Chicago Car Dealers Insurance, Coverage Issues And Prices

Category : Financial Planners

By Ed Sneineh

Chicago Car Dealers Insurance, Issues And Prices

Do all used car dealers need insurance?

Definitely. All new and used car dealerships will need to have some sort of garage insurance policy that must be filed with the state by the insurance carrier. A cancellation of their insurance policy will end up in a suspension of their business license granted to them by the state. Used car dealers insurance in Chicago is the law.

What form of coverage do you need?

Necessary Coverages:


Car dealers need a garage liability policy covering the business as well as the workers, sales persons of your business (who must also be listed on the policy) in the events your business conduct as a car dealer result in damages to the properties of others or harm to their body. Neither you, nor officers of your business, or employees are covered under any bodily injury or property damage coverage provided by the garage liability. The minimal level of garage liability insurance in Illinois is a split limit of $100,000/300,000/50,000, also expressed as [100/300/50]. These numbers stand for the max totals that your insurance company will spend on your behalf for bodily injury per person, bodily injury per accident, property damage per accident; correspondingly; in the event that you, your business officials or reported employees cause any at fault accident in relation with your dealership actions. Certain companies offer this minimum as a Combined Single Limit (CSL) of $350,000 bodily harm and property damage per accident, which is normally more expensive than the split limit. Used car dealers that operate larger operations should be worried about liability limits. The author suggests a million dollar as a combined single limit.

Price of garage liability relies on many issues including limits of garage liability insurance, geographical location, number of dealer plates (some companies verify it with the state); and number, ages, MVRs of each operator listed on the policy. A used car dealer insurance policy with minimum plates and most desirable conditions to the issuing company will be approximately $3,000 per year in the City of Chicago. It is less expensive in the suburban areas of Chicago. Nevertheless, extra discounts may apply such as experience with no loss. Also there might be more surcharges if there are younger drivers or if you have employees with not good driving records.

Sometimes the City of Chicago may also ask you to show a evidence of driveway insurance. Typically it is set at $1,000,000 by the City. Certain garage policies issued at lower liability limits in the City of Chicago may be endorsed, for a minimal additional charges, to satisfy the requirements of the City of Chicago. Nevertheless in other conditions, you might need to get a separate policy for that if your policy does not provide that protection.

Illinois Workers Compensation is a very important coverage, one that is also very well missed by car dealerships. You need workers compensation for your dealership in order to meet your legal and moral obligations towards your company and staff. Officers and owners of the organization have the option to include or exclude themselves from workers compensation coverage. In case they want to be excluded (perhaps they get wage and do not do any real work at the dealership) they have to sign some exclusion form. Keep in mind that no employees/contractor/ officer of the dealership is protected for bodily injury in connection with any at fault auto accident related to the measures of the dealers. Coverage for employees for these situations are delivered under a workers compensation policy.

Workers compensation premiums are based on how much salary you will pay in the next 12 months. It has nothing to do with the past. People covered include all the staff with W2s (must include by law), contractors with 1099 (can be excluded only if you can show that they have workers comp coverage on their own) and directors/ owners of the business except if specially excluded. For independent contractors (i.e. drivers who transport autos from car auctions to dealership) they have be added unless they show you that they have workers comp coverage somewhere else. It is tough to estimate fees of workers comp because it is based on future payroll. For that reason, your insurance company gives you an estimate in the beginning, then it will audit your wage towards the end of the policy term, after which date they will tell the final premium. For that reason, you might be charged extra, or simply get a returned premium, at the end of the policy period for the previous policy!

Bonds: A used car surety bond is normally required for new used car dealer ventures which are less than three years. The value of the bond is $20,000. The bond is some kind of guarantee by the bonding company that the used car dealer will adhere to the guidelines set by the State of Illinois. A major issue related to bond is its price. The price of the bond could vary from $200 to $2,000 depending on the credit of the Principal on the bond (owner / partners of the dealership). The vast majority companies will not issue bonds for people with severe credit troubles. Keep in mind that any government organization may ask for a bond. For example, Cook County Treasurer may require a Chicago used car dealer for a bond to guarantee payments of sales tax! This could be brought on by situations related to the experience of the tax authorities with particular places, old owners of business, or new owners/ officer.

