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Vestas delays closure of Newport plant

Category : Uncategorized

Friday, July 31, 2009

Vestas Wind Systems, whose closing wind turbine blade manufacturing centre in Newport, Isle of Wight, England remains the site of a occupation now in its 11th day, has suddenly announced that the consultation period preceding the closure of the plant has been extended, and that the plant will remain open until mid-August.

The announcement, which was reported not by Vestas but by the RMT, was described by RMT General Secretary Bob Crow as “another significant milestone in the fight to save the factory and 625 skilled manufacturing jobs in green energy.” The plant had been due to close today.

News of the delay comes hours after confused reports that Vestas was withholding redundancy payment for at least 525 of the workers whose jobs were lost. According to a report by the local newspaper the Isle of Wight County Press, cheques which employees had been expecting today did not arrive; instead, workers who contacted Vestas management were told they would not receive payment until an interview process had been completed, and that if they began new jobs before the interview process was over they would not receive their money. However, according to Ventnorblog, a local Isle of Wight blog which has been following the Vestas closure closely, the layoff process was being delayed because a majority of the Vestas employees were refusing to agree to the management’s redundancy plan.

The delay of the closure allows more time for the negotiation of potential solutions for the Newport plant to remain open. The Vestas occupiers and labour groups continue to favour nationalisation of the plant, with Socialist Party spokesman Nick Chaffey saying:

The courageous stand of the Vestas occupation and the huge support that stands alongside it from Vestas workers and beyond has rocked management and the government. With the vital support of the RMT and wider support from the trade union movement including PCS, POA and FBU, the workers’ demand for nationalisation is the only way to resolve this crisis.

In addition to the Vestas occupiers’ proposal that the factory be nationalised, Caroline Lucas, the MEP for South East England and a member of the Green Party, has proposed that Vestas employees should form a workers’ co-operative with government aid in order to keep the plant running. The Tory-dominated Isle of Wight Council has unanimously endorsed a resolution saying that the plant should stay open, and has called for new investors to take the Vestas plant over, as was done at a smaller Vestas plant in Scotland recently.

The news of the delay comes as workers at the plant accused Vestas management of harassing the families of the 24 remaining occupiers of the plant. Families of some occupiers were served with legal papers at their homes. One of the occupiers, Luke Paxton, left the factory on Thursday night in order to be re-united with his family; Paxton was checked for malnutrition and low blood sugar by paramedics but was not hospitalized, instead opting to go home. Paxton complained that Vestas management, while now providing hot food to the occupiers, were still under-feeding them; the RMT, which is providing legal aid to the Vestas workers, has accused Vestas management of violating the Human Rights Act by attempting to “starve the workers at Vestas into submission”.

Protesters in fancy dress were successful in sending food into the plant yesterday. Protesters dressed as a fantasy wizard and can-can dancers distracted police and company security guarding the fence which has been erected around the site while other protesters flung a bag of food and an electric kettle onto the balcony outside the office which has served as the occupiers’ home base inside the factory. No arrests were made but the protesters were removed from the factory grounds.

Requests for comment from Vestas management received no reply.

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Wikinews investigates disappearance of Indonesian cargo ship Namse Bangdzod

Category : Uncategorized

Thursday, January 10, 2019

In late December, Indonesian cargo ship MV Namse Bangdzod vanished in local waters. The tanker, gross tonnage around 1,150 and loaded with crude palm oil, had over ten crewmembers. Wikinews examined data and contacted experts and local authorities in an effort to establish further details.

The exact date of disappearance is unclear, with industry publications reporting either December 27 or December 28. Crew totals are also unclear, with both eleven and twelve reported by industry sources while The Jakarta Post reports a captain and eleven other crew. Wikinews has contacted the Command and Control Centre of the Coast Guard seeking to clarify, among other things, the date of the disappearance and is awaiting a response.

