Author Archives: Admin

Cyprus, Latvia and Malta are a step closer to adopting euro

Category : Uncategorized

Sunday, May 1, 2005

Cyprus, Latvia and Malta, three states which joined the European Union in May 2004, exactly one year ago, today became members of the Exchange Rate Mechanism II (ERM II), which pegs their currencies to the euro within a 15% margin above or below a central rate. While they are in ERM II, their currencies must not fluctuate to an extent that exceeds this 15% margin, and they must also keep inflation and budget deficits in check. For countries to adopt the euro, they must stay in the ERM II for at least two years. Therefore, the earliest date that Cyprus, Latvia and Malta can adopt the common currency is in May 2007.

Cyprus, Latvia and Malta have joined four other countries already in ERM II: Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania and Slovenia. Denmark joined ERM II in 1999 but has since not wished to adopt the euro, while Estonia, Lithuania and Slovenia joined the Exchange Rate Mechanism in June 2004, and are expected to adopt the euro by late 2006 or early 2007. Other new European Union member states are also expected to join ERM II soon.

Out of the European Union of 25 member states, 12 countries currently use the euro, which they adopted in January 1, 2002. The only EU members that remain either outside the Eurozone or ERM II are the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Sweden, Poland and the United Kingdom.

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Selling Your Stuff To The Most Discerning Buyer

Category : Accountants

By Kristof

Selling is no longer an across the counter concept that one is accustomed to. It is not that across the counter deals have stopped or diminished as modes of commercial transactions, but that a new concept of trading ‘online commerce’ has emerged. Online business is a by-product of internet communication and a true representation of global marketing. It is not imperative that to engage in online trading you need to be and established trading house or commercial entity. You might very well be selling your stuff as an individual.

Understanding of E-commerce

For basic understanding of online selling store, a fair idea of e-commerce is helpful. E-commerce, the shortened form of ‘electronic commerce’ is created out of World Wide Web or Internet. Through using the Internet, products and services are bought and sold between two parties. If these two parties are both business houses then the ensuing transaction is termed B2B (business to business); if the seller is a business house and the buyer is an end user or consumer, the transaction is called B2C (business to consumer); when both parties engaged are individuals then we get a C2C (customer to customer) transaction.


Personal Online Selling

C2C transactions are perhaps the most significant form of online selling and buying of items. The Internet is perhaps the best platform to allow you to sell items of individual or personal needs after their use. For instance, as you grow up you do not have any use of your bicycle that you bought as a kid. It is not always easy to get a buyer for your used bicycle if you look around. Online selling stores allow you to advertise your product through their site so that you are able to sell your used bicycle.

Through many of these sites it is possible to barter items. CDs, DVDs, mobile handsets, household appliances and so on are typical items that could be traded or exchanged through these websites. All these are C2C e-commerce transactions that only take place between individuals or end-users.

Online Selling for Creative Artists

Creative artists are greatly benefited by online selling store concept. It is not an easy task getting buyers for wonderful clay creations or brilliant canvas paintings. Selling your stuff could become much easier if taken the assistance of World Wide Web. There are art enthusiasts scattered across cities and villages who largely remain untraced through traditional marketing methods. As it is not feasible to reach out to these unidentified pockets manually, an online approach is most preferable. Art lovers and genuine buyers are easily identified in the most cost effective manner.

Online selling stores have evolved as standard channels of commercial transactions. Leading marketing organizations and product manufacturers have their dedicated websites which they also use for selling items online. Buyers have the choice of selecting their product and buy them online thus saving the trouble of landing up at the store after spending sufficient time commuting. Convenience of shopping, ease of making choices, consulting your friends before deciding a purchase are some of the benefits of online selling.

About the Author: Kristof prefers to shop from

online selling stores

where he can get better reviews over a product. Explore the


experience on your own.


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Ontario Votes 2007: Interview with Family Coalition Party candidate Ray Scott, Algoma-Manitoulin

Category : Uncategorized

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Ray Scott is running for the Family Coalition Party in the Ontario provincial election, in the Algoma-Manitoulin riding. Wikinews’ Nick Moreau interviewed him regarding his values, his experience, and his campaign.

Stay tuned for further interviews; every candidate from every party is eligible, and will be contacted. Expect interviews from Liberals, Progressive Conservatives, New Democratic Party members, Ontario Greens, as well as members from the Family Coalition, Freedom, Communist, Libertarian, and Confederation of Regions parties, as well as independents.