Non Mandatory Coverages

There are some optional coverages that used car dealership may be interested in, based on their wants.

Dealer Open Lot refers to the collision and comprehensive coverages on dealer owned autos. There is normally a limit set on coverage per auto. So if a dealer acquire a dealer open lot coverage with $150,000 per site, that policy may limit coverage per vehicle of $25,000. Dealers must analyze their policies.

One of the source of trouble is related to the Coinsurance Penalty Clause. To reduce premiums, a used car dealer may get dealer open lot coverage of $100,000 on his/her lot which has $400,000 of used cars. The coinsurance penalty ratio is the ratio which is used to figure out if a particular dealer is properly insured or not. Coinsurance percentages range from 80% to 100%, and they are normally stipulated on the policy declaration page. In the previous scenario if the customer has 80% coinsurance, then the dealer must keep at least $320,000 to be rightly insured. If the dealer maintains lower than that amount, then the company will provide only partial payments on the claims made, because the client was paying partial payments in relation to what he/she was supposed to should have paid. The amount the company will pay is based on the rate of what the customer currently has [100,000] divided by the minimum that was supposed to be carried [320,000]. In other words, the insurance company will pay about 31.25% [100,000/320,000] of any potential claim, after the deductible!

Your business also needs Garage Keeper Liability, if you work on autos that you do not own, such as customers who bring their cars for minor repair work. Vehicles that you do not own require physical damage coverage (comprehensive and collision) with certain deductible ($500 to $1,000). Garage Keeper Liability insurance is not needed if the dealer does not perform any maintenance or repair work on vehicles they do not own. Garage keeper liability is not an expensive coverage and is based only on the amount of coverage you need. Normally the minimum amount is $25,000 per car. The difference between $25,000 and $50,000 in coverage is very minimal. You can tell how much you need by knowing the average value of all automobiles that exist on your lot which you do not own.

There are other elective coverages that used car dealers may need. These include coverage on Building, Business Property, Security, Business Income, Crime (Robbery etc.) and some forms of Professional Liability.

About the Author: Insurance Navy is a leader in providing

auto insurance Chicago

. Please check our website blog for details on how you can get

used car dealers insurance in Chicago



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How the Army Corps of Engineers closed one New Orleans breach

Category : Uncategorized

Friday, September 9, 2005

New Orleans, Louisiana —After Category 4 storm Hurricane Katrina slammed into New Orleans, on the night before August 29, 2005, several flood control constructions failed. Much of the city flooded through the openings. One of these was the flood wall forming one side of the 17th Street Canal, near Lake Pontchartrain. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is the primary agency for engineering support during such emergencies. A USACE team was assessing the situation in New Orleans on the 29th, water flow was stopped September 2nd, and the breach was closed on September 5th.

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Japan to use renewable energy

Category : Uncategorized

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A new law which seeks to utilise reusable energy and minimise cost impact on consumers is under development in Japan. The new law, which would be effective from July 1 next year, would seek to reduce Japan’s dependency on nuclear power.

The new legislation would urge power utilities to cut costs by purchasing renewable energy from outside companies and private businesses. Japan’s decision has been referred to as opening the door on renewable energy, which currently only contributes to six percent of Japan’s energy sources.

Politicians have amended the bill, allowing the revised bill to pass through parliament later this month. Prime Minister Naoto Kan who is pushing for the bill to be passed in return for his resignation, has stated that the ‘feed-in-tariff on renewable energy will be set at a fixed price so that utilities are limited to purchasing electricity from renewable power generators. Kan hopes that this will encourage more business and private corporate partners to enter into the renewable energy market.

“As a medium-term revolutionary energy and environmental strategy, we have decided to start a thorough review of nuclear power policy and draw a roadmap for a reduction of the dependence on nuclear power” Mr Kan said.

Large companies are concerned about the new legislation as it will continue to affect profit margins which are low due to power shortages and high priced exports. The bill was changed to reduce the surcharge for large power companies after complaints from the Japanese steel industry. If the scheme is launched then consumers will face an increase on electricity bills as utilities can pass their costs onto end-users. Despite the governments promise to cap the surcharge for the next ten years, there is no reference to it in the revised bill.

Lawmakers hope that by adding a provision requiring utilities to streamline their operations, the impact on consumers will be minimized.

