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Pick A Sport And Play An Online Game

Category : Sport

Pick A Sport And Play An Online Game


Super games

If you want a sporting fix without necessarily having to endure any physical exertion, then online sports games offer the perfect remedy.You can pass, tackle, shoot, save, jump, dodge and much more thanks to the vast range on offer though online gaming portals.


Web developers have created online sports games for nearly every event, from the more traditional ping-pong to even a game of ‘sexy billiards’. Whatever you’re looking for, there will be a game that will quickly get you hooked as you harness your competitive streak. Try something new The beauty of online sports games is that you don’t have to be athletic or that interested in sport to enjoy them. Their simple yet addictive game play means you can instantly immerse yourself into whatever arena you choose. Even if you are a sports-nut, there’s guaranteed to be something that you haven’t tried before such is the creativity of online sports games. More bizarre additions to the online sports game genre include the ‘Yeti Sports’ collection, whereby you control a Yeti as it continues to battle against penguins and occasionally uses them as sporting apparatus-penguin javelin, anyone? If that sounds pretty leftfield, don’t forget to try out Scooby Doo on a skateboard and ride your way to success to beat the half-pipe curse-naturally, whilst snacking! Classic online sports games Of course, there are variants of traditional sports too. You may not enjoy a full 11-a-side game of football. However, thanks to the various penalty shoot-out versions of the beautiful game, you can just enjoy the drama of spot-kicks. Similarly, there are an increasing amount of classic free-kick games where you have to curl and fire the ball past the goalkeeper and into the back of the net. Arcade classics such as air hockey and mini golf are also available, great for whiling away a few minutes in the office (on your lunch break, of course) or perhaps for even longer at home. Budding pugilists and those just looking for a stress release can also engage in some fisticuffs by punching and kicking their way through a number of fighting games. Some require frenetic button mashing whilst others demand a higher level of skill to defeat your opponent. Whichever sport you decide to play, you can be rest assured of an enjoyable experience when you search for online sports games. Combining skill with pure arcade playability, web developers are constantly designing imaginative and addictive versions of our favourite sports.

Supergames bring a plethora of

online sports games

for all the game enthusiasts. Those who are looking for exciting online sports games visit the site.

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South Korea: Fire in hospital housing elderly people kills at least 37

Category : Uncategorized

Friday, January 26, 2018

Fire broke out on Friday morning and destroyed the bottom two floors of a six-story hospital in Miryang, South Korea, killing at least 37 people, most of them elderly. More than a hundred injuries were reported, with eighteen people in critical condition. This is the highest death toll from fire in South Korea in almost a decade.

The fire is believed to have started at about 7:30 local time, according to fire chief Choi Man-woo. It originated on the ground floor in the emergency room as per various officials. The hospital has 98 beds and a medical staff of about 35, and specializes in long-term care of elderly patients. It adjoins a nursing home, all of whose 94 residents were evacuated. Staff carried some patients out of the hospital on their backs.

One patient, Jang Yeong-jae, who told his story to JoongAng Ilbo, said he escaped by removing a screen from a window to get to a ladder placed by firefighters. He described people “running around in panic, falling over and screaming as smoke filled the rooms”. The majority of the victims died from smoke inhalation and are believed to be elderly, said the head of the city’s public hospital, Chun Jae-kyung. A doctor, a nurse, and a nursing assistant have died, according to the fire service; it took three hours to put out the fire.

In a press briefing, Seok Gyeong-sik, the director of the hospital, apologized to patients and their families. Son Kyung-chul, its chairman, stated that there were no sprinklers because the facility was small. Sprinklers are being installed in the nursing home, where a new law requires them by June 30.

Last month, 29 people died in a fire in a gym in Jecheon; the owner and the manager were arrested for safety violations. In 2014, a blaze in a nursing home in Jangseong left 21 dead. The President of South Korea, Moon Jae-in, responded to the Friday fire by calling an emergency meeting of his staff, and promised that the cause would be found rapidly “to prevent the recurrence of the fire in the future”.

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Out of space in outer space: Special report on NASA’s ‘space junk’ plans

Category : Uncategorized

Saturday, September 10, 2011

A 182-page report issued September 1 by the United States National Research Council warns that the amount of debris in space is reaching “a tipping point”, and could cause damage to satellites or spacecraft. The report calls for regulations to reduce the amount of debris, and suggests that scientists increase research into methods to remove some of the debris from orbit, though it makes no recommendations about how to do so.

