Teen broadcasts suicide online

Category : Uncategorized

Sunday, November 23, 2008

A Pembroke Pines, Florida teenager killed himself Wednesday, November 19, while broadcasting on the live video site Justin.tv. After making suicide threats and being encouraged by Justin.tv viewers and Bodybuilding.com forum members, Abraham K. Biggs, 19, committed suicide by taking an overdose of opiates and benzodiazepine, which had been prescribed for his bipolar disorder.

Biggs first began blogging about his planned suicide 12 hours before the actual event. He died after taking pills and lying on the bed in front of the webcam. After the broadcast, viewers who apparently thought it was a hoax posted messages such as “OMG”, “LOL”, and “hahahah”.

Hours later, after being alerted by viewers who had noticed that Biggs had stopped breathing, law enforcement and paramedics arrived, discovered his body, and covered the camera. The Broward County Medical Examiner’s Office has reportedly confirmed Biggs’ death.

According to Montana Miller of the Bowling Green State University, the circumstances of this case were not shocking: “If it’s not recorded or documented, then it doesn’t even seem worthwhile. For today’s generation it might seem, ‘What’s the point of doing it if everyone isn’t going to see it?'”

Biggs’ sister Rosalind was angry that neither the website nor its viewers reacted soon enough to save him. “They got hits, they got viewers, nothing happened for hours,” she said. She described him as “very happy” and “friendly and outgoing.” “On a normal day, you couldn’t really tell that he got as low as he did.” However, he did have relationship problems with his girlfriend, according to a friend.

Mental health professionals have warned about the possibility that other mentally troubled people would copy his actions. According to Dr. David Shaffer of Columbia University, “Any video showing it as heroic or romantic or glamorous could reduce the anxiety people might feel about suicide. It becomes a respectable behavior and lowers the threshold of suicide.” He and other psychiatrists recommend that potentially suicidal teens talk to others and “tell what’s going on.”

Retrieved from “https://en.wikinews.org/w/index.php?title=Teen_broadcasts_suicide_online&oldid=4579216”

Daughter of Yuko Ikeda kidnapped to ransom in Tokyo; freed 13 hours later

Category : Uncategorized

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Ikeda Kanako, a 21-year-old senior student of the Meiji Gakuin University and the first daughter of celebrity surgeon Yuko Ikeda, was kidnapped at about 1225 (UTC+9), June 26, 2006, in Shibuya, Tokyo.

A bullet was fired and one officer slightly cut when police stormed a Kawasaki apartment to rescue the girl.

Kanako was dressed in a white light half-sleeved cardigan, blue jeans with a bistre belt made of leather, a spring green camisole and carried a bag of Vuitton when she was abducted at a bus stop.

She was found unharmed 13 hours later by Japanese police at a condominium located in Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki, Kanagawa. The young woman’s make-up was not disordered; Kanako’s long brown fringe was not disheveled at all and she was wearing what she had been when she was kidnapped.

The kidnapping of Kanako was a big story in Japanese media in June, 2006. The story appeared in many newspapers as the front-page news on June 27, 2006.

Kanako and her kidnappers had been in touch with her mother using Kanako’s mobile phone. The effort to free her was helped greatly by a woman who witnessed the moment Kanako was taken; she wrote down the license plate of the van and other details.

Police traced mobile phone calls and were able to locate the van in Kawasaki where they detained two of the kidnappers as they went shopping.

One conspirator Li Yong, 29, from China, led the policemen to the apartment and tricked Kaneo Ito, 49, from Japan, to open the door. Ito managed to discharge one bullet before being restrained by an assistant police inspector, the first man in the room.

The other man involved in the kidnap of Kanako was Choi Gi Ho, 54, from South Korea. Kanato was freed unharmed.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department arrested three men on suspicion of conspiring to kidnap a woman and hold her to a reported 300 million yen ransom.

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US Congress drafting bill that may affect Internet freedoms

Category : Uncategorized

Sunday, April 23, 2006

The United States Congress is currently drafting a bill known as the Communications Opportunity, Promotion, and Efficiency Act of 2006 that would revise and update the 1996 Telecommunications Act. Currently phone and cable lobbyists who own the broadband networks, such as those from AT&T and BellSouth, are calling on the federal government to permit them to operate Internet and other digital communications services as private networks. The bill as it now stands states that certain classes of Internet providers “may not unreasonably” impair, interfere, restrict or limit applications or services, such as Web sites or voice-over-IP phone connections.

