Author Archives: Admin

Residents of Leeds, England neighbourhood plagued with crime ask council for help

Category : Uncategorized

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Residents of a Leeds, England neighbourhood have requested help from a council because their neighbourhood is plagued by crime, overcrowding, and community tensions.

Leeds City Council received a request for help from residents of Hyde Park, who said they were worried about the increasing level of anti-social behavior and worsening community relations. A report will be unveiled on Wednesday by a council delegation, highlighting the problems in the area. “The people living in Hyde Park come from widely different population groups… these groups have very different customs, needs and living styles and this can provoke high levels of tension in the area,” the delegation said.

The council claims that because of the 28 per cent ethnic minority population and the 40,000 students living in the neighbourhood, there are tensions between residents. They added, however, that they are actively encouraging people to work together, citing a multi-faith forum, a cricket competition and activities which bring old and young together.

The report says that the council are trying to build relationships between Muslims and police, something which they said is “particularly important after the area’s connection to the London bombings on 7th July 2005.” A local newspaper reported that “the Shebab project introduces young Muslims to role models from sport and culture and also runs scholars’ talks to counter extremist ideologies.”

Crime has increased by 7% in the past year in Hyde Park, and residents noted that anti-social behaviour was getting worse. The council said that an anti-burglary task force had helped to reduce the number of thefts from homes. Residents complained that there was a lack of pride in the area, and at the end of the academic year in the summer, large piles of rubbish were left in streets, yards and alleyways. The report adds that the council operates a recycling scheme aimed towards teenagers, and that rubbish collections have increased.

[We are] slightly frustrated with certain communication issues that we’ve had with the council

The Guardian reported on Wednesday that campaigners are attempting to “take control of a derelict school building and transform it into a community hub are appealing for sponsors and partners in a bid to turn their dreams into reality.” They say that the unused building, owned by the council, could be used for meetings and events. A volunteer group of residents have been working on a business plan, and have gained support from local businesses to create “a vision of an open, accessible and valuable resource for all.”

A member of the commitee, however, said he was “frustrated” with the council’s attitude towards the plans. “The RPCC is slightly frustrated with certain communication issues that we’ve had with the council, but we’re working with them and hoping to gain further assistance going forward,” he said. “It’s a shame that certain setbacks could have been avoided.”

The deputation added that “a major factor in Hyde Park’s suffering is its high level of population density”, which they conceded is something they are unable to change. The council responded to complaints that streets are “cheap and unhealthy takeaways, letting agents and boarded-up shop fronts,” by saying that Hyde Park Corner and Headingley are, according to the Yorkshire Post, “thriving shopping areas and work had taken place to ensure a good mix of outlets.”

The report concludes: “The council acknowledges that because of the very particular circumstances which exist in the neighbourhood, Hyde Park faces difficult challenges which affect the quality of life of residents and that ‘normal’ service levels may not be sufficient to tackle some of these. The council will do more to enable local people to influence how services work and how local problems are tackled. Local community and voluntary groups will be invited to play an active role.”

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Solutions For The Small Business Financing Puzzle

Category : Financial Solutions

Solutions for the Small Business Financing Puzzle


Stephen Bush

The current commercial loan stakes for commercial borrowers could not be higher because their business survival could very well be hanging in the balance, and the comparison of small business financing to a puzzle is not meant to diminish the critical importance of success by business owners when they encounter commercial lending difficulties. The practical thought for using a puzzle analogy in this article is to help in describing a complex commercial financing and working capital management situation in a more understandable fashion.