NASA sponsored the study.

A statement released along with the report warns that, according to some computer models, the debris “has reached a tipping point, with enough currently in orbit to continually collide and create even more debris, raising the risk of spacecraft failures”. According to the Satellite Industry Association, there are now about 1,000 working satellites in Earth orbit, and industry revenues last year were US$168 billion (£104.33 billion,€119.01 billion).

The debris consists of various objects, such as decommissioned satellites and exhausted boosters, but the vast majority of the particles are less than one centimetre across. 16,094 pieces of debris were being tracked as of July, although estimates put the current number at over 22,000. The total number of fragments is thought to be as high as tens of millions. While most of the debris is very small, some of it is travelling at speeds as high as 17,500 mi h-1 (28,164 km h-1; 7,823.3 m s-1).

The International Space Station sometimes has to dodge larger fragments, and in June its crew was forced to prepare to evacuate due to a close encounter with debris.

The UK Space Agency told Wikinews that space flight “is likely to be made more difficult” by the debris. However, communications will “[n]ot directly” be affected, “but if the GEO ring became unusable, there is no other altitude at which objects appear [‘]geo-stationary[‘] and so all antennas on the ground would then have to move in order to track the motion of the satellites”.

Donald J. Kessler, the lead researcher and former head of NASA’s Orbital Debris Program Office, said that “[t]he current space environment is growing increasingly hazardous to spacecraft and astronauts,” and suggested that “NASA needs to determine the best path forward for tackling the multifaceted problems caused by meteoroids and orbital debris that put human and robotic space operations at risk.”

The current space environment is growing increasingly hazardous to spacecraft and astronauts

Two events are thought to be the largest individual sources of space debris. Kessler said that “[t]hose two single events doubled the amount of fragments in Earth orbit and completely wiped out what we had done in the last 25 years”.

The first of these was a controversial 2007 Chinese anti-satellite weapon test, which smashed the decommissioned weather satellite Fengyun-1C into approximately 150,000 fragments over a centimetre in size—making up roughly twenty percent of all tracked objects—537 miles above the Earth’s surface.

The Chinese government has so far failed to respond to Wikinews’s queries regarding the incident.

The other is a 2009 collision between twelve-year-old active satellite Iridium 33 and the defunct Russian Strela-2M satellite Kosmos-2251—both weighing in excess of 1,000 lbs (454 kg)—that occurred 490 miles over Siberia, the first such collision. The Iridium satellite was replaced within 22 days, according to Iridium Communications, who operated it.

We believe this is a substantial first step in better information sharing between the government and industry and support even more robust interaction which can provide better and more efficient constellation operation.

In a statement released to Wikinews, Iridium Communications said that they “received no warning of the impending collision. Although commercial projections of close encounters (commonly called conjunctions) were available, the accuracy of those projections was not sufficient to allow collision avoidance action to be taken.” They also made the assurance that the Air Force Space Command and United States Strategic Command now provide them with information through the Joint Space Operations Center, and that “when necessary, [they] maneuver [their] satellites based on this information to avoid potential collisions. [They] believe this is a substantial first step in better information sharing between the government and industry and support even more robust interaction which can provide better and more efficient constellation operation.”

Iridium expressed their support for “[l]ong-term investment to improve Space Situational Awareness” and “[i]mproved information sharing between industry and the U.S. government”, as well as more “[g]overnment support for policy and processes which would permit sharing of high-accuracy data as required to allow reliable assessment and warning” and “[i]ncreased cooperation between the government and U.S. and foreign commercial operators.”

They maintained that “the Iridium constellation is uniquely designed to withstand such an event. Because of the resilient and distributed nature of the Iridium constellation, the effects of the loss of a single satellite were relatively minor”, and that “any other system, commercial or military, which experienced the loss of a satellite, would have suffered significant operational degradation for a period of months if not years.” Nonetheless, the company is “concerned over the increasing level of risk to operations resulting from the debris in space.”