Wikinews is also awaiting responses from both the Coast Guard and the National Search and Rescue Agency detailing the efforts being made to find the ship, which was last known to be in the Java Sea. MV Namse Bangdzod sailed with cargo from Sampit, a port town on a river in Borneo; it was last bound for Jakarta. It is owned and operated by Indonesian companies and also registered in Indonesia. The 75 m (250 ft) ship was built in 1993 in Japan.

Ships broadcast their position and other information via both the Automatic Identification System (AIS) and the Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT) system. AIS is a ship-to-ship safety system, but can also be detected from further afield by satellites. Marine Traffic’s AIS tracking database shows a reestablishment of AIS contact by MV Namse Bangdzod on January 6, with a pattern described by Marine Bulletin as “rather hectic and kind of confused”. In addition to asking local authorities, Wikinews sought expert input on the AIS data.

Dr. Tristan Smith of University College London, a shipping researcher with expert experience interpreting AIS results, explained to Wikinews that crews might turn their AIS transponders off on purpose for security reasons, such as “in certain sea areas where piracy is a risk” in order to “avoid attracting unwanted attention. This can involve them being turned off for several days at a time.” Doug Miller of Milltech Marine, a firm specialising in AIS, told our correspondent an AIS transponder will broadcast automatically provided it has power and antennae, even if the crew abandoned the vessel.

Baslan Damang, a security official from the port of departure, on Tuesday told The Jakarta Post radio broadcasts were being used to alert other traffic such as fishing vessels to look out for MV Namse Bangdzod. He added authorities “are still waiting for updates on the tanker’s condition, so please refrain from speculating that it had been hijacked”. As of yesterday, no oil slicks or other evidence of accidents have been found along the scheduled route the vessel was due to take. A major search continues.

Miller and Smith both acknowledged faults with the AIS system on-board as possible explanations, with Miller describing issues with the signal between the transponder and the satellite receiving it as one potential scenario for intermittent data reception. He too suggested a hypothetical scenario, in which “the AIS equipment has been tampered with or has been turned off for some of the time — either intentionally or accidentally or due to a power malfunction.” Smith called the disappearance an “interesting” case; Miller said “It is a little hard to definitively say what’s going on”. Miller explained that while transponders generally transmit every ten seconds “even if the transponder is transmitting there is no guarantee that other vessels or MarineTraffic can see it”. “It could also be a power supply issue or faulty transponder”, said Smith.

Smith told Wikinews “There are also some operations done on ships containing hazardous cargoes[…] where all risks of sparking/arcs need to be removed and radio transmitting equipment is sometimes turned off for this reason.” He said this applied to product tankers, but the long duration of AIS downtime would in this instance be unusual if this is the reason. Smith had one more theory: Namse Bangdzod could be the victim of identity theft, with a second vessel conducting manoeuvres it wished to conceal while falsely transmitting information identifying itself as Namse Bangdzod. Smith told Wikinews this might happen in cases of illegal fishing. He stated “In this scenario, it would normally be expected that both the legal and illegal transmission would be received but depending on how Marine Traffic handle this, it’s possible the two signals could be confused.”

Smith drew attention to LRIT as another method for search and rescue personnel to find the tanker. Unlike AIS, which is a safety and tracking system, LRIT is used for maritime security by seagoing nations. Created under the auspices of the International Maritime Organization, LRIT allows states to examine data about ships bearing their flag, visiting their ports, or in or near their waters.

Like all vessels exceeding 300 tons, Namse Bangdzod is required to transmit LRIT data. Search and rescue bodies can also access this information; Smith told Wikinews he believed this would include foreign navies with ships in the Java Sea. Singapore, India, and Australia have in the past conducted emergency searches of the Java Sea: All three nations offered military assistance after Indonesia AirAsia Flight 8501 vanished in December 2014.

What has happened to MV Namse Bangdzod?
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Marine Traffic’s website’s most recently publicly available AIS result, as of Tuesday, showed the ship underway a few miles off Jakarta. VesselFinder listed no AIS results for the last month. Vessel Tracker’s database had no sighting of the ship within the last 59 days on Tuesday; the website noted the AIS signal received from Jakarta but declared the ship was not actually there. Maritime Connector has an entry for the ship in its database but has no location data available.