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US army gives medical assistance to Iraq school

Category : Uncategorized

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

BAGHDAD —According to Defend America, US Department of Defense News website, USsoldiers members of the 256th Brigade Combat Team, the 199th Forward Support Battalion (FSB), with several units from Camp Liberty (18th Military Police Brigade, 16th MP Brigade, 617th MP Brigade, 307th Psychological Operations Battalion, and the Iraqi Highway Patrol) provided medical assistance to Iraq children at an elementary school in Bagdah.

US Major Alan Kabakoff, with the 16th MP Brigade, says humanitarianmissions are very important in winning the war on terror, although you can’t seethe importance sometimes: “It’s like fire prevention, everyone knowsthat it works, it’s just hard to prove, unless something bad happens. Thesepeople want the same things that we do, they want safe schools,safe homes, and safe areas to raise their kids.”

Staff Sgt. Jason Escoyne, Co. C, 199th FSB, who examined the children saidthat there was nothing seriously wrong with them.

This effort is part of the US reconstruction of Iraq. Till now according to USAID, U.S. Agency for International Development, in Iraq 2,405 schools were rehabilitated including the supply of chairs, cabinets, desks, chalkboards and kits for secondary and primary schools, about 8.7 million science and math textbooks have been distributed, 33,000 secondary school teachers have been trainned, high protein biscuits have been distributed to more than 450,000 children and 200,000 nursing and pregnant women, trainning have been provided to 700 physicians and 2,500 primary health care providers, over 3 million children under five have been vaccinated and more than 1.3 million children under five suspected of malnutrition have been examined.

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How Do I Start A Plus Size Modeling Career?}

Category : Modelling Agency

Submitted by: Francis Drew

The modeling industry just isn’t exclusive to slim women who abhor burgers and only take in rabbit foodstuff. If you are a size twelve and above woman, you’ll be able to still get into the modeling industry. In recent years, your full figured girl is becoming much more appreciated as the masses is able to see now see through the body values that media has been shoving down peoples throats. Real bodies are now appearing on the catwalks.

One thing you need to do can be find out how a lot of modeling agencies are in your community. Schedule to meet with the kinds that do so that you can figure out whether it will be to your advantage signing up with all of them. Make sure you have some headshots associated with yourself because you will need to hold these to the modeling agencies. The headshots carried out by a professional photographer who will sleeker your figure. Take many outfits for the shoot to enable you to get your headshots with several seems to be.


While you are searching for modeling agencies, you might try to find several part time modeling work with the time being. Go to your local stores and enquire if they require live in home models. You could wear the clothes through the plus size department along with strut across the store so the customers could possibly get a better look at the fit. This might not present you with catwalk knowledge, but it gives you something to do your resume. Not to mention that the excess money may come in handy within your attempts to more your plus size modeling career. Next call them up and find out when they also stand for full size models.

Do not leave your day job! Before models start off having a worthwhile career they have to attend hundreds of auditions also it may even take up to a year before getting regular modeling gigs. For this reason, you need to retain your nine to five because you will still should pay the bills. Follow the tips and have into plus size modeling.

Any time going for auditions, make sure you go clean faced as well as dressed in garments that slimmer your amount. You should also get your headshots together with you and your application. Your images should include a single full body shot, one in swimsuit and a close-up of your confront. All three should be as gorgeous as possible as these will stay with all the casting directors plus they are what they may us electronic to remember anyone. Remember to always permit your character come by means of when you go for your auditions. If you are pleasant, sassy and confident you will make an impression. Building a good effect increases the odds of the sending your line director wanting to work with anyone. Maybe not always for the job you’ve got auditioned for, however they could remember you and contact you with regard to something that could be better perfect for you.

Never quit! The more auditions a person attend, the higher your chances of breaking into the industry

About the Author: Hello I am Francis and article writer who provides quality articles please visit my site. More info on plus size modeling and full size models


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UK government loses personal information of 25 million people

Category : Uncategorized

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

British Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling announced to a shocked House of Commons today that two password-protected — but not encrypted — computer disks containing the entire Child Benefit database have been lost in transit between the offices of Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) in Washington, Tyne & Wear and the National Audit Office (NAO) in London, in what has been described as “one of the world’s biggest ID protection failures”.

The database contains details of all families in the UK who receive Child Benefit — all families with children up to 16 years of age, plus those with children up to 20 years old if they are in full-time education or training — estimated to contain 25 million individuals in 7.25 million families. Among other items of information, the database contains names, addresses, dates of birth, child benefit and National Insurance numbers, and where appropriate, bank or building society account details.

