Cooling Tips For Your Air Conditioning System

Submitted by: Chris Hinde

Interestingly enough a big AC may not be your ideal answer to the summer heat. It might, in fact, provide you less cooling than a smaller unit, since smaller units run longer than bigger ones which tend to click on and off. Running longer permits smaller units to maintain a regular room temperature, remove moisture from the room (thereby getting rid of humidity) and ultimately gives you greater comfort.

Even you are selecting a machine for central air-conditioning size is of considerable importance. This sizing however needs to be done by a pro. When dealing with a central air-conditioning system for your home make sure that the fan shuts off along with the compressor, that is, do not make the central fan for circulate the cool air, use circulating fans for each room instead.

Following are a few cooling tips which will save your air conditioning systems from breaking out in a sweat;


(1) Use whole house fans. These help maintain a cool temperature by dragging cool air through the whole house and throwing out the hot air through the attic. Whole house fans work best during night time when the outdoors is cooler than the indoors.

(2) In the summer months your thermostat should ideally be set as high as possible. The closer the temperatures outside and inside are the less your cooling bill! If your thermostat is set at a colder setting your cooling rate will slow down, the temperature will fall to an uncomfortable level plus your cooling expenses will mount.

(3) Let your fan s speed be high, unless of course the weather is particularly humid in which case you will be better off setting it at a lower speed.

(4) Use an interior fan to complement your window AC. This will give your AC a helping hand and distribute the cool air better without unnecessarily increasing your electricity bills.

(5) Putting your lamps, TV sets etc. near your thermostat is a big no-no. heat from these appliances can be detected by the thermostat making the AC run unnecessarily long.

(6) Its ok to put trees or shrubs to shade your AC but make sure they don t come in the way of the airflow. An AC unit functioning under a shade is known to use almost 10% less amount of electricity than one functioning directly under the sun.

About the Author: Chris Hinde is an air conditioning contractor and author. Please see more of his articles at

Air Central


Air Conditioner Ratings


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Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back Using The No Contact Rule

Category : Quantity Surveyors

Going through the painful emotions of a breakup with your boyfriend (now ex boyfriend) is tough, but one of the BIGGEST mistakes you can make right now is contacting him. “But I want to get him back right now!” I hear you say. Of course you do, however contacting him is NOT the way to go which is why you need to read the rest of this article to see how you can use the no contact rule to make HIM desperate for YOU back.

What is the No Contact Rule?


By simple definition, the no contact rule means cutting of all contact with your ex. This may go against the feelings you have right now; all you want to do is call him and explain how much you love him, miss him, want him back etc. But let me go through the reasons why doing that won’t work.

  • Guys hate clinging. In fact, they run away from anything ‘clingy’. Males want to feel that their freedom is intact, this means the avoidance of most ‘commitment’ where possible. When you cling, you are effectively forcing him to commit to something (your relationship) against his will by him accepting your clinging behavior. This will make him uncomfortable and only succeed in driving him further away from you.
  • Guys appreciate independent girls. By contacting him after a breakup, you are only showing that you can’t get on without him and this will push him further away from you. Guys want girls who have their own lives, their own friends and their own ambitions. While your ex boyfriend might appreciate that you want to spend time with him, he will want to spend more time with YOU if you make it seem like you have a lot going on. And you do, you have your friends, family, daily commitments and what-not. Don’t ruin this fact by contacting him if you really want to get your ex boyfriend back.
  • He wants the chase! Guys are suckers for a good chase. It’s the way males are programmed, it’s been this way for all of history and it’s not different now. By depriving him of that chase, you are depriving him of his favourite past time and that means he will think he is getting a lot less out of your relationship then he thinks he should. Bottom line is that you need to make him feel like he’s worked for it.