This analogy provides an invitation to evaluate the commercial loans puzzle represented by commercial lending challenges as something that tests the ingenuity of solutions by small businesses. An increasing number of commercial borrowers are comparing what they are finding to a puzzle with pieces scattered everywhere when reviewing the current small business finance environment. A reasonable reflection of the underlying problems that cannot be ignored by a prudent business borrower is provided by the ongoing descriptions of commercial financing in terms of solving a puzzle. Such an analogy no doubt also reflects the growing confusion represented in small business owner interactions with their current bank concerning available business financing options. Recent experiences by many commercial borrowers with their business banker probably resemble a constantly changing level of difficulty for an already confusing small business finance puzzle. It has become a common experience for banks to take over two months for a working capital financing process that should realistically be completed in three weeks or less, and in many cases even then the lender does not complete the process for providing the requested working capital to the business which has been waiting without any awareness that funding might not be finalized. Suggestions that commercial lenders have misrepresented what is required to finalize commercial loans are emerging in too many reports for borrowers to ignore. For a number of years most business financing has been more complicated than borrowers realize. Primarily because the eventual results have changed so drastically, recent events have made these complexities more obvious. It is situations like those noted above that cause business borrowers to feel like some of the required puzzle pieces have been removed from the board. Because fewer banks are now providing small business financing, that is in effect exactly what has happened. A business owner is indeed likely to feel as if the commercial finance puzzle pieces have disappeared when this happens with the bank that a business has previously relied upon for their small business finance needs. By continuing the puzzle analogy, there are two practical options for commercial borrowers to analyze and consider. First, in an approach which can lead to a small business finance puzzle which will involve “fewer pieces” if executed successfully, business owners should assess the potential for a reduction in their commercial debt requirements. Second, by looking for alternative commercial lending sources, small businesses should attempt to find the “missing pieces”. Both of these as well as any other realistic commercial loan choices should be thoroughly reviewed with the help of an experienced expert because of anticipated business financing complexities.

Stephen Bush is a

working capital financing

expert who has worked with business owners for 30 years. AEX Commercial Financing Group provides business cash advances and

small business financing


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Indian Railway: all-women crew steers Tippu Express ahead of International Women’s Day

Category : Uncategorized

Friday, March 6, 2020

Yesterday, an all-women crew ran the Mysuru–Bengaluru Tippu Express in the Indian state of Karnataka. The state-run Indian Railways launched this event ahead of International Women’s Day, for promoting gender equality at work places.

B Shiva Parvathi was running the train as loco pilot (locomotive pilot), and 22-year-old Rangoli Patil was her loco co-pilot. The train left Mysore Junction railway station at 11:30 am IST (0600 UTC), covering a distance of 139km to reach KSR Bangalore station. The train had banners on it which mentioned “International Women’s Day Celebration”.

Speaking to newspaper Star of Mysore, B Shiva Parvathi said, “It is a proud moment for me to be steering this train today along with my Loco Pilot Rangoli and the all-women staff”. Mysore Divisional Railway Manager Aparna Garg told Wikinews only 10% of the employees in the Mysore Division were women, which constitutes about 650 female employees.

Mysore district comes under the South West Railway (SWR) branch of the Indian Railway. Mysore Division of the SWR celebration of the Women’s day started on March 1, and is planned till March 10. Various activities are being conducted in this period, including health check-ups, yoga, sports competition and trekking, newspaper The Hindu reported.

“The theme ‘Equal for All’ is an effort of the Railways to promote more women workforce and empower them. Women of today are no less to any men, be it in any field. I hope through such initiatives, more number of women are motivated to take up jobs in their respective fields of interest”, Garg told Star of Mysore.

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Medical Marijuana: The Federal Response

