Read Your Boyfriend’s Text Messages Online

Category : Digital Marketing

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By Vicky L

You can read your boyfriend’s text messages online with the right programs. These are available online, and they vary quite a bit. You will want to make sure that the software has all the features that you want before you buy it. Price is also something that will differ between programs as well. Make sure you actually compare the features and prices before you narrow it done to a couple choices. Some may seem like more money, but they will include more as well.

With something called smart phone spy software you can read your boyfriend’s text messages online. You will have to install the program right onto the phone and set it up. After that it runs completely silently, there is nothing on the phone that will alert him that the program is there. Once it is there, it will record all the messages that are sent from and received. Then, using the internet connection on the phone it will send all the recordings to a separate account online.


You can read your boyfriend’s text messages online by logging into your account at the database where all the recordings are sent. I am not talking about just a list of times that the messages were sent. You will actually be able to read every message there in detail. I cannot promise that you will like everything that you read, but they will be there. Even the messages that got deleted off the phone are recorded and sent to this account for you to view.

As I stated before, you can get different features with some of these programs. Some of them will allow you to view all the pictures and videos that are taken with his phone. Others will also give you a GPS location throughout the day as well. You should realize that not every program will run the way I have described them. Some of them simply forward the messages and this is not very effective. You could also end up with a huge bill since you might get charged again for the forwarding. This type of system also has the potential to show up on his phone as well.

You can read your boyfriend’s text messages online with the right program. You will want one that is secure, and runs without forwarding the messages. Yes you want them sent to an account, but that can be done over the internet without risking additional charges. This method is also less likely to ever show up on the phone at all. This is also why you need a smart phone for the software.

Read your boyfriend’s text messages online, but make sure that you get the right type of software to do it. I assume you are trying to be sneaky so you are not going to want a program that will give itself away. You should also make sure that the software you considered is compatible with the model of phones you have as well as the carriers. This information should be available on the websites for you to see before you actually make a purchase of any of the products.

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Read boyfriend’s text messages online

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Musharraf quits as chief of army staff in Pakistan

Category : Uncategorized

Thursday, November 29, 2007

President Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan gave up his uniform in a ceremony yesterday in Rawalpindi. He handed power over to General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani at the headquarters of the Pakistani Army, after being the leader of the army for nine years.

In his final address as leader of the army, he said that the army was the saviour of Pakistan and that the army was his life. He also expressed his pride in being the leader of what he called a “great force.”

Musharraf had been under a lot of pressure to quit as army chief, since the country was put into the spotlight as a result of a state of emergency being declared. He is expected to be sworn in as the civilian president of Pakistan on Thursday.

Both the opposition leader, Benazir Bhutto, and the US secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, welcomed the change of duties. However, Bhutto indicated her party may not be prepared to accept Musharraf in his new non-military leadership role. Condoleezza Rice requested the state of emergency be lifted before the planned elections, which are due to take place in January.

Musharraf said General Kayani was “an excellent soldier” and that “the armed forces under his command will achieve great heights.”

General Kayani was named as the successor to Musharraf in October, before the state of emergency was declared in early November.

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Hope fades for families of trapped Mexican miners

Category : Uncategorized

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Almost 600 desperate family members and others remained camped outside the Pasta de Conchos coal mine near San Juan de Sabinas, in the northern Mexico state of Coahuila where 65 Mexican miners were trapped by a gas explosion around 2:30 a.m. (0830 GMT) Sunday. Some are threatening to storm the mine while soldiers are trying to keep them calm and rescuers continue to pick through the rock and debris with hand tools, fearing that any power equipment might set off another explosion.

The local newspaper’s headline caused panic by quoting one of over a dozen surviving miners who were close enough to the exits to escape: “They are surely dead,” (La Prensa de Monclova). However, Arturo Vilchis, Civil Protection Director, refused to speculate on the condition of the miners, while Javier de la Fuente, an engineering contractor with mine owner Grupo México S.A. de C.V. also tried to hold out some hope.

The men were each supposed to be carrying oxygen tanks, each with a six hour supply, and there’s some hope that they could reach other oxygen supply tanks, or that some air might be reaching them through the ventilation shafts into which rescuers have been pumping more oxygen since shortly after the explosion.

Juan Rebolledo, vice president of international affairs for Grupo México, assured onlookers that U.S. mining experts were on the way, and officials at the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration have confirmed that they’ve sent a specialized equipment truck and several mining experts which should arrive at the mine site on Wednesday afternoon.

Meanwhile Consuelo Aguilar, a spokeswoman for the National Miners’ Union, called for an investigation into Grupo México’s responsibility for the disaster. Pedro Camarillo, a federal labor official, said nothing unusual was found during a routine evaluation in early February.

