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Air Conditioning: An Integral Accessory Both At Home And Office

Air Conditioning: An Integral Accessory both at Home and Office


Aaric Parker

Air conditioning has become an integral component of daily lifestyle at both professional places and domestic households. This advanced electronic mechanism enables us regulate the temperature of single living room or wide office floor space as per requirement. This sophisticate tool is not only useful at extreme-climactic conditions (too cold or hot weather) but also comes in handy to tackle certain situations, like clearing the suffocating environment in the room.

The reach of a modern Air Conditioning (AC) is farfetched. Apart from controlling the room temperature it keeps the inside air of cars, trains, buses and aero planes comfortable and healthy. Since it is utilized to either get protection from extreme cold or hot weather, in almost every country and geographic location AC machine enjoys popularity. However, it should be kept in mind that being a sophisticated electronic equipment, AC system should be kept under regular monitoring and cleaning activities to ensure its proper health and smooth functioning over a long period of time. Now, let us have a brief discussion on different utilities of AC service provisions.

Residential Utility:


Previously only the large residential apartments used to enjoy the presence of air conditioners. However, along with the improving purchasing power and the subsequent rising expenditure of middle-class people on luxury goods even small and moderate-sized households are fitted with such tools. The aim is to keep the air cool of a specific room in each house.

Commercial Utility:

Price is not a factor with mid and large sized industrial houses. They invest on availing the best equipments to keep the working environment warm and enjoyable. This improves their productivity no doubt. Generally corporate set ups utilize centralized AC system. Such facility does not merely control the temperature of a single room but that of several inter-connected rooms or a large floor space simultaneously. Supermarkets, shopping malls, theaters, cold storage, air port lounge, laboratory, research center are some examples of centrally managed air-conditioned locations.

There is no doubt that the basic technology and function of the Air Conditioning machine used at both domestic and professional industrial locations are same. But the power consumption volumes widely differ. Naturally the centrally maintained AC systems consume lots of electricity whereas domestic needs may be scant in comparison to it.

Air Conditioning UK has become a crucial mechanism due to the unique weather pattern in that country. Naturally, several top notched brands in the AC market have gained strong presence in the UK. However, there is no reason to presume that only the AC vendors have witnessed boom in their business, AC installation and maintenance service providers have also gained rich. TCL Air Conditioning is a top-notched firm in this regard.

With the growing usage of Air Conditioning system across commercial and residential complexes, the significance of its maintenance service has gained immense significance. Generally Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) is a preferred mode of AC maintenance and repair service. AC machines have become inseparable accessories of modern lifestyle at domestic households while they do their bit in improving the productivity at offices.

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then visit http://www.tclairconditioning.co.uk/

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Canadian media company Bell Globemedia to acquire rival CHUM

Category : Uncategorized

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Canadian media company CHUM Limited has announced that it has agreed to be acquired by larger rival Bell Globemedia Inc. for $1.7 billion CAD cash, bringing the CTV and Citytv broadcast-television networks and such specialty channels as MuchMusic, TSN and Bravo! under the same corporate umbrella.

Shareholders will receive $52.50 per common share of CHUM and $47.25 per Class B (non-voting) share. The estate of the late Allan Waters, who died late last year, has agreed to tender all its shares to the bid, netting the Waters family nearly $450 million.

In a joint statement, CHUM’s chairman, Jim Waters, said, “In Bell Globemedia’s offer, we not only found value for shareholders, but confidence that we would be placing CHUM in the hands of an owner with the financial resources and track record to continue to grow and build on our collective legacy.”

Globemedia CEO Ivan Fecan added, “We are able to make this premium offer because Bell Globemedia is clearly the most logical buyer of CHUM. There is a unique strategic fit to our operations that can make the united company a stronger national champion in broadcasting. We intend to maintain and build the valuable CHUM brands and develop more opportunities for Canadian programming.” He added that CTV and Citytv will remain separate networks and “will maintain separate and independent news divisions in order to ensure a continued diversity and competition in news coverage.”

In a separate release, CHUM announced it would be cutting 281 jobs at its stations across the country, particularly at its Citytv stations in western Canada. Effectively immediately, evening newscasts at CKVU-TV Vancouver, CKEM-TV Edmonton, CKAL-TV Calgary and CHMI-TV in the Winnipeg market are being eliminated, with plans for a new newsmagazine tentatively titled In Your City at the three Prairie stations, and more resources being put into each station’s local version of Breakfast Television. Less drastic changes are planned for its A-Channel stations in smaller markets. The company said these changes will result “in a significant reduction in staffing and operating costs.”

The companies said that they expect to sell CHUM’s A-Channel stations, as well as Alberta educational broadcaster Access, to third parties, despite CTV’s historical ties to several of them. Many of the A-Channel stations were originally acquired by CHUM from Baton Broadcasting, the predecessor of Bell Globemedia, in 1997, as part of a trade that sent CHUM’s ATV and ASN assets in Atlantic Canada to Baton and allowed Baton to acquire the CTV network itself.