Consumer advocates such as Common Cause and some large Internet companies such as Google and Yahoo are concerned that this change will result in a loss of what is being called network neutrality, and are demanding specific language in the bill to address it. Three weeks ago, the House Subcommittee on Telecommunications rejected an amendment to the bill that would have strengthened provisions for network neutrality. The amendment was defeated by a vote of 28 to 8.

Network neutrality is a principle of computer networking that describes networks designed so that no communication, application, or service is either given preferential treatment or restricted.

Advocates of network neutrality fear that allowing broadband networks to operate unregulated could lead to preferential treatment toward certain companies at the expense of others. Phone companies who oppose network neutrality legislation contend that some mechanism needs to be in place in order to pay for expansion of the public Internet.

Edward Whitacre, AT&T’s chief executive officer, had made remarks on the issue that consumer groups found inflammatory. In remarks made on November 7, 2005, presumably referring to Internet sites using their network connections, he called for “some mechanism for these people who use these pipes to pay for the portion they’re using. Why should they be allowed to use my pipes?”

Whitacre has since reversed his public statements, saying on March 21, 2006, “Any provider that blocks access to content is inviting customers to find another provider. And that’s just bad business.”

Federal Communications Commission chairman Kevin Martin believes that the FCC already has the authority to enforce network neutrality provisions, citing a North Carolina case in which the FCC acted against Madison River Communications for blocking Vonage VoIP phone service.

Representative Fred Upton from Michigan, chairman of the Telecommunications and the Internet Subcommittee, describes the bill as a way to “ignite the marketplace — unleashing great advances in technology and delivering to consumers a variety of new services at a lower cost that were once never even imagined. Every consumer in the nation with a telephone, television and access to the Internet will be better for it — the wave of the future is now.”

Michael Copps, a FCC Commissioner, said recently, “This Internet may not be the one we know in the future there are threats to it out there… Entrenched interests are already jockeying to constrain the openness that has been the Internet’s defining hallmark.”

A recent poll done by The Consumer Federation of America (See source 5) shows that the Internet has taken on an important role in the daily life of Americans. With two-thirds reporting it is important for personal communications and researching products, over half said it is important for getting news and, about 40 percent cited online banking, e-commerce, and retrieving government information as significant ways in which they used the internet. They expressed a great deal of concern about discriminatory practices of communications network operators.

The revision of the 1996 Telecommunications Act was proposed by House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Joe Barton, R-Texas, and U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush, D-Ill., in late March and went on to the full committee on April 5.

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Doctors Agree To Pay $900,000 For Infant’s Erbs Palsy Injury}

Category : Education

Doctors Agree To Pay $900,000 For Infant’s Erbs Palsy Injury


J. Hernandez

One of the more prevalent kinds of birth injuries is an Erbs palsy injury that impacts the infant’s shoulder and arm. This may be a considerable injury that in the most severe cases leave the infant with weak use of the arm even subsequent to surgery. In many cases the injury is avoidable. If this happens because of an error by a doctor while in the delivery procedure the parents may be able to pursue a lawsuit for themselves and their child.

For instance, contemplate a reported claim regarding a woman expecting her third child. She was either borderline for or actually had gestational diabetes, abnormal weight gain during the pregnancy and had earlier delivered two large babies. Approximately 4 months into the pregnancy the woman’s physician documented that the unborn child was bigger than estimated by the gestational age. 3 months later the pregnant woman was borderline on her glucose test for gestational diabetes. An ultrasound after that consultation placed the babys weight at the 90th percentile. At her final prenatal consultation the day prior to the scheduled delivery the doctor documented the fundal height (a measurement of the uterus used to evaluate fetal growth and development) at 43 centimeters. The woman was 40 weeks pregnant.

The next day the woman reported to the hospital as scheduled. Once she was admitted, a different physician took over her care. The hospital record described her prior borderline glucose test and that she was at high risk given her earlier large gestational age babies. This physician did not, , test her sugar amount or make any effort to check the unborn child’s weight before medically inducing her.