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U.S. Supreme Court hears arguments on constitutionality of lethal injection

Category : Uncategorized

Monday, January 7, 2008

The U.S. Supreme Court is hearing arguments on the constitutionality of the use of lethal injection as a method for the imposition of the death penalty in the United States. Two men, Ralph Baze and Thomas Clyde Bowling Jr., who were convicted of murder in the Commonwealth of Kentucky and sentenced to death, sued the state in 2004 arguing that the use of lethal injection as a method of imposition of capital punishment violates the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment.

Thirty-seven states and the Federal Government have capital punishment for some crimes, all except Nebraska (which uses electrocution) use lethal injection. The process uses three chemicals in a “cocktail”, which, by the procedures that are used to apply them to the condemned, (three injections given consecutively) allegedly “create a significant and unnecessary risk of inflicting severe pain that could be prevented by the adoption of reasonable safeguards”, their lawyers said in court papers. “Kentucky seeks to execute in a relatively humane manner and has worked hard to adopt such a procedure,” Kentucky Attorney General Gregory Stumbo has said. The state has also argued in its brief against supporting the plaintiffs’ appeal that it will lead to “an endless road of litigation. … Condemned inmates will never run out of ideas for changes to the procedures, drugs or equipment used during lethal injection.”

Baze was scheduled to be executed on January 8 after Governor of Kentucky Ernie Fletcher signed his death warrant, but the Kentucky Supreme Court suspended his execution on September 12, 2007, arguing it needed more time to examine arguments he had made in a separate appeal. He was convicted of killing Powell County Sheriff Steve Bennett and Deputy Arthur Briscoe in 1992 while the lawmen were trying to serve him with arrest warrants. Bowling was convicted of killing Edward and Tina Earley in Louisville in 1990.

According to the article on lethal injection in Wikipedia, the three chemicals used are Sodium thiopental to render the offender unconscious; Pancuronium/Tubocurarine: to stop all muscle movement except the heart, causing muscle paralysis, collapse of the diaphragm, and would eventually cause death by asphyxiation; and Potassium chloride to stop the heart. The chemicals apparently cannot be combined together as they could precipitate into a solid and be ineffective. It is argued that thiopental is a very short-term anesthetic and may wear off during the procedure, causing anesthesia awareness and excruciating pain from the effects of the other drugs.

In oral hearings today, the justices seemed skeptical that the chemical concoction causes extreme pain or that a better method was available. A lawyer for one of the plaintiffs argued that if insufficient anesthetic is given, when the inmate is given the paralyzing drug, they will experience agonizing pain, but be unable to react, and that it is even illegal in Kentucky to euthanize animals in this fashion. Some of the justices have considered sending the case back for further hearings to determine if a single barbiturate would be superior to the current method.

While the Supreme Court has examined the application of the death penalty many times over the past 40 years, this is the first time the court has reviewed the issue of the method of execution in 100 years, according to lawyers for the plaintiffs. A ruling is not expected until June. There are about 3,000 people on death row in the United States, and about 60 are executed each year. Since the case was accepted by the Supreme Court, all executions in the United States have been temporarily suspended pending the decision.

The case name is Baze v. Rees.

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Ready2 Invest Right Place To Invest In The Right Property

Category : Property

Ready2Invest- Right Place to Invest in the Right Property


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Investment in property is really a worthwhile investment that always returns with huge profits. Now, people are also interested in making properties beyond the geographical boundaries. But, investing in booming area and facing a number of related problems are two main questions that always come in the mind before making any investment in property. When it comes to right investment at the right time in properties, numerous property investment firms have come up unique ideas about on-shore as well as off-shore potential property deals by delivering best to its investors.

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Hamas preparing for Israeli ‘incursion’ into Gaza

Category : Uncategorized

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Hamas, the current government controlling Gaza and a labeled as a “foreign terrorist organization” by the United States, is claiming that the Israel Defense Forces are preparing for an incursion into Gaza, and they are preparing for any such attempt, performing military exercises and drills to “surprise” Israeli forces with “ferocious fighting.” Hamas says that Israel is planning to attack after several rockets were fired into populated cities the southern portion of Israel from Hamas controlled portions of the strip.

“Your brothers, the sons of Hamas … have the weapons that they claimed as booty from the war of cleansing (of Fatah) and will now fight the state of Israel with them,” said Nizar Rayyan a senior Hamas government official in a statement who also added that they would kidnap any Israeli soldiers attempting an attack on the government or the city.

Drills and exercises including training their forces in handling and firing rocket launchers and automatic rifles. They also train in “taking cover” and wear camouflage outfits. An abandoned building was also blown up in a controlled explosion.

Israeli officials don’t deny that any military action is not part of possible plans to stop the rocket fire into the country, but also say that there are several other plans to try and stop rocket attacks.

“I think there are a series of actions other than military actions,” said Tzipi Livni, the Foreign Minister of Israel.