Despite CHUM’s ownership of MuchMusic and CTV’s recent launch of MTV Canada, the companies claim their specialty channels are “complementary” and did not indicate any sale plans.

Bell Globemedia is currently majority-owned by BCE Inc. but is awaiting regulatory approval for a restructuring involving the Ontario Teachers Pension Plan, Torstar Corp., and the Thomson family. In the interim, the takeover offer will be made by a new company owned by the proposed new shareholder structure.

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Bank of England governor warns housing market is biggest threat to UK economy

Category : Uncategorized

Sunday, May 18, 2014

The governor of the Bank of England, Mark Carney, has warned that the state of the housing market in the United Kingdom is the current biggest domestic threat to the country’s economy, due to lack of house building, and regulatory issues.

In an interview to be aired on Sky News today, he said the housing market is the “biggest risk” to the economy and has “deep, deep structural problems”. Of house building he said: “There are not sufficient houses built in the UK. To go back to Canada, there are half as many people in Canada as in the UK, twice as many houses are built every year in Canada as in the UK and we can’t influence that.”

“We’re not going to build a single house at the Bank of England. We can’t influence that. What we can influence […] is whether the banks are strong enough. Do they have enough capital against risk in the housing market?”

Carney also said the Bank of England would look into the procedures used to issue loans and mortgages to see if they were being granted appropriately: “We’d be concerned if there was a rapid increase in high loan-to-value mortgages across the banks. We’ve seen that creeping up and it’s something we’re watching closely.”

Kris Hopkins responded to Carney on behalf of the government, saying the government “inherited a broken housing market, but our efforts to fix it are working”. “We’ve scrapped the failed top-down planning system, built over 170,000 affordable homes and released more surplus brownfield sites for new housing. We’ve also helped homebuyers get on the housing ladder, because if people can buy homes builders will build them. Housebuilding is now at its highest level since 2007 and climbing. Last year councils gave permission for almost 200,000 new homes under the locally-led planning system and more than 1,000 communities have swiftly taken up neighbourhood planning. It’s clear evidence the government’s long-term economic plan is working.”

Earlier this month, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development called on the UK government to “tighten” access to the ‘Help to Buy’ scheme introduced by George Osborne and the coalition government in 2013. ‘Help to Buy’ has also recently been criticised by three former Chancellors of the Exchequer — the Conservatives Norman Lamont and Nigel Lawson, and former Labour Chancellor Alistair Darling. Darling said: “Unless supply can be increased substantially, we will exacerbate that situation with schemes like Help to Buy.”

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Anti-racism rally in Sydney

Category : Uncategorized

Monday, December 19, 2005

A number of rallies were held in Sydney on Sunday to protest against what they describe as racism in the community. The National Union of Students organised an event at Town Hall, and the Ted Noffs Foundation held an event in Belmore Park later in the day. About 2,000 people marched through Sydney, and there were also gatherings in Newcastle, Brisbane, and Melbourne.

Lebanese Australian student Chadi Sankary rejected alcohol as an excuse for racist and violent behaviour. “People are not willing to admit that this is about racism,” he said. “You can’t be under the influence of alcohol and paint your massive banners with racial slogans on them or you can’t make t-shirts while you’re drunk so it can’t be accepted as an excuse.”

Matt Noffs, of the Ted Noffs Foundation, said that the solution to racism lies with the people, not politicians. He also criticised the weeks police operation, saying that it will not provide a long-term solution. “I don’t feel that the responses that have been made during the week have actually helped the situation,” he said. “They might have suppressed some of the violence that is sure to happen in these situations anyway but they certainly don’t look at the solutions.”

Tim Longhurst, one of the organisers, said that the rally showed the true nature of Sydney as a tolerant city. “What we saw today wasn’t new. Sydney has always been a place where people do get along, and today they came out in force to show that,” Mr Longhurst said.

In a statement supporting the rally, Socialist Alliance linked the Cronulla riots to government policies and actions. “The riots reflect the rising racism in Australia, a tide that has been fostered by the Howard government’s policies and propaganda that criminalise and lock up refugees, dehumanise and bomb the Iraqi people, and define all Muslims and Middle-Eastern Australians as potential terrorists.”

One Sydney blogger criticised the rallies because they focused on racism against minority groups such as Lebanese, instead of racism in general. “They’re picking on only one face of the disgusting racism that has come to a boil in this city recently, and tried to say they’re taking a stand against racism,” he said, calling the rally “the racist anti-racism protest.”

