Author Archives: Admin

The Need Of Genuine Savings While Obtaining Home Loans

Category : Property Investment

If you are a first home buyer and you require a home loan, it is important to know how much deposit you will need so you can get started with establishing a suitable savings plan.

What do Genuine Savings mean?

Genuine savings is the savings (equity) required by you to complete the purchase of a property and get a home loan for a property purchase. You must, however, be able to demonstrate to the lender/credit provider that you have genuinely saved/held or evidenced these savings via account statements over an established period (normally for 3 months).

Why are Genuine Savings required?

Genuine Savings are required by most lenders/credit providers when the Loan to Value Ratio (LVR) is greater than 85% of the security value of your property. This means you are required to show evidence of a regular savings pattern over a defined period of at least 3 months.

What Sources can Genuine Savings come?

Where the Loan to Value Ratio (LVR) is greater than 85%, the minimum deposit can come from any of the following sources:

>> Personal Savings Accounts and or Term Deposit Accounts (held for at least 3 months)

>> Real Estate Equity held in an existing property

>> Share Certificates (held for at least 3 months)

>> Gift or Inheritance (held in the applicants account for at least 3 months)

>> Tax Refunds (confirmation via your Tax Assessment Notice showing that your refund has been deposited to a savings account)

Reminder: Lenders/credit providers have their own set of rules when it comes to determining genuine savings. So, make sure you do your homework and explore all your options.

What Amount of Genuine Savings do I need?

The amount of Genuine Savings required to be contributed by you will depend on your following circumstances:

>> If you intend to purchase or build an owner occupied property, you will need to contribute 5% of the security value in the form of genuine savings.

>> If you intend to purchase or build an investment property, you will need to contribute 10% of the security value in the form of genuine savings.

What are unacceptable as Genuine Savings?

The following types of savings (or equity) are not an acceptable form of Genuine Savings:

>> First Home Owners Grant (FHOG)

>> Borrowed funds (for example a personal loan)

>> The sale of an asset other than a property (e.g. the sale of a motor vehicle)

Can my Rental History be used as a substitute for Genuine Savings?

Yes, if you have less than 5% genuine savings, some lenders/credit providers will look at the following key points:

>> Are you able to confirm a minimum of 12 months satisfactory continuous rental history in your current rental property?

>> Is the property currently being rented by you being managed by a Licensed Property Manager/Real Estate Agent?

What if I do not have Genuine Savings?

Most lenders/credit providers understand that customers are not always able to demonstrate genuine savings and will consider other forms of savings. In such instances, you must speak to professionally qualified and expert finance brokers. He/she will find a lender who doesn’t make genuine savings compulsory and help you obtain deposit-free home loans.

So, don’t worry if you don’t have any genuine savings, contact a finance broker with wide experience of finding home loans without genuine savings.

It Is Not Why Nurses Are Leaving It Is Where They Are Going

Category : Dentist

By Vickie Milazzo

A recent American Nursing Association (ANA) poll indicates that 18.8 percent of nurses in the U.S. do not work in nursing. A study by the Center for Health Outcomes and Policy Research reveals that 22.7 percent of nurses plan to leave their hospital jobs in the next 12 months. Despite record-breaking salaries and bonuses, nurses are leaving hospital jobs in droves, resulting in the nursing shortage that has captured the attention of the American public.

As a nurses, you know this shortage is not a new trend. Since the average nurse is 46, I’m sure many of you remember the “bonus” days of the early 1980s when a nursing degree and a pair of clean white shoes got you a job anywhere. Today we’ve come full circle – a nursing degree and some brain activity will do: “Thank you for the emailed resume. Can you start today?”

The reasons nurses are leaving the profession today are equally familiar. The complaints from two decades ago still apply: nurses are understaffed, underpaid, under-appreciated, under-insured and under-you-name-it. On top of all that, nurses must work 26 weekends and at least five holidays a year and endure nightmarish schedules.

In addition, today’s nursing shortage is being intensified by three new phenomena: managed care, on-the-job health risks and alternative careers for nurses.

Managed Care Compromises Nursing Care

In spite of giving more than they have to give every day, nurses in all settings can no longer deliver the level of care of which they are capable. Nurses who remember the “good old days” battle the shame of knowing they’re partially responsible for the deaths of 98,000 patients in hospitals every year. That death toll is equivalent to a jumbo jet crash every other day, yet the number doesn’t even include patients who become victims of injury and illness while in the hospital.

Why are patients dying unnecessarily? Nurses have less time to see more patients. They have more to do and fewer tools to do it with. They must contend with increasingly complex equipment and less trained staff. LVNs/LPNs, nurse’s aides and nursing assistants are replacing skilled nurses at the bedside. Yet nurses still get little respect and face more responsibility when everything turns sour. In this “dark age” of medicine the words “quality of care” are becoming an oxymoron.


This trend goes against our education and against our very nature as nurses. Certainly some people get into nursing solely to make a living and don’t progress beyond that stage. They’re part of the problem. For most of us, though, nursing is more than a profession – it’s a calling that attracts the “best and the brightest” who want to make a difference in people’s lives.

You won’t find a more caring group than nurses. Try having an anaphylactic reaction at a lawyers’ conference and see how many people come to your aid without a business card in hand.

Yet today, despite all our caring, we’re denied the ability to provide quality care. With the exception of a few great facilities around the country, we can no longer find jobs that allow us to fulfill the mission we defined for ourselves when we entered this profession. No wonder so many nurses are quitting.

Nurse Healers Fear For Their Own Health

Not only are nurses exhausted – we the healers fear for our own health. On-the-job health risks for nurses range far beyond bloodborne pathogens and latex allergies (not to mention feeling like aliens dressed in our goggles, masks and gloves). We face obvious occupational hazards, such as back injuries from long shifts pounding hospital halls and doing more lifting with less help.

We also face the less obvious hazards that aren’t just physical. Sheer exhaustion from our overwhelming schedules and our unsupportive work environment take a heavy toll.

Look around you at how many nurses smoke, drink and are overweight. These are signs of deep unhappiness and of not having time to take proper care of ourselves. Between juggling life, family and jobs, nurses often find it far easier to wolf down fast food on our 10-minute lunch break than to prepare a healthy brown-bag meal.

Isn’t it ironic that the injured and disabled are treating the sick? No wonder the nurses dangerous workplace is yet another reason for the flight of such talented caregivers.

Nurses Choose a New Career and a New Life

The bright spot in this grim scenario – and the most distinctive aspect of today’s nursing shortage – is that we can enjoy better, more satisfying careers as nurses elsewhere. Admit it, you know nurses who’ve left traditional nursing and are prospering and much happier in their new positions. Today, we’re leaving younger, smarter and better qualified than ever before. We are creating our future rather than being victims of it.

Without even leaving the hospital setting, we are using our skills and training in areas we never thought possible: risk management, utilization review, accreditation and research. Beyond the hospital we’re experiencing success selling medical- and nursing-related products, such as equipment, instruments, drugs and blood products. We’re starting companies selling our own products and services, running our own agencies and working for insurance companies and major corporations.