Almost several hours following her admission to the hospital the womans membranes spontaneously ruptured. Once this happened a significant quantity of meconium was observed. This is usually an indication that the unborn child is in difficulty and frequently necessitates an emergency C-section. Approximately 40 minutes subsequently the physician completed a vaginal examination. The doctor recorded that the woman was four centimeters dilated. The physician used a fetal scalp electrode which highlighted early decelerations. Even though it was not recorded in the case report, particular types of decelerations might be an indication of fetal distress. Just more than one hour afterwards the woman was fully dilated. The nurses paperwork included the occurrence of shoulder dystocia, the delivery of the child’s head, and the application of suprapubic pressure to aid the delivery.

The newborn weighed 10 pounds 10 ounces at birth. The child had a head circumference in the 90th percentile. She was diagnosed with Erbs palsy. When she got older her arm atrophied due to her inability to use it. She has developmental delays and she has cerebral palsy.

The physicians failed to monitor the mother for gestational diabetes but had ample information that the child was large preceding delivery. But, they did not plan on a C-section and failed to attempt a common method before employing traction to the babys head. These steps could have averted the babys injury. The parents went forward with a malpractice case against the physicians and the law firm that represented the family published that the matter settled for $900,000.

Joseph Hernandez is an attorney accepting catastrophic injury matters. For more information on how a

erbs palsy attorney

may be able to assist you and for other types of

birth injury

matters visit the website

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Doctors Agree To Pay $900,000 For Infant’s Erbs Palsy Injury}

Chess champion is “Fritzed” by computer

Category : Uncategorized

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Russian chess grandmaster, Vladimir Kramnik lost the final match of his man versus machine match against the Deep Fritz chess program. The six game match in Bonn, Germany had a final result of 4-2 for the German-developed chess program which runs on readily available computer hardware.

The first match which concluded on November 25 was a draw, Kramnik lost the second game to the computer with some indications that he overlooked a mate in one win. Third through fifth matches were all draws.

Kramnik, whilst the current world chess champion, is actually ranked third in the world. A contributory factor in this is his health problems. The world champion suffers from a rare form of arthritis which makes sitting playing in tournaments extremely painful for him.

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Getting The Health Insurance You Need For Your Children

Category : Insurance

Health insurance is just as essential for children as it’s for adults and in a lot of cases a visit to the pediatrician could help you identify issues with your children that you might not even know existed. Many families are struggling to remain insured although the good news for parents is that the government is actually making it easier for parents to insure their children. Of course if you have health insurance through your employer then you’ll most likely be able to add your children for a very small amount, although if this is not the case or you have found yourself without health insurance then it’s imperative to know that there are several options available to help you out with this issue. The existing regulations make it possible for you to maintain health insurance for your children up to age 26 however if you dont have insurance then you may need to explore other options.Older children may be eligible for a student health insurance plan to help cover them while they are attending school. This sort of plan is typically relatively reasonably priced and can help you to make certain that they maintain health insurance into adulthood. This age group is most at risk for being uninsured so it is necessary to look into those health care plans that can cover them at a reasonable rate.Younger children might be eligible for Medicaid and pregnant women are also commonly eligible for Medicaid if they have financial need. Medicaid is a program designed to help make sure that you can get the standard doctors visits for your healthy and sick children to help them grow well and succeed in life.Possibly you have a nominal income but it is too much money to enable you to be considered for Medicaid. Fortunately, there is also a Childrens Health Insurance Program available through Medicaid designed specifically to help working parents afford the health care coverage they require for their children so even if you aren’t financially eligible for Medicaid you should check with them to learn exactly what you are eligible and they can let you know if you are eligible for any of the programs they offer.Keeping your children covered is essential especially during challenging financial times. Health insurance may seem like a little thing but when you are faced with a sick child or have a child who has been diagnosed with a serious illness it can be a lifesaver and something that will seem like a worthwhile investment of your money.

The Litmus Tests Of Function Tri Planar Movement

Category : Fitness Equipment

By Tim Jones

This month we are going to dive back into the discussion of human function and hopefully go one step further into helping you understand the definition of ‘function’ in relation to your fitness.To do this, in the next few issues we are going to talk in more detail about what are known as the litmus tests of function.

The litmus tests are what a true function coach will use to help them ‘step back’ and constantly assess what is going on in order to help them accurately create an exercise programme that facilitates the coach/patients desired function – whether it be improved performance in a certain sport (such as golf or tennis), rehabilitate an injury that is inhibiting them in some way, or even lose weight.

Therefore it is important that an exercise should not be termed functional unless it passes all of these litmus tests.