A third party group will be set up within the under the Agency for National Resources and Energy to ensure that the setting of fixed prices are fair and just.

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Surprise demolition of partially collapsed building in Buffalo, New York met with opposition

Category : Uncategorized

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Buffalo, New York —Wikinews has learned that, in a surprising turn of events, the city of Buffalo located in New York, has ordered and begun an emergency demolition on a three story 19th century stable which partially collapsed on Wednesday June 11 causing at least five homes to be evacuated. Residents are not happy, and despite the short notice of the demolition, nearly 30 people showed up to protest it. Demolition was not supposed to begin until Monday June 16.

At about 2:30 p.m. (eastern time) on June 13, demolition crew arrived at the stable located at 428 Jersey Avenue and began to unload heavy equipment which will be used to demolish the building. This came as a surprise to residents, as demolition was not supposed to start until Monday June 16.

During the early afternoon hours on June 11, the Buffalo Fire Department was called to scene after residents called 9-1-1 stating that part of the building had collapsed. Material from the building fell into the yards of at least three neighboring houses. Some of the bricks landed inside the building, while some fell into the yards of some houses behind homes on Richmond Avenue, leaving a ‘V’ shape.

At about 3:30 p.m. crews began to demolish a small portion of the stable located behind Joe Murray’s home, a resident who lives behind a portion of the building on Jersey and Richmond avenues. While demolition was taking place, the section collapsed into Murray’s backyard, prompting a call to police. Some residents who own home surrounding the building were inside Murray’s house holding a neighborhood meeting when demolition began. No one was injured when the section collapsed.

“[The building] can come down any minute,” stated Donna Berry of the Buffalo Police Department who also added that when police arrived on scene, they immediately put a stop to demolition, fearing the safety of surrounding residents and pedestrians.

“So many [of the] people [living around the building] are at risk, it makes me want to cry,” added Berry.

Police, local politicians and area residents are concerned that demolition crews and the city are not taking the proper precautions to ensure the safety of residents during demolition.

“[There is] no protection for neighbors. [This is] appalling and beyond negligence,” stated Tim Tielman, Executive Director of the Campaign for Buffalo who was referring to the negligence of the demolition crew.

“[In order to stop demolition] citizens must demonstrate direct harm to themselves,” added Tielman.

The city’s preservation board held an emergency meeting on Thursday to discuss the issue. Wikinews has learned that the owner of the building, Bob Freudenheim, gave the city permission to demolish the building because he would not be “rehabilitating the building anytime soon.” Freudenheim was part-owner of the Hotel Lenox at 140 North Street in Buffalo and was also an advocate to stop the Elmwood Village Hotel from being built on the corners of Forest and Elmwood Avenues in 2006 and 2007, which Wikinews extensively covered. He also financially supported a lawsuit in an attempt to stop the hotel from being built. Though it is not known exactly how long Freudenheim has owned the stable, Wikinews has learned that he was the owner while fighting to stop the hotel from being built.

Tielman states that he was in contact with Freudenheim this morning. Tielman states that Freudenheim “is not spending a dime” to have the building renovated. Tielman states that Freudenheim has offered to sell the building to any interested party for only one US dollar, but that he “flip flops [his decision] constantly,” sometimes wanting hundreds of thousands of dollars for the building. Wikinews has attempted to contact Freudenheim, but so far has been unsuccessful.

City building inspectors were also on scene evaluating the building and ensuring the safety of residents. Donald Grezebielucina states that “some people are on notice to vacate their properties”, but also stated that no other precautions were being taken other than placing “tires and scaffolding” onto the side of 430 Jersey, which sits less than eight feet from the buildings East side.

“The gas has been shut off in case we lost the building, so there would be no explosions or anything like that. It’s so unstable, the structural integrity is gone. The chemical composite of the trusses has changed dramatically and dry rotted. There are three vehicles in the basement which totally disappeared,” stated Grezebielucina to the press while protesters yelled “save our building, save our neighborhood.”

Wikinews has also learned that local residents have consulted a lawyer regarding the issue, and hope to petition the New York State Supreme court to issue an injunction to stop demolition. They states that Freudenheim should be “100% responsible” for his actions, and many are afraid that once the building is demolished, Freudenheim’s charges of neglect will be abolished. Freudenheim is facing housing violations for neglecting the building. Though residents are fighting, Tielman states that “an injunction is unlikely.”

