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Gay Talese on the state of journalism, Iraq and his life

Category : Uncategorized

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Gay Talese wants to go to Iraq. “It so happens there is someone that’s working on such a thing right now for me,” the 75-year-old legendary journalist and author told David Shankbone. “Even if I was on Al-Jazeera with a gun to my head, I wouldn’t be pleading with those bastards! I’d say, ‘Go ahead. Make my day.'”

Few reporters will ever reach the stature of Talese. His 1966 profile of Frank Sinatra, Frank Sinatra Has a Cold, was not only cited by The Economist as the greatest profile of Sinatra ever written, but is considered the greatest of any celebrity profile ever written. In the 70th anniversary issue of Esquire in October 2003, the editors declared the piece the “Best Story Esquire Ever Published.”

Talese helped create and define a new style of literary reporting called New Journalism. Talese himself told National Public Radio he rejects this label (“The term new journalism became very fashionable on college campuses in the 1970s and some of its practitioners tended to be a little loose with the facts. And that’s where I wanted to part company.”)

He is not bothered by the Bancrofts selling The Wall Street Journal—”It’s not like we should lament the passing of some noble dynasty!”—to Rupert Murdoch, but he is bothered by how the press supported and sold the Iraq War to the American people. “The press in Washington got us into this war as much as the people that are controlling it,” said Talese. “They took information that was second-hand information, and they went along with it.” He wants to see the Washington press corp disbanded and sent around the country to get back in touch with the people it covers; that the press should not be so focused on–and in bed with–the federal government.

Augusten Burroughs once said that writers are experience junkies, and Talese fits the bill. Talese–who has been married to Nan Talese (she edited James Frey‘s Million Little Piece) for fifty years–can be found at baseball games in Cuba or the gay bars of Beijing, wanting to see humanity in all its experience.

Below is Wikinews reporter David Shankbone’s interview with Gay Talese.

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Preparing Your Home For The Installation Of Replacement Windows In Colorado Springs Co

Category : Helicopter

byAlma Abell

Windows allow light and air to enter and exit a home. These structures also allow people to view the outside world. Over time, normal wear and tear can take a toll on the quality of windows. Also, many homeowners replace windows during a remodel. If you will be getting Replacement Windows in Colorado Springs CO, it’s important to ready your home for the installation. Use the following suggestions for this task.

If you are using a service provider to install your Replacement Windows in Colorado Springs CO, ensure that there is ample parking space for the contractor and his crew. Many work crews meet at work sites. Clear your drive-way and area in front of your curb the morning the workers are set to arrive. Your new replacement windows services in Colorado Springs may arrive in a large truck. You will need to have space for this vehicle as well. The workers should have a clear path to your front door. Remove all toys, lawn furniture, and obstacle that can prevent them from entering your home.

It’s important to prepare the work areas before the contractor and his workers arrive. Have a designated area for them to rest, eat, and drink. This can be in the work area or another area you prefer. Remove all wall hangings such as pictures, wall furniture, and paintings from walls. Installation new windows may entail hammering and sawing. These actions can produce vibrations that run through the walls in your home. A vibration can cause a wall hanging to fall and break. If you have a wall hanging that is attached to the wall, ensure that it’s secure.

Dust containment is a major part of window installation. Place sticky mats in the exterior entryways the workers will use and the entryways of the work areas. The sticky part of the mats will help remove debris and dirt off the soles of the worker shoes. Cosver all registers with tape to prevent dust from entering your duct-work.

Getting your home ready for the arrival of the worker will allow them to immediately start the job they were hired to do. It will also help you form a mutually beneficial rapport with the window contractor and his workers.

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UK government loses personal information of 25 million people

Category : Uncategorized

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

British Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling announced to a shocked House of Commons today that two password-protected — but not encrypted — computer disks containing the entire Child Benefit database have been lost in transit between the offices of Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) in Washington, Tyne & Wear and the National Audit Office (NAO) in London, in what has been described as “one of the world’s biggest ID protection failures”.