The discs were created by a junior official at the HMRC in response to a request for information by the NAO, and were sent unregistered and unrecorded on 18 October using the courier company TNT — which operates the HMRC’s internal mail system. When it was found that the discs had not arrived for audit at the NAO, a further copy of this data was made and sent — this time by registered mail — and this package did arrive. HMRC were not informed that the original discs had been lost until 8 November, and Darling himself was informed on 10 November.

The violation of data protection laws involved in the creation of the discs has led to strong attacks on the government’s competence to establish the proposed National Identity Register, when all UK residents will have an identity card. Conservative Shadow Chancellor George Osborne described the loss of data as “catastrophic” and said “They [the government] simply cannot be trusted with people’s personal information”.

The Chairman of HMRC, Paul Gray, has resigned over the affair, and critics are calling for Darling to do likewise.

This is the third data embarrassment for HMRC in recent weeks — earlier this month it was reported that the details of over 15,000 Standard Life customers had been put on disk, and then lost en route from HMRC in Newcastle to Standard Life in Edinburgh — and last month a laptop containing the data of 400 people with high-value ISAs was stolen from the boot of a car belonging to a HMRC official who had been carrying out a routine audit.

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Free Online License Plate Search The Information You Need Is Right At Your Fingertips!

Category : Dinnerware

By Major Sherry

You can do a free online license plate search in order to find out the owner of any vehicle. This can come in handy for many different reasons and the best part is that it is free. You will need the full plate number and the right type of website to perform your search. The best part is that this is free and you do not need to pay any money for it.

Some things in life are free and actually worth it. Many things are not, but there is no reason in the world that you should ever pay for a search when you can get a free license plate search done for you right online without any issue.

You can use this type of a search for many reasons and one of them is to find out the owner of a vehicle that could have been left in front of your home, in your driveway, or could be going around your neighborhood more often than you would like. This can help to protect you and your family or it could help you track down the right person to get that ugly vehicle out from in front of your home.


Another great thing to use this type of a search for is if someone hits you or someone else you know and drives off. If you can manage to get the plate number, then you can do a free online license plate search and find out who it was. This happens very often with those that do not have insurance or have had a few too many to drink.

If you need to find out who specifically owned the vehicle causing the issue, then using a free search is the best place to start. However, you should know that you may have to pay a small fee to get all the information you are after.

There are many reasons you could probably come up with to use a free online license plate search and there are times where you probably wished you had this at your fingertips. The best part is if you have a smart phone you can do it right on your smart phone and find out who it was within seconds.

Remember that anytime you need to know who owns a vehicle for any reason at all you can look it up if you have the number from the plate. Also, make sure you do not pay for this service since there are plenty of websites that will let you perform your search for free. Having access to one of the sites that will allow you to perform a free online license plate search is quite an asset considering you never know when you might need this search.

Be careful what you wish for because you may find out something you didn’t want to know with one of these searches. Make sure you are only using it if you have to and don’t choose to search for a license plate that has caused you harm and not because you are stalking someone.

About the Author: Find Free:

Reverse Plate Search How To: Search Legal Stuff Major Sherry is an Expert in the Legal Field and helping others find Proper Legal Help


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Suspicions of nepotism arise from pulping of new Australian industrial relations information booklets

Category : Uncategorized

Tuesday, November 8, 2005

Wikinews Australia has in-depth coverage of this issue: Australian industrial relations legislation, 2005

The Prime Minister of Australia, John Howard, was asked in parliament today about the contract to print the new industrial relations legislation booklets. Kelvin Thomson asked the question because the contract was awarded to Salmat Ltd., who has been said to have donated $120,000 to the Australian Liberal Party, of which the Mr Howard is a member. The contract was worth $800,000 AUD. It was revealed by Stephen Smith the week earlier that these booklets were “pulped” at a cost of $152,000 to the taxpayer.

The Prime Minster John Howard said that “the contract was awarded in the normal fashion”, and that he did not know if Salmat donated to any other parties, and said that he ask someone to “just do a little bit of research this afternoon” to get further information on the matter. After Question Time the Prime Minister confirmed that Salmat was selected through an open tender process, and expressed his belief that “expressions of political support should not disbar one from preferment on the merits.”

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US drone strike kills eight in Pakistan’s tribal region

Category : Uncategorized

Monday, December 22, 2008

A suspected United States military air strike launched by a remote-controlled and unmanned CIA aircraft on Monday morning killed at least 8 militants. Media reports claim that in two separate attacks, three missiles were fired by US drones at South Waziristan’s Karikot and Shin Warsak villages, a tribal area in northwest Pakistan, well-known as center of Taliban and Al-Qaeda activity. The site of the attack is about nine miles (15 km) from the town of Wana in South Waziristan, an ungoverned tribal region.