“We had a letter of violation against him. He was supposed to have started work to stabilize the brick this Monday. We all hope this building could be saved. But we’ve got five houses evacuated and we cannot tolerate any further delay. We’ve got to get people back into their homes in a safe condition,” said Richard Tobe, Commissioner of the city’s Permit and Inspection Services.

Demolition is set to resume at 8:00 the morning of Saturday June 14.

Mike Lombardo, the Commissioner for the Buffalo Fire Department, believes that the building was built in 1812 or 1814, making it nearly 200 years old. It is one of only three stables still standing in the city.

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Deep Tissue Massage : Glowing Skin

Deep tissue massage : Glowing skin


adam stone

Massage is a common phenomenon nowadays and the people are getting more and more inclined towards it. Its benefits have been far encouraging for the people to go for it and even avail of the remedial purposes that it fulfills. The massages are of various types. The massage culture has been prevalent since a long time now and the new world is fast getting used to the excellence of these massages.

One such form of the massage is the deep tissue massage. This type of massage is mainly used by people who have to deal with something like tissue-tear or the ones who constantly have to keep up the levels of their energies high.These can be the people associated with sports, athletes and why only athletes, these massages can be taken by any person who has a tissue-tear or has suffered a tissues breakage or simply hurt his tissue. This person can be anyone apart from the athletes. Thus, deep tissue massage therefore, comes handy.


A deep tissue massage or a sports massage is given to people who have to constantly be physically fit and who have to make a huge utilization of their muscle power. Deep tissue massage is given to people not only to provide a relieve to them but it can be given also to people who need it when their body has gone under a lot of stress. So, it can be used for a basic well-being of the body of an individual.

With so many people associated with sports nowa days all over the world and with so many kids and young adults increasingly enrolling themselves for high end games which require them to be physically tough and fit. This high level of energy is difficult to bring out only with a good diet. It has to be combined with the right set of diet plus the exercises which will help the body to give its best in the competition.

We have often seen, even in the middle of a competition, for example a cycle race, the participant gets some time to regain his lost strength and that can be by any of his team members which are there to help him. Owing to the high pressure and strain their bodies have to go through, the sports massage or the deep tissue massage is something that helps them cope up with the pressures.

Like any other city in the world which encourages sports, Melbourne too, has its own share of sports personalities and it encourages sports hugely. More the number of people enrolling for the sports more is the demand of techniques which keep the body in shape and fit. Massages thus paly a very important role in a sport person s life and help him be successful in his game.

Owing to all this, Melbourne has a lot of massage centers coming up which offer a variety of services as far as the massage techniques are concerned. Sports massage or the deep tissue massages are just two of the ways in which the remedial measures can be estimated.

Adam Stone is an author of mindbodysoulmastery, One of the best massage, myotherapy and spiritual service provider. He is writing articles on

deep tissue massage melbourne

, from past 5 years.

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Former professional wrestler Giant González dies aged 44

Category : Uncategorized

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Former Argentine professional wrestler and basketball player Jorge ‘Giant’ González has died at the age of 44. González died in his hometown of San Martin, Argentina. The cause of death was established to be complications of diabetes. González had suffered with the illness for several years and was wheelchair bound.

Standing over 7.5 feet (2.3 metres) tall, González was originally a basketball player before becoming a wrestler. Upon moving to the United States, he was drafted in the third round of the 1988 NBA draft by the Atlanta Hawks. After his basketball career ended, he joined World Championship Wrestling (WCW). During his time there, he wrestled as El Gigante for two years, then joining the World Wrestling Federation (WWF), now World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE).

During his time with the WWF, González feuded with The Undertaker. He debuted at the 1993 Royal Rumble where he eliminated Undertaker from the Royal Rumble match. He spent the entire of his time at with the WWF feuding with Undertaker and left the company in July 1993 after losing a Rest in Peace match to him. After leaving the company, he wrestled in Japan before retiring in 1995 after suffering from sciatic nerve pain.

González is the latest in a line of former WWE wrestlers to die in the last two months. In August, both Lance Cade and Luna Vachon passed away, while Mike ‘Bastion Booger’ Shaw died at the age of 53 earlier this month.

