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Top 3 Things To Avoid If You’re Planning On Hosting A Successful Casino Party Fundraiser

Category : Shipping

Submitted by: J. J. Stevens

Here at Aces Casino, the orange county casino night equipment rental leader, we take pride in giving each and every client of ours the most entertaining, unique, and imaginative casino night parties possible. It’s just what we do. And, we do it VERY well. 17 years in the business means quite a lot of practice.

As a matter of fact, Aces Casino ALSO does something that no other casino party company in the industry would EVER do: We also will go the extra mile to help out someone in dire straits that ISN’T a client of Aces Casino; some poor party coordinator or fund raising group that has found out too late that rock-bottom pricing and promises that are too good to be true usually are, and all their hard work to put on their party for their guests is going to be ruined by an unscrupulous casino “business.”

There’s nothing we hate more than hearing that an event has been ruined this way.

So, we were sitting around the offices the other day, when one such telephone call came in; someone that had called us originally, then found a “company” on the internet that beat our price by $25, and booked with them sight unseen, because of the “savings.” Alas, you DO end up getting what you pay for. The company they ended up hiring didn’t show up for their fund raiser, because (we found out later) they got another party from another client that PAID THEM more, and they ditched their first client so they could make more money for themselves.

Boy, we’ve grown SO incredibly tired of hearing results like this.

So, we thought, if we really ARE the orange county casino night industry leader, we need to do something about this. Hence, the meat of our blog post today. It seems that we we keep hearing the same three complaints from highly unsatisfied people and groups, people that were unhappy with the service from their “cut-rate” casino companies. So, it would seem totally logical to take these same three recurring complaints, and broadcast them to the casino party throwing community.

So, without further fanfare, here are three biggest complaints that event planners and fund raising chairs have, after they decided that saving an extra $25 was more important than going with Aces Casino, the orange county casino night industry leader for Southern California;


#3 — The casino company’s “Management, Pit Boss and Staff” don’t have any clue about how to help their client

— Usually, this particular situation DOES begin to show itself early on in the beginning itinerary meetings you’ll have with your casino party company — They don’t have ANY suggestions on how to maximize profits at the fundraiser, how the fund raiser even WORKS, how much equipment that the client should have at their event to make sure that there isn’t too much or too little casino power, what the chips are worth, how much chip power to start each guest with….Sometimes, we’ve found that the client knew more about the overall operations of the casino event than the CASINO COMPANY did.

Red Flag. Reputable casino party companies WELCOME all of your questions, and are FULL of great ideas and scenarios to help YOUR next party or fund raiser become an instant hit. Don’t go with the cheapest company to save a buck, then end up losing money or killing the ambience of your event because you got a casino company that doesn’t know what they’re doing.

#2 — The equipment that the casino company brought to the event was substandard, and not up to the quality promised by the casino company

— This is a BIG one, but it’s not even the number one problem with some disreputable casino companies. We can’t say this enough: NOT ALL CASINO EQUIPMENT IS THE SAME. CHECK OUT what your casino party company plans to bring to your event. Ask for references, and USE them. To be honest, Aces Casino isn’t the only reputable orange county casino party company out there (there are actually 5 very good companies in SoCal that do a great job), but we ARE the one casino party crew with the best of everything, from the tables, to the dealers, and the staff members. (Hey, I said we’d be HONEST! Grin)

I wish I had $5 for every time that I heard a client tell us that their LAST casino company literally brought TOYS to their party, and pawned them off as “Casino tables.” There are some companies out there that will literally show up with plywood sheets, and wrap cheap Blackjack layouts around them that are half the size of the size of normal BJ tables, fasten the layout on with tape, and put them on spindly cheap legs that wobble like hula dancers when touched.

Other companies will promise a Craps table at your event, then show up with a plywood box, a “tub,” if you will, that’s a miniature table at BEST, THEN tell you that you only purchased the “discounted model,” and that the REAL casino size and quality Craps tables cost more. By THEN, it’s too late; your party is about to start. You’re stuck. Ask for pictures, or better yet, visit the casino company at an event that they’re hosting for another client. If they refuse to give you this kind of info, RUN AWAY, as fast as you can.