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The report makes more than thirty findings, and more than twenty recommendations to NASA. None of the recommendations regard how to clean up the debris. However, it does cite a report by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), which suggested various possible techniques for catching and removing space debris, such as magnetic nets.

The Cold War is over, but the acute sensitivity regarding satellite technology remains

However, international law does not allow one country to collect another’s debris. George J. Gleghorn, vice chair of the committee, observed that “[t]he Cold War is over, but the acute sensitivity regarding satellite technology remains”.

The debris will, in time, be pulled into the earth’s atmosphere—where it will burn up—by gravity, but more debris is being created faster than this can happen.

The problem of space debris is similar to a host of other environmental problems and public concerns

The report recommends collaborating with the United States Department of State on “economic, technological, political, and legal considerations.” As already mentioned, international law does not allow one country to collect another’s debris.

It is best to treat the root cause, the presence of debris in orbit, and remove the large objects before they can break up into many thousands of uncontrolled fragments capable of destroying a satellite on impact.

According to the report, “[t]he problem of space debris is similar to a host of other environmental problems and public concerns characterized by possibly significant differences between the short- and long-run damage accruing to society … Each has small short-run effects but, if left unaddressed, will have much larger impacts on society in the future.”

A spokesperson for the UK Space Agency told Wikinews that the organisation “does not have any plans to get directly involved with [the clean-up] initiative but through its involvement with NASA in the Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee, it is conducting studies to identify which objects present the biggest hazard and how many objects may need to be removed and from where.” It says that the viability of such an operation is “a question of treating the symptom or the cause of the problem. Building more physical protection is costly and if the environment deteriorates too far, becomes unviable. It is best to treat the root cause, the presence of debris in orbit, and remove the large objects before they can break up into many thousands of uncontrolled fragments capable of destroying a satellite on impact.”

The spokesperson also pointed out that “[u]nder current licensing regimes (such as in the UK), countries are now obliging operators to remove satellites from crowded regions of space at the end of operational life”.

Retrieved from “https://en.wikinews.org/w/index.php?title=Out_of_space_in_outer_space:_Special_report_on_NASA%27s_%27space_junk%27_plans&oldid=4567602”

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Staying Fit And Healthy Starting At Twenty

Submitted by: Kya Grace

We live in a world that believes in working hard and playing harder. The food portions have gone from big to bigger to huge. The people on the younger side of the twenties may not suffer from workplace stress as the people on the older side do. However, the unhealthily large food portions are leading to an alarming rise in the percentage of people who fall in the obese category. This is leading to an alarming rise in the percentage of people who fall in the obese category. So how do you keep fit and stay healthy at this age and for life?

Start young. All it takes is commitment to staying fit and discipline in your eating habits. This is the age when the body is at its fittest and has a high level of stamina.

The early twenties are the best age to start your fitness routine so you stay in shape for many years to come.

Here are a few tips which can keep your body as young as twenty even at sixty:

1. Get adequate shut-eye:

Sleep is more important than most think it is. It is the time when the body and brain are at rest. It gives your batteries a much needed recharge. Not only do you feel refreshed in the morning, you also stay fit. Studies have shown that good sleep aids in weight loss. And it beats going through the day irritated and sluggish.

2. Quit smoking:


The warnings on cigarette packs are absolutely true. Surveys by tobacco companies show that their consumer market comprises mostly of youth. If you quit now, your body will completely heal itself from the damage done by smoking so far before it is too late

3. Avoid drinking alcohol excessively:

Studies have shown that people at this age have the most problems with moderating their drinking. Excessive drinking can lead to liver and kidney damage or even cancer. So cut down on the alcohol consumption.

4. Exercise, exercise and more exercise:

Not only does exercising reduce your weight, it actually strengthens you and builds immunity. Keep up a regular exercise regimen which includes both cardio and weight training. Weight training is often neglected but it is very much necessary as it helps build muscle mass. Half an hour of exercise a day can do wonders. Although a gym is a good place to start, for those of you who find the machines a hassle, you can practice simple exercises with dumbbells at home. Exercise caution and seek advice from an expert personal trainer before you try anything.

5. Eat healthy:

While you might think its boring to have a proper balanced diet, following one will ensure that you stay fit and healthy for life. Concentrate more on the proteins and fibre content of your meal. Protein builds lean muscle and fibre stabilises blood sugar levels.