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Gov. Bobby Jindal supports creationism as part of ‘the very best science’

Category : Uncategorized

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Governor Bobby Jindal, a Republican politician from the U.S. state of Louisiana, appeared on CBS’s Face the Nation on Sunday and said he supports teaching intelligent design (ID) in public school as “the very best science.” Jindal, who was elected governor in 2007, is a Hindu convert to Catholicism who takes the Bible literally.

In his exchange on the Sunday morning talk show, “Some want only to teach intelligent design, some only want to teach evolution. I think both views are wrong, as a parent.”

In a September 2007 debate he supported the view of creationism saying, “Personally, it certainly makes sense to me that when you look at creation, you would believe in a creator.”

Recently, the Louisiana House of Representatives passed legislation, which the National Center for Science Education said “opens the door to creationism in public school science classes.” The bill is currently on his desk.

Jindal is currently considered a possible Vice President candidate for John McCain’s U.S. Presidential campaign.

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5 Questions You Should Ask A Roofer In Oklahoma City Before Hiring Him

Category : Art Tours


Building your own house is sometimes a mixture of excitement and anxiety. You never know whether your contractor will keep his promise of delivering your specific kind of house. Roofing is one major area that most homeowners are keen on. The roof speaks volumes about the beauty of your house. The least you can do to ensure that your house becomes beautiful is to hire competent roofer in Oklahoma City. Before hiring any roofer, you should ask him the following hard questions.

  • Will he accept liability in case he messes up during roofing: This is important to know so that you can be ready for misfortunes that may occur. The acceptance of the roofer to take liability should not be merely verbal. It should be put in writing and preferably signed by you and him in the presence of witnesses.
  • Can he substantiate his claims about the quality of his work: You should not always buy the stories that the roofers will tell you regarding their competence. A serious roofer will direct you to some of his previous clients from whom you can find out about the quality of his work.
  • How much he will charge, you and the forms of payment: The roofer need to tell you clearly the amount of money his services will cost you. He should come out clearly on whether you are required to pay a down payment or not. The cash transfer methods should also be discussed and agreed upon.
  • Duration of the service: The roofer should come up with a reasonable schedule of his work. The schedule should be free from vagueness or mischief. The schedule should preferably be independent of the amount of money payable.
  • How to prepare your house for roofing in case it was already occupied: The roofer should be in a position to tell you how to protect your household items in readiness for the roofing process. Some of this items could include clothing and electrical appliances.

Clearly, finding a competent Roofer in Oklahoma City is not a walk in the park. You should strive to ensure that you get tour roofer from a reputable company.

For more information, contact a roofer.

Fire erupts in parking structure at Sola Airport, Norway

Category : Uncategorized

Friday, January 10, 2020

At about 15:30 local time (1430 UTC) on Tuesday a fire was reported in the “Kiss & Fly” section of a parking structure at Stavanger Airport, Sola in Norway. The structure has over 3000 parking spaces; reports said more than half of those were filled. The airport was quickly closed to air traffic.

It was initially reported the fire started in an electric vehicle, but news broadcaster NRK later reported the fire started in a recalled 2005 Opel Zafira. The car was recalled after a similar fire in Cork, Ireland in August last year, causing damage to about 60 cars. Police said they questioned the car’s owner.

The fire produced heavy smoke, and local officials said there was danger the building might collapse. Nils-Erik Haagenrud of Rogaland Fire and Rescue said late on Tuesday no personnel would be sent into the building. Rogaland Fire and Rescue requested support and equipment from other fire departments. The airport and nearby hotel were both evacuated and local police warned people in the general vicinity to stay inside and close exterior vents and windows. Through Tuesday evening the fire was reduced and the order for a fire extinguisher robot from Oslo Fire and Rescue was canceled.

The airport closure also led to Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg being stranded after a visit to the Johan Sverdrup oil field. Solberg posted on Twitter asking for places to eat for the seven hour drive from Stavanger to the capital of Oslo.

Reports as of Wednesday said an estimated two to three hundred vehicles had been damaged or destroyed, but no humans had been hurt.

By about 22:00 local time (2100 UTC) on Tuesday the flames were under control. Local firefighters planned to continue to monitor the situation and work to prevent further damage. It was also discovered the structure was built without sprinklers. Stavanger Airport, Sola was to open on Wednesday morning, but returning to normal service was expected to take longer. Affected travelers were advised to contact their airlines for rebooking.