But, the most blatant equipment problems that we’ve heard about seem to center around the Roulette tables. Two words. “TOYS ABOUND.” You’ll know that you got the wrong casino party company when they show up at your next event with a 12″ plastic toy wheel, and call it a “Roulette Wheel.” Friends, here’s the straight dope — Casino size and quality Roulette Wheels are 32 inches in diameter (from one end across to the other).

There’s NOTHING worse than trying to play Roulette on a cheap, toy wheel. If they send you pictures of toy Roulette wheels upon request, find another company. Take it from Aces Casino; NEVER settle for toy tables at your casino event, especially toy Roulette tables. If you want to see what “casino size and quality” tables look like, check out our Web site link here – It’s just like our ol’ 20-story buddy, Godzilla – “Size Matters!”

#1 — The casino party game dealers are morons, and don’t know a thing about the game they’re dealing

Yes, as hard to believe as this sounds, there are disreputable casino companies that will just bring “bodies” to your event, and try to bluff their way through the games they’ve been assigned to. Sometimes, this happens because the casino company is just too busy for their own good, and have spread themselves too thin. Sometimes, they’re just small companies that don’t even ASK their staff if they can actually DEAL.

We’ve even heard of dealers that are brought to events, especially in Southern California, and they DON’T EVEN SPEAK ENGLISH. I’m not kidding. There’s a company out here in SoCal that will stop off over at the local Home Depot on their way to their party, pick up the necessary people to fill their party, and off they go. Can you imagine not being able to even CONVERSE with your dealer during your party?

Other problems abound with sub-standard dealers, too. They don’t know the game they’ve been assigned to. They can’t help you with your game — They’re too busy asking YOU about how the game is played. Oh, my word…. Unfortunately, this happens all the time. There’s nothing worse than playing casino-style games for fun only, and finding out the fun itself has been lost, because the dealers are IDIOTS, and can’t deal games like Blackjack, 3-Card Poker, 3 Way-Action, Tournament Texas Hold-‘Em, Craps, Roulette, or Let It Ride. They’ve got a better chance of piloting the Space Shuttle than create and provide a split-pot at the Hold-‘Em table.

Aces Casino has always prided itself on having top-flight casino-quality dealers, tables, and staff at each and every casino event they perform at. We’re not the only company that does — That’s why, again, it’s important to CHECK THOSE REFERENCES. Go and SEE your casino party company in action, at another event, see how the fund raising event works for THEM. Call your prospective company, and ask questions. LOTS of them. Hey, if they’re any good, they WELCOME the questions.

Bottom line — Aces Casino is here to help all of our clients have fun, and raise funds for their favorite charities. We aren’t the orange county casino night leader for nuthin’. Give us (or your local casino party company) a call, and find out everything you ever wanted to know about how much fun these casino events can be.

Oh, one more thing — Check out the casino company’s chips. If they’re plastic chips, run away. It’s one of my personal pet-peeves. Can’t stand plastic chips. If I wanted plastic, I’d go to Hollywood.

About the Author: James “J. J.” Stevens has been the President and CEO of Aces Casino Entertainment L.L.C. for over 16 years, and is one of the top casino party innovators in the industry. Check out our web site at


, or our irreverent blog at




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Hospital morale vital during any outbreak: expert warns

Category : Uncategorized

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Hospitals must prepare their staff for the trauma from an outbreak of bird flu, a medical expert advised today. If not, they risk the collapse not only of services but also of morale at a time when they most need both.

Charles Gomersall, the director of intensive care at Hong Kong’s Princess Margaret Hospital, told a symposium on bird flu that he “predicts will have few staff two weeks into an epidemic if do not have mechanisms in place to minimize the stress and effect on morale.”

He said hospitals need to offer staff counseling and daily briefings in order to manage the stress.