How you can use the No Contact Rule to drive your ex boyfriend crazy

Now that you know the reasons why contacting him won’t work, you can begin to see how you can use this to your advantage. Don’t cling, be independent – keep running your own life, give him the chase! By not contacting him, he will begin to realise that you really CAN get on without him and in turn that he made a mistake. He will then try to contact you but don’t give in just yet. Make him work for it – after all, you deserved to be worked for don’t you? Take in what you’ve learnt here about the no contact rule and you will be in a much better position to get your ex boyfriend back. Not just that, HE will be the one desperate to get YOU back. Please understand that this is just one of a number of effective techniques you can use to get him back.

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Are you ready to get Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back? If so, Christian Caleb will lead the way, giving you tips and reviews like his Get Him Back Forever Review to help you get him back and keep him for good. Author: Christian Caleb

Effective Minimally Invasive Varicose Vein Surgery


Thousands of people nationally suffer from varicose veins. They tend to become a problem as we get older but they can also become an issue for younger people or women after pregnancy. Apart from being unsightly, they can also be the cause of health issues that range from merely irritating to more serious.

How Do Varicose Veins Form?

A varicose vein is a vein that has become enlarged. They may be very large, running down part of the length of a leg, for example, or very small spider veins that are only noticeable upon close inspection. They may be inherited but also commonly form due to pressure on the cardiovascular system due to pregnancy, obesity, and sitting or standing for long periods of time. Most varicose veins don’t pose too much of a problem, but they can be an issue for some people due to the following:

  • Itchiness: Some people may find their varicose veins itchy and irritable. Some people also find that they experience a burning sensation.
  • Unsightly: Perhaps the biggest complaint, and the reason why many people seek to have varicose vein surgery, is because they can be unsightly. Engorged with blood and sitting just beneath the surface of the skin, a varicose vein can be very noticeable.
  • Ulcers: Because varicose veins are not as efficient at carrying blood back to the heart, blood can pool in them and cause a buildup of fluid. This can result in the formation of ulcers beneath the skin and subsequent bleeding on the surface.

Having Surgery

The good news is that varicose vein surgery is an effective method to remove varicose veins whether they are simply unsightly or causing more serious issues. Clinics such as offer a range of different surgeries for varicose vein removal and it is typical for surgeons to customize the treatment for the patient by taking into account age and skin condition. You can follow them on Google+ for more information.

Get Ready For Google Plus Business Pages

Category : Outsourcing Company

Get Ready for Google Plus Business Pages



Ever since Google launched its much-anticipated social media network, Google+, business owners have been patiently twiddling their thumbs, waiting for the chance to make a profile for their company. While official brand pages are still not up for offer on Google+, business owners can still prepare themselves for them by creating a personal account.

Google+ is currently the fastest-growing social media site with more than 20 million users. By getting on board in the beginning, you will be able to test drive the site and familiarize yourself with all of the features that Google+ has to offer its users. You ll get a better understanding of how the site can be integrated into your business s marketing plan.

Sign Yourself Up Now, Your Business Later

Just because Google+ has put a hold on business pages, that doesn t mean you can t sign up for an account as yourself. You are, after all, a representative of your company so there s no harm in telling other users who you are and what you do. Be aware: if you try to use your personal profile as a way to promote your brand only, Google can take down that page. So be an active user of the network, start conversations with others, build relationships. You ll be able to see what content draws more attention. Fellow users who connect with you on Google+ will want to connect with you on other social networks as well.


Your Circles, Your Audience

In the Find People box, enter keywords and phrases related to your niche and you will be shown a wide variety of people who you can add to your circles. You can also find people based on their geographic locations. You can reach out to people you don t know and make a connection. You can add industry leaders to your circles as well to help stay up-to-date on what s being discussed and what trends are on the rise.

Show Off Your Sparkling Self

There s more to you than the business, so tell people about it! Give people a glimpse into the personality behind the brand. Sharing details about the real you will show people a way to connect with you on a different level. This is a surprisingly powerful marketing tool. People are more comfortable with a business when they can put a face to the name. And knowing that you enjoy some of the same things that they do will help create a bond between you and others in your circles.

Get Ready for Virtual Mingling

On Google+, whenever you see that there s a hangout session or conversation going on with people in your circles, you can join right in. When someone in your circle posts an update, they will choose who can take part. So, if you see that some users are video chatting or a question has been posted for answering, go for it! This is a great way to build relationships and solidify networking connections.