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Getting even with the law: Wikinews interviews New York City’s ‘Jimmy Justice’

Category : Uncategorized

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

“What bothers me is watching an officer write someone a summons and then commit the exact same violation with their official vehicle.

A civilian known as ‘Jimmy Justice’ who resides in New York City (NYC), New York, the largest city in the United States, has been videotaping NYC police officers and city workers, breaking the law while on the job.

Since 2007, he claims to have caught “hundreds of officers and other city employees violating the law,” and says he has them all on camera. He has posted his best confrontations with them to the video sharing website YouTube. As a result, Justice states that he has been asked to do a United States television show and Wikinews got an exclusive interview with him. For protection, Justice wished not to be called by his real name in fear of police retaliation.

Last year, Justice videotaped a police officer parking in front of a fire hydrant, but has only recently gained attention on social networking news sites such as Digg and So Wikinews contacted Mr. Justice, known as JimmyJustice4753 on YouTube, for an exclusive interview to find out what caused him to get revenge on the law.

On June 30, 2007, Justice caught officer E. Anderson of the NYPD, traffic division, parking directly in front of a fire hydrant while she went inside a restaurant to take a 15 minute lunch break.

“Do you think there is something wrong with parking a vehicle, blocking a fire hydrant,?” says Justice while following Anderson to her car after her meal.

“Mrs. Anderson I’m talking to you,” says Justice as Anderson ignores him. “You parked your vehicle blocking a fire hydrant. You are not allowed to do that. Somebody else would get a ticket for that. Why are you allowed to do it? You should be ashamed of yourself Mrs. Anderson.”

By this time, the incident has gained the interest of people nearby the scene and passing it. One unidentified woman, who claims to be a retired NYC police officer decides to intervene stating that people “are not supposed to film any police, [or] anybody employed with the police department because of the terrorism.” A short time later the woman walked off camera.

Since 2007 Justice says he has caught “hundreds of law enforcement officers and city officials” on “over 30 hours of video” violating laws from illegal U-turns in business districts to blocking bus stops and fire hydrants. Justice has only uploaded the “most colorful ones to YouTube” and recently, on April 8, 2008, Justice videotaped a NYPD tow truck officer blocking a hydrant while he also ate lunch inside a restaurant. According to NYC law, it is illegal for any vehicle to park within 15 feet of a fire hydrant and to park in front of a bus stop. It is also illegal for any person to make a U-turn in a business district. Fines for these violations can cost a driver up to US$115.00 for each violation occurred.

When Wikinews asked Justice why he decided to start filming the violations made by officials he answered, “what bothers me is watching an officer write someone a summons and then commit the exact same violation with their official vehicle. I started making these videos to remind the officers (and complacent civilians) that City employees have to abide by the same laws that they are paid to enforce. I plan on doing this and inspiring others to do this as well as a means of leveling the playing field against discourteous officers.”

“In NYC, the traffic cops are notorious for their draconian indiscretion in handing out summonses to civilians for petty violations. Obviously the laws are not enforced as a matter of public safety, but rather to raise revenue,” added Justice.

Justice makes little effort to get the violations on videotape saying “all I have to do to catch them is open my eyes.”

“The problem with abuse of authority is rampant in New York City. I take my video camera with me on the way to work and on the way to social events and band rehearsals and when I see action it takes me less than 4 seconds to have the camera out and in record mode,” states Justice.

His videos have drawn the attention of media and he has been featured on ABC’s ‘I-caught videos’ and Inside Edition. Justice also states that the popularity of his videos have gotten the attention producers in Hollywood, California and as a result, there are plans for a television show.

Since Justice began getting even with officials and their violations, he states that there has been a positive change in the communities.

“The publicity my videos have received has effected positive change in the community, but we still have a long road ahead of us,” added Justice.

As a result of his videos, at the time the NYPD launched an investigation into the violations, but it is not known if any officers were charged or punished. Justice himself has never been arrested, but has been assaulted.

“I have never been arrested for this yet but they have threatened me with arrest. I have been spit on, cursed at, assaulted, and I had 2 cameras broken already,” added Justice.

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