H5N1 avian flu virus has mostly affected birds, but at least 88 people in seven countries have died since the re-emergence of the virus late 2003.

There is no evidence yet that the virus has mutated to point where humans can pass it on, but experts predict millions could die if it does.

Gomersall insists hospitals need properly equipped facilities and trained staff now. Once an epidemic starts there is only a very short time between when symptoms present and admission to intensive care.

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What Is A Pediatric Dentist?

Category : Dentist


A pediatric dentist Sarasota office can easily be set apart from other types of dentists. Pediatric dentists have extensive experience and training that enables them to provide oral healthcare to children and teenagers. Because the mouth undergoes a considerable amount of change during these early years, it is particularly important that children receive good health care and that they learn excellent practices that will stay with them throughout their lives. A pediatric dentist Sarasota office may be designed to work specifically with babies or young children, or they may be geared towards other ages or situations. For example, there are dentists who have received education and certifications so that they are uniquely qualified to work with children who have special medical needs, developmental delays, or other needs. Pediatric dentistry focuses on developing trust and confidence between the dentist and patient so that children will feel comfortable when they visit the dentist.


One of the most important parts of pediatric dentistry is preventative care. When children are first learning about oral hygiene, it is crucial that they are taught proper practices for brushing teeth, flossing, and taking good care of their mouth. Pediatric dentist Sarasota offices can help teach these things. Also, fluoride, sealants and fillings will help to protect teeth against decay. Sometimes early interceptive orthodontics are needed in order to help teeth to grow in comfortably and correctly. If your child has a habit of sucking his or her thumb, the dentist may be able to suggest tactics or measures that will help them to stop this practice, which can alter the shape of the jaw and teeth.

There are also various procedures that become necessary, on occasion. Because children often have a fear of pain or of going to the dentist, a pediatric dentist should be able to communicate effectively with them, giving them encouragement when needed, so that they will feel more comfortable throughout and following the appointment. If it is necessary for a child to undergo a specific procedure, such as pulling teeth or filling cavities, among various other things, they will generally need to provide some type of numbing or pain relief. This can be done with a local anesthetic or various other types of sedation. A pediatric dentist is trained in various methods and should be able to discuss these treatments with the patient and parent so that all parties are comfortable with the work that is to be done.

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Using The Disney Princesses As Role Models For Girls}

Category : Dog Rescue

Using the Disney Princesses as Role Models for Girls


Shelby Strong

Belle, an intellectual teen living in a small village in France, beloved by her father and revered for her beauty by all the villagers, was humble. Her name means “beauty” in French, but she didn’t realize she was beautiful because she always had her nose in a book. She had handsome men falling at her feet, but she would rather learn. Belle showed strength and courage as she entered an agreement to live in a castle with a beast to save the life of her father. She easily looked beyond the Beast’s outward appearance and found something in him that was gentle and that she loved. Because of her love, the Beast’s life was saved and a spell broken. Belle is a positive role model because she is smart, witty, strong and teaches young girls to not strive for outer beauty, but to seek for the beauty that comes from within.

Ariel is another example of a strong willed teenager. She was extremely driven and would not let anyone stand in the way of her dreams. She was a mermaid and her goal was to obtain legs. While seemingly an impossible feat, she found a way to trade her beautiful singing voice for legs. In an amazing feat, she learned how to walk, to help others, and to find her one true love. Ariel and her drive teaches little girls to never give up on their dreams even if they may seem impossible. The impossible seems possible when Ariel is around.Snow White was kind and loving towards animals and those less fortunate. As the most beautiful in the land, she did not love herself most, she loved the Seven Dwarfs and served them kindly and patiently. She was trusting of an old hag and it later led to her near death experience, but was quickly revived by her Prince. Snow White teaches us to look for the best in others and to not be self-centered, to turn our thoughts to what others needs are before our own.Cinderella, beloved by her father and destined to be a queen was another example of humility. Even though she was a princess, she was forced unfairly to do menial labor at the hand of her step mother and step sisters after her father died. She gracefully endured her situation until her Fairy Godmother came to her rescue and helped her arrive at the Ball in style. Prince Charming unraveled the mystery and asked her to marry him. Cinderella teaches young girls to never give up and that your situation does not define you.Lastly, Sleeping Beauty or Aurora teaches us that destiny is certain, but there are those waiting in the wings to help us through our greatest trials. She had complete faith that she would in the end emerge as a true princess. While seemingly dead, others also had faith in her that the curse could be reversed. Sleeping Beauty teaches us to have faith through our greatest trials and to accept help from the angels who live among us. She also teaches us to be kind to animals and to be brave enough to be rescued by the one we love most dearly.