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What To Do With Doggy Doo

Category : Puppies For Sale

What To Do With Doggy Doo


Sarah Cowell

When you read horticultural advice on composting they are unequivocal about cat and dog faeces. It must not go on your compost heap. Yet it s plain to see that animal by-products, including the less savoury carnivore manure, are organic. And if it s organic it will rot, so why the caution?

Carnivores have a different set of decomposers from herbivores both in the gut and in the soil. One of the most significant species of these is the worm.

When animals roamed the forests in times of yore their excrement was part of the natural fertilizing process, keeping plants and soil healthy. The natural cycle was both balanced and self-sustaining with decomposers dealing with the manure of herbivores and carnivores and turning into nutrition for the flora. Worms of many kinds would each play their part in the recycling process.

Worm populations in the soil become problematic for farm animals when their numbers exceed a certain threshold and good farming practices ensure that not too many animals live on any piece of land. The more intensively an area is farmed, the worse the worm problems. Worming chemically has been the answer .


Domestic dog numbers nowadays exceed what would have been a wild population (probably of their ancestors, wolves) by millions. The amount of dog faeces our land can absorb safely almost certainly has been exceeded. So what are we to do with the stuff?

It is likely to end up in landfill, an incinerator, on the pavement or in the sewers but rarely is it composted. It seems odd that we accept the indignity of clearing up after our pet dog as a social obligation but taking the next step of actually dealing with it is a step too far.

The possible dangers lurking in dog faeces are Toxocara canis (roundworms)and fecal coliforms (bacteria) including Escherichia and Enterobacter. The presence of these potential pathogens make it important that the compost does reach sufficiently hot temperatures, or lesser temperatures for a much longer time, and a closed system, separate from your main garden compost heap or bin, is recommended. Closed systems have securely fitting lids and doors and a bottom with small holes in so that micro-organisms and worms can get in, not larger mammals such as rats and mice.

A further precaution is to put the compost on ornamentals not edible crops. If there are pregnant women or young children in the household it is best not to compost on the premises during this period. The risk is small for well functioning immune systems but not worth taking when they are building, as in pregnancy and small children. Having said this there is just as much of a risk if pets use the garden to defecate. For more on how to achieve hot composting see the link below.

Trenches and variations on this theme can be used such as burying a bottomless plastic dustbin (or old plastic cone). A tight fitting lid is important to keep away prying scavengers or children. Gravel should line the pit to help with drainage and it must be sited well away from natural water courses. Adding sawdust helps to control the odour and to improve the carbon nitrogen balance so that the best rate of decomposition can be achieved.

Anaerobic digestion is another possibility and the basis of many of the doggy loos on the market. Be cautious with these as some people do not find they manage the quantities provided by their pets. They may be more suitable for a small dog or cat than a larger beast. However they usually come with chemicals (similar to those used for septic tanks) to breakdown the material, which is then flushed away with water. Natural activators can be made but there is insufficient data to report on their efficacy. (Recipe: 1 pack dried yeast, lb brown sugar (to feed it) and 2 cups of water. Let the mixture warm up for 10 minutes or so before adding.) Because the remains are flushed away the caution about siting away from water sources is even more appropriate here.

The options for composting doggie doo so far may not have inspired you with confidence. Cue the dog wormery, which may not sound very nice but manages the job surprisingly well, and doesn t smell! The doggie wormery must be kept for this sole purpose, not adding food scraps etc. and never add the poo just after worming tablets have been used. This system uses the same worms as traditional vermiculture, aren t they adaptable! The resulting compost which can be extracted roughly once a year, could then be added to a regular garden compost for further purification. Wormeries can take a while before they are ready to cope with the quantities your dog provides. Make sure you check the number of worms provided when you buy the wormery as they can vary and the more you start with the sooner they will breed to reach sufficient numbers. Only slowly increase the amount of poo you add. Once established the system can work well.

We have learnt the hygiene lessons that saved us from cholera and typhoid but have we developed a culture of germ fear instead? Yes it can be dangerous, but knowing that should give us the wisdom to use it carefully not just bury it somewhere out of the way so we don t have to think about it. Methane produced by landfill, contributing to greenhouse gases and causing unpredictable problems for our planet s self regulation is the price we appear to be paying for stuffing a problem away and ignoring it.

(When asked what he thought of Western civilization Gandhi said ‘It would be a good idea’!)

Disclaimer: Composters of pet faeces do so at their own risk

Want to learn more about the alchemy of composting and how to choose the right system for you? Go to


and sign up for a FREE 10 part mini-course now! Sarah Cowell Dip. Hort. is a gardener and writer on horticulture matters

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What To Do With Doggy Doo

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eBay Australia to only permit payment via PayPal

Category : Uncategorized

Saturday, April 12, 2008

On the back of new restrictions being imposed on eBay users in the United Kingdom requiring that sellers offer PayPal payments for all sales, eBay Australia is mandating that only PayPal payments will be acceptable as of June 17. PayPal is a wholly-owned subsidiary of eBay, and charges a 30¢ transaction fee, plus a commission between 1.1% for high volume traders, and 2.4% for low value or low volume traders. These higher costs will be passed onto buyers.