Most importantly, do not skip breakfast. It is the meal that makes sure that you start the day with your brain all fresh and alert. Though excess fat content in your diet is harmful, it is important that you have some fat in your diet as it is an essential nutrient.

6. Health indicators:

Make sure you check your weight, blood pressure, cholesterol and sugar levels regularly so you can combat problems earlier than later.

7. Keep hydrated:

Metabolism works better when your water intake is good. Eight glasses of water a day is great advice to follow. Water is required for most bodily functions. Well hydrated skin keeps you looking great for years. It flushes out the toxins and keeps your system clean. While it is very vital to drink water, too much of it can cause an imbalance in the level of electrolytes in the body which can have serious consequences.

While the above tips will certainly help you stay fighting fit now and for many years to come. The factor that matters the most is your attitude. A positive attitude goes a long way in life. Instead of looking at maintaining good health as a tedious chore, find ways to look at its long-time benefits to keep you motivated. Start early and live long.

Wake up to each day with a smile and good cheer. It s a happy mind that makes a happy body.

About the Author: Kya Grace is a Sydney Personal Trainer and boot camp expert. If you would like to attend a session with

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or to join

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Manitoba volunteers go to war against Red River flooding

Category : Uncategorized

Monday, April 6, 2009

Over 1,600 volunteers registered to help build approximately 65,000 of the 500,000 sandbags to create dikes 20.5 feet (6.2 meters) high to protect the City of Winnipeg, Manitoba in the war against the Red River of the North flood.

700 volunteers answered at the rural municipality of St. Andrews alone. Once sandbags are filled for West St. Paul, St. Andrews, and Selkirk, then frozen culverts must be cleared.

The height of the river is expected to be Thursday, and predictions are that it will be less than Flood of the Century of 1997. There is no precipitation in the forecast, and snow in the province should be melted by the end of the week.

“The fear right now is we have to get that ice out of the river. The Amphibex [Excavators] are still working and breaking the ice apart, and everyday we buy with the warm weather and the current, it is thinning the ice down a bit, so when it does start to move, the better chance it’ll move right out into the lake,” said Paul Guyder, the emergency coordinator for the RMs of St. Andrews and St. Clements.

“I feel that we’ve done everything humanly possible to get ready,” said Gary Doer, Premier of Manitoba, “But … there are fallibilities with human behaviour. We can take every preventative measure as human beings possible and we can still get Mother Nature proving again she is superior.”

Communities with ring diking will partially or fully close their dikes at the beginning of the week. Provincial officials are considering opening the Red River Floodway gates around mid-week before ice is fully melted.

Ice jams could cause flooding within the city, however opening the gates could spare neighbourhood flooding when the river rises to the estimated 6.3 meters (20.7 feet) height. The province does have back up plans for dealing with ice jams within the city if they do occur. The unpredictability of ice jams and the ensuing water level rise may cause neighbourhood flooding. The city is raising dikes where the river has jammed with ice in the past such as on tight curves and past bridges. Likewise there are excavators and backhoes positioned at these points.

Vulnerable neighbourhoods on the river banks have been reinforced with sandbag dikes at vulnerable areas from the massive volunteer effort over the weekend. Guyader feels no more extra volunteers are needed, however volunteers are still being asked to leave their names and number in case of unpredicted need. Existing personnel will assess roads, and help with clean up.

Approximately 400 of the 800 people who evacuated the Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation have returned to their homes.

Former Premier, Dufferin Roblin, brought forward the floodway as a protection for Winnipeg residents and economy following the 1950 Red River Flood. The Red River floodway, “Duff’s Ditch” was finally finished in 1968, and its floodway gates have been opened 20 times saving Winnipeg from an estimated CA$10 billion in damages. The floodway expansion began in 2005 at a price of $665 million.

Polish and Chinese experts have come to survey the Red River Floodway, and Dennis Walaker, mayor of Fargo, North Dakota recognises the need for Red River flood defences down river. “Every town that you drive by from the Canadian line up to Winnipeg is either elevated or ring-diked,” said Walaker.