The database contains details of all families in the UK who receive Child Benefit — all families with children up to 16 years of age, plus those with children up to 20 years old if they are in full-time education or training — estimated to contain 25 million individuals in 7.25 million families. Among other items of information, the database contains names, addresses, dates of birth, child benefit and National Insurance numbers, and where appropriate, bank or building society account details.

The discs were created by a junior official at the HMRC in response to a request for information by the NAO, and were sent unregistered and unrecorded on 18 October using the courier company TNT — which operates the HMRC’s internal mail system. When it was found that the discs had not arrived for audit at the NAO, a further copy of this data was made and sent — this time by registered mail — and this package did arrive. HMRC were not informed that the original discs had been lost until 8 November, and Darling himself was informed on 10 November.

The violation of data protection laws involved in the creation of the discs has led to strong attacks on the government’s competence to establish the proposed National Identity Register, when all UK residents will have an identity card. Conservative Shadow Chancellor George Osborne described the loss of data as “catastrophic” and said “They [the government] simply cannot be trusted with people’s personal information”.

The Chairman of HMRC, Paul Gray, has resigned over the affair, and critics are calling for Darling to do likewise.

This is the third data embarrassment for HMRC in recent weeks — earlier this month it was reported that the details of over 15,000 Standard Life customers had been put on disk, and then lost en route from HMRC in Newcastle to Standard Life in Edinburgh — and last month a laptop containing the data of 400 people with high-value ISAs was stolen from the boot of a car belonging to a HMRC official who had been carrying out a routine audit.

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Soft drink foes cheer victory, lament remaining junk foods in schools

Category : Uncategorized

Monday, May 8, 2006

Last week’s announcement that most soda manufacturers will stop selling their sugary products in U.S. schools did not mention that avoiding lawsuits was part of the motivation for the self-imposed ban. Some of those who threatened legal action to stop the soda sales are patting themselves on the back over the agreement, while lamenting that the deal did not go far enough, and now plan to press for more restrictions.

“Though there is room for improvement — sugary “sports” drinks still will be sold in schools, for instance — this voluntary agreement is certainly good enough that CSPI will drop its planned lawsuit against Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Cadbury-Schweppes and their bottlers,” said Michael F. Jacobson, the executive director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest . “I hope this settlement contributes to the momentum that is building in Congress for legislation that would require USDA to update its standards for foods sold outside of school meals. That would enable USDA to eliminate the sale of candy, cookies, French fries, potato chips, and other snack foods, as well as sports drinks, that are standard fare in school vending machines and stores.”

In the wake of the announcement of the agreement by the three largest soft drink companies, their bottlers and the public health advocacy group, the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, Jacobson thanked his team of litigators for “negotiating effectively with the soft-drink industry over the past six months, and for demonstrating that the judicial system can play an important role in spurring public health advances.”

Richard Daynard, a law professor and president of the Public Health Advocacy Institute, which threatened the soft-drink industry with lawsuits, said in an institute press release, “The industry agreement with the Clinton Foundation and American Heart Association comes after sustained pressure from potential litigation and negotiations with public health groups and their lawyers. It is a credit to the role of litigation and the legal system as a component of effective public health strategy.”

“This agreement demonstrates the potential of public health litigation to help control the obesity epidemic,” he said.

In an email exchange with the James Logan Courier, Margo Wootan, director of Nutrition Policy for the Center for Science in the Public interest, said, “Last week’s announcement that soft drink companies will pull all sugary sodas from schools is great step toward improving school foods. This agreement is the culmination of the tremendous national momentum on improving school foods — from the local policies (in LA, NYC, Chicago, Philadelphia, DC, etc.), state bills (in 2005, 200 bills were introduced in 40 states to get soda and junk foods out of schools), the strong bipartisan bill pending in the U.S. Congress, and threats of litigation against soda companies.”

“While today’s agreement is a huge step forward, it is by no means the last step” wrote Wootan, ” We still have a lot of work to do to improve school foods.”