Users are also more apt to +1 on your profile when you ask questions, post comments, open a dialogue and add photos. Linking to your blog post or other articles will bring some traffic but this network is more about conversation and connection.

Review the Incoming Feed

This part of the News Stream on Google+ shows updates from people who have circled you but are not in any of your circles. You may not want to circle every person that circles you, but you can read these posts to learn more about people who show an interest in you. You can find out in what areas they may need help through conversations and offer your services to them.

Are you circling on Google+ yet? What do you do to make more connections? How do you make sure you re getting the most out of the new social network? Share with us!

Dawn Pigoni of Be Social Worldwide is a certified social marketing specialist and a social media virtual assistant. Dawn offers superb social networking, social marketing and social bookmarking to WAHMs, Small Business Owners, Internet Marketers, Affiliate Marketers, and Coaches who desire to bring stunning internet presence through social networking to their businesses. Get Dawn s free report,

Social Networking

today & see how she can assist you with being Social Worldwide!

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The Little Trucks That Could


Here in Virginia, we have everything from dense and robust forests to major cities. When you need to do work up high, whether it be in on the roof of a house or up in the trees, aerial bucket trucks are the way to go. Aerial bucket trucks, also known as cherry pickers and basket crane trucks, have been helping companies to do work faster and safer for years. What kinds of industries use aerial bucket trucks? How can they improve my business? These are a couple of the questions I will look to answer in this article.


Everyone has seen an aerial bucket truck on the side of the road with busy workers buzzing about, getting their work done. So what industries would make use of one of these trucks? The answer is any industry that would use a ladder. Examples of these industries include construction, forestry, city maintenance, and home improvement. Many industries can utilize a tool such as this, regardless of whether a job is big or small, everything from trimming trees to changing the light bulbs of street lamps. These trucks come in all sizes to fit any job; there isn’t a job that they can’t handle. Any place where a job needs to be done off the ground, aerial bucket trucks make it easier.

So how can an aerial bucket truck help out your business? If your business is currently using ladders on a regular basis then an aerial bucket truck is for you. Think about how much time is wasted going up and down ladders and how easy it would be instead to just move the bucket over. The amount of time you could save, not to mention how much it easier it would be on your employees, is staggering. Thousands of ladder related accidents happen every year. The amount of time it takes to find a new worker, then train him, will cost your company and hurt its efficiency. Using an aerial bucket truck in Roanoke, Virginia will not prevent every accident, but it does add a powerful machine to your disposal that is much safer than what you were using before.

Buying a large tool like an aerial bucket truck isn’t for every company, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t need one from time to time. PLREI is the largest supplier of aerial bucket trucks Roanoke, Virginia. They even rent them out for those companies that are not in the market to buy but still need one occasionally for a large job. All new trucks are regulated by DOT, the Department of Transportation, so you know they were built with safety in mind. With a track record for helping businesses get more work done faster, aerial bucket trucks are a tool that needs to be looked into.

Additional Living Expenses: How Your Homeowners Insurance Is Helping You Stay Out Of The Doghouse

Category : Lunch

By Cliff Berman

Whoever said fairy tales don’t come true has never gotten a good look at a house after a Class 5 hurricane. The Big Bad Wolf couldn’t have done it better himself! When your home’s been wiped out by a disaster (natural or otherwise) you’ve got enough on your plate to worry about without having to wonder if Fido’s got enough room to squeeze you into his double wide doghouse. With additional living expenses, your homeowners insurance provider is making sure you’re never left asking, “What do I do now?”

Additional living expenses should be a standard part of any homeowners insurance policy, and if they’re not a part of yours it’s time to talk to your insurance agent about making some changes. The additional living expenses clause of your policy can make all the difference when it comes to how you’re going to be living after an accident. More appropriately, for many people it’s the dividing line between having someplace comfortable to stay while their home’s being repaired or dining on Ramen and sleeping in their parents’ basement!