South Waziristan is the southern part of Waziristan, a mountainous region of northwest Pakistan, bordering Afghanistan and covering some 11,585 km² (4,473 mi²). It comprises the area west and southwest of Peshawar between the Tochi River to the North and the Gomal river to the south, forming part of Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). The North-West Frontier Province lies immediately to the east. The region was an independent tribal territory from 1893, remaining outside of British-ruled empire and Afghanistan. Tribal raiding into British-ruled territory was a constant problem for the British, requiring frequent punitive expeditions between 1860 and 1945. The region became part of Pakistan in 1947.

A senior security official said that “two vehicles fitted with guns were destroyed,” adding that “the eight people killed were all inside the vehicles.” Pakistani intelligence said they believed the extremists killed were members of local Pakistani Taliban groups. The reports also said that the missiles “targeted vehicles mounted with anti-aircraft guns, and one missile missed its intended target and landed near a house.” A local official said nine other extremists were wounded in the drone strike.

Agence France-Presse has reported that “a missile attack late last month by a US jet killed Rashid Rauf, the alleged Al-Qaeda mastermind of a 2006 transatlantic airplane bombing plot, as well as an Egyptian Al-Qaeda operative, security officials have said.” US unmanned drones have launched not less than 20 missile attacks in Pakistan Afghan border or tribal areas since August. The strikes have raised tensions between Washington and Islamabad.

In November, Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani viewed these missile strikes as flagrant violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. He announced his government was considering “a number of options to counter attacks”. BBC has reported, however, that Pakistan “has been reluctant to move either diplomatically or militarily to stop these strikes.” “This has fuelled speculation that the attacks may be part of a secret pact between Pakistan and the US,” it added. Meanwhile, President George W. Bush, last week, said that “you know very well that when it comes to certain matters, the U.S. government doesn’t discuss operations.” He ruled out consultations with other governments, including Pakistan, prior to drone strikes operations.

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Exotic Options You Must Try In Online Printing

Submitted by: Robert Johnston

Bored with some of the typical options you have in online printing? Then maybe you need to ask for something new to your online printer. Let me give you some exotic options in online printing that you should definitely try out to create a more impressive and noteworthy kind of color print. I have listed down some of the best exotic options below and hopefully one of these should be a perfect fit for your custom online prints.

1. Imported paper materials Some specialized online printing companies do carry imported paper materials. Typically these materials have very odd colors and coatings that make them distinct. They also have very specific paper weight, and in a lot of cases, they actually imbue the style and classiness that is representative of the country where those paper materials come from. So if you want something new, specific and very overarching with your designs go for those imported paper materials.

2. Textured paper materials If expensive imported materials are not what you are concentrating on, then you can just try something more close to home. Textured paper is another thing that you can try out to get that other kind of look for your online prints. This is especially effective for card type prints and of course the prints with specialized covers. Texture paper has that feature of tempting people to touch them and it can in fact increase the impact and attractive nature of most prints. That is why it is a good idea to try some texture materials from time to time.


3. Scented paper materials Other online printers will offer you scented paper materials for your prints. Besides notepads, some custom newsletters, envelopes and even special brochures can have that scent that makes people easily remember your type of print. This is more expensive of course, but it also gives your prints that extra sensory impact that often makes them more powerful and impressive.

4. Glossy type inks If your goal is distraction and attraction, the best exotic printing option that you should try are glossy type inks. These types of full color inks gleam in the light, giving that impression of professional sleek type prints that never deteriorate. This is great for official corporate publications and advertising posters. So if you have messages that you want to gleam in the light, try this option out for size.

5. Metallic type inks Now, beyond glossy inks are metallic inks. These metallic inks are specialized inks that come only of course in metallic color. Gold and silver metallic inks are of course the more popular ones that you can choose. This adds of course that solid type of effect that is somewhat elegant, as well as heavy on the design. This is a great thing to use for invitations, business cards, postcards and even full color postcards with metallic accents.

6. Embedded materials You can also try embedded materials in your prints. For example, you can embed small metallic eyelets, glass studs, reflectors, glitters and a myriad of other textural and special effects. These embedded materials can really mark a certain kind of print, albeit making it heavier.

7. Embossed type Finally, you can also try having some of your design elements embossed. From embossed text to embossed shapes and design elements, embossing can create a whole new dimension within your prints. This makes your prints a lot more solid and of course significant in the eyes of your readers.

Great! So what are you waiting for now? Go ahead and try these exotic options in online printing.

About the Author: Visit this site for more information


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