The agreement, announced Wednesday morning by the William J. Clinton Foundation, means that the nation’s biggest beverage distributors, and the American Beverage Association, will pull their soda products from vending machines and cafeterias in schools serving about 35 million students, according to the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, a joint initiative between the Clinton Foundation and the American Heart Association.

Under the agreement, high schools will still be able to purchase drinks such as diet and unsweetened teas, diet sodas, sports drinks, flavored water, seltzer and low-calorie sports drinks for resale to students.

The companies plan to stop soda sales at 75 percent of the nation’s public schools by the 2008-2009 school year, and at all schools in the following school year. The speed of the changes will depend in part on school districts’ willingness to change their contracts with the beverage distributors.

Some food activists criticized the deal for not going far enough and undermining efforts to go further.

Michele Simon, the director of the Center for Informed Food Choices, based in Oakland, Ca., called the deal “bogus” and a “PR stunt” by “Big Cola” in an effort to “sugar coat it’s image.”

“This announcement could potentially undermine ongoing grassroots efforts, state legislation, and other enforceable policies,” wrote Simon in an article at www.commondreams.org,” For example, in Massachusetts where a stronger bill is pending, a local advocate is worried about the adverse impact, since legislators could easily think that Clinton has taken care of the problem and ignore the bill. What was already an uphill battle—getting schools and legislatures to take this problem seriously—was just made worse, not better, by this bogus agreement.

“Even from a health standpoint, the deal is hardly impressive. Diet soda full of artificial sweeteners, sports drinks high in sugar, and other empty-calorie beverages with zero nutritional value are still allowed in high schools,” Simon wrote, “Also, parents concerned about soda advertising in schools will not be pleased with the agreement. Not a word is mentioned about the ubiquitous marketing children are subjected to daily in the form of branded score boards, school supplies, sports bags, and cups (just to name a few), which is required by exclusive Coke and Pepsi contracts. “

She’s not the only one criticizing the deal.“ While the initial details are promising, PHAI is concerned about some aspects of the agreement as it is being reported,” Daynard said in the press release. “The continual sale of “sports drinks” is a cause for concern. While they have a role for marathon runners and others engaged in sustained strenuous sports, for most students “sports drinks” are just another form of sugar water. Furthermore, the change in beverages offered must be carefully monitored and cannot depend entirely on the schools’ willingness and ability to alter existing contracts. Soda companies have spent decades pushing these unhealthy drinks on children and should bear the responsibility for their removal. PHAI is also concerned about the enforcement of this agreement and its silence on industry marketing activities in the school system,” he said.

“Importantly, the agreement doesn’t address the sale of chips, candy, snack cakes, ice cream, or any of the other high-fat, high-calorie, high-salt foods that are sold widely in schools,” said Wootan of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, “This is a voluntary agreement and is not enforceable, we need Senator Harkin’s school foods bill to lock in the beverage standards and give them the force of law.”

Even the diet drinks, which will still be offered, need to go, said Ross Getman, an attorney in Syracuse, NY. Getman has advocated that soda should not be sold in public schools and that long-term “pouring rights” agreements, which give a company exclusive access to sell their brands at a school, are illegal for a variety of reasons.

Getman, who contends that some diet sodas are contaminated with benzene, a cancer-causing chemical, said the soda “industry gets an “F” for incomplete” for “the industry’s failure to pull all soda from school and to recall products.”

Schools account for about $700 million in U.S. soft-drink sales, less than 1 percent total revenue for Coca-Cola, PepsiCo and Cadbury, the nation’s largest soda companies.

Ten of the largest U.S. school districts have already removed soft drinks from vending machines, according to Getman. States including California, Maine and Connecticut have also banned sugary sodas in schools.

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IMF prepares to help Hungary and Ukraine

Category : Uncategorized

Friday, October 17, 2008

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is preparing a series of loans to both Hungary and Ukraine as financial problems are hitting the two countries. Hungary has already received a €5 billion credit line from the European Central Bank (ECB). Ukraine is seeking a loan of up to US$14 billion.