Mortgage payments are kind of like car payments. Your lender doesn’t particularly care whether you have the house or not as long as you’re still paying your bill. That means that even if the only thing left of your dining room is the floorboards you’re still going to have to pay your mortgage each month. The catch is, you’re also going to have to pay to either stay in a hotel or rent another place for a couple of months (or ten) while construction crews are putting your house back together. Unless you have more expendable income than the average American, that’s not going to be either pretty or easy. That’s where your homeowners insurance provider steps in.


Your homeowners insurance, via your additional living expenses coverage, will help pay for your hotel room, meals in a restaurant, rent and deposits (both security and utility) if you’re expecting your house to be uninhabitable for the long run, and renters insurance to cover your new place until the construction crew finishes up. They’ll also reimburse you for any rent you lost as a result of the damages (if you were renting out a room or a garage).

All in all, it’s a pretty sweet deal, and it definitely takes a load off your mind knowing you’re going to be taken care of.

Of course, your homeowners insurance isn’t going to let you coast for months on end. The point of additional living expenses is to cover expenditures above and beyond what you’d normally be spending, so they’re going to be keeping a pretty close eye on the bills they’re paying. Every homeowners insurance provider has their own limits when it comes to additional living expenses as well, so it pays to talk to your agent and find out where your limits are.

Even with its limitations, additional living expenses may be the most important part of your homeowners insurance policy after your home’s been involved in an accident. (Right after the part where they say they’re paying for repairs, of course.) With additional living expenses tacked on to your insurance coverage you can rest assured you’re never going to be fighting Rocko for the dry side of the doghouse!

About the Author: Clifford F. Berman is the CEO of Since 1996 the company has specialized in matching consumer quote requests with local and national insurance providers. For more information on

additional living expenses

and your homeowners insurance, visit them on the web at


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The Spy Who Loves You: The Hotel Mystery Shopper

Category : Hotel

The Spy Who Loves You: The Hotel Mystery Shopper


Antony Shaw

If knowledge is power , as Sir Francis Bacon asserted, then it would be self-sabotage for any hotel, serious about customer service and client return rates, to overlook the effectiveness of employing the services of a highly trained hotel mystery shopping team. Knowledge based client relationships are the surest way to ensure happy clients – and a happy client is a return client. Successful hotels know this and invest wisely in keeping their precious punters pleased and returning time and time again.

An informed, client-literate organisation successfully delights their specific demographic; ensuring a brand/client loyally that is absolute gold, a virtual life insurance for the establishment. Below are three irrefutable reasons for using undercover hotel testers – ignored at your business peril!

1. Loss prevention

Knowledge gleaned from the feedback of a hotel mystery shopping report is an invaluable tool for minimising status and fiscal losses. Losses are incurred on many levels when a client s first impression is lacking. Firstly, there are the marketing expenses, then the cost of advertising that may have got the business through the door, and is then lost in an instant when a customer is met with sub-standard service. An establishment s reputation is informed by lasting first impressions, be they positive or negative.


Theft is another legacy of the inattentive staff member. A lack of attentiveness and promptness boosts the chances of pilfering; the undesirable client is not a fan of the attentive staffer. Business losses are also incurred when product knowledge is lacking, products displayed incorrectly, or up-selling opportunities overlooked.

2. Positive Customer perspectives

A positive and accurate customer perspective is obviously gold for your business. This outcome is achieved through comprehensive staff training and the micro management of all areas of your establishment. It is pertinent to remember that it can t be fixed if it s not known to be broken – so knowing where to focus a company s energy is the first step in rectifying any lacking areas in the organisation. To know where a company s focus needs to be is ascertained by the results of a professional audit.

Investing in a hotel mystery shopping service can define your establishment s strengths and weaknesses and can also be tailored to incorporate an appraisal of your competitors. To know thy competition and to know thyself better than anyone else is wise counsel indeed.

Being wise to the service tactics, product offerings, policies and procedures of your competitors helps you to proactively compare and contrast your establishment and to inform profitable, entrepreneurial directions.