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Saturn moon Enceladus may have salty ocean

Category : Uncategorized

Thursday, June 23, 2011

NASA’s Cassini–Huygens spacecraft has discovered evidence for a large-scale saltwater reservoir beneath the icy crust of Saturn’s moon Enceladus. The data came from the spacecraft’s direct analysis of salt-rich ice grains close to the jets ejected from the moon. The study has been published in this week’s edition of the journal Nature.

Data from Cassini’s cosmic dust analyzer show the grains expelled from fissures, known as tiger stripes, are relatively small and usually low in salt far away from the moon. Closer to the moon’s surface, Cassini found that relatively large grains rich with sodium and potassium dominate the plumes. The salt-rich particles have an “ocean-like” composition and indicate that most, if not all, of the expelled ice and water vapor comes from the evaporation of liquid salt-water. When water freezes, the salt is squeezed out, leaving pure water ice behind.

Cassini’s ultraviolet imaging spectrograph also recently obtained complementary results that support the presence of a subsurface ocean. A team of Cassini researchers led by Candice Hansen of the Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, Arizona, measured gas shooting out of distinct jets originating in the moon’s south polar region at five to eight times the speed of sound, several times faster than previously measured. These observations of distinct jets, from a 2010 flyby, are consistent with results showing a difference in composition of ice grains close to the moon’s surface and those that made it out to the E ring, the outermost ring that gets its material primarily from Enceladean jets. If the plumes emanated from ice, they should have very little salt in them.

“There currently is no plausible way to produce a steady outflow of salt-rich grains from solid ice across all the tiger stripes other than salt water under Enceladus’s icy surface,” said Frank Postberg, a Cassini team scientist at the University of Heidelberg in Germany.

The data suggests a layer of water between the moon’s rocky core and its icy mantle, possibly as deep as about 50 miles (80 kilometers) beneath the surface. As this water washes against the rocks, it dissolves salt compounds and rises through fractures in the overlying ice to form reserves nearer the surface. If the outermost layer cracks open, the decrease in pressure from these reserves to space causes a plume to shoot out. Roughly 400 pounds (200 kilograms) of water vapor is lost every second in the plumes, with smaller amounts being lost as ice grains. The team calculates the water reserves must have large evaporating surfaces, or they would freeze easily and stop the plumes.

“We imagine that between the ice and the ice core there is an ocean of depth and this is somehow connected to the surface reservoir,” added Postberg.

The Cassini mission discovered Enceladus’ water-vapor and ice jets in 2005. In 2009, scientists working with the cosmic dust analyzer examined some sodium salts found in ice grains of Saturn’s E ring but the link to subsurface salt water was not definitive. The new paper analyzes three Enceladus flybys in 2008 and 2009 with the same instrument, focusing on the composition of freshly ejected plume grains. In 2008, Cassini discovered a high “density of volatile gases, water vapor, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, as well as organic materials, some 20 times denser than expected” in geysers erupting from the moon. The icy particles hit the detector target at speeds between 15,000 and 39,000 MPH (23,000 and 63,000 KPH), vaporizing instantly. Electrical fields inside the cosmic dust analyzer separated the various constituents of the impact cloud.

“Enceladus has got warmth, water and organic chemicals, some of the essential building blocks needed for life,” said Dennis Matson in 2008, Cassini project scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.

“This finding is a crucial new piece of evidence showing that environmental conditions favorable to the emergence of life can be sustained on icy bodies orbiting gas giant planets,” said Nicolas Altobelli, the European Space Agency’s project scientist for Cassini.

“If there is water in such an unexpected place, it leaves possibility for the rest of the universe,” said Postberg.

Retrieved from “https://en.wikinews.org/w/index.php?title=Saturn_moon_Enceladus_may_have_salty_ocean&oldid=4453704”

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Saturn moon Enceladus may have salty ocean

Category : Uncategorized

Thursday, June 23, 2011

NASA’s Cassini–Huygens spacecraft has discovered evidence for a large-scale saltwater reservoir beneath the icy crust of Saturn’s moon Enceladus. The data came from the spacecraft’s direct analysis of salt-rich ice grains close to the jets ejected from the moon. The study has been published in this week’s edition of the journal Nature.