Local authorities, according to Maritime Bulletin, have noted other unusual AIS data. The website yesterday suggested piracy, perhaps to obtain the valuable cargo, is now the most prominent theory. The Indonesian Palm Oil Producers Association reports a value of US$473.60 per metric ton of crude palm oil as of November 2018, with the price decreasing that month. “Its plausible that an explanation [why] the AIS transponder is not transmitting is that it had been turned off by pirates who wanted to hamper the efforts of a rescue mission” Smith told Wikinews yesterday.

Yesterday the Search and Rescue Agency told The Jakarta Post it was intending to end its search on the basis of piracy, which is outside its remit; the paper also spoke to the Navy, who told it this was as-yet uncomfirmed and noted no ransom has been sought and the ship vanished from an area without previous piracy problems. Four Navy ships assisted by aircraft are searching. “We will continue searching until we find it,” 1st Fleet Command’s Navy Information Agency head Arba Agung told The Jakarta Post, which also today reported location data falsely showing the ship in Sunda Kelapa Port after its inaccurate position in Jakarta Bay was recorded.

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Useful Tips For Giving Good Feedback To Staff

Category : Performing Arts

Submitted by: Jennifer Mears

There is an old saying in business, Tell me how you will measure me and I ll tell you how I will behave .

This underlines the importance of feedback in the day-to-day operations of business.

Feedback can be used to course-correct employees who perhaps can be working more productively

and in tune with the management s goals.

Feedback can also be used to encourage employees to keep up the good work.

Understanding how to give good feedback is important because:

? It stops small issues become large, disruptive ones

? It helps build trust in working relationships

? It promotes professional and personal growth

? It acknowledges individual and team achievements

? It resolves any misunderstandings

Being able to give effective feedback improves employee productivity, morale and makes the workplace

more enjoyable and rewarding.


How to Give Good Feedback

1. Feedback should be helpful and supportive

Always try to ensure that the person is expecting some feedback and is ready for it. It s worth asking

them for their assessment of a situation before providing your feedback. Feedback should always be

helpful and supportive, and not just used as a way to chastise employees.

2. Be Specific and Sincere

It s important that feedback remain objective at all times. Keep to the actual behavior you observed

and not personality traits. You re much too chatty! could be better expressed as I observed you

were away from your desk for long periods and I am worried about your productivity . Avoid vague

statements and inferences.

3. Be Sincere

Use I statements I saw I heard..I felt . Describe how the behaviour affects you and use sincerity

to get your message across. Don t give out praise if you feel it really wasn t deserved.

4. Provide Balance

Always try to give out a balance of positive feedback and feedback for improvement. It s always bette

to end with a positive comment and to encourage a response to the feedback. Remember, it s much

easier to de-motivate someone than motivate them.

5. Ensure Timely Feedback

Feedback loses its effectiveness and negative if it is delivered too long after the situation under review.

Don t hold-back feedback of any kind and try to give it as close to the event as you can.

Providing Positive Feedback

Positive feedback is used for when somebody did something well. A very simple method exists for giving

positive feedback:

? Describe what the person actually did or said

? Describe why this action was effective

Ensure the What and Why method uses the points covered above. An example could be:

I am very happy with your improvement report and summary. It was clear, concise and has raised a

number of points I will be acting on. Well done.

Providing Feedback for Improvement

Similar to positive feedback a good approach for feedback for improvement (remember not negative

feedback !) is:

? Describe what the person actually did or said

? Show them a more effective approach

? Explain why that would have been bette

An example; I feel your comments about the improvement report came across as sarcastic and were

too general to be helpful. If you keep your reports objective and express your concerns clearly and

concisely we could really use your input .

Following some of the above tips will help you build up your team leadership skills and improve your supervisory managementtechniques as well as motivate and direct your staff.