Many of us are becoming legal nurse consultants, both in-house and independent. Most importantly, legal nurse consultants have just begun to penetrate the legal industry. I look forward to the day when it’s considered legal malpractice for an attorney to work on a medical-related case without a legal nurse consultant on the team.

Wonder-Working Nurses Can Do Anything

Why am I confident that no nurse must be a victim of poor working conditions? Because nurses are trained to do three things simultaneously. For example, nurses make rapid, informed life-saving decisions while listening to the physician’s orders and at the same time they console the patient and family members.

The average ICU has more complex instruments and monitors than the bridge of the Starship Enterprise, and a nurse operates every one of them! Forget Superman, Spiderman and Wonder Woman. I’ll take a wonder-working nurse any day.

A career outside of traditional nursing can provide a nurse with a new purpose, a new attitude, new challenges, new rewards, new wealth and new respect. One place to find all these pluses and much more is in legal nurse consulting. If this field is not for you, look farther – the sky’s the limit these days. The only way you’ll find your star is by reaching for it.

About the Author: Inc. Top 10 Entrepreneur Vickie L. Milazzo, RN, MSN, JD is the founder and president of Vickie Milazzo Institute, the oldest and largest legal nurse consultant training and certification company ( She is the author of the bestselling book, Inside Every Woman(


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How To Make Your Mid Year Resolutions Successful

Category : Helicopter

So, everyone has heard of New Year’s Resolutions, right? Did you make any this year? Were you able to stick with them, after the excitement and newness of the new year faded away? Or, are you like over 50% Americans, who have fallen off the goal-setting train after the first, second or third stop of life?

Have you ever stopped to think of why we only make resolutions the first of every year? Why don’t we make them in March or October? OR better yet why not on July 1st, when we are only half way through the year and have six months left to board that achievement train again and change your life forever?

I am sure you are asking yourself right now, how do I make resolutions that stick?

First off, your resolutions must be simple, specific and to the point. The goal should fill a need that you have not been able to fill this year. Sit back and think about it: do you have a need to improve a certain relationship? Drop a certain amount of weight by the end of the year for your health? Or do you need to make an extra amount of money in order to pay your bills?

You must make the goal REAL to you by allowing it to feel a desired need. This adds meaning and a motivation for achieving your goal, that you might not otherwise have.

Now, do not create one broad resolution that covers multiple areas of your life. As mentioned earlier, resolutions should be short, simple, to the point.

For example instead of creating a goal to just lose weight, make the goal more specific by saying, “I want to lose 10lbs by Thanksgiving”. The goal above states a specific date, to which you would like to achieve your goal by. It also quantifies it by stating a number as to how MUCH weight you would like to lose.

The more specific you can be with your goals, the more focused and attainable they will become.

Next, you need allow some intense emotion to flow through your goals/resolutions. Emotion tends to be what drives us as humans to do what we do every day. It is what drives us to take action… or even not to take action. Each goal must carry an emotional feeling deep down inside of you that makes you want to create a change in your life.

Take out a pen and paper now and write down a sincere emotion for each of your goals/resolutions.

This step may be painful or even saddening, it may bring up feelings of fear or anger, but ALL of these emotions are fine and natural. The more emotion you can dig up, the more likely you will be to stick to that goal/resolution. Remember emotions drive you to do what you do… or don’t do!

Now that you have found a need and attached emotion to it, you must find that burning desire to make the change. Why do you want to change? How will you feel when we have changed? How will you feel about yourself when you drop that 10lbs by Thanksgiving? Just think of all the compliments you will receive and how fantastic you will look in that new outfit as you strut your stuff at the Christmas Party.

Or imagine how you will feel when you start to earn that extra income each month. Let your mind soar and imagine what you can use that extra income on or for!

Thirdly, find an alternative for your previous actions. For example, if you need to lose 10lbs because you come home and sit in front of the TV every night and eat chips and queso, than you need to find a replacement action for your evenings.

You might opt to go for a walk when you feel like pulling that bag of chips out of the pantry, or grab a big glass of water from the fridge. Or find something that you enjoy doing that will occupy your time, so that the bad habits do not creep back in.

Lastly, consistency is key. It is said that it takes 21 days to form a habit. We must be consistent with our actions, desires, and goals. You must pledge to do whatever it takes to make the change. You must decide to change, no matter what, and it must come from you and no one else.

Yes, life gets hard and schedules get rearranged, but do not forget those emotions that you attached to your goals. When life gets in the way and you FEEL like it would be easier to give up then to stay strong and take the essential steps necessary to meet your goals, be sure to keep these emotions fresh on your mind. If necessary, sit down for five minutes and envision how you would feel and what the end state of your goal looks like, feels like, and yes, even tastes like! These feelings must be so much stronger than any other outside distraction.

Now GO, get off your chair and go take the action steps neccessary to make it all happen! You know you can do this, dig down deep and believe in yourself. You are powerful, strong and mentally tough. Make it all happen TODAY by setting those Mid Year Resolutions NOW!

Various Wholesale Club Wear Items And Brands

Category : Car Dealer

By Peter Johnn

Club-wear dresses are unique in many ways: familiar to everyone and yet almost never worn in situations outside the club scene. The reason for this is because these dresses are often revealing and provocative, meant to be worn to clubs and meant to be worn while dancing the night away. The dresses are bold and colorful because they are designed to be fun, eye-catching, dramatic, and they do much to enhance the atmosphere of a club.

People often prefer buying their dresses and other club items from particular wholesale club-wear shops and outlets. Various factors determine what kind of club-wear is found in a wholesale club-wear shop. This includes the dress code of the clubs the shop caters to, the locations of the clubs and the current seasonal fashions. Sales also depend on what people prefer and the relevant fashion trends of the specific area. Wholesale club-wear include things like white gloves, rompers, vests, overalls, fur items, leggings and other pieces in unique styles and colors. Of course, this implies that there are different kinds of clubs. Colorful and revealing club-wear is found particularly in rave clubs and other clubs where people go to dance.

Different brands and designers have designed a variety of interesting club-wear items. The most common and well-known brand on the wholesale club-wear market is Conservative Hoochie. Tops are always in demand at wholesale stores and some tops are in fashion every season. An interesting fact about these tops is that they are sold at incredibly low prices at wholesale club-wear shops and outlets. This is the biggest reason for tops being in high demand by customers. These tops are available in various sizes and colors, making it easy for customers to find exactly what they are looking for.


In addition to tops and dress items for adults, there are also dresses and other clothes items for juniors. There are different sizes in which these pieces of clothing are sold. Almost all the items from a single batch are of the same design, size and color. The club-wear items are usually sold in batches of 6 or 12. Choosing the sizes and colors of clothing items can be done by means of selection booklets, which clearly indicates that the garments in wholesale club-wear outlets are systematically organized, making it easy for customers to find and buy what they are looking for.

Some of the wholesale shops are designed and organized in such a way that you can get all the items in different styles and designs under one roof.

Therefore wholesale club-wear shops can act as a one-stop shop for customers, retailers and other buyers. Separate orders can be made for different sizes, but small, medium and large sizes cannot be ordered in one batch as these are always packed separately.