The credit line to Hungary will be used to cover banks’ shortage of euros. Hungary has a severe debt problem with them posting an account deficit of €5.3 billion or 4.9% of GDP this year. As a result of this, Hungary is unable to find suitable credit to store up its supply of euros.

“We are in close dialogue with the Hungarian authorities and the EU to discuss further responses to the current challenges, including possible technical and financial support by the IMF”, said Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Managing Director of the IMF. “I have informed the authorities that the IMF stands ready to assist their efforts. We will provide technical assistance as needed and, in the context of a supportive policy setting, are ready to undertake [decisions] on possible financial assistance, responding rapidly.”

Ukraine’s Finance Minister Viktor Pynzenyk met with an IMF team on Thursday. In a statement, Pynzenyk said “the parties discussed a situation of influence the world financial crisis had on the economy of Ukraine.” It is not yet known how much the IMF is expected to lend to Ukraine but it is expected to be between $3 billion to $14 billion. It is also not known what type of conditions might be placed on the loan.

In addition to financial uncertainty, Ukraine is suffering from political turmoil with the current President, Viktor Yushchenko, calling a snap parliamentary election for December. The Prime Minister, Yulia Tymoshenko, has made moves to stop the election. Ukraine’s yearly trade deficit has increased by almost $7 billion since last year.

The credit line by the European Central Bank is the first time publicly that it has extended help to countries other than the 15 that make up the Eurozone.

According to Reuters, Hungary might be able to start the process of joining the euro quicker then expected. Currently, Hungary is on track to join the euro in 2011 or 2012, but if sped up, it is possible it could join as early as 2010. This might protect Hungary from further financial problems.

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David Yurman Jewelry On Sale

Category : Jewelry

Submitted by: Sergio Pal

Why to Opt intended for David Yurman Collection?

David Yurman is famous being the Americas leading designer of jewelries and luxurious brands of watches. Fusing art, approach and fine jewelry is the explanation intended for the success of the rising demands of the collection of David Yurman Jewelry on sale. David Yurman plain twisted cable design is the standard by which David Yurman is prevalent dressed in the humanity being best jewelry designer. David Yurman Jewelry on sale includes collection intended for both men being well being intended for the women. David Yurman calculated a allotment on sculpturing and next various point of experience being sculptor, he started his career being a jewelry design businessmen. His twisted cable design is incorporated dressed in every model of jewelry he designs.

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India: Jammu and Kashmir government orders private tuitions to shut down for 90 days

Category : Uncategorized

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

On Sunday, the government of Jammu and Kashmir, India, ordered private academic coaching institutions for students until and including class XII to shut down for the next three months calling those institutions “distractions” for the students; with an exception of coaching institutions preparing students for professional exams.

After meeting the heads of some educational institutions, the state’s education minister Syed Altaf Bukhari said: “We had a discussion with our principals today to how to make the education system better. We have come to a conclusion that the distractions which affect our education system […] one of those distractions are the coaching centres”. He added the government is to review the status of the tuition centres with respect to their decisions twice a month.

High schools and colleges have suspended classes since the beginning of the month. Boycotting the classes, students protested against two encounters in Shopian that resulted in the killing of four civilians as well as twelve militants. Then there were protests against the gang rape and murder of eight-year-old girl Asifa Bano in Kathua who police said was held captive and sedated at a temple in January. Retired government official Sanji Ram and several others —including multiple police officers— were arrested earlier this month for, or in relation to, the gang rape and murder of Asifa. Asifa’s corpse was found in the village of Rasana on January 10.

Some of the protesters clashed with the state security forces, and pellets were fired over the protesters. Bukhari said, “Security of the students is paramount, that is why we kept schools and colleges closed. But now the students should control their emotions and go back to their classes […] Now, enough is enough, they have their protest and should attend school now.” Bukhari went on to add that they cannot “afford to have future a generation of illiterates and uneducated.” He said the students who come to the road for protests “would be treated as rowdies”.