Some plans include stopping supplies such as water and fuel from going into Gaza, and shutting off the gas and electricity to homes and businesses in the attempt to stop attacks.

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Australian government pays A$20m for copyright to Aboriginal flag

Category : Uncategorized

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

On Tuesday, the day preceding Australia Day, the Australian government announced it had purchased the copyright to the Australian Aboriginal Flag for A$20.05 million.

The flag, created by Luritja man Harold Thomas in 1970, represents the connection Aboriginal people have to the land. It was adopted as a national flag in 1995, however copyright remained with Thomas. The flag could not be used without his approval or compensation.

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison promised the flag would be treated in a comparable way to the national flag, which can be used by anyone so long as it is displayed in a “respectful and dignified way.”

Morrison promised: “All Australians can now put the Aboriginal Flag on apparel such as sports jerseys and shirts, it can be painted on sports grounds, included on websites, in paintings and other artworks, used digitally and in any other medium without having to ask for permission or pay a fee,”

“We’ve freed the Aboriginal Flag for Australians.”

Indigenous Affairs Minister Ken Wyatt said: “Over the last 50 years we made Harold Thomas’ artwork our own — we marched under the Aboriginal Flag, stood behind it, and flew it high as a point of pride,”

“Now that the Commonwealth holds the copyright, it belongs to everyone, and no-one can take it away.”

The commercial arrangements surrounding the flag were highlighted in 2019 after one of the clothing companies holding a licence for the flag, WAM Clothing, gave notices to the National Rugby League and Australian Football League, alleging jerseys worn at their Indigenous round infringed upon their copyright. At the time, Wyatt urged football fans to show their objections to the claim by clothing themselves in the flag. It is understood several other organisations were given similar notices.

Under the agreed deal, the government paid A$20.05 million to Thomas and licence holders to secure copyright and buy back the rights of licence holders. They have pledged to:

  • transfer future royalties from commercial flag sales into a fund to support NAIDOC Week;
  • establish a A$100 thousand scholarship in Thomas’ honour for Indigenous students to develop leadership skills;
  • accept and display a painting by Thomas celebrating the flag’s 50th anniversary and the transfer of copyright;
  • create a web portal for flag history and education.

Bangarang woman Geraldine Atkinson told Nine News she was “absolutely pleased” about the flag passing to the government, saying the news gave Indigenous Australians something to celebrate on Australia Day. Atkinson said: “When I read it, it was the first I’d heard about it, and I punched the air, I was so excited […] We’re not going to be celebrating the day, but we’re going to be celebrating our flag. We’re going to be celebrating that we can fly our flag, and wear it on our shirts.”

While Greens Senator Lidia Thorpe welcomed the news, she was wary about the deal, saying: “I’m concerned that the Commonwealth owns the copyright over our flag and what that means for the unceded sovereignty and the self-determination of our people […] We need to have genuine conversations about what it means for the Commonwealth to own the copyright of our flag and if any other models of community ownership were seriously considered. For the moment, this is a win.”

Labor Party Senator Malarndirri McCarthy said she would be scrutinising the deal during the Senate’s forthcoming budget estimates: “I look forward to scrutinising this deal and examining the details through Senate Estimates next month, in particular the copyright and custodianship of the flag”. McCarthy went on to state, “Scott Morrison and the Indigenous Affairs Minister need to also clarify where the money for this deal is coming from.”

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International conference agrees on plan for Yemen’s terror problem

Category : Uncategorized

Thursday, January 28, 2010

An international conference in London on Tuesday came up with a plan to fight al-Qaeda’s presence in Yemen. Delegates present at the conference were from twenty countries, including Yemen, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

The conference was called by British Prime Minister Gordon Brown due to the failed Christmas Day plot to blow up a US plane, for which al-Qaeda in Yemen claimed responsibility. However, the attendees stress that the al-Qaeda presence is not Yemen’s only problem, and that it cannot be solved without first dealing with the others.

we—the international community—can and must do more.

Hillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State, said that bringing peace to Yemen and making it more stable is a major priority for the United States. She said that the United States had signed a three-year agreement on security development in Yemen. “To help the people of Yemen, we—the international community—can and must do more. And so must the Yemeni government,” she said.

Clinton said that she does not believe that military action would be enough to solve Yemen’s problems, and that corruption must be combated as well as building up democratic institutions and promoting human rights. She asked that the government of Yemen begin its proposed ten-point program for the development of these areas and to reduce the influence of extremist organisations.

Yemen is the poorest nation in the Arab world, and its economy was also on the meeting’s agenda. The United Kingdom’s Foreign Secretary David Miliband chaired the talks, and said that the Yemeni government had pledged to begin an attempt to combat this by entering into discussions with the International Monetary Fund, representatives of which were present at the conference, in order to put together a plan for its economy.