Category : Medical Products

Obviously, the medical marijuana laws exist in individual states only and there are no federal laws allowing the use and production of cannabis for medicinal purposes. In fact, federal laws prohibiting possession, sale and production of Cannabis are in direct conflict with many of the various state laws that allow the medicinal use of prescription pot.Until recently, the actual federal response to state medical marijuana rules was an unknown, but after a memo came out of the U.S. Justice Department on October 9th, 2009 from Attorney General Eric Holder, the federal government’s position has become a little less opaque.The memo outlines how federal resources throughout the fifty states should continue to focus on fighting organized narcotics trafficking, however, it also states that resources shouldn’t be wasted on individuals that are in clear compliance with local county and state rules regarding medical marijuana. This position received additional justification after massive budget shortfalls in law enforcement occurred across the nation.The Justice Department memo also discusses how criminal organization may be masked as legal operations for the production of medicinal cannabis and these organizations should be sought out with a few guidelines in mind. If a potential suspect or group of suspects is in possession of illegal firearms or uses them illegally in combination with growing cannabis, the government may also initiate an investigation.If a group of suspects is producing cannabis while perpetrating violence, selling to minors, producing or selling other illegal substances or working for organized crime they will be pursued, investigated and prosecuted by the government.In addition, when production of cannabis by an individual or group of people exceeds state limits on weight harvested or mature plants present at a particular grow site, then they can expect government investigation and prosecution as well. Evidence of money laundering or possession of more cash flow than possible under proper compliance with state rules could be grounds for investigation too.The memo from Attorney General Eric Holder clearly outlines the government’s intentions. If you are a legitimate medical marijuana patient that complies with all state and county laws regarding the possession and production of cannabis you have nothing to fear from authorities.If you try to hide behind them that were passed to help people with serious illnesses not have limits in their medication choices and perpetrate crimes while doing so, you will be investigated and prosecuted under statutes.

State Farm Insurance allegedly destroying papers

Category : Uncategorized

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Zach Scruggs, a lawyer for United States Senator Trent Lott, says that State Farm Insurance Company is destroying records related to claims for damage from Hurricane Katrina.

The records allegedly contain information saying that State Farm fraudulently denied insurance claims made by its policy holders, including Lott, that had homes there were damaged or destroyed when Hurricane Katrina came ashore on the Gulf Coast.

Scruggs said that Lott has “good faith belief” that many employees of the insurance company in Biloxi, Mississippi are destroying engineer’s reports that were inconclusive as to whether or not water or wind was the main cause of damage to the buildings affected by the hurricane.

Lott is among thousands of home and/or business owners who had their property damaged or destroyed during the hurricane and had their claims denied because State Farm claimed that their policies don’t cover damage caused by floods or water that was driven by the wind.

State Farm has not issued a statement on the matter so far.

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Judging the Courts: Wikinews interviews Prof. Lawrence Douglas

Category : Uncategorized

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Wikinews interviews Lawrence Douglas, Professor of Law, Jurisprudence and Social Thought at Amherst College, on questions of the fairness and credibility of the Saddam Hussein trial, and the purpose, conduct and impact of courts trying international law crimes such as genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.

Prof. Douglas is the author of The Memory of Judgment: Making Law and History in the Trials of the Holocaust (Yale University Press, 2001), an acclaimed study of war crimes trials. His writing has appeared in venues including the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post, and The New Yorker, and he is a frequent contributor to the Times Literary Supplement.


The trial of Saddam Hussein

On November 5, 2006, former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was found guilty of crimes against humanity and sentenced to death by hanging.

The charges relate to the reprisal killings of 148 people, following a failed assassination attempt on Saddam Hussein in 1982 in the town of Dujail.

The year-long trial saw witnesses, including a former Iraqi intelligence officer who investigated the assassination attempt, testify of imprisonment, torture and the execution of 148 villagers. Documents and a recording of a telephone conversation were presented linking Saddam with the executions. Defense lawyers questioned the validity of the court, disputed the prosecution’s account of the events and claimed that the executions were legal.

The trial saw frequent outbursts from the defendants and clashes between defense attorneys and judges. Three members of the defense team were murdered during the course of the trial, and the defense accused prosecutors of attempting to bribe witnesses. The chief judge of the court resigned in January over differences with Iraqi authorities over the conduct of the trial.

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Wikinews interviews Jo Jorgensen, U.S. Libertarian Party presidential nominee

Category : Uncategorized

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Professor Jo Jorgensen of South Carolina, the U.S. Libertarian Party’s 2020 presidential nominee, answered some questions about her campaign from Wikinews accredited reporter William S. Saturn.