Cash payment on pick up will be the only other payment option, and it may only be offered in conjunction with PayPal.

eBay has brought in this restriction under the guise of improving customer protection, bolstering its “Paypal Buyer Protection” insurance programme to allow claims up to A$20,000 instead of the previous maximum of $3,000, however as of June 17 many of the items which would exceed $3,000 are no longer covered by the programme, such as services, vehicles, real estate and businesses.

eBay Trust and Safety director Alastair MacGibbon said this change was not in response to the once-off fund established in March to refund eBay buyers who lost their non-existent holiday accommodation packages from the Melbourne eBay seller Robert Kobis. Mr MacGibbon said “It is part of a much larger initiative”.

In addition to these measures, Paypal will be withholding funds from some sellers for 21 days

.. until the earliest of the following occurs:

  • the buyer leaves positive feedback,
  • 3 days after confirmed item delivery
  • 21 days without a dispute, claim, chargeback, or reversal filed on that transaction

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has held discussion with eBay, but declined to comment. The Australian Consumers Association spokesman Christopher Zinn said the unique use of PayPal could give rise to competition issues, however if the costs charged stayed as they were, they had no further concerns.

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Australian state of Victoria swears in new cabinet

Category : Uncategorized

Friday, August 3, 2007

At 11:20 a.m. in the Australian state of Victoria, the Governor David de Kretser started the ceremony for the swearing in of the new Brumby’s cabinet, attended by family and friends of the ministers. This comes a full week after the resignation of Steve Bracks from the top position, and his deputy John Thwaites.

The ministers and their portfolios are:

  • John Brumby has the role of Premier as well as the ministries of Multicultural Affairs and Veterans Affairs,
  • Deputy Premier Rob Hulls has the Industrial Relations and Racing,
  • Gavin Jennings Environment and Climate Change, and Innovation
  • Lynne Kosky has Public Transport and the Arts,
  • John Lenders is the new Treasurer,
  • Justin Madden retains his portfolio of Planning minister,
  • James Merlino takes on multiple roles of: Minister Assisting the Premier on Multicultural Affairs, Sport and Recreation and Youth Affairs
  • Maxine Morand Children and Early Childhood Development
  • Lisa Neville has Mental Health, Community Services and Senior Victorians,
  • Tim Pallas retains Roads and Ports,
  • Bronwyn Pike changes to Education,
  • Tony Robinson has the multiple portfolios of Gaming, Consumer Affairs and the Minister Assisting the Premier on Veterans Affairs,
  • Theo Theophanous retains Industry and trade and major projects, gains minister for Information Technology but loses Small Business,
  • Richard Wynne has Housing, Local Government and Aboriginal Affairs,
  • Peter Batchelor has Energy and Resources, and Community Development,
  • Bob Cameron retains Police and Emergency Services, and the Corrections portfolios,
  • Joe Helper retains both Agriculture, and Small Business,
  • Tim Holding has the Water, WorkCover, Finance, Tourism and Major Events and the TAC Ministries,
  • Jacinta Allan has the Regional and Rural Development, and Skills and Workforce Participation from the Education Ministry.
  • Daniel Andrews has Health
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The Top Two Reasons To Consider Home Equity Loans In Kalamazoo, Mi

Category : Loan Agreements

byAlma Abell

Getting cash you need for a major expense may make home equity loans a tempting option for many homeowners. However, it is important to think about how you plan to use the money to ensure that this type of loan is a legitimate way for you to make your goals happen. Although a simple answer would be great, many decisions are not simple and require complex answers to get right. In fact, any reason may be good or bad, depending on your unique situation. The question boils down to whether or not you can be a responsible borrower, and knowing which scenario works for you is the first step.

Home Renovation

This is the number one reason people consider home equity loans in Kalamazoo, MI, with the second reason being large purchases. People choose to use this type of loan for what they need rather than what they want, and this makes it possible for them to have the home they want and that functions smoothly. Finishing a basement, remodeling the garage, or upgrading an outdated kitchen can all be reasons to go online to kzoomortgage.com. The opportunity may also be great if your home has recently risen in value, giving you a larger equity cushion from which to pull.

Emergency Expenses

Home equity loans allow homeowners to handle a sudden emergency expense, such as replacing a vehicle lost in an accident. This is a handy alternative to keeping a large sum of money in a low-rate bank account for emergency savings. If you have an emergency and choose to tap into your equity, you may be able to get yourself out of a complex situation with fewer frustrations. It is important to remember that this type of solution comes with its risks, as most solutions do. By speaking with a professional about your options, you can make a decision that is best suited to your needs.

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News briefs:June 4, 2010

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