Shelby Strong is a stay at home mom of 2 girls and a boy. She is also a small business owner of an at home business called My Cute Dressups. Visit her site where she sells

Princess Dress up Clothes

. She has seen the immense benefits princess dress up costumes and boy costumes has made in the life of her kids.

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Using the Disney Princesses as Role Models for Girls}

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Dog falls on car and kills driver in Michigan

Category : Uncategorized

Thursday, January 19, 2006

A dog fell off an Interstate 96 overpass in Livonia, Michigan killing 81 year-old Charles G. Jetchick.

Jetchick and a passenger, who police would not identify, were transported to St. Mary’s Hospital where Jetchick died from his injuries. The passenger suffered only minor injuries.

Police say that the 60 to 70 pound (27-32 kilograms) dog was not thrown off the overpass, but “probably fell by accident while trying to avoid a car,” Sgt. Michael A. Shaw of the Michigan State Police said. “We don’t know and thats why we are looking for witnesses.”

The dog, which fell about 16 feet (5 metres) also died due to its injuries.

Shaw has been with the State Police for 11 years and has never encountered a similar incident. “We’ve had rocks and other stuff like that fall off of overpasses. This would be the first dog we’ve had,” said Shaw.

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UK Mobile Data Network Collapses

Category : Uncategorized

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

London, UK — The Vodafone GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) Mobile Data Network within the UK was off the air for several hours, but Vodafone staff were unable to supply any details as to how or why this had happened. The incident seems to have originated within Southern England, but spread “nationwide” within a short period.

Customers were therefore unable to access data services for a protracted period, including WAP browsing from mobile phones, email from personal devices like Blackberries and Windows Mobile Messengers, and full access over data cards from laptops.

Some criticism has been levelled at the company for failing to provide an easy source of information on the problem, with the only realistic option being to queue for a response from a call centre, as no information could be found on their public-facing website. This practice, whilst far from unique to Vodafone within the telecommunications industry, contrasts poorly with the common practice for most ISPs (Internet Service Providers), who conventionally provide a “system status” page on their website.

This article features first-hand journalism by Wikinews members. See the collaboration page for more details.
This article features first-hand journalism by Wikinews members. See the collaboration page for more details.

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Oldest ex-Major League Baseball player, Billy Werber dies at age 100

Category : Uncategorized

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Billy Werber, third baseman in Major League Baseball, has died at the age of 100. Werber died of natural causes on Thursday, January 22, 2009 at an assisted living center in Charlotte, North Carolina. He was moved there after his health deteriorated a month ago.

His son said that when admitted, Werber refused to eat solid foods and would only drink liquids. “He just refused to eat and that was his plan,” Bill Werber Jr. told the Associated Press. He added that his father was “sharp up until four weeks ago”.

Born William Murray Werber on June 20, 1908 in Berwyn Heights, Maryland, he played for the New York Yankees from (1930, 1933), the Boston Red Sox from (1933-1936), the Philadelphia Athletics from (1937-1938), Cincinnati Reds from (1939-1941) and the New York Giants from (1942).

