CBAP® – Level 3 – Recognizes BA professionals who manage and lead with over 5 years of business analysis experience.

CCBA® – Certification of Competency in Business Analysis – is primarily targeted towards mid-level business analysis professionals who have served at least 3750 hours (roughly about 2.5 years) as business analysts in the industry performing BA approved tasks as per IIBA®.

CBAP® – Certified Business Analysis Professional – is primarily targeted towards senior level business analysis professionals who have served at least 7500 hours (roughly about 5 years) as business analysts in the industry performing BA approved tasks as per IIBA®.

Here is a short comparison on both the certification:

High Level Overview of Comparison




Certification Body



Targeted at

Business analysis professionals

Business analysis professionals


BABoK 3.0

BABoK 3.0

Eligibility criteria – Work Experience

Minimum 3750 hours of BA work experience aligned with the BABOK Guide in the last 7 years

Minimum 7500 hours of BA work experience aligned with the BABOK Guide in the last 10 years

Eligibility criteria –Knowledge Area expertise

Minimum 900 hours in each of two of the six knowledge areas or minimum 500 hours in each of four of the six knowledge areas

Minimum 900 hours in each of four of the six knowledge areas

Eligibility criteria – Training/PD Hours

Minimum 21 hours of Professional Development Training in the past four years

Minimum 35 hours of Professional Development Training in the past four years

Eligibility criteria – Reference Requirement

Two references from a career manager, client or CBAP® recipient

Two references from a career manager, client or CBAP® recipient

Exam mode and pattern

Online exam in prometric

Multiple choice questions

Online exam in prometric

Multiple choice questions

Exam Fees

Application Fee – $125

Certification Fee –

$325 (for members)

$450 (for Non- members)

Application Fee – $125

Certification Fee –

$325 (for members)

$450 (for Non- members)

Recertification fees

$250 for members

$250 for non-members

$250 for members

$250 for non-members

Exam/Question Pattern

3 hours long

130 multiple choice questions.

Questions are scenario-based

3.5 hours long

120 multiple choice questions.

Questions are longer cases (1 to 1.5 Pages of information).

Multiple questions about the case.

Difficulty Level


Questions require candidate to do a bit of analysis to arrive at the answer


Questions require candidate to do a good amount of analysis to arrive at the answer

Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring – 12%

Elicitation and Collaboration – 20%

Requirements Life Cycle Management – 18%

Strategy Analysis – 12%

Requirements Analysis and Design Definition – 32%

Solution Evaluation – 6%

Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring – 14%

Elicitation and Collaboration – 12%

Requirements Life Cycle Management – 15%

Strategy Analysis – 15%

Requirements Analysis and Design Definition – 30%

Solution Evaluation – 14%

Focuses on

Requirements Analysis and Design Definition – 32%

Elicitation and Collaboration – 20%

Requirements Life Cycle Management – 18%

Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring – 12%

Strategy Analysis – 12%

Solution Evaluation – 6%

Requirements Analysis and Design Definition -30%

Strategy Analysis -15%

Requirements Life Cycle Management – 15%

Solution Evaluation -14%

Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring – 14%

Elicitation and Collaboration – 12%

Brand value



Organizations recognize this certificate in their competency framework

You may find the following pages to be useful in this context-CBAP details – details – may find this video to be useful for this comparison.

Visit site for more information. Adaptive US

Some of our recent participant’s feedback –I just wanted to let everyone know I just landed a job at Pfizer as an Enhancements Coordinator! Thank you for your assistance in passing the CCBA. It definitely helped me land this position.They always respond to my questions in a timely manner, no matter what time of day it is, and they are proactive in sharing resources that help you get prepared for the exams. I recommend this program wholeheartedly to any person looking to achieve certification from the IIBA. Adaptive Rocks!!! #5stars

Mauritanian refugees begin returning home from Senegal

Category : Uncategorized

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Mauritanian refugees stuck in Senegal for nearly two decades after fleeing ethnic clashes in their home country have begun returning to Mauritania under a U.N.-sponsored program. But many do not want to return.

There were goodbye ceremonies and welcoming ceremonies attended by officials on both sides of the Senegal River as more than 100 former refugees were ferried on motorized pirogues.