3. Unbiased Third Party Feedback

Hotel mystery shopping audit results eclipse the satisfaction survey or brand audit in reliability and usability. The professional feedback can be structured to focus on a particular issue that may be identified within your organisation. The fact is that the service provides unbiased and insightful information, the depth and breadth of which surpasses traditional market research or surveys. Customer information and feedback collated into a useable format, suited to on-going, in-house monitoring is a gift that keeps on giving.

Quality performance and quality standards are the cornerstone of a successful accommodation establishment that boasts a loyal clientele and a superb global reputation. Do your business a favour and let

hotel mystery shopping

work for you.

Antony Shaw, Vice President of Global People Development at IFH Institute for Hospitality Management, is a leading expert in the field of

hotel mystery shopping

. IFH provides high-level quality control for the worldwide hospitality industry through its renowned

hotel mystery shopping


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10 Top Uses For Excel In A Debt Collections Business

Category : It Solutions

When you run a business from home, you need all of the tools at your disposal to make keeping track of the details easier — but some tools, like Microsoft Excel, can take a startling array of forms. A collections business can utilize Microsoft Excel in several mundane and a few very startling ways.


There are tens of thousands of templates for Excel on the web, not to mention the dozens it comes prepackaged with. Check out a few that a debt collection agency can well use:

SLAs — While most of your service-level agreement will be in text form, there is always a page that requires some of Excel’s organizational capacity — the costs page. With Excel, it’s easy to manipulate cost-per-X, overtime agreements, what charges your contractor will authorize, and more.

Background Checks — One of the more important aspects of a solid debt collections effort is collecting all of the information you can about your debtor. With an in-depth background check template, you can simplify the process by using drop-down menus rather than manually-typed entries, and you can make sure that all of the questions get answered.


Employee Training Records — There are a lot of things that a debt collection agent needs to know, especially about the Fair Debt Collection laws. By putting together an exhaustive list and checking off when an employee has been trained on an item, you not only ensure that employees ARE fully trained, but you have the records to prove it.

Receipts — Debt collection receipts can vary in complexity from simple notes to full-page outlines of what’s been paid, what is owed, what is accruing interest at what rate, and how long it will take to pay off the debts at the current rate. Excel templates can do the latter with ease.


Every startup debt collection agency faces challenges when it comes to getting clients. A few choice Excel tricks can make this a much easier process.

Direct Mail — For a third-party agency, getting customers is all about finding companies interested in selling you their debt. Contacting a mailing list renter that specializes in first-party collections groups and using Mail Merge to create a form letter announcing your service is easy with Excel.

Online Advertising — Keywords are king when it comes to online marketing. Get a pro to do research what keywords you should use, but request the results in Excel, so that you can sort by any of the several variables each keyword has, and find the best most easily.

The Back End

Excel spreadsheets can take care of much more than the financial paperwork in your back office.

Scheduling — Excel can easily produce both numerical and graphical schedules so that you can easily take notes or see potential scheduling conflicts.

Customer Tracking — There are a myriad of different options that a customer can take when it comes to servicing his debt. Excel can whip up a quick plan that will automatically calculate interest and the pay-off debt.

Inventory — Even a small business with few employees can go through a staggering variety of amount of supplies in a month. With Excel, you can keep inventory and know what you need to order when — but you can also project business a few weeks ahead so you can modify orders based on any potential downturns.

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About Author:

Jen Morrison is a writer for Canada’s largest online marketplace for training. They provide access to Excel training in Toronto and in most other major centers across Canada.Author: Jen Morrison

Project Finance In India}

Category : Financial Planning

Submitted by: Anish Mahal

India has been a rapidly upcoming industrial country since multiple years. With the rapid industrialization multiple projects have been upcoming simultaneously. Multi-dimensional growths in business have put forward the future of business firms and corporate and this has actually created the need for financing activities in the projects field. Finance is the backbone of every economy and similar is the case with a developing country like India. Raising capital and financing multiple projects through various funding sources is the base for project finance in India.