In 1934, Werber became the starting third baseman of the Red Sox. He responded with a career-high .321 batting average, including 200 hits; led the American League with 40 stolen bases, and posted double digits in doubles (41), triples (10) and home runs (11). He led the league in stolen bases in 1935 (29) and 1937 (35). Boston traded him to the Philadelphia Athletics for the 1937 season, and he joined the Cincinnati Reds in 1939.

In an 11-season career, Werber was a .271 hitter with 78 home runs and 539 RBI in 1,295 games. One of the most aggressive baserunners of the 1930s, probably the most aggressive next to Ben Chapman, he stole 215 bases. He was inducted into the Cincinnati Reds Hall of Fame in 1961.

His wife Kathryn ‘Tat’ Werber died in 2000, after she and Werber had been married 70 years. Bill Werber Jr. says that his father is to be cremated and services, which will be open to the public, will be held on the weekend of January 31 through February 1.

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Five hundred cattle die of neglect on West Australia property

Category : Uncategorized

Thursday, February 17, 2005 RSPCA inspectors found about 500 cattle dead on a remote station in Western Australia. Water is being trucked in to care for another 2500 cattle on Windidda station, east of Wilun, which is leased to an Aboriginal corporation.

State Agriculture Minister Kim Chance says the propery was found abandoned and only two of the property’s 13 watering stations were working.

“The lease is owned by an aboriginal corporation (but) the precise of identity of the corporation is somewhat obscure,” Mr Chance said.

WA RSPCA spokesperson Kelly Oversby said they made the shocking discovery after an anonymous tip-off.

“Experienced inspectors have told us it is the worst case of animal cruelty they have ever seen,” Ms Overby said.

“As well as the cattle, brumbies, camels, dogs and kangaroos have all perished.”

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Lizards are capable of problem-solving, study shows

Category : Uncategorized

Friday, July 15, 2011

A tropical tree-dwelling lizard has succeeded in a problem-solving test by learning to associate the color of a cap with a food reward, contesting the stereotype that reptiles are extremely limited cognitively compared to birds and mammals. The cognitive abilities of reptiles have rarely been studied.

In a color discriminating task, the lizards learned to flip over the correctly colored cap to reveal a worm hidden underneath. The experiment was conducted at Duke University and the results, published in the Royal Society journal Biology Letters, suggest that the problem-solving abilities of reptiles may be greater than previously thought.

The Puerto Rican lizard, (an anole), used in the study, is a well-studied species, known to excel at foraging food by being acutely aware of movement. Several lizards of this species were collected from Puerto Rico for the experiment.

Researches first wanted to determine if the six lizards used in the study were able to figure out how to flip off the cap to obtain the food. The agile reptiles quickly learned to use one of two ways to move the cap: they closed their jaws on the edge of the cap and dragged it off the food, or ran into the cap with their heads, tipping it over and grabbing the food.

[The results] should cause researchers to re-evaluate what they think they know about the evolution of animal cognition.

The lizards were then given a choice between two caps; one was blue and the other was yellow and blue; under only one was the food reward of a worm. They quickly learned to distinguish which cap had the reward.

“They learned to associate the color of the [cap] with a food reward,” said Manual Leal, the Duke University researcher who led the study. Their success on a test that is based on worms and usually used on birds was “completely unexpected,” he said.

The lizards solved the problem in fewer tries than birds needed to flip the correct cap and pass the test, Leal explained. Lizards get just one chance per day because they eat less, while birds usually get up to six chances a day. Thus a mistake by a lizard means it must remember until the next day how to correct the mistake, Leal said.

And when the color of the caps was switched, after a few mistakes two of the lizards were able to figure out the trick. “We named these two Plato and Socrates,” said Leal.

Jonathan Losos, a biologist at Harvard University not involved in the study, said Leal’s experiment demonstrates that when faced with a new situation, most of the lizards were able to solve the problem. They had the ability to figure out the trick and disregard their previous learning; a sign of a cognitively advanced animal that some mammalian species cannot easily do.

The results “should cause researchers to re-evaluate what they think they know about the evolution of animal cognition,” Losos said.

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