According to an official in Jammu and Kashmir’s education department, the motivation behind the temporary shut down of tuitions was “when the coaching centres are closed, students would not have an option but to attend schools”. Coaching Centre Association president Junaid Yousuf responded to this ban, saying: “What is the point of ordering closure of coaching centres and keeping schools open? This defies logic. You are not shutting down the places where protests occur and closed those centres where there are no protests”.

“This distraction leads to fall in attendances in schools. We are not against coaching centres; we will first see how schools function. Therefore immediately we will request and order the coaching centres to stop their shops for some time[…] We are the custodians of the students and want that they are not distracted”, the Education Minister said.

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BBC drops programmes as third of staff join strike

Category : Uncategorized

Monday, May 23, 2005

The staff of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) have entered a one-day strike this morning in dispute of impending job cuts and partial privatisation.

The industrial action follows union ballots at three of the leaders of journalism and broadcasting: Amicus, National Union of Jounalists and BECTU. The NUJ have already described the action as an “astonishing success” and its general secretary, Jeremy Dear, describes the union as “absolutely delighted with the level of support we have received for the strike.” The unions expect 11,000 of 27,000 BBC staff to take part in the strikes.

Due to the extensiveness of the strike it has affected the output of the BBC on its television and radio services. News and live services have been particularly badly affected following the unions aims to leave “blank screens and dead air”.

BBC Radio 4‘s Today, The World at One, PM and The World Tonight have all been cancelled; BBC One‘s 1 O’Clock News and 6 O’Clock News was shortened from half an hour to 15 minutes, although the 10 O’Clock News was unaffected. Live programming of BBC News 24, BBC World and Five Live have been extensively cut; and international output on the World Service has been impacted.

The most noticeable impact have been on the Breakfast programme, headed by just one presenter (against the usual two) and cut short for a pre-recorded interview. The leading serious news magazine programme, Newsnight, was also cancelled.

Some BBC radio celebrities appeared for work on their shows despite the strike. These include breakfast radio presenters Chris Moyles of BBC Radio 1, Terry Wogan of BBC Radio 2, and Shelagh Fogarty of BBC Radio 5.

Unlike a similar 1989 strike in which presenter Nicholas Witchell crossed the pickets to read news, those presenters who have decided to continue their positions have not been publicly denounced.

Striking staff have been picketing outside the main entrances of the BBC Television Centre in west London.

The strikes have occurred following the Corporation’s plans to cut 3780 jobs and privatise parts of the national service. It has claimed that these cuts are necessary to spend more on programming when they were announced in March by governing director Mark Thompson. The cuts aim to make savings of GBP 355 million (US$663.37 million, EUR 487 million ).

Unions have defied calls by BBC executives to partake in consultations over impending actions. The unions have responded by claiming that consultations would give their staff little say and that negotiations are the only way in which they will be listened to.

The ballot to strike which was held on May 12 also determined to strike for 48 hours on May 31 and June 1. It is unclear if any further action is planned.

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Formula One driver Jules Bianchi dies aged 25

Category : Uncategorized

Sunday, July 19, 2015

French Formula One (F1) driver Jules Bianchi died on Friday night at age 25, nine months after his serious accident at the 2014 Japanese Grand Prix. News of his death was announced by his family the following morning:

It is with deep sadness that the parents of Jules Bianchi, Philippe and Christine, his brother Tom and sister Mélanie, wish to make it known that Jules passed away last night at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU) in Nice, (France) where he was admitted following the accident of 5th October 2014 at Suzuka Circuit during the Japanese Formula 1 Grand Prix.

This is the first F1 race-related driver death since the 1994 San Marino Grand Prix, when Ayrton Senna was killed.