An example of a rapidly expanding wholesale club-wear company is Hudson Wholesale, Inc. It was originally founded in the form of a small shop on Hudson Street in 1978. Later on, sale increases led to the establishment of two wholesale warehouses where all kinds of club-wear were sold. As with other wholesalers, Hudson Wholesale Inc. caters also caters to the needs of both small and large businesses.

Apart from club-wear, wholesale stores also sell all manner of costumes for people of all ages. These costumes include holiday-specific costumes like New Year’s Eve dresses, Christmas dresses and character dresses for Halloween, such as pirate dresses, angel and devil dresses, and pretty much any other kind of dress you can think of. All this and more is available under one roof at a wholesale club-wear outlet.

About the Author:

Wholesale clubwear

It is always profitable to source the merchandise from wholesale clothing suppliers. Since they only can offer better discounts and good quality. Click here for Wholesale shirts



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Find The Best Storage Solutions For Your Business

Category : Shipping

Find The Best Storage Solutions For Your Business


Emily Somebody

When you own a business, there are some essential tasks that must be managed properly. One of these tasks is finding a way to store and organize numerous items. While the idea of trying to keep everything organized might seem a little daunting, with the right storage solutions it is possible to not only free up clutter, but you can also get everything neatly organized and easy to find.

A very convenient and affordable storage solution is the use of plastic storage bins. There are many different styles and sizes that can be used for everything from important documents to almost any small items you can imagine. In fact, when you choose plastic bins, you eliminate the waste and expense associated with constantly having to replace corrugated cardboard storage boxes. Additionally, these plastic bins are available in waterproof designs that are perfect for keeping items clean and dry.

One of the most popular


types of plastic storage bins

are the simple shelf bins. These bins are available in various sizes and have a waterproof exterior. They are also impermeable to grease or oil, making them ideal in a wide range of environments. In addition to being extremely durable, these bins provide an excellent way to store items that you want to be able to get at easily.

Other cost-effective storage solutions include plastic storage bins that can either stack or hang, depending on how you choose to use them. Hanging bins can be conveniently hung from carts, as well as bin racks and panels. Some of these bins are also designed to be able to stack for added flexibility and space savings benefits. Many of these bins have a built-in card holder on the front so that the contents can be easily identified. These durable plastic bins are available in various sizes and colors and dividers can be included to help organize the contents.

When you need extra protection for your products, the hinged lid containers offer an excellent storage solution. These plastic bins can protect items from damage due to impact, moisture, and even many chemicals. When empty, these storage containers can easily be nested. When the containers are filled and the lids are closed, they are easy to stack. Additionally, these storage containers come with comfortable built-in handles for easy moving.

Another excellent storage solution is the use of folding bins. The plastic containers are an ideal solution for many types of delivery services because they can be folded flat to save space. They have a large capacity and help protect the contents from moisture and impact. When looking for versatile storage solutions, these bins can be an excellent option.

Regardless of what your storage needs might be the use of durable plastic bins can be one of the

best storage solutions

available. Plastic bins are not only strong, but they provide the stability and structure needed to store almost anything you need to protect. Cardboard boxes can get wet and fall apart, they are also prone to tearing, bulging and can be difficult to stack; however, plastic storage bins solve all of these problems and come in many sizes to suit almost any storage need.

Emily enjoys writing about a variety of subjects.

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Dentzz Is Cost Effective

Category : Plastic Surgery

Dentzz is cost effective


Jenny Jonson

Oral health care is one of the most essential parts of every individual s life. One s smile is the primary way to break the ice with a stranger and this is what helps a person build relations with others. Each individual wants to have the best and the most presentable appearance and have thus started taking care of grooming themselves well and effectively. To make sure that they have perfect oral health, they visit dental clinics on a regular basis to make sure that there is no problem with their oral hygiene and healthcare and that they require no treatments in particular. Also, if they do, they make sure that they get one immediately and keep their oral healthcare in check. There are numerous dental clinics today but one that is known for the quality it provides is Dentzz.


is extremely particular about maintaining high standards and quality and they do not compromise on anything whatsoever when it comes to assisting and treating their patients. Their main aim is to ensure that their patients are given the best treatment possible so that they have no problems later in the future. Also, they make sure that Dentzz is a one stop destination for oral healthcare. Everything related to oral healthcare is available here.


Dentzz is highly particular about maintaining hygiene and make sure that they provide treatments under the most hygienic conditions. They make use of disposal equipments as much as possible to maintain a hygienic condition to a large extent.


is a clinic that has

numerous branches in a number of cities and they offer services at reasonable rates. So any individual can go to these Dentzz clinics and get the best services at affordable prices. It is something that everyone can make use of without worrying too much about the cost of treatments.


provides a variety of treatments under one roof and these are vouched for by patients. All the services are provided by professionals who make use of the latest technology to ensure that the patient is provided with painless treatment as much as possible. They provide the most effective services and it is a great option to visit Dentzz for oral treatment.

Experienced to solve health related issues & problems, Cosmetic surgery advisor, Expert Dentist & Cosmetic dentistry in India, UK, Australia, New Zealand, for more information visit here:

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Mobile App Security: Risks &Amp; Tips

Have you ever calculated the speed at which mobile apps getting downloaded worldwide? Whether you are looking to develop a mobile application for healthcare, travel, or any other business of yours, you should always be concerned about keeping app security as prime criteria.

Having an out-of-the-box mobile app idea is great. Most of the app development focus stays on perfect designs, innovative features, and great functionality. When ignored, a Mobile app security breach can lead you to loss of trust forever. Developing a secure app requires multiple security layers in the backend, the mobile device, and the communication channel.

The mobile industry has progressed rapidly to become interminable. The mobile apps stores are loaded with a myriad of mobile applications, striving to attract users. However, the sheer volume of mobile apps has created fierce competition. Despite the growing usage numbers and increased adoption, the greatest threat to an app’s success is security.

Why Mobile App Security Issue is a Big Deal?

Users are very much concerned about the privacy of their data and safety. Data breach cases discussed widely, app security is a factor determining success. It is a measure that secures applications from specific external threats such as malware and digital fraud, risking critical financial and personal information from notorious hackers.

Even a small breach in the security system can give hackers free access to personal life in real-time to disclose data such as banking information, current location, personal information, and other vital data.

What Happens When Mobile App Security Is Weak?

Globally 5.19 billion people use a mobile phone and spend 90% of their time on apps. Mobile apps are significant revenue generators for many businesses; however, intellectual property or sensitive data of the app attracts hackers.

Users trust businesses and organizations to test their apps due to security reasons before making it available online. Nevertheless, 2020 Mobile App security Index revealed some shocking facts.

  • 43% of companies have no budget for securing mobile applications.
  • 39% of companies do not take the necessary steps to secure their mobile application.
  • 33% of companies never test their apps to make sure they are secure for users.

The above facts and numbers are real. These are enough fuel for hackers to breach the security loopholes in apps and leverage all of the most vulnerable data.

Cybercriminals are creative. They can access a mobile phone’s camera, microphone, and location to build convincing apps’ clones. Hackers employ several strategies to gain access to personal information and exploit users.