With diversification and development there has been a boom in the number of Project finance companies dealing with funding sources in India. In India, project finance has emerged as a separately remarkable domain. This enjoys a leadership position with respect to financing aids to the projecting sector on a large scale. In a country like India while starting an ambitious new project, the main issue that arises is Funds. Project finance is the ultimate God for all such queries that lends money for projects of every domain right from smaller, medium sized to large scale.

Certain advantages of project financing in India:-

The major advantages of dealing with project financing are that it lends a high capital value with which a single party is not able to take up.

This not only aids with finance but also helps to minimize the bulk amount that is basically needed with large projects.


This facilitates various niche related to projects like- diversification, expansion, diversification and modernisation.

Project financing is an aid that forms as a balancing act between the demands and needs of project building in India.

Arranging funds for projects has no more been a cumbersome process with the multiple project financing bodies working in the same stream for a single purpose and ease of prospective clients.

Multiple banks and financial organisations have created a separate branch associated with project financing for multiple projects and its needs.

Easy processing and documentation process has made it even more worthwhile with ease facilitation and favourable returns.

Favourable rates of interest for assistance and funds association has also reduced the burden on clients as in case of regular loans.

Basically a project financing model is based on the following types of methods or choices. The project manager chooses from either of the combination or single entity based methodology as below mentioned:-

Term loan

Debenture capital

Commercial banks

Bills discounting

Seed Capital

Government Subsidies

Being a long term financing aid for the infrastructure and industrial projects, project finance companies has spread its roots in the entire country. This has not only eased the project building process but also multiplied the rate of expansion rapidly. With the feature it has become easy to structure the debt and pay back with from the cash earned from the project itself. Basically its a different type of finance facilitation where the amount accrued is re-paid entirely from the project cash flow rather than the assets or project creditworthiness. Thus in order to build the dream project with heavy investment needs project financing is definitely a suitable exercise.

About the Author: Visit here for more details-


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Listening To Music While Running

Category : Music Chart

Listening to Music While Running


Dr Andrew Schneider

Listening to music while running has become very popular in the past 10 years. Some companies such has Nike have even profited from this by making shoes with technology that allow runners to time their runs to music. This even transmits the information directly to an ipod! Many people like the option of having music because it takes their minds off of the workout. Upbeat music is the best option if you are looking for something to distract you from your run. Upbeat music helps to get your adrenalin pumping and can help to lift your spirits.


Many people say that running is 90% mental and 10% physical. I am a big believer in this. Ask any long time runner and they will tell you that the best way to finish a workout is to distract the mind from making them believe they can’t finish. This is why people encourage themselves out loud while running. It is a method of verbally disagreeing with your mind that you can’t go on, and sometimes it actually works. Listening to music while running does the same kind of thing. It distracts the mind from thoughts of negativity towards the workout. Listening to music while running is not for everyone. Although there are many people who love to listen to music while running there are also many people who refuse to do so. There are many reasons why people choose not to listen to music while running. First, some people like to get lost in their thoughts while they run. I’ve heard runners claim they get some of their best thinking done while running. Listening to music is a good distraction, but some people want to be alone with their minds while they run. Others don’t listen to music while running because it is a safety hazard while running outside. If you are listening to music while running outside you are not as aware of your surroundings and this can actually be dangerous to a runner. There are unfortunate stories of people getting hit by cars, buses, or even trains, when they are not able to hear them coming. Ultimately the decision to listen to music while running is up to personal preference. There are positives and negatives to listening or not listening to music while running. Music can be a great way to help a person push through their workout but it can also be a dangerous distraction to outdoor runners. Whether you listen to music or not while running just remember the ultimate goal is to enjoy your workout, so do whatever helps you achieve this goal!

Dr. Andrew Schneider is a podiatrist in private practice in Houston, TX. He is dedicated to maintaining the health and safety of the feet of athletes and return them to their sport as soon as possible after injury. For more information about foot health in sports, informative videos, and to order Dr. Schneider’s FREE book,

visit his website

and his blog

“The Houston Running Chronicles”

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