One of the most vital litmus tests for function is whether or not an exercise is utilising all three planes of movement. The three planes of movement are explained below:

When I was first learning about human movement my university lecturer always used to say that if you imagine the body being cut open with a circular saw then it could be cut in one of three ways -sagittal, frontal or transverse.

If you cut the body front to back so you had a left and a right side, the cutting movement would be ‘sagittal’. If it was cut the from one side to the other so you had a front and a back, the cutting movement would be ‘frontal’ and if the saw cut the body across your trunk so there was a top and a bottom half it would have been a ‘transverse’ cutting movement.


At all joints in the body and in all muscles, these three planes of movement are utilised to create a specific function such as gait. This is explained below:

When you observe the movement of the body during gait (walking) it appears as if the movement is predominantly sagittal based, since you move in a forward direction when you walk. But if you could tear off the skin and look a little closer at the hips and pelvis, you would realise very quickly that the hips move in the frontal and transverse planes to create the sagittal movement of walking. This realisation will help you to understand that if the other two planes of movement are so important in walking or running, then why do we not focus on these planes of movement more in our exercise programmes?

If you consider that 90% of all knee injuries occur in the frontal and transverse planes, as an external force is applied to the knee, it is therefore apparant that a prehabilitation programme that works in all three planes of movement to stress the knee would be very wise!

An exercise programme that is solely saggital based (such as your average gym workout) is relatively limited. Why not try including some frontal and transverse based movements into your normal exercises to stress the body in all three planes? If you think about it, when working this way you are applying forces in three different ways. Your muscles will have to recruit 3 times more fibres to stabilise the joints under stress, or create the movement that you desire – and this will mean that you will have a much greater physiological response of muscle hypertrophy. In laymans terms, you will get results much faster!

Example: Try a walking lunge exercise with a dumb bell. Swing it from your left hip over your right shoulder as you lunge and repeat on both sides. Not only will you be working within the three planes of movement you will be stressing the body through the forces of gravity, ground reaction force and momentum.

Visit www.tjfpersonaltraining.com for more information on functional training.This month we are going to dive back into the discussion of human function and hopefully go one step further into helping you understand the definition of ‘function’ in relation to your fitness.To do this, in the next few issues we are going to talk in more detail about what are known as the litmus tests of function.

The litmus tests are what a true function coach will use to help them ‘step back’ and constantly assess what is going on in order to help them accurately create an exercise programme that facilitates the coach/patients desired function – whether it be improved performance in a certain sport (such as golf or tennis), rehabilitate an injury that is inhibiting them in some way, or even lose weight.

Therefore it is important that an exercise should not be termed functional unless it passes all of these litmus tests.

One of the most vital litmus tests for function is whether or not an exercise is utilising all three planes of movement. The three planes of movement are explained below:

When I was first learning about human movement my university lecturer always used to say that if you imagine the body being cut open with a circular saw then it could be cut in one of three ways -sagittal, frontal or transverse.

If you cut the body front to back so you had a left and a right side, the cutting movement would be ‘sagittal’. If it was cut the from one side to the other so you had a front and a back, the cutting movement would be ‘frontal’ and if the saw cut the body across your trunk so there was a top and a bottom half it would have been a ‘transverse’ cutting movement.

At all joints in the body and in all muscles, these three planes of movement are utilised to create a specific function such as gait. This is explained below:

When you observe the movement of the body during gait (walking) it appears as if the movement is predominantly sagittal based, since you move in a forward direction when you walk. But if you could tear off the skin and look a little closer at the hips and pelvis, you would realise very quickly that the hips move in the frontal and transverse planes to create the sagittal movement of walking. This realisation will help you to understand that if the other two planes of movement are so important in walking or running, then why do we not focus on these planes of movement more in our exercise programmes?

If you consider that 90% of all knee injuries occur in the frontal and transverse planes, as an external force is applied to the knee, it is therefore apparant that a prehabilitation programme that works in all three planes of movement to stress the knee would be very wise!

An exercise programme that is solely saggital based (such as your average gym workout) is relatively limited. Why not try including some frontal and transverse based movements into your normal exercises to stress the body in all three planes? If you think about it, when working this way you are applying forces in three different ways. Your muscles will have to recruit 3 times more fibres to stabilise the joints under stress, or create the movement that you desire – and this will mean that you will have a much greater physiological response of muscle hypertrophy. In laymans terms, you will get results much faster!