Some of the standard mobile application security risks include:

#1: No Multifactor Authentication

Users are usually guilty of using one insecure password for multiple accounts. Consider the number of users your app has. Even if the password is secure, hackers test passwords across other apps that could lead to an attack on the business.

Multifactor authentication uses 2 out of 3 possible authentication factors. However, it does not depend on the password before certifying the identity of the user. With additional authentication, it becomes difficult for hackers to breach. Some examples are – answer to a personal question, SMS confirmation code, biometric authentication, etc.

#2: Poor Encryption

Encryption is very important for security. Encryption transposes data into a code that is hard to decipher. It is viewable only after it is translated back with a secret key. Simply put, encryption can change the sequence of any combination lock. Unfortunately, hackers have the gifted ability to pick locks.

Symantec data shows that 13.4% of all consumer devices and 10.5% of all enterprise devices lack encryption. Hackers can easily have personal data in plain text format if they can manage to gain access to any of those devices.

However, companies using encryption are equally vulnerable towards mobile application security risks. Developers make human errors, and hackers exploit that. When encrypting an app, it is important to assess how easily hackers can crack the app’s code.

This security threat can have serious consequences, including intellectual property theft, privacy violations, code theft, reputation damages, etc.

#3: Reverse Engineering – Anti-Tampering

Reverse engineering is an innate threat. Apps are exposed to this threat always due to the nature of coding and programming.

The amount of metadata available in the mobile app development code for debugging also assists attackers to understand how apps function.

Reverse engineering is a tool that reveals how apps function on their backend, reveal encryption algorithms, rectify the source mode, etc. Your code may work against you to make way for professional hackers.

#4: Malicious Code

Forms, comments, and other user-generated content are often overlooked for a potential threat to app security. For example, the login form – when users enter their username and password, the app communicated with the data on the server for authentication. Apps that do not restrict the use of characters used to run the risk of code injection to the server for access.

Even if one line of JavaScript is entered into the login form without guarding against characters like the colon or equal sign, they can easily access personal information.

#5: Storage

When data storage is insecure, it can lead to a breach. It can happen in several places within the app: cookie stores, SQL databases, binary data stores, etc. The cause may be a vulnerability in the operating system, compiler, frameworks, or jailbroken devices.

Hackers could modify the legitimate app and funnel information as soon as they access the device or its database.

Even the most sophisticated encryption system fails when a device is rooted or jailbroken. As a result, hackers can bypass the OS restrictions and even circumvent encryption.

Tips To Safeguard Your Device With Mobile App Security Best Practices

Mobile app security is a real-life challenge. We are facing it now and may continue to do so.

The tools app developers use to develop mobile apps are the same that hackers use to exploit them.

Despite this prolonged struggle to make apps hack-proof, some of the largest mobile apps companies deploy some of the following best practices to protect and use without any compromise.

#1: Server-side Authentication

In a given situation, the server-side grants multifactor authentication requests only when authorization is successful. If an app stores data on the client-side and is only made available on the mobile device, ensure the encrypted data is accessible only when the credentials are validated successfully.

If you have a persistent authentication, such as “remember me” functionality, do not store the device’s password. Create multiple authentication tokens for different mobiles.

#2: Cryptographic Algorithms

The only way to fend off any breaches related to encryption is to avoid sensitive data stored on the device, including passwords and hard-coded keys. These could be readily available to hackers in plain text or even used by attackers to access the main server.

Theoretically, iOS has the right protection tools to halt reverse engineering through coded encryption. However, it is not a definite solution. You have to assume that attackers are professional, and they can decrypt information easily.

Even the most powerful encryption algorithms cannot prevent a breach if you do not adopt proper key management strategies. Your app should be protected against vulnerabilities like binary attacks.

Do not use deprecated algorithms unless you are a security expert. Do not create your encryption protocols.

#3: Input Validation

Input validation is necessary to ensure it meets the standards of sanity check. Hackers are always looking for an opportunity when test input validation. They scour the site for the potential of malformed data.

Input validation ensures that only data expected is passed through the input field. For instance, when you are uploading images in a mobile application, the file should have a matching extension according to the standard image file extensions and reasonably sized at the same time.

If image validation does not specify parameters forbid unreasonable file size or pixel count, hackers can upload malicious files that claim to be an image.

All fields of input, including audio, video, form fields, and command-line inputs, are vulnerable. This caused the first iPhone jailbreak.

#4: Threat Modeling

Threat modeling builds data defenders. The method is used to understand the problem. A good threat model ensures that the team should understand how to operate differently on OS, platforms, external API transfer, frameworks, and store data. But, building these frameworks and connecting the third-party APIs could expose apps to the inefficiencies too.

#5: Disguise To Prevent Reverse Engineering

Is it possible to prevent reverse engineering?

In most cases, developers have the tools and skills to build convincing clones of mobile apps’ UI without gaining access to its source code. On the other hand, business logic requires more effort.

Some commercial-grade tools are available to make business logic indecipherable. Developers use different tools like indentation to make code that is easier for a human to read, though the computer may not bother about formatting. Hence, minification, or removing all spaces, allows maintaining functionality and making it difficult for hackers to read the code.

End Word

Penetration testing, like ethical hacking, is an important mobile app development tool, in which developers attempt to find one or more vulnerabilities to exploit as a hacker. Although it is best to be prepared for mobile application security risks right from the start, this concern shall likely remain throughout the business lifecycle. Compliance is another important consideration for mobile app security. It is incredibly critical to understand how the mobile app security would be handled under different conditions.

Developing a secure mobile application requires the collaboration of the entire team, between expert developers, marketers, security experts, and even C-level executives. Any security protocol for password strength and the use of analytics tracking pixels are some of the security strategies that need buy-in from an entire team.

How Can A Cyber Security Career Secure Your Future?

The internet connects hardware, software, and sensitive data. In recent years, this connectivity became indispensable and ubiquitous. A wide variety of businesses now rely on cutting edge technologies to earn profits. As a result, the demand for data analysts and security specialists experiences a very steep increase.

Cybersecurity has become a major concern for individuals and companies. Cybersecurity is a set of tools and practices that help to safeguard information during use, storage, and communication through various devices. An entity requires cybersecurity specialists to keep the data safe. How desperate are the companies? Between Jan 2019 and July 2019, around 4.1 billion records got exposed due to various types of data breaches (source). A company’s data is its asset and liability.

Career Options In Cybersecurity Sector

People assume a white hat hacker is the only cybersecurity job in the market. Security experts have to prevent and remedy various online threats. They analyze malicious email and phone calls. They also takedown phishing websites and clean up the internet. These professionals also handle unauthorized data access, viruses, malware, and identity theft.

The security consultants understand computers, software, operating systems, and networks. They are also good at programming, Cyber Piracy, security audits, and visualization software. One can also find jobs for security analysts, cyber breach investigators, researchers, and so on. In general, the job falls under two categories – pure cybersecurity and hybrid titles. The demand for pure cybersecurity professionals is very high, as it requires industry-specific skills.