Data from Cassini’s cosmic dust analyzer show the grains expelled from fissures, known as tiger stripes, are relatively small and usually low in salt far away from the moon. Closer to the moon’s surface, Cassini found that relatively large grains rich with sodium and potassium dominate the plumes. The salt-rich particles have an “ocean-like” composition and indicate that most, if not all, of the expelled ice and water vapor comes from the evaporation of liquid salt-water. When water freezes, the salt is squeezed out, leaving pure water ice behind.

Cassini’s ultraviolet imaging spectrograph also recently obtained complementary results that support the presence of a subsurface ocean. A team of Cassini researchers led by Candice Hansen of the Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, Arizona, measured gas shooting out of distinct jets originating in the moon’s south polar region at five to eight times the speed of sound, several times faster than previously measured. These observations of distinct jets, from a 2010 flyby, are consistent with results showing a difference in composition of ice grains close to the moon’s surface and those that made it out to the E ring, the outermost ring that gets its material primarily from Enceladean jets. If the plumes emanated from ice, they should have very little salt in them.

“There currently is no plausible way to produce a steady outflow of salt-rich grains from solid ice across all the tiger stripes other than salt water under Enceladus’s icy surface,” said Frank Postberg, a Cassini team scientist at the University of Heidelberg in Germany.

The data suggests a layer of water between the moon’s rocky core and its icy mantle, possibly as deep as about 50 miles (80 kilometers) beneath the surface. As this water washes against the rocks, it dissolves salt compounds and rises through fractures in the overlying ice to form reserves nearer the surface. If the outermost layer cracks open, the decrease in pressure from these reserves to space causes a plume to shoot out. Roughly 400 pounds (200 kilograms) of water vapor is lost every second in the plumes, with smaller amounts being lost as ice grains. The team calculates the water reserves must have large evaporating surfaces, or they would freeze easily and stop the plumes.

“We imagine that between the ice and the ice core there is an ocean of depth and this is somehow connected to the surface reservoir,” added Postberg.

The Cassini mission discovered Enceladus’ water-vapor and ice jets in 2005. In 2009, scientists working with the cosmic dust analyzer examined some sodium salts found in ice grains of Saturn’s E ring but the link to subsurface salt water was not definitive. The new paper analyzes three Enceladus flybys in 2008 and 2009 with the same instrument, focusing on the composition of freshly ejected plume grains. In 2008, Cassini discovered a high “density of volatile gases, water vapor, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, as well as organic materials, some 20 times denser than expected” in geysers erupting from the moon. The icy particles hit the detector target at speeds between 15,000 and 39,000 MPH (23,000 and 63,000 KPH), vaporizing instantly. Electrical fields inside the cosmic dust analyzer separated the various constituents of the impact cloud.

“Enceladus has got warmth, water and organic chemicals, some of the essential building blocks needed for life,” said Dennis Matson in 2008, Cassini project scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.

“This finding is a crucial new piece of evidence showing that environmental conditions favorable to the emergence of life can be sustained on icy bodies orbiting gas giant planets,” said Nicolas Altobelli, the European Space Agency’s project scientist for Cassini.

“If there is water in such an unexpected place, it leaves possibility for the rest of the universe,” said Postberg.

Retrieved from “https://en.wikinews.org/w/index.php?title=Saturn_moon_Enceladus_may_have_salty_ocean&oldid=4453704”

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Three Major Attractions In The San Francisco Bay Area

Category : Music

June, 2014 byAlma Abell

In the San Francisco Bay Area, apartments may look out on one or all of the 3 major attractions in the region. These are why some come to visit the city. They are even why some people decide to live there. In the San Francisco Bay Area, the 3 major attractions are:

  1. The Golden Gate Bridge
  2. Fisherman’s Wharf
  3. Alcatraz

The San Francisco Bay Golden Gate Bridge

In the San Francisco Bay Area, it is hard to escape the art deco beauty of the Golden Gate Bridge. There is also no reason why you would want to. As city landmarks go, this bridge has it all. It is elegant, graceful, overpoweringly big, historically significant and, to a large extent, though this depends upon the time of day, practical.