Jorgensen is a psychology professor at Clemson University.   In 1992, with the Libertarian Party’s backing, she ran for public office, seeking South Carolina’s 4th congressional seat in the United States House of Representatives. She finished the race in third place with almost 2.16 percent of the total vote. Four years later, the Libertarian Party tapped Jorgensen to be its vice presidential nominee. She joined a ticket with the late Harry Browne. Browne-Jorgensen appeared on every state ballot and received a total of 485,798 votes, which was roughly 0.5 percent. This marked the best performance for the party since 1980 and would not be topped percentage-wise until 2012 when former New Mexico governor Gary Johnson attained 0.99 percent of the vote. Johnson bested that performance in 2016 as the party’s presidential nominee for a second time, earning 3.27 percent of the vote, the highest percentage for the party since its 1971 inception.

For the 2020 nomination, Jorgensen navigated through a primary campaign that featured the short-lived campaigns of former Rhode Island governor Lincoln Chafee and Congressman Justin Amash of Michigan, the first sitting Congressman to be a member of the Libertarian Party. At the virtual 2020 Libertarian National Convention, Jorgensen won the nomination on the fourth ballot, edging attorney Jacob Hornberger, performance artist Vermin Supreme and activist Adam Kokesh, among others. Podcaster Spike Cohen, originally the running mate of Supreme, was picked to be the party’s vice presidential nominee. Cohen spoke to Wikinews back in June. The Jorgensen-Cohen ticket has since secured ballot access in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

As a libertarian, an ideology that advocates for lesser government, both in the social and economic realms, Jorgensen’s issue positions include a mix of traditionally liberal and conservative stances. She supports both LGBT rights and gun rights. She opposes the police state and the taxing authority equally. And, she supports an open immigration policy while arguing against the welfare state.

With Wikinews, Jorgensen discusses her background, COVID-19, her potential cabinet, gridlock, and an assortment of issues including climate change, foreign affairs, free speech, and race relations.

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Bratz Outerwear Fashion}

Category : Fashion

Bratz outerwear fashion


Lea SmithThe fall and winter seasons call for multi-layering and coats. Despite of the layers of clothing and coats that you are tucked in; it does not mean however that it is a reason to be less fashionable or not at all. Fashion clothing answers all the fashion needs of everybody for a certain season. This should be enough to relax you and see yourself in warmth comfort while at the same time gorgeous and fabulous like the Bratz.

Shrug. If you want to keep warm and yet you do not want the bulky effect that jackets can give, using shrug may be best for you. Sasha, one of the Bratz has it. This is like a cardigan and yet it is cropped that resembles very much like that of a vest however tailored than a shawl. This is often best paired with a full shirt or tank tops.

Blazer. Men used to wear this piece of clothing with their suits but as fashion progresses the use becomes less restricted with women wearing the same. Blazers have gained increased popularity in the corporate world with firm at tact design, nonetheless as time changes, many have recognized that blazers are not only good for suits but also for a more fashionable combination like pairing it with denim or pencil cut skirt. To describe a blazer, let us take a suit jacket as an example, however, blazer has a more casual cut and highlights like that of pockets and buttons.

Frock Coat. This type of coat has been popularized during the Victorian and Edwardian period however, this has been revived in the recent years and is characterize with knee length skirts all around the base. This type of fashion coat features reverse collar and lapels as one of its accents and most commonly used in cold winters.

Duffle coat. This type of fashion coat is named with the material used. The material for duffle coat is made from duffle a type of thick wool. Duffle coats are commonly used in the traditional British garment.

Safari coat. One of the most fashionable outerwear available in the fashion world is a safari coat. Though originally designed for the reason of going to a safari, this type of coat has been redesigned to fit more occasions and been used widely matched with denim.

Shawl. Shawl is one of the most fashionable outerwear used by many. This is for the reason that it can be paired to any clothing. Shawl is a fabric loosely worn over the shoulders, the upper body and arms. Pashmina shawl is a good example of shawl as it gives warmth and comfort for the user.

These are some of the most fashionable outwear that you can find at the Bratz wardrobe. Find which best suit you and enjoy your company with the Bratz.