About the Author: Jennifer Mears is a freelance author who writes about various computers and business training topics, To know more about Jennifer’s Training ideas please visit.




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Colleges offering admission to displaced New Orleans students/LA-ND

Category : Uncategorized

See the discussion page for instructions on adding schools to this list and for an alphabetically arranged listing of schools.

Due to the damage by Hurricane Katrina and subsequent flooding, a number of colleges and universities in the New Orleans metropolitan area will not be able to hold classes for the fall 2005 semester. It is estimated that 75,000 to 100,000 students have been displaced. [1]. In response, institutions across the United States and Canada are offering late registration for displaced students so that their academic progress is not unduly delayed. Some are offering free or reduced admission to displaced students. At some universities, especially state universities, this offer is limited to residents of the area.

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Microsoft Silverlight released into first test phase

Category : Uncategorized

Monday, April 30, 2007

Microsoft has finally released its long awaited “Silverlight” into Alpha Testing for the general public. “It’s the biggest challenge for Microsoft right now,” said Brent Thill, an analyst from Citigroup. This is the most direct threat to date, that Microsoft has posed to Adobe (makers of the popular Flash platform).

The creators of Silverlight have been promising a single plug-in which will work across all browsers and operating systems and will offer a rich video and interactive media experience which can be embedded within Web sites.

Microsoft has also promised to make some of the Silverlight technologies open source. This has been a popular decision among the computing industry, and has been a step away from the usual protection of their products.

While at MIX07, Microsoft also discussed its new package called Expression, which is set to be released in June, and will be an alternative to Adobe Creative Suite 3 (CS3).

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News briefs:June 4, 2010

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Live Tennis On Line

Category : Disability

Live Tennis On-line



The Tennis is a sport usually played between two players (singles) or between two teams of 2 players each (doubles). Each player uses a racket that is strung to strike a hollow rubber ball covered with felt over a net into the opponent\’s court. Tennis is an Olympic sport and is played at all levels of society at all ages. The sport can be played by anyone who can hold a racket, including people in wheelchairs.

This may be a guide to viewing live tennis for the die-laborious tennis fan while not access to cable TV.

If you a tennis nut, however happen to lack bound necessary viewing mediums – access to cable TV, or a TV in the least, however have basic connection to The web, all is not lost. That crucial semifinal between Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic does not need to elude you, and your life as a die-arduous tennis fan can last, whatever your circumstances. Here are some options for viewing live-tennis while not a tv (disclaimer: all requiring the internet):


1) Live Tennis Broadcast at Watch Tennis On-line


This is most likely the simplest web site for watching live tennis online. Covering not solely the largest of stages – the Grand Slams, or Masters Series, but additionally lower tier events and challengers, Live Score Hunter provides all the available streams and channels hosting that individual match. Whats more, drawing kind international channels the streams could be in numerous languages (Romanian and Spanish for instance), thus accommodating non-English viewers. Of course Watch Tennis On-line cannot do something about low-quality streams, and watching tennis on cable TV will perpetually be batter, hands down. However if you are in the middle of work and want desperately to see how things are going, this might be the most effective option. You wold most likely conjointly would like, however, flash player to be in a position to view video on-line.

2) Online Tennis Scores:

Alternatively, if your laptop doesn\’t quite suit online streaming terribly well – it lags, or you just do not feel comfortable being seen to look at live videos in the workplace – the subsequent best thing would be to follow live score. Merely visit the main webpage for men tennis at


, and women tennis also at watchxtennisonline.com, for any links to measure score windows. Of course, some windows might need flash player to read, although all in all live scores are as shut to experiencing live tennis without video.

This Story Posted By Syed Awais AliLive Tennis Matches Streaming Online Go To



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2008 Taste of Taiwan Cuisine features three shows for food and packaging industries

Category : Uncategorized

Friday, June 20, 2008

The third annual Taste of Taiwan Cuisine opened on Wednesday of June 18, 2008 and runs until June 21. Organized by Taiwan External Trade Development Council to promote the culinary culture of Taiwan, the tradeshow featured three main shows for food and food packaging industries: “Food Taipei”, “Foodtech Taipei”, and “Taipei Pack”.