On October 5, 2014, at the late portion of the Japanese Grand Prix at Suzuka Circuit, Bianchi collided with a tractor crane that had been attending to the crashed car of Adrian Sutil. Bianchi’s helmet became wedged underneath the tractor, causing a diffuse axonal injury, and he fell into a coma. After being treated at a Japanese medical centre, he was moved about two months after the accident to a hospital in Nice. Placed in the intensive care unit, in December he began rehabilitation therapy. Bianchi’s father, Philippe, described his non-progress as a “daily torture”.

Bianchi, the 2007 French Formula Renault and 2009 Formula 3 Euro Series champion, was the inaugural member of the Ferrari Driver Academy. He joined F1 team Force India in 2012. In 2013, he joined Marussia F1; the following year, at the 2014 Monaco Grand Prix, he scored his and Marussia’s first points with a ninth-place finish.

After the accident, the FIA, which sanctions Formula One racing, formed a panel to investigate the crash. Afterwards, the group revealed its findings: as Bianchi entered the run-off area of the track, he disabled the failsafe mechanism by “[applying] both throttle and brake together, using both feet”, while his front wheels were locked; the panel also stated he did not slow down enough to control his car. Eventually, F1 mandated the use of the “virtual safety car”, which requires drivers to enter the pit lane at slower speeds instead of proceeding around the track.

This is the Bianchi family’s second driver death. Lucien Bianchi, the 1968 24 Hours of Le Mans winner and Jules’s great uncle, was killed in 1969 during testing at Circuit de la Sarthe, where the 24 Hours of Le Mans race is held.

Upon the news of his death, many drivers sent their condolences through social media. Bianchi’s Marussia team mate Max Chilton tweeted, “No words can describe what his family and the sport have lost. All I can say [is] it was a pleasure knowing and racing you.”

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Are There Possible Steps To Improve Your Credit Score In 24hours?

Category : First Aid

By Tim H Lambert

Most people choose to use credit in buying things like a new house, cars, jewelries and many more. They do that because they cannot afford to buy it outright hence they resort to pay the commodity on a monthly basis. However, not all loans are being approved because lenders consider factors before lending money to the borrowers. The most significant factor is your credit score that reflects our credit history. Credit score is a three digit number that is calculated using complex algorithm by the three credit bureaus based primarily on your credit history. Your score can go from poor, to middle, to good up to the magical score of 720 above where any types of credit are allowed without the hassle of verifications. Credit scoring can go for as low as 200 and as high as 850. If you have a poor credit scoring, you may end up being rejected to the loans that you want thus you must take necessary steps to improve your credit score. Unfortunately, most people had a limited time to increase their credit score especially in the case that you really need to be approved for the loan. To improve your credit score in 24 hours need great effort in your part so that you can be eligible for the loan that you want.

Fortunately for you, recent breakthroughs in modern technology make it possible to improve your credit score in one day and it can save you thousands of dollars. You might be surprised that there are clients that raised credit scores in just two hours. There are many proven ways to increase credit score in a week or less. One company offered a system called rapid re-score that is offered only in your mortgage officer. With this technique, leg work is a must in order to alter your information on your credit report by yourself. For example, you must pay off collections or liens in a span of a week. The rapid re-score system provides a second look on your credit score the end of a week therefore improvements, if any, will appear on your second credit score.


The above technique requires assistance from a company, but there are also do-it-yourself credit repair steps that can improve your credit score in 24 hours. It is very necessary to payoff your collections. You must pay all kinds of collections whether it is the smallest collection item or the biggest one. For example, paying a $30 parking ticket can increase your credit score up to 15 – 30 points. Unpaid collection can hurt your score by as much as 20 points. After paying them off, you must obtain a letter from your creditor. These letters are termed payoff letter or deletion letter. After receiving those letters, fax them right away to the credit bureaus if possible, try to talk to them using the phone and coordinate a quick alteration in your credit scores. Also, you should obtain three lines of credit that are unsecured. Hence, if you have extra credit cards that you want to close, close them. You would be amazed that these can increase your score fast by doing these simple and easy steps.

About the Author: Improve your credit score now, go to


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