Example: Try a walking lunge exercise with a dumb bell. Swing it from your left hip over your right shoulder as you lunge and repeat on both sides. Not only will you be working within the three planes of movement you will be stressing the body through the forces of gravity, ground reaction force and momentum.

About the Author: Visit


for more information on functional training.



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On the campaign trail in the USA, June 2016

Category : Uncategorized

Sunday, July 17, 2016

The following is the second edition of a monthly series chronicling the U.S. 2016 presidential election. It features original material compiled throughout the previous month after an overview of the month’s biggest stories.

In this month’s edition on the campaign trail: the effect of the Brexit vote on the US presidential election is examined; a well known businessman and sports team owner pitches his candidacy for vice president; and Wikinews interviews the winner of the American Independent Party California primary.

Retrieved from “https://en.wikinews.org/w/index.php?title=On_the_campaign_trail_in_the_USA,_June_2016&oldid=4641438”

Study links foie gras consumption with Alzheimer’s, arthritis, diabetes, other diseases

Category : Uncategorized

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

A study published on June 18 in the American Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences has found a link between the consumption of foie gras and other meat products and a number of diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes mellitus type 2, tuberculosis, and amyloidosis. The link exists in genetically susceptible individuals.

The study was lead by Alan Solomon, M.D., a professor and researcher at the University of Tennessee Graduate School of Medicine and the director of the Human Immunology and Cancer / Alzheimer’s Disease and Amyloid-Related Disorders Research Program. Amyloidoses are a group of disease states caused by the deposition in vital organs of proteins in the form of fibrils, causing a range of symptoms such as swelling and kidney damage. The deposition of amyloid beta in the brain is central in the origin of the disease process of Alzheimer’s disease. Foie gras is made from the livers of ducks or geese that have been force-fed.

According to Solomon, “we posit that this and perhaps other forms of amyloidosis may be transmissible, akin to the infectious nature of prion-related illnesses [such as mad cow disease]. In addition to foie gras, meat derived from sheep and seemingly healthy cattle may represent other dietary sources of [the fibrils]. People with a family history of Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis or other amyloid-associated diseases should avoid consuming foie gras and other foods that may be contaminated with fibrils,” continued Solomon.

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A Guide To Becoming A Better Punter

Category : Betting

I fired up my laptop that evening and began checking out these sites. As as it happens, there are plenty of websites ready to take your money, allowing you to bet on AFL basketball, tennis, horse racing, motor sports, you name it. They also have kite racing! After spending a few months checking out the different websites (and losing money), Ive come to value those few websites which go further than simply offering a location to bet. Finding a website that offered bonuses like betting tips, blog posts that summarize coming matches or sports-related innovations truly transformed things for the better. Some of the information you can certainly get from there is awesome, the most recent instance has been that the winner of the screen guild best director wins the oscar for best director 58 times out of 60. I enjoy having the selection of choices and I particularly appreciate having access to tips. An online betting site that offers more than simply a way to place bets gets my vote.You should check out these important capabilities in prospective partners.1.Inside MailTips certainly are a essential componet of an online betting agency. You don’t need to have to hunt around town hunting for the good oil, it needs to be easy.2.InsightsV8 super cars are a good example. Ive watched the Bathurst 1000 several times and Ive placed quite a few losing bets on Formula One races, but the betting website I now use provides a wealth of knowledgeable analyses on practically any sporting event from somebody who knows his stuff. Now, I have a better understanding of the events I want to bet on. This signifies my bets are no longer haphazard (based on hunches and simularities) and more a technological calculation of the odds. This has improved my betting IQ, improving the chances of my success as well as my satisfaction of sporting events.Youll appreciate the difference when you move from a simple online betting website to a full-featured online betting community. Mobile betting is now the big thing and factors like social media competitions, Twitter updates and more make it far more entertaining to bet these days. Keeping you ahead of thoroughbred racing this weekend makes you be more successful together with your bets and being part of a community makes the entire experience much more thrilling.About the authorHis passion for sports, data and analysis have shaped the way he bets. I love going to the track, but if I can’t be there it is just as good to stay at home or go to the pub and have a bet on my phone. He also appreciates the fact that these internet websites, such as online betting australia, regularly provide horse racing tips and other useful information that can help punters to improve their betting IQ.