Twenty-seven countries including United States, South Korea, Canada, Japan, Sri Lanka, Austria, Philippines, Chile, Malaysia, Spain, Fiji, Poland, and six nations from Africa, grouped their own national pavilions for sourcing and procurement. In addition, the Taiwan Pavilion featured sections on culture, product image, brand design, and agriculture verification in Food Taipei.

Industrial solutions including medical applications, packaging machines, food CNCs, and bar-code printers are showcased in the “Foodtech Taipei” and “Taipei Pack”. Seminars and forums from security, global marketing, and policies for food, machinery, and packaging industries are also held during show hours.

After the 3-in-1 show in Taipei, the Kaohsiung International Food Show will be scheduled for November.

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Utah legalizes homebrewing

Category : Uncategorized

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The United States state of Utah has legalized homebrewing of beer and wine.

H.B. 51, “Exemption for Alcoholic Beverage Manufacturing License”, was signed into law by Utah governor Jon M. Huntsman, Jr. on March 24 after being passed by large majorities in both houses of the State Legislature. The bill was introduced by Salt Lake City representative Christine A. Johnson (D-25th district) and will take effect on May 12.

The act modifies existing Utah law to give an exemption to the state’s requirement of a brewing license for amateur brewers, as long as the beer or wine they produce is not for sale and the amount produced is less than 100 US gallons (379 liters) per year for an individual or 200 US gallons (757 liters) for a couple. The unlicensed distillation of spirits remains illegal in the United States under federal law.

Although prohibition of alcohol in the United States ended in 1933 and the homebrewing of beer has been legal at a federal level since 1978, many US states, counties and cities restrict the production, sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages more tightly than is done at the federal level. With the passage of Utah’s legislation, four US states still forbid homebrewing: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi and Oklahoma.

The legislation was introduced largely through the work of University of Utah law student Douglas Wawrzynski. AHA director Gary Glass was also closely involved with Rep Johnson in drafting the bill’s language. Wawrzynski told Wikinews about what led him to initiate a campaign to change the law:

I moved to Utah from Connecticut in 2005 and started into the hobby [of homebrewing] shortly thereafter. There are multiple homebrew shops that have been operating legally in Utah for several years, so it wasn’t until after I started law school in the fall of 2007 that someone suggested to me that the hobby might not be legal in Utah. After having done some research and contacting the American Homebrewers Association, I began to understand the current ambiguity of the law and how it could certainly be interpreted to adversely affect homebrewers. In fact in 2005 the city of South Salt Lake had taken steps to affirmatively enact penalties for engaging in homebrewing. While that effort was ultimately abandoned it illustrated just how the current state of the law could have a negative impact on homebrewers.

Home-brewing is a healthy and vibrant hobby in Utah

Despite the restrictions, according to the American Homebrewers Association (AHA), some seven thousand people in Utah were illegally taking part in the hobby, which has 750,000 adherents nationwide. Rep Johnson said “home-brewing is a healthy and vibrant hobby in Utah” and thanked the AHA for “thorough education, great committee testimony and association members who flooded elected officials with emails of support.”

The bill passes on Rep Johnson’s second attempt to introduce it. As H.B. 425, the act was introduced late in the Utah legislature’s 2008 session, where it did not reach a Utah Senate vote. Ms Johnson’s legislative work has primarily concerned equality and human rights in Utah, including a successful attempt to add a voluntary amount to the marriage license fee in order to fund shelters for victims of domestic violence and a failed attempt to introduce language banning discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity into Utah state law.

I’m not comfortable with home brewing. It seems fraught with mischief to me

Opposition to the bill, meanwhile, was sporadic and reflected, in Wawrzynski’s view, bad understanding of homebrewing rather than hostility toward the hobby:

In each of the several committee meetings this bill went through, the bill was met with challenging and sometimes bizarre questions regarding its impact and what this would enable people to do. One Senator, Senator Lilenquist [State Sen. Dan Liljenquist, R-23rd district] even inquired if this bill would make it legal for someone to put beer in a baby bottle and give it to a one year old.