In tackling terrorism it is vital to tackle its root causes. In Yemen’s case these are manifold—economic, social and political

Miliband also announced that a “Friends of Yemen” organisation was to be launched, to discuss the economy, government, and judicial process of Yemen. Also present were delegates from the United Nations, European Union, and World Bank. Miliband acknowledged that the solution was not simply a military one by saying at a press conference, “It’s been a common feature of every contribution that we have heard today that the assault on Yemen’s problems cannot begin and end with its security challenges and its counter-terrorism strategy. In tackling terrorism it is vital to tackle its root causes. In Yemen’s case these are manifold—economic, social and political”.

Ali Mujawar, the Prime Minister of Yemen, received this support warmly, but said that any attack on the nation’s sovereignty would be considered “unacceptable”, and that it should not be portrayed as a failing nation, despite a multitude of problems, including its damaged economy, rapidly growing population, and shrinking oil reserves, as well as the beginning of a drought and its problems with insurgents, such as al-Qaeda terrorists. British Foreign Office Minister Ivan Lewis echoed Mujawar’s statements by saying that Yemen is “not a failed state”, but “an incredibly fragile state”. Lewis also said that “[s]upporting the government of Yemen is crucial to the stability of that country but it is also crucial to the stability of the world”.

Yemen’s Foreign Minister, Abu Bakr al-Qirbi, asked the delegates at the conference for “international support to build infrastructure, combat poverty and create jobs, as well as support in combating terrorism”. However, he said that the idea of having US military bases in Yemen was “inconceivable”.

Arab League secretary general Amr Moussa is unsure how useful the meeting will be. He expressed these concerns by telling the BBC, “I don’t know how a conference like that can decide something useful, something reasonable for Yemen… in a couple of hours”, and saying that it was a “strange” and “very unusual sign” that the Arab League had not been given the chance to send delegates to the conference, despite wanting to discuss all of Yemen’s problems without specific focus on al-Qaeda. Despite these concerns, donors from a number of Western and Gulf nations have agreed to meed again, this time in the Saudi Arabian capital city of Riyadh, in February.

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How Can I Build Muscle Mass And Lose Weight At The Same Time?

Category : Dentistry

By Chris Chew

As a fitness personal trainer and weight loss consultant, I am often asked this question,”Can I lose weight and build muscle size at the same time?”

Now let me ask you a question. If you are building muscle mass, then you are building body tissues and since muscles are dense body tissues, they are heavy. That being the case, when building muscles, you must be gaining and not losing weight right?

What these folks actually meant was that whether they can lose body fat and build muscle mass at the same time. Yes, it is possible to lose fat and build muscles at the same time. However, the process can be rather complicated and it takes alot of discpline and knowledge to do that. Furthermore, results may be even slower than the conventional 2 steps bulking up and cutting down phase method.


You see, losing fat and gaining muscles are at odds with each other. This is because to lose body fat weight, you have to eat less calories than the energy your body used up in your daily activities. On the other hand, to gain muscles you have to eat more calories than your body used as its energy source. So they are contradictoins.So how to achieve the desired result simultaneously?

Well, as I said, it can be done but is quite complicated. This is the reason why most professional bodybuilders train in 2 phases. The bulking up phase and the cutting down phase.

The bulking up phase is when the bodybuilders train to put on muscle mass and don’t even think of losing fat. In this process, they will actually be putting on alot of weight. They will put on muscle weight as as well as some weight from body fat because they have to eat alot to put on huge muscle mass.

When these bodybuilders put on enough muscles, they will then begin the cutting phase. It will also be alot easier to lose fat now because all the muscles they put on will help them to burn calories fast. Yes, muscles burn more calories because they need calories to sustain them.So these body builders become natural fat burner with their high metabolism at this stage.

The cutting phase is when the bodybuilders cut fat from all over their body to get that ripped definition. For ordinary people in this phase, they will get to see their body toned up nicely, their six pack abs will also begin to show. So if you want to have a well sculpted toned body, then take this 2 step approach to build muscles first and then cut the body fat when you achieve the muscle size you wanted.

About the Author: Chris Chew is the author of “Burn Fat Build Muscles Fast”. More articles here

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Ontario Votes 2007: Interview with NDP candidate Sheila White, Scarborough-Rouge River

Category : Uncategorized

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Having worked as an aide, advisor, and Executive Assistant to municipal and provincial politicians, Sheila White is running for the Ontario New Democratic Party in the Ontario provincial election, in the Scarborough-Rouge River riding. Wikinews’ Nick Moreau interviewed her regarding her values, her experience, and her campaign.

Stay tuned for further interviews; every candidate from every party is eligible, and will be contacted. Expect interviews from Liberals, Progressive Conservatives, New Democratic Party members, Ontario Greens, as well as members from the Family Coalition, Freedom, Communist, Libertarian, and Confederation of Regions parties, as well as independents.

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