Lea Smith is a bratz dolls enthusiast and she loves to play various

Bratz Games


She is also the webmaster of

wherein you can find tons of great online flash games to play.

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Serbian Orthodox Church elects new Patriarch Porfirije

Category : Uncategorized

 Correction — February 22, 2021 Orthodox Christianity is not the predominate faith in Kosovo, which is predominately Muslim; this is incorrectly stated in the article. 

Friday, February 19, 2021

The Serbian Orthodox Church — the dominant Christian Church in Serbia — elected Metropolitan of Zagreb and Ljubljana Dr. Porfirije Peri? as new Serbian Patriarch yesterday, filling a vacancy created in November when Patriarch Irinej died. Peri?’s formal enthronment was set for today.

Born Prvoslav Peri?, Peri? was ordained as a monk in 1985 and elected to his position as Metropolitan in 2014. He would now lead a church of 12 million faithful in the former Yugoslav republics, the disputed region of Kosovo, and associated dioceses in Australia, the United States, and Western Europe.

He has expressed conservative pro-government views in the past, writing a critique in December of Serbian reporter and human rights advocate Sonja Biserko. Peri? also encouraged the firing of outspoken professors at the Faculty of Theology in Belgrade.

A current controversy concern Church property in neighbouring Montenegro. A law passed in 2019 requires evidence for ownership of property in Montenegro built before 1918, and the — relatively recent — Montenegrin Orthodox Church continues to claim all Orthodox property in the country as its own, in spite of most being controlled by the Serbian Church.

The Serbian Orthodox Church refuses to recognise Kosovo as independent, which is also the official position of Russia and Serbia. Kosovo contains many important religious sites in Orthodox Christianity and is considered a cradle of the religion. Peri? was ordained as monk at Decani monastery in Kosovo.

The election took place amongst 39 eligible bishops of the Holy Assembly of Bishops, who voted in a secret ballot at Belgrade’s Memorial Cathedral of Saint Sava. After deliberation, three candidates are chosen and their names placed in envelopes. Peri?’s name, pulled at random, is considered to believers an expression of the Holy Spirit’s will.

A thanksgiving service immediately followed the election.

Orthodox Christianity is the predominant faith in Serbia, Montenegro, and disputed Kosovo, and has considerable impact on public life.

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Termites Removal In Folsom, Ca, Should Be Handled By Professionals


Whenever a home is threatened by natural events or pests, homeowners should take quick action to protect their property. While many environmental concerns can damage a home, pest infestation is one of the most damaging and severe. Termites are especially threatening and are capable of causing extreme damage to a home in a short period of time. Any homeowner who feels termites may be present on their property should immediately seek the help of an experienced exterminating service. Termites Removal in Folsom CA, requires specific products and treatments to regain control of the home and rid the area of these pests.

Termites will eat all types of natural building materials, but they greatly prefer to eat wood. Those with wood frame homes, dead trees, or other wooden structures on their property should regularly check for the presence of termites. If left untreated, termite infestations can quickly cause massive issues to homes. Termite colonies of thousands can appear from only a few initial bugs and, as the colonies grow, they require more food. This can be devastating to homes as the insects continue to eat more and more of the building. The structural damage that requires massive repair work and expensive reer Termite & Pest Control should be called for help as soon as possible.

Termites Removal in Folsom CA, is possible by using several different methods. The home can be tented and fumigating using toxic gases that kill all of the insects inside. For this type of treatment, people will have to leave their homes for a period of a few days, as the gases are also harmful to humans and pets. Fumigation is very effective at removing all of the present insects, but it does not protect against future infestations. Another option is to use pesticide spikes that will be inserted into the foundation, siding, and ground around the home. This option takes longer to work, but it does keep termites from developing in the future.

Termites are capable of causing a large amount of damage to a home. When termites are suspected near a home, it is best to get help from a qualified exterminator. By using either fumigation or poison spikes, termite colonies can be eradicated.