Ronda Rudd Menlove, a Republican representing the 1st district, says her primary concern in voting against the bill was the potential for alcohol to affect children:

When the vote was taken on HB 51, I had a constituent sitting by me, a young high school student. I briefly explained the bill to him during the debate and then asked him how he would vote on the bill and why. This is what he told me. He said that he was concerned that young people would have greater access to alcohol because alcohol would be brewed in homes resulting in great accessibility for youth living in those homes. This concerned him greatly as a member of a local youth city council as well. He is concerned about the amount of under-age drinking in his community and believed that greater access to alcohol could cause an increase in under-age drinking in Utah….

My secondary reason for voting against the bill is that I am adamantly opposed to the excess use and abuse of alcohol. I am opposed to any use of alcohol by pregnant mothers. As a secondary level teacher and high school administrator, I worked with troubled youth and special education populations. I have struggled with young people who live with the effects of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. If you want to be very depressed, read about the lifelong effects of FAS. This syndrome affects learning and behavior that is often erratic and unpredictable. Most of the students with FAS fail miserably in school and find little success in school, jobs, or life. This is a very serious problem related to alcohol use and one that affects the innocent fetus and not the perpetrator of this action.

Utah has quirky alcohol laws. The overarching goal of preventing under-age drinking and the abuse of alcohol has created these laws. The intention is admirable and one that I support. How to achieve these goals is challenging and has resulted in laws that may seem strange to others living outside of Utah. Utah’s Governor and Legislature has struggled with this and recently passed legislation revamping these laws. I voted against those changes due to the fact that little information was provided about the impact of the changes.

Kraig Powell (54th district), a Duchesne County Republican, the other representative to vote against the bill in its final form, said he did so because a constituent was “concerned about increased access to alcohol and drunk driving dangers”. Meanwhile, Senate Majority Assistant Whip Gregory Bell (R-22nd district), said to the Deseret News: “I’m not comfortable with home brewing. It seems fraught with mischief to me.”

Relax, stop worrying, and have a legal homebrew

Wawrzynski believes that education and understanding from the community were critical in the passage of the bill.

[T]hrough the efforts, emails and testimony of people like Representative Johnson and Gary Glass, and most importantly, from Utah homebrewers themselves, we changed minds through education. In fact, the Chairman of the Senate Business and Labor Committee, Senator Valentine (R-14th district) openly admitted on the record that he had been compelled to change his vote to a favorable one after hearing compelling testimony from member of the Utah community.

I think that as the state of Utah continues to grow in diversity, the community will become enriched with a wide array of backgrounds and opinions. As this happens we will have an opportunity to develop a greater understanding of our own neighbors and how differences in lifestyle can ultimately be respected and embraced.

Paralleling a common motto of the homebrewing community, Wawrzynski proclaimed on passage of the bill: “Utah homebrewers are finally free to relax, stop worrying, and have a legal homebrew”.

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‘The Regime’ hacks 711chan.org in response to ‘Anonymous’ attack on Scientology; takes web site off line

Category : Uncategorized

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Wikinews has learned that a new entity calling itself The Regime used keylogging to gain an administrator password to 711chan.org, a site popular with the open vigilante group “Anonymous” that has recently been attacking Scientology online.

This website has been deleted due to copyright claims from the Church of Scientology.

At 9:57 p.m. (eastern time) the site 711chan.org, was replaced, allegedly by The Regime by the title Church of Scientology along with a statement on the home page stating “This website has been deleted due to copyright claims from the Church of Scientology.” A search performed using Google, on 711chan has returned the number one result of the apparent hack. All that remains of 711chan.org is an apparent message to the members of the site to “run” and “hide.”