Built in over a 4-year period in the 1930s, the Golden Gate Bridge opened to traffic on May 27-28, 1937. Its successful construction owns much to chief engineer and the man who conceived the idea Joseph Baermann Strauss (1870–1938). He was helped out on the project by Irving Morrow (1884–1952) the architect responsible for the design and Charles Alton Ellis (1876–1949), another experienced significant engineer and all the workers. Today, it remains one of the most recognizable symbols of a city with a museum tucked under the North Tower – the Bay Area Discovery Museum

Fisherman’s Wharf

Sometimes considered as part of Downtown San Francisco, Fisherman’s Wharf is a major destination. The actual Wharf has been home to fishing boats since the Gold Rush. The boats still arrive along with crowds to watch them unload their fresh catch. Yet, the character of the Wharf has changed with the times. Today, visitors enjoy taking part in a variety of regularly scheduled events throughout the year.

You can catch a movie in 7D, dine at one of several restaurants, shop at Pier 39 or wander along the Bay. There are museums and the Aquarium. If you are a resident of one of the many San Francisco Bay Area apartments, you can volunteer to help out with such worthy projects as the The Fishermen’s and Seamen’s Memorial Chapel.


Probably the most famous prison in North America was Alcatraz. Locate on the island of the same name in the middle of the Bay, it had a reputation for being one of the toughest prisons to break out of and live. This high security prison, closed since 1963, was once home to such infamous men as Al Capone, “Machine Gun” Kelly and Robert Stroud, the Birdman of Alcatraz.

Today, you can join others as they ride boats out to visit the island and tour the facilities. You can learn all about its history and who stayed there between its opening and closing dates – 1934-1963. If you are feeling particularly fearless, you can take part in an evening or night time tour.

If you love the Golden Gate Bridge and enjoy “the Birdman of Alcatraz,” you may want to look for San Francisco Bay Area apartments that offer you the chance to visit on a regular basis these attractions. Spend some time in the city. Ride a Cable Car or sail out on a Ferry. When you live in San Francisco, the transportation options seem endless.


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Murray Hill on the life and versatility of a New York drag king

Category : Uncategorized

Monday, November 19, 2007

Drag—dressing in the clothing atypical of your born gender—in recent years has found mainstream success. Films such as Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil and To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar have prominently featured drag performers. But they have all focused on men in drag as women.

Murray Hill is a comedian, emcee and performer. He is also a drag king. Called “The Hardest Working Middle-aged Man in Show Business”, The New York Times christened him “the current reigning patriarch of the downtown performance community.” He is seemingly everywhere, emceeing a bingo night at the now closed, Jimmy Fallon-backed Mo Pitkins’ House of Satisfaction on Avenue A, or hosting the Polyamorous Pride Day in Central Park. Hill has become a legend in New York’s “anything goes” counterculture theater scene who is beginning to find mainstream success; which would be a first for a drag king.

David Shankbone’s examination of New York City‘s culture has brought him to the whip’s end of a BDSM dungeon, on the phone with RuPaul, matching wits with Michael Musto, grilling Gay Talese, eating dinner with Augusten Burroughs and quizzing the bands that play the Bowery Ballroom. In this segment he talks to downtown legend Murray Hill, former New York City mayoral candidate and comedian, on the last night of Mo Pitkins’ House of Satisfaction.

Retrieved from “https://en.wikinews.org/w/index.php?title=Murray_Hill_on_the_life_and_versatility_of_a_New_York_drag_king&oldid=4567796”

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China detains and beats mourners for Zhao Ziyang

Category : Uncategorized

Thursday, January 27, 2005

BEIJING, China —The People’s Republic of China intensified security to prevent mourners attending funeral in Beijing for Zhao Ziyang. Mr. Zhao was the former Communist Party secretary general who was purged for opposing the 1989 military crackdown on the Tiananmen Square student movement. He died two weeks ago at age 85, having spent the last fifteen years of his life under house arrest. According to a story released by the Agence France-Presse anonymous witnesses said the government detained several people in Beijing. They claim some of these people were severely beaten.

A man who preferred to be anonymous said: “A man from Henan province was beaten badly. His left eyeball looked like it was beaten out of its socket and he had a one inch cut to his right eye. An elderly woman from Shandong province was beaten to a point where she couldn’t move and a man from Hunan province was also beaten.”

According to the witness the police argued Zhao was a political criminal. They said:”Why are you commemorating him? You’re clearly opposing the government.”

The government of China has already received criticism for what some feel to be intimidation of activists and other anti-democratic acts like censorship [1],

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