Secure Career

But is a career in cybersecurity itself well-paid and secure? Let us look at a few statistics to assess the market demand and need of employers:

  • In the last six years, job postings related to cybersecurity grew by 94%.
  • These jobs now constitute more than 13% of all the IT jobs in the market (source)
  • In India, there are close to 67,000 jobs for security professionals.
  • Australian experts predict 21% growth in demand until May 2023.
  • Also, there are more than 11,000 cybersecurity vacancies open, as of today.
  • Every month more than 50,000 new cyber threats occur (Source)

Why The High Demand?

Almost all businesses operate web stores and professional sites to offer data, goods, and services. Start-ups and small companies are flourishing on the internet too. Cloud computing services are turning to be one of the basic requirements of any business.

All these advances created an expansive internet landscape. And digital information transmits at a rapid pace in this cyberspace. Every individual creates 1.7MB of information every second, according to a study in 2020 (source). This data is not only voluminous but also sensitive and valuable. It includes personal information, business contacts, bank transaction, financial data, etc.

The unethical hackers target businesses and individuals to steal data, shut down sites, or extract ransom money. On the other hand, you can find scammers on almost all internet platforms. The cost of falling victim to such fraud was $1.7 billion worldwide in 2018 (source). Thus, every business chooses to hire security experts to avoid such pitfalls.

Is it a secure field to set a career?

There are numerous niche business areas that bloomed and died within a decade. Is cybersecurity one such mushroom area? Well, experts have a different opinion. Here are the reasons why a career in this genre is safe and financially stable.

Job Designations

There is a job vacancy for all levels of expertise and experience. Technicians handle viruses, malware, while analysts look for bugs, defects, and breaches. Ethical hackers test code and detect weaknesses. The architects, specialists, and administrators handle AI, cloud security, and software safety. Other job titles are cryptographer, security officer, freelance/bounty hunter, software, and hardware engineers.

Career Mobility

Cybersecurity is vital for all industries. If you are tired of being a security analyst for a financial institute, you can move over to a corporate establishment. This mobility is available only in a handful of career lines. The skills and expertise you gain in one industry are applicable across the market. Thus, the opportunities for growth are very high. Since the opportunity for a candidate to switch jobs is high, employers tend to try and make the talent stick with the company.

High Salaries

A single data breach can cost up to $3.29 million in terms of money, time, resources, goodwill, and lost businesses. The cost of a breach is 14% more in 2020 than it was in 2014. Thus, companies try to retain their talents with high salaries, as the security team is the main asset. The highest level in this genre (varies from company to company) is the information security manager or head of cybersecurity, whose average salary is between $125,000 and $215,000 per year. Freshers start as an analyst or a trainee and can easily move up the ladder. An analyst’s average salary is $90,000 per annum, which is higher than most of the jobs with similar skill requirements (source).

As mentioned above, job vacancies are huge and growing. So, the attrition rate for the next few decades is close to zero or negative. So, a cybersecurity job is profitable, secure, and long-lasting.

Combine All Your Im Contacts In One Screen On Any Computer

Category : Accounting Firm

By Juan Salvo

One of the huge things about the Internet is that we can be in contact with people regardless the distance. Even though this benefit was already provided by the email, the new thing is that we can be in touch with people in real-time. This technology, known as instant messaging (IM) works through a local program that connects to a remote server to which other users are also logged. The server then works as a ‘hub’ letting each user ‘see’ which contact is connected at that moments and allows to interact in several ways, such as text-chatting, video conferencing and share files and information. Easy to understand why, IM became ‘instant’ success. The pioneer of IM was ICQ and quickly received millions of members who could enjoy its many attractive features. Of course, other companies rapidly got into the stream and generated their own IM networks. Unfortunately, didn’t see this as a community phenomenon and tried to mine their own business making their IM services incompatible with all the other ones and initiating a fierce competition to convince people to join their networks (and not the others). Although competition is good and usually brings progress, in the case of IM is also carried an intrinsic difficulty: is you stick to a single IM service you are leaving behind the possibility of getting in touch with people who don’t use your service. So, if you don’t want restrictions about who you want to have available for instant chatting, you are bound to sign up with several IM services and have your contacts spread through several windows in your screen. This is not only bothersome, it makes your computer slower by inefficiently occupying too much bandwidth and memory resources.

For these and other advantages, instant messaging has become to be the fastest-growing medium of communication in history. It is even growing twice as quick as the email. But what if you were able to overcome IM’s worst problem? Now everyone is able to combine all of their IM contacts in a single list, whichever service they belong to. An experienced company has put together a new kind of social networking website that some view as a direct threat to the leading social networks. The new network is called uVme and combines the features that make sites like Facebook or Myspace so successful. One of the most exciting features of uVme is its advanced instant messaging tool.


Besides of providing complete IM capabilities, uVme IM service can automatically combine all of your contacts from other services such as Yahoo! Messenger, Windows Live (MSN) Messenger, AIM (AOL’s IM), Google Talk, ICQ and others. By using uVme you can have all of your contacts on a single window, regardless from which network they come.

A typical IM service works through a standalone application that must be downloaded and installed on the computer where you’ll be chatting. This means downloading and installing every time you change computers and every time they upgrade the software. For worse, you need to have up to six or seven programs running at the same time in order to keep track of all your contacts, which means using up more bandwidth and more memory resources. With uVme you don’t need to install anything. Its IM service is web-based, working on your browser as soon as you log into the website. So, instead of being a standalone application that you have to download and install. This IM service runs live on your uVme web page.

As soon as somebody goes to uVme, they will automatically be logged in to your IM and will appear to you as an online contact. You can instantly greet them and talk and challenge them to play a game. Yes, gaming is a strong part of the uVme concept and is adding new exciting and addictive online games on a daily basis. Although their IM service is worth enough for becoming a member, uVme has other features just as exciting. Check out the website at the bottom to learn more about this new service, which is set to become a new revolution.

About the Author: There is much more to say about uVme. Check out our website and learn how to use the new instant messaging service to

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Pschological Signs And Symptoms

Category : Speech Therapy

The first encounter between psychiatrist or therapist and patient (or client) is multi-phased. The mental health practitioner notes the patient’s history and administers or prescribes a physical examination to rule out certain medical conditions. Armed with the results, the diagnostician now observes the patient carefully and compiles lists of signs and symptoms, grouped into syndromes.

Symptoms are the patient’s complaints. They are highly subjective and amenable to suggestion and to alterations in the patient’s mood and other mental processes. Symptoms are no more than mere indications. Signs, on the other hand, are objective and measurable. Signs are evidence of the existence, stage, and extent of a pathological state. Headache is a symptom – short-sightedness (which may well be the cause of the headache) is a sign.

Here is a partial list of the most important signs and symptoms in alphabetical order:


We all experience emotions, but each and every one of us expresses them differently. Affect is HOW we express our innermost feelings and how other people observe and interpret our expressions. Affect is characterized by the type of emotion involved (sadness, happiness, anger, etc.) and by the intensity of its expression. Some people have flat affect: they maintain “poker faces”, monotonous, immobile, apparently unmoved. This is typical of the Schizoid Personality Disorder Others have blunted, constricted, or broad (healthy) affect. Patients with the dramatic (Cluster B) personality disorders – especially the Histrionic and the Borderline – have exaggerate and labile (changeable) affect. They are “drama queens”.