“711chan is full of fucking fail for siding with Gaia. I’m out of here, faggots. Enjoy your Gaia,” said the message, which currently is only available in a cached version.

At 1:45 a.m. on January 27, the site was replaced with “And now a message from our sponsors. YOU SUCK711chan will be back online shortly. I love you guys for helping me out. <3 plasma,” acknowledging the possibility 711chan was back in control of their site. The site’s name has been changed to “Church of 711.”

The Regime’s first attack went along with a message posted to 711chan’s website (quoted below) saying that “This site has not been blessed by The Regime and is deemed lame”, believing Anonymous to be self-proclaimed hackers (although this title was primarily used by the media). It also refers to Anonymous’ attempt to bring down the Church of Scientology (named ‘Operation Chanology‘), saying that “chanology is lame, scientology is lame”. It thereafter declared that the message board where Anonymous had been discussing Operation Chanology had been removed. Minutes later, 711chan stopped responding to queries.

The legitimate administrators of 711chan regained control after only three minutes, but it took nearly six hours to restore the site with recent additions missing. However, The Regime took the site down again twelve hours later, claiming to have removed the backups and stating, “all your db are belong to us” (an allusion to the phrase “all your base are belong to us“).

A new video posted to YouTube by someone who claimed to be The Regime shows a logo and uses a computer animated voice to threaten 711chan.org and their affiliates. The Regime, however, denies making the video saying “we are in no way responsible for making, nor are we tied to that video in any way.”

The video declares, “Dear ‘Anonymous’. We are The Regime. Your attacks on Scientology have not gone unnoticed.” The video’s text description states that “Your attacks on Scientology have not gone unnoticed, we have the money, resources and tools to put an end to your SP behaviour and so called hacking activities. You have soiled the good name of LRH and now it is you that have *our* attention.”

You have soiled the good name of LRH and now it is you that have *our* attention.

The acronyms in the text description are Scientology jargonsuppressive person” (a person who criticizes Scientology) and Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard. Both terms were also used recently in a leaked internal Church of Scientology video featuring Tom Cruise promoting his beliefs. The video goes on to state that “Anonymous” has been declared “Fair Game” (another Scientology term).

The title of The Regime video, “Re: Message to Scientology”, is a reference to the video “Message to Scientology”, which was posted by “Anonymous” to YouTube on Monday. The original “Message to Scientology” video has been viewed over 1,000,000 times since it was posted.

“We have your IP addresses, your documents and secret plans. We own your 711chan, your IRC, and we are taking care of your raid forums. Call off your attacks on our religion immediately, or 4chan YTMND, something awful and your other bases will be brought to ruin. Do not underestimate us. You are out of your league. You have been warned,” added the video.

In an exclusive interview with Wikinews, the group is only called The Regime. When asked what their mission was, they stated “we have none.”

Wikinews also asked who or what was in charge of their group and they replied, “At one point, this would have been a complicated question as there were many tiers and positions of authority, however now leadership is confined to a single council.” They are also not affiliated with any other group and act alone with “no contacts with groups or individuals outside of itself.” They also refused to describe their group as a whole. They also stated to “define affiliated” when Wikinews asked if they were part of the Church of Scientology.

Their motivations are still not clear. When asked what motivates their group to do what they do, they replied, “What motivates any human to do anything? Money, Power, Respect? Choose one,” but also state that they will continue their attacks “if necessary.”

Wikinews also asked if The Regime was in any way affiliated with the Church of Scientology, including working for or against their beliefs or being a ‘branch of The Church’ The Regime simply replied, “We are not Scientologists, this is all we have to say on the subject.”

Sources within the “Anonymous” group have played down the actions of The Regime who – when announced on the IRC channel the group utilizes for communications – were said to be “… a bunch of gloryhunters ridin [sic] on our tails”. Another user of the IRC channel, calling himself “Anonz”, was quoted as telling other members of the group “… It’s funny how they call us scriptbunnies yet use scripts themselves.” The general consensus was that “Anonymous is not impressed.”

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