A spokesman for the United Nations refugee agency, Alphonse Munyaneza, explained international funding will help pay for resettlement.

“Each refugee returning back to Mauritania will receive a piece of land equivalent to 140 square meters for establishing a house. UNHCR and the government of Mauritania will provide construction material so that they can build a house,” explained Munyaneza. “We will provide three months of food ration. We will provide a tent also.”

Each refugee returning back to Mauritania will receive a piece of land equivalent to 140 square meters for establishing a house.

Mauritanian refugee children broke out in song and laughter when officials arrived at their camps close to the border to get the process going.

There are more than 20,000 Mauritanian refugees in Senegal. Officials say the return program will extend over 18 months.

One of those happy to go is Haddy Sy. She says she left Mauritania after she was beaten up. This took place during a wave of ethnic violence that began in Arab Moor-dominated Mauritania in 1989 and escalated into border clashes, forcing tens of thousands of black, mostly ethnic Fula, Mauritanians into exile.

In the late 1990s, more than 30,000 refugees returned by their own means and some U.N. assistance.

Sy says she is leaving behind many good things in Senegal, including a peaceful setting, but that she is still happy to return to her home country.

Since taking office last year, the government of the elected, post-coup President Sidi Ould Cheikh Abdallahi has been making efforts to bring home the refugees, including several thousand more in Mali.

But many in Senegal do not want to return home, like Yaraah Sow, who lives in the Dagana refugee camp about 400 kilometers northwest of Dakar.

He says he is still very bitter about what happened nearly 20 years ago. He said his father, who was a civil servant, was attacked by a mob and died of internal bleeding at the gates of a hospital after doctors refused to treat him.

Sow accuses the military of seizing all his family’s property. He says that two of his younger brothers died on the trip to Senegal. He says his children are now going to school and that they are better off in Senegal.

One of the refugee leaders, Mohamed Ali Sow, who left when he was 10, says he is studying at a university in Senegal to become a lawyer to defend the rights of chased out Mauritanians.

He says the return program has been rushed, because he says people who had their property seized, houses burned, and jobs taken away, should have guarantees these will be restored. He says until then, he does not think it is wise to go back.

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Colleges offering admission to displaced New Orleans students

Category : Uncategorized

See the discussion page for instructions on adding schools to this list and for an alphabetically arranged listing of schools.Thursday, September 15, 2005

Enrollment dates for many schools have passed, and will be indicated next to the school’s entry under the by-state list. Update will take place in the next few days.Tuesday, September 6, 2005

Due to the damage by Hurricane Katrina and subsequent flooding, a number of colleges and universities in the New Orleans metropolitan area will not be able to hold classes for the fall 2005 semester. It is estimated that 75,000 to 100,000 students have been displaced. [1]. In response, institutions across the United States and Canada are offering late registration for displaced students so that their academic progress is not unduly delayed. Some are offering free or reduced admission to displaced students. At some universities, especially state universities, this offer is limited to residents of the area.

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Edmund White on writing, incest, life and Larry Kramer

Category : Uncategorized

Thursday, November 8, 2007

What you are about to read is an American life as lived by renowned author Edmund White. His life has been a crossroads, the fulcrum of high-brow Classicism and low-brow Brett Easton Ellisism. It is not for the faint. He has been the toast of the literary elite in New York, London and Paris, befriending artistic luminaries such as Salman Rushdie and Sir Ian McKellen while writing about a family where he was jealous his sister was having sex with his father as he fought off his mother’s amorous pursuit.

The fact is, Edmund White exists. His life exists. To the casual reader, they may find it disquieting that someone like his father existed in 1950’s America and that White’s work is the progeny of his intimate effort to understand his own experience.

Wikinews reporter David Shankbone understood that an interview with Edmund White, who is professor of creative writing at Princeton University, who wrote the seminal biography of Jean Genet, and who no longer can keep track of how many sex partners he has encountered, meant nothing would be off limits. Nothing was. Late in the interview they were joined by his partner Michael Caroll, who discussed White’s enduring feud with influential writer and activist Larry Kramer.

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