In certain mental health disorders, the affect is inappropriate. For instance: such people laugh when they recount a sad or horrifying event or when they find themselves is morbid settings (e.g., in a funeral).

Also see: Mood.

Read about inappropriate affect in narcissists


We have all come across situations and dilemmas which evoked equipotent – but opposing and conflicting – emotions or ideas. Now, imagine someone with a permanent state of inner turmoil: her emotions come in mutually exclusive pairs, her thoughts and conclusions arrayed in contradictory dyads. The result is, of course, extreme indecision, to the point of utter paralysis and inaction. Sufferers of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders and the Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder are highly ambivalent.


When we lose the urge to seek pleasure and to prefer it to nothingness or even pain, we become anhedonic. Depression inevitably involves anhedonia. the depressed are unable to conjure sufficient mental energy to get off the couch and do something because they find everything equally boring and unattractive.


Diminished appetite to the point of refraining from eating. Whether it is part of a depressive illness or a body dysmorphic disorder (erroneous perception of one’s body as too fat) is still debated. Anorexia is one of a family of eating disorders which also includes bulimia (compulsive gorging on food and then its forced purging, usually by vomiting).

Learn more about comorbidity of eating disorders and personality disorders


A kind of unpleasant (dysphoric), mild fear, with no apparent external reason. Anxiety is akin to dread, or apprehension, or fearful anticipation of some imminent but diffuse and unspecified danger. The mental state of anxiety (and the concomitant hypervigilance) has physiological complements: tensed muscle tone, elevated blood pressure, tachycardia, and sweating (arousal). Generalized Anxiety Disorder is sometimes misdiagnosed as a personality disorder


More precisely: autistic thinking and inter-relating (relating to other people). Fantasy-infused thoughts. The patient’s cognitions derive from an overarching and all-pervasive fantasy life. Moreover, the patient infuses people and events around him or her with fantastic and completely subjective meanings. The patient regards the external world as an extension or projection of the internal one. He, thus, often withdraws completely and retreats into his inner, private realm, unavailable to communicate and interact with others.

Asperger’s Disorder, one of the spectrum of autistic disorders, is sometimes misdiagnosed as Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)

Automatic obeisance or obedience

Automatic, unquestioning, and immediate obeisance of all commands, even the most manifestly absurd and dangerous ones. This suspension of critical judgment is sometimes an indication of incipient catatonia.

BlockingHalted, frequently interrupted speech to the point of incoherence indicates a parallel disruption of thought processes. The patient appears to try hard to remember what it was that he or she were saying or thinking (as if they “lost the thread” of conversation).


“Human sculptures” are patients who freeze in any posture and position that they are placed, no matter how painful and unusual. Typical of catatonics.


A syndrome comprised of various signs, amongst which are: catalepsy, mutism, stereotypy, negativism, stupor, automatic obedience, echolalia, and echopraxia. Until recently it was thought to be related to schizophrenia, but this view has been discredited when the biochemical basis for schizophrenia had been discovered. The current thinking is that catatonia is an exaggerated form of mania (in other words: an affective disorder). It is a feature of catatonic schizophrenia, though, and also appears in certain psychotic states and mental disorders that have organic (medical) roots.

Cerea Flexibilitas

Literally: wax-like flexibility. In the common form of catalepsy, the patient offers no resistance to the re-arrangement of his limbs or to the re-alignment of her posture. In Cerea Flexibilitas, there is some resistance, though it is very mild, much like the resistance a sculpture made of soft wax would offer.


When the train of thought and speech is often derailed by unrelated digressions, based on chaotic associations. The patient finally succeeds to express his or her main idea but only after much effort and wandering. In extreme cases considered to be a communication disorder.

Clang Associations

Rhyming or punning associations of words with no logical connection or any discernible relationship between them. Typical of manic episodes, psychotic states, and schizophrenia.

Clouding (Also: Clouding of Consciousness)

The patient is wide awake but his or her awareness of the environment is partial, distorted, or impaired. Clouding also occurs when one gradually loses consciousness (for instance, as a result of intense pain or lack of oxygen).


Involuntary repetition of a stereotyped and ritualistic action or movement, usually in connection with a wish or a fear. The patient is aware of the irrationality of the compulsive act (in other words: she knows that there is no real connection between her fears and wishes and what she is repeatedly compelled to do). Most compulsive patients find their compulsions tedious, bothersome, distressing, and unpleasant – but resisting the urge results in mounting anxiety from which only the compulsive act provides much needed relief. Compulsions are common in obsessive-compulsive disorders, the Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD), and in certain types of schizophrenia.

Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) Read about the compulsive acts of the narcissist Concrete Thinking Inability or diminished capacity to form abstractions or to think using abstract categories. The patient is unable to consider and formulate hypotheses or to grasp and apply metaphors. Only one layer of meaning is attributed to each word or phrase and figures of speech are taken literally. Consequently, nuances are not detected or appreciated. A common feature of schizophrenia, autism spectrum disorders, and certain organic disorders.

Read about narcissism and Asperger’s Disorder


The constant and unnecessary fabrication of information or events to fill in gaps in the patient’s memory, biography or knowledge, or to substitute for unacceptable reality. Common in the Cluster B personality disorders (narcissistic, histrionic, borderline, and antisocial) and in organic memory impairment or the amnestic syndrome (amnesia).

Read about the Narcissist’s Confabulated Life


Complete (though often momentary) loss of orientation in relation to one’s location, time, and to other people. Usually the result of impaired memory (often occurs in dementia) or attention deficit (for instance, in delirium).

Also see: Disorientation.


Delirium is a syndrome which involves clouding, confusion, restlessness, psychomotor disorders (retardation or, on the opposite pole, agitation), and mood and affective disturbances (lability). Delirium is not a constant state. It waxes and wanes and its onset is sudden, usually the result of some organic affliction of the brain.


A belief, idea, or conviction firmly held despite abundant information to the contrary. The partial or complete loss of reality test is the first indication of a psychotic state or episode.

Beliefs, ideas, or convictions shared by other people, members of the same collective, are not, strictly speaking, delusions, although they may be hallmarks of shared psychosis. There are many types of delusions:

I. Paranoid

The belief that one is being controlled or persecuted by stealth powers and conspiracies.

2. Grandiose-magical

The conviction that one is important, omnipotent, possessed of occult powers, or a historic figure.

3. Referential (ideas of reference)

The belief that external, objective events carry hidden or coded messages or that one is the subject of discussion, derision, or opprobrium, even by total strangers.

The Delusional Way Out Psychosis and Delusions Ideas of Reference


Simultaneous impairment of various mental faculties, especially the intellect, memory, judgment, abstract thinking, and impulse control due to brain damage, usually as an outcome of organic illness. Dementia ultimately leads to the transformation of the patient’s whole personality. Dementia does not involve clouding and can have acute or slow (insidious) onset. Some dementia states are reversible.


Feeling that one’s body has changed shape or that specific organs have become elastic and are not under one’s control. Usually coupled with “out of body” experiences. Common in a variety of mental health and physiological disorders: depression, anxiety, epilepsy, schizophrenia, and hypnagogic states. Often observed in adolescents.

See: Derealization.


A loosening of associations. A pattern of speech in which unrelated or loosely-related ideas are expressed hurriedly and forcefully, with frequent topical shifts and with no apparent internal logic or reason.

See: Incoherence.


Feeling that one’s immediate environment is unreal, dream-like, or somehow altered. See: Depersonalization.

Warped Reality

Dereistic Thinking

Inability to incorporate reality-based facts and logical inference into one’s thinking. Fantasy-based thoughts.


Not knowing what year, month, or day it is or not knowing one’s location (country, state, city, street, or building one is in). Also: not knowing who one is, one’s identity. One of the signs of delirium.


Imitation by way of exactly repeating another person’s speech.

Involuntary, semiautomatic, uncontrollable, and repeated imitation of the speech of others. Observed in organic mental disorders, pervasive developmental disorders, psychosis, and catatonia.

See: Echopraxia.


Imitation by way or exactly repeating another person’s movements. Involuntary, semiautomatic, uncontrollable, and repeated imitation of the movements of others. Observed in organic mental disorders, pervasive developmental disorders, psychosis, and catatonia.

See: Echolalia.

Flight of Ideas

Rapidly verbalized train of unrelated thoughts or of thoughts related only via relatively-coherent associations. Still, in its extreme forms, flight of ideas involves cognitive incoherence and disorganization. Appears as a sign of mania, certain organic mental health disorders, schizophrenia, and psychotic states.

Also see: Pressure of Speech and Loosening of Associations.

More about the manic phase of the Bipolar disorder

Folie a Deux (Madness in Twosome, Shared Psychosis)

The sharing of delusional (often persecutory) ideas and beliefs by two or more (folie a plusieurs) persons who cohabitate or form a social unit (e.g., a family, a cult, or an organization). One of the members in each of these groups is dominant and is the source of the delusional content and the instigator of the idiosyncratic behaviors that accompany the delusions.

Read more about Shared Psychosis and cults – click on these links:

Fugue anishing act.

A sudden flight or wandering away and disappearance from home or work, followed by the assumption of a new identity and the commencement of a new life in a new place. The previous life is completely erased from memory (amnesia). When the fugue is over, it is also forgotten as is the new life adopted by the patient.


False perceptions based on false sensa (sensory input) not triggered by any external event or entity. The patient is usually not psychotic – he is aware that he what he sees, smells, feels, or hears is not there. Still, some psychotic states are accompanied by hallucinations (e.g., formication – the feeling that bugs are crawling over or under one’s skin). There are a few classes of hallucinations:

Auditory – The false perception of voices and sounds (such as buzzing, humming, radio transmissions, whispering, motor noises, and so on).

Gustatory – The false perception of tastes

Olfactory – The false perception of smells and scents (e.g., burning flesh, candles)

Somatic – The false perception of processes and events that are happening inside the body or to the body (e.g., piercing objects, electricity running through one’s extremities). Usually supported by an appropriate and relevant delusional content.

Tactile – The false sensation of being touched, or crawled upon or that events and processes are taking place under one’s skin. Usually supported by an appropriate and relevant delusional content.

Visual – The false perception of objects, people, or events in broad daylight or in an illuminated environment with eyes wide open.

Hypnagogic and Hypnopompic – Images and trains of events experienced while falling asleep or when waking up. Not hallucinations in the strict sense of the word. Hallucinations are common in schizophrenia, affective disorders, and mental health disorders with organic origins. Hallucinations are also common in drug and alcohol withdrawal and among substance abusers.

Ideas of Reference

Weak delusions of reference, devoid of inner conviction and with a stronger reality test.

See: Delusion.

The Delusional Way Out Psychosis and Delusions Ideas of Reference

Illusion The misperception or misinterpretation of real external – visual or auditory – stimuli, attributing them to non-existent events and actions. Incorrect perception of a material object.

See: Hallucination.


Incomprehensible speech, rife with severely loose associations, distorted grammar, tortured syntax, and idiosyncratic definitions of the words used by the patient (“private language”). A loosening of associations. A pattern of speech in which unrelated or loosely-related ideas are expressed hurriedly and forcefully, using broken, ungrammatical, non-syntactical sentences, an idiosyncratic vocabulary (“private language”), topical shifts, and inane juxtapositions (“word salad”).

See: Loosening of Associations; Flight of Ideas; Tangentiality.


Sleep disorder or disturbance involving difficulties to either fall asleep (“initial insomnia”) or to remain asleep (“middle insomnia”). Waking up early and being unable to resume sleep is also a form of insomnia (“terminal insomnia”).

Loosening of Associations

Thought and speech disorder which involves the translocation of the focus of attention from one subject to another for no apparent reason. The patient is usually unaware of the fact that his train of thoughts and his speech are incongruous and incoherent. A sign of schizophrenia and some psychotic states. See:

Incoherence; Flight of Ideas; Tangentiality.


Pervasive and sustained feelings and emotions as subjectively described by the patient. The same phenomena observed by the clinician are called affect. Mood can be either dysphoric (unpleasant) or euphoric (elevated, expansive, “good mood”). Dysphoric moods are characterized by a reduced sense of well-being, depleted energy, and negative self-regard or sense of self-worth. Euphoric moods typically involve an increased sense of well-being, ample energy, and a stable sense of self-worth and self-esteem.

Also see: Affect.

Mood Congruence and Incongruence

The contents of mood-congruent hallucinations and delusions are consistent and compatible with the patient’s mood. During the manic phase of the Bipolar Disorder, for instance, such hallucinations and delusions involve grandiosity, omnipotence, personal identification with great personalities in history or with deities, and magical thinking. In depression, mood-congruent hallucinations and delusions revolve around themes like the patient’s self-misperceived faults, shortcomings, failures, worthlessness, guilt – or the patient’s impending doom, death, and “well-deserved” sadistic punishment.

The contents of mood-incongruent hallucinations and delusions are inconsistent and incompatible with the patient’s mood. Most persecutory delusions and delusions and ideas of reference, as well as phenomena such as control “freakery” and Schneiderian First-rank Symptoms are mood-incongruent. Mood incongruence is especially prevalent in schizophrenia, psychosis, mania, and depression.

Misdiagnosing the Bipolar Disorder as Narcissistic Personality Disorder Depression and Cluster B Personality Disorders – click on these links:


Abstention from speech or refusal to speak. Common in catatonia.


In catatonia, complete opposition and resistance to suggestion.


In schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, the invention of new “words” which are meaningful to the patient but meaningless to everyone else.

To form the neologisms, the patient fuses together and combines syllables or other elements from existing words.


Recurring and intrusive images, thoughts, ideas, or wishes that dominate and exclude other cognitions. The patient often finds the contents of his obsessions unacceptable or even repulsive and actively resists them, but to no avail. Common in schizophrenia and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Obsessions in the Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Panic Attack

A form of severe anxiety attack accompanied by a sense of losing control and of an impending and imminent life-threatening danger (where there is none). Physiological markers of panic attacks include palpitation, sweating, tachycardia (rapid heart beats), dyspnea or apnoea (chest tightening and difficulties breathing), hyperventilation, light-headedness or dizziness, nausea, and peripheral paresthesias (an abnormal sensation of burning, prickling, tingling, or tickling). In normal people it is a reaction to sustained and extreme stress. Common in many mental health disorders.

Sudden, overpowering feelings of imminent threat and apprehension, bordering on fear and terror. There usually is no external cause for alarm (the attacks are uncued or unexpected, with no situational trigger) – though some panic attacks are situationally-bound (reactive) and follow exposure to “cues” (potentially or actually dangerous events or circumstances). Most patients display a mixture of both types of attacks (they are situationally predisposed).

Bodily manifestations include shortness of breath, sweating, pounding heart and increased pulse as well as palpitations, chest pain, overall discomfort, and choking. Sufferers often describe their experience as being smothered or suffocated. They are afraid that they may be going crazy or about to lose control.

Misdiagnosing General Anxiety Disorder (GAD) as Narcissistic

Personality Disorder


Psychotic grandiose and persecutory delusions. Paranoids are characterized by a paranoid style: they are rigid, sullen, suspicious, hypervigilant, hypersensitive, envious, guarded, resentful, humorless, and litigious. Paranoids often suffer from paranoid ideation – they believe (though not firmly) that they are being stalked or followed, plotted against, or maliciously slandered. They constantly gather information to prove their “case” that they are the objects of conspiracies against them. Paranoia is not the same as Paranoid Schizophrenia, which is a subtype of schizophrenia.

Paranoid Personality Disorder


Repeating the same gesture, behavior, concept, idea, phrase, or word in speech. Common in schizophrenia, organic mental disorders, and psychotic disorders.


Dread of a particular object or situation, acknowledged by the patient to be irrational or excessive. Leads to all-pervasive avoidance behavior (attempts to avoid the feared object or situation).

A persistent, unfounded, and irrational fear or dread of one or more classes of objects, activities, situations, or locations (the phobic stimuli) and the resulting overwhelming and compulsive desire to avoid them.

See: Anxiety.


Assuming and remaining in abnormal and contorted bodily positions for prolonged periods of time. Typical of catatonic states.

Poverty of Content (of Speech)

Persistently vague, overly abstract or concrete, repetitive, or stereotyped speech.

Poverty of Speech

Reactive, non-spontaneous, extremely brief, intermittent, and halting speech. Such patients often remain silent for days on end unless and until spoken to.

Pressure of Speech

Rapid, condensed, unstoppable and “driven” speech. The patient dominates the conversation, speaks loudly and emphatically, ignores attempted interruptions, and doesn’t care if anyone is listening or responding to him or her. Seen in manic states, psychotic or organic mental disorders, and conditions associated with stress.

See: Flight of Ideas.

Psychomotor Agitation

Mounting internal tension associated with excessive, non-productive (not goal orientated), and repeated motor activity (hand wringing, fidgeting, and similar gestures). Hyperactivity and motor restlessness which co-occur with anxiety and irritability.

Psychomotor Retardation

Visible slowing of speech or movements or both. Usually affects the entire range of performance (entire repertory). Typically involves poverty of speech, delayed response time (subjects answer questions after an inordinately long silence), monotonous and flat voice tone, and constant feelings of overwhelming fatigue.


Chaotic thinking that is the result of a severely impaired reality test ( the patient cannot tell inner fantasy from outside reality). Some psychotic states are short-lived and transient (microepisodes). These last from a few hours to a few days and are sometimes reactions to stress. Persistent psychoses are a fixture of the patient’s mental life and manifest for months or years.

Psychotics are fully aware of events and people “out there”. They cannot, however separate data and experiences originating in the outside world from information generated by internal mental processes. They confuse the external universe with their inner emotions, cognitions, preconceptions, fears, expectations, and representations.

Consequently, psychotics have a distorted view of reality and are not rational. No amount of objective evidence can cause them to doubt or reject their hypotheses and convictions. Full-fledged psychosis involves complex and ever more bizarre delusions and the unwillingness to confront and consider contrary data and information (preoccupation with the subjective rather than the objective). Thought becomes utterly disorganized and fantastic.

There is a thin line separating nonpsychotic from psychotic perception and ideation. On this spectrum we also find the schizotypal personality disorder.

Narcissism, Psychosis, and Delusions

Reality Sense

The way one thinks about, perceives, and feels reality.

Reality Testing

Comparing one’s reality sense and one’s hypotheses about the way things are and how things operate to objective, external cues from the environment.

Schneiderian First-rank Symptoms

A list of symptoms compiled by Kurt Schneider, a German psychiatrist, in 1957 and indicative of the presence of schizophrenia.

Includes: Auditory hallucinations

Hearing conversations between a few imaginary “interlocutors”, or one’s thoughts spoken out loud, or a running background commentary on one’s actions and thoughts.

Somatic hallucinations

Experiencing imagined sexual acts couple with delusions attributed to forces, “energy”, or hypnotic suggestion.

Thought withdrawal

The delusion that one’s thoughts are taken over and controlled by others and then “drained” from one’s brain.

Thought insertion

The delusion that thoughts are being implanted or inserted into one’s mind involuntarily.

Thought broadcasting

The delusion that everyone can read one’s mind, as though one’s thoughts were being broadcast.

Delusional perception

Attaching unusual meanings and significance to genuine perceptions, usually with some kind of (paranoid or narcissistic) self-reference.

Delusion of control

The delusion that one’s acts, thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and impulses are directed or influenced by other people.

Stereotyping or Stereotyped movement (or motion)

Repetitive, urgent, compulsive, purposeless, and non-functional movements, such as head banging, waving, rocking, biting, or picking at one’s nose or skin. Common in catatonia, amphetamine poisoning, and schizophrenia.


Restricted and constricted consciousness akin in some respects to coma. Activity, both mental and physical, is limited.

Some patients in stupor are unresponsive and seem to be unaware of the environment. Others sit motionless and frozen but are clearly cognizant of their surroundings. Often the result of an organic impairment. Common in catatonia, schizophrenia, and extreme depressive states.


Inability or unwillingness to focus on an idea, issue, question, or theme of conversation. The patient “takes off on a tangent” and hops from one topic to another in accordance with his own coherent inner agenda, frequently changing subjects, and ignoring any attempts to restore “discipline” to the communication. Often co-occurs with speech derailment. As distinct from loosening of associations, tangential thinking and speech are coherent and logical but they seek to evade the issue, problem, question, or theme raised by the other interlocutor.

Thought Broadcasting, Though Insertion, Thought Withdrawal

See: Schneiderian First-rank Symptoms Thought Disorder

A consistent disturbance that affects the process or content of thinking, the use of language, and, consequently, the ability to communicate effectively. An all-pervasive failure to observe semantic, logical, or even syntactical rules and forms. A fundamental feature of schizophrenia.

Vegetative Signs

A set of signs in depression which includes loss of appetite, sleep disorder, loss of sexual drive, loss of weight, and constipation. May also indicate an eating disorder.

Read more